tv [untitled] April 10, 2015 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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point was around bias diversity in the workforce and expands training to reduce bias the second point was around funding of body cameras we all know that is not the equipment that is the most expensive but the storage my recommendation was 50 percent of the police force be equipped with body worn cameras and the appropriate funding be provided not only for the camerasism but for the storage so the officers that have the most contact with the public will have the body worn cameras and my final point was accurate resources be provided to for the complaints to do the job that we are charged with doing pursuant to the city chapter i'm working with the mayors budget office to make
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sure that ocii is inadequately supported in piss biggest just to quickly run through more specifically some of the issues on the reduction those are our recommendations that are both in the report from the president obama task force on 21st century policing as well as the report that the civil rights department of justice did and the first point that the police department should strive to create a workforce for culture background, and, secondly, enhanced training to reduce bias i didn't say to eliminate but reduce it by the science tells us we all have bias it's how we
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act on the boys it impacts others particularly in a law enforcement position so in the department of justice investigation the ferguson police department provides us to help reduce bias on the police behavior the following should provide training for the officers for clear and consistent empathic message that the precisely and other discretionary behaviors is not acceptable and information on stereotyping and bias can effect police work and the procedure for the legitimacy for the officer safety and the negatives profiling of crime prevention to provide the train and responding to boys profiling and other forms of discriminatory points
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the third to include the community members that have expressed high levels of the trust from the police so include them into the training when i attended the training conducted by customly i did ask her whether they are training provided for the interaction with the community and with the officers she said the initial training not to lay a foundation first that's something that should could could be on that is streelz crucial i have attended those types of training in other jurisdictions where 0 not only the command staff are present but the community is present as well i'm going to quickly quote from president obama's interim report
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from the 21st century task force on policing police officer training should insure basic recruit and insure that incorporates content airbnb recognizing and kr07b9 boys and cultural responsiveness as a nation becomes nor diverse diversifies it is important that police officers are sensitive to diversity and law enforcement provides planning i training that recognizes the minority community whether their victims or witnesses of crime subject or criminal suspects and i've hit the loose two items the bodys before i conclude my prosecution i'll say the
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homophobic text messages that's not explicit bias we all understand that is explicit bias this is no doubt from the police commission it is extremely important for the police department not only for the police department but every city department to have this training so we're better providers of the serviced that we've been charged to provide with that, i'll conclude my remarks. >> thank you, director hicks i see that commissioner turman has a comment. >> i want to add into something you've said around the community voices training aspect i've met with several community leaders and they've expressed they i believe there is a place for the communities voices in training so not only did he now
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share that belief i've heard from what i've heard from you it seems like it is an appropriate time to bring the community leaders to talk about how we can form that to add another dpiechlt to the training we'll have and support that we start to understand exactly how our community is and have the contingency work together so let's get on that right away. >> thank you commissioner turman any further questions for director hicks. >> the in-law unit. >> commissioners reports and other reports. >> presentation i'm sorry by the controller's office regarding the district boundary assessment. >> forgive any interruption i'm
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going to repeat what i said in the police station there's been a lot of questions i appreciate the person f that said i don't know what you guys do it bears us saying with the process is going to be going forward you took the time so the process for discipline it happens in closed session and this commission hears evidence from the department of the alleged misconduct and this commission acts as the hearing officers in those cases to one decision whether the semiautomatic occurred and determine the penalty for this reason you're not going to hear from administrative review are the colleagues about the specific cases you'll hear the process and that process begins tonight our rules and how to proceed are on the website it is important to understand how things are
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moving forward there is a good reason we'll nobody be speaking is to the specific allegation colleagues anything to report okay for everyone here oh, commissioner melara forgive me. >> quickly today, i noticed the meeting between the mayor's office and the mission community for the plan peace plan they're proposing to implement in the community. >> thank you, commissioner. >> and for the next line item is a presentation on the redistricting process we've been undertaking we're going to hopefully move to that line item. >> presentation by the controller's office for the property property. >> good afternoon. chief suhr and members of the public i'm randy the project manager at the controller's office i know
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you've seen me in front of you over the last several months i'm here to talk about the redistributing i believe i was here on march 11 we were charged with at this point having gone through 4 meetings in the community districts and hearing the input from the public and hearing the commissioners we were charged will agree golden state warriors those suggestions and going back and meeting with our stewart consultant public safety strategy group to run the data and numbers for you as well as taking into consideration the the data that may arise on the suggested changes we've invited kim back from public safety to walk you through the presentation you should have in front of you briefly we she'll
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go through and discuss the data changes and the surrounding changes data and present 4 options for the considerations of the data and operational items that reflect really what the public had trishd over the course of those 4 public meetings with that i'll introduce kim. >> thank you. >> welcome. >> good evening, everyone good to be back good to see the project coming to a close on our deck so let's go through where we're at randy summed it up you went to the public hearing meeting and put together some basic changes requests 4 general areas that the changes were in first one is in the tenderloin district the option of going to
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west to polk or van ness in the park richmond district a decision how to keep the neighborhood together that gives two options changes to the southern and bayview district were around moving the line that had been proposed for 16th street to mariposa and small the mission and bayview that is basically, the bridge park that session that is in the mariposa utah street we'll go through each of those to refresh your memory we refer to this as sb 3 b. >> we number them all systematically so that's the proposed map to refresh your memory other than where you started in september we'll look at the requested changes in the
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data that coordinates to them the first, you'll see the tenderloin is west from the current boundary line and this one to van ness if you see on the bottom part of the tenderloin there is the carve out section for the city hall and the serving plaza in front of the of city hall with that equates to in the way of number this the dispatch of the number of calls there are 50 thousand that change and that's over year period so if it is about one percent of calls for service fairly minor the cable is the incidents that occur as a result of calls that come in that is again around the one percent and the population change with that proposed district line is half a percent so very small percentage change
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when our looking at that with with the overall numbers the next change we mapped out moving the tenderloin west to polk rather than van ness still carrying out city hall and the green space in front of it so stay in northern the changes result in 27 approximately cad calls a half of a percentage and cable is over one half a percent in the population is not even a half percent change if you consider that there is operational consideration you have consideration you have to think that makes it if you look at the map itself there is not clean lines for the tenderloin it is something to think about it also does a carving out the st. city
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hall and the green space there is still enter activity between the tenderloin and the northern district you'll have a discussion and he chief will have to consider how to address those issues as the demonstration to lay out the district order at this point next change is for park and that is moving northern boernd north to geary this is what it looks like on the map go ahead and for my colleagues if it make sense to take it now we're done with the tenderloin chief if you want to weigh in so we can wrap my arms around before the component part so the tenderloin we have recognizes from the community 3 over it is not necessary advocates it was an incredible crowd in the tenderloin that
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asked for some of these changes i know that this is an interim process and really want to partnership with the captain out there and the chief in terms of the operational issues chief i don't know if you want to speak to those. >> sure we i spoke with the captains captain cherniss and lazzaro i believe in talking to many members of the tenderloin as well that the main president of the tenderloin to become as full staffed that's as sees to as many officers that would be to leave the eastern border at market street and third street and then still do sort of the rack thing where the north south street runs the mission and the mission street is in the southern both captains captain cherniss and the other captain
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building the shiftd of the lines from larkin street to polk and van ness although it doesn't seem to be represented in the do not driven numbers as far as an inordinate of service both captains have talked to members find their station the poblgz cottons for service and the demonstrations that go both ways they still believe the better border is larkin street they would agree that the most police officers would go to tenderloin if the entire market street run down to third street and the market street beat officers on the first day but again, i'd be anxious to hear if the rest of the community. >> what we did was larkin
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street under the community prospective sort of a hot bed location for drug dealing move it to polk and certainly to van ness for consistency sake if that's where the northern border would be i'll suggest the goal of this conversation is for us to do that take the data and the antidotes and see where we end up so my suggestion here we hope to next week have a minimum of two maps we can vote on we're not voting tonight only discussing but prepare a map this is my proposal we prepare a map to polk either to polk and one to haven we can decide after we hear more if the community and check back in but make that decision we'll heard loud and clear larkin street was not
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there we need a map colleagues, any suggestions around that does that sound right yes. >> inspector it doesn't capture the severity we're talking about a large incident. >> not to open old wound one of the things we've found when we did the redistributing the whole issue you're talking about there was a lot of finally around the issue of larkin polk and van ness and what to do as you do that and try to wrap the tenderloin into one piece it comes down to what it does to northern and honestly the 09 districts in order to capture those tonight you're having to capture a bigger piece it is
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interrelated but if you want the most staffing and you're thinking about this consideration of your facilities and consideration of what happens outside of city hall it is difficult to get all the tenderloin together the way you envision it so where the chief gets his resources if you think about the demonstration and he'll talk about that he's lived it we can look at the do not and when we look at where the events happen your push it outside felt street configurations so it goes into other district you need to capture the piece of it quite frankly the city is not presented to impact the overall changes it will mean dramatic changes i'm not sure your presented for it today that's
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something - >> to go to that point if you move it to polk or van ness the federal building goes 0 into the tenderloin p there are significant demonstrations sometimes i've been a police officer going on 34 years sometimes the president is not a democrat so sometimes. >> of the united states. >> of the united states so sometimes the federal building is a bigger issue than other times we rezoning district every 10 years i'm saying experiencely the federal building is a bigger issue than the last 8 years. >> commissioner. >> so i'm looking at the maps are we fixed on the westerfield are we looking at different options of great southern.
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>> the real concern. >> there's multiple concerns and we'll address all of them in order misdemeanorly what we're talking about the border to larkin or van ness we have to the options and the data to support it the decision this commission needs to make is where the border is so this is the point of the conversation if there's any other questions about that further line we'll do methodically. >> it's a question about next week i know we're getting recommendations to you ultimately we're going to vote but it is chief are you going do give us your recommendation and imagines we move forward. >> sure. >> that's important to me. >> thank you. >> okay and now it appears you have the
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two maps one to van ness and one to polk i asked you to stop this correct the original map for the tenderloin that was proposed at larkin. >> so that was the very first map i showed you. >> correct. >> so the but the question i mean the issue then if the community wants to go to polk and there - that is stretched our staff into the community wants maximum staff something has to give. >> the stretching have to polk will not get additional staff only the sector larger for the officers to cover and market street there are already planned to have 36 beat officers on market street those officers currently work out the southern station so whoever gets the
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market street gets the 36 officers and in addition the market street will become two separate areas so that is 12 officers so if the dpifd line is anothers fifth street 12 additional officers will be going to the tenderloin or 2 it's 24 that's been explained we have good meetings with the folks of the tenderloin. >> the second issue the requests on both sides of geary so those maps reflect that change. >> both sides of geary we can map it but you don't know what gets which side until you look at the order that consideration is written and the e m when they reprogram the map those locations get recoded to the district that you assign a
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district to take both sides of the street that is behind the scenes the map shows it on geary street but the instructions to the officers and within the e m that dictates how it goes into the future no distinction on the map. >> the original map didn't have it on both sides of geary that map reflect that. >> what she's saying the border line is the border line regardless it is blew it ultimate is described when we sigh who handles was there will be a writing in the general order and approved by this commission. >> to the general odor is fine. >> the third issue is the west field mall the chief and i had conversation with the tenderloin community that have concerns around the draw did mall will
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take away my concerns with the excites has been withdrawn and the original map as proposed what the consensus on t is liveable chief did you want to weigh in on that. >> i said it. >> that's exactly how we drew the map. >> all right. i love it when a plan comes together so let's move on to the next sector of the city awhile i'll leave i'm sorry, i'm sorry commissioner dejesus has been waiting partially. >> i'll say the tenderloin individuals have told us it's important we see the map whatever we do we're going to change the redistributing that's not an issue we're going to have the people on tenderloin the question is who are they going
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to report to we'll deal with the community the maps. >> so we have done that at this point the community is asking for the version of the map that is what we're here to talk about how much of additional burden so we're being robust to those conversations and i'll courage my fellow commissioners to talk with the community and hopefully vote open the map. >> one last emission the problem was there were one side of larkin to odds of larkin that's the gap right instead of redrawing the map if we're doing a general order to the side of larkin into the tenderloin that solves the problem as opposed to extending to polk. >> as far as what was
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originally recommended yes, but community has spoken to taking it to polk street or at least taking the fingers of the streets to polk if polk was to remain in the does that make sense so the streets that run east west if i understand it credible the community men's are concerned about not getting the same kind of controls we're saying if their east west block that runs from larkin to polk could be included in the tenderloin awhile legally both sides of polk street in the northern i'm getting head nodes. >> there are head nodes from the room. >> i think george i've got it. >> okay. so i think so when the community has been saying
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they want it to go to polk street go to polk street without having it to both sides. >> again from our phonetics as consultant we look at that we think that it creates you further problemsfor the police department but the od's of polk b will be in the tenderloin. >> their saying both sides of mcallister park street and all of polk street belong to the northern so the border to northern goes north-south to mcallister and turns eastbound to mcallister leaving it in the northern and stops at larkin
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street and both sides of larkin belong to the tenderloin. >> that's in the original map in this map it extends the tenderloin to polk no borders of polk but to polk you'll cross the stairs in front of city hall i'll be in the tenderloin that's what this map shows at the prior map it shouz shows you it comes to larkin and at the edge of the green space on the one side of city hall that's larkin. >> that's what they want they want when you move one block up to golden gate they're aligned. >> i which is in the tenderloin
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for awhile i was assigned to the tenderloin. >> i want to be clear that's not wasn't this map shows this map shows to polk with the east west streets that includes the north of mcallister up to geary. >> that needs to be corrected and, yes. >> and that's why we're having this conversation so we have to get it right. okay so we can also have a sidebar afterwards to make sure we're clear anything further on the tenderloin before we move on to character. >> we're hearing from the community the station is one side of larkin and polk and one side of van ness is it possible for both stations to cover the block. >> so
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