tv [untitled] April 10, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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2015, roll call please. commissioner president caen p commissioner vietor commissioner moran you chairperson wu is absent we have quorum >> before you the minutes of march 10, 2015 are there any additions, deletions, or changes to the minutes. >> i'll move approval. >> okay all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? i failed to call for public comment which is common of my way of running my meetings okay any public comment on item the minutes of march 10 seeing none, the next item, please. >> item 4 is general public comment. >> i have no comment cards i
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assume no comments moving on to item 5. >> item 5 is communications. >> commissioners any comments seeing none, moving on to item 6 other commission business. >> i am now going to take the next item out of order moving to the cac report thank you very much for being here. >> thank you thank you for commenting a little bit earlier on a buzz workday our report the citizens advisory committee is growing and changing recently our vice
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chair stepped up to the plate down and rebecca lee appointed by sxhoud is elected to take her place as vp we conducted a survey by our members i talked about the diversity and we've provided that data where our collective strength and arguable diversities and educational diversity we have for our priorities 2015 we had a general manager update and talked about the survey and set up the priorities last month we talked about our treasure island plan had people coming from treasure island there's a lot of interest in taking action we'll be talking about emergency
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preparedness as well as trying to do more around the vial update and more training for the cac members it is that constantly changing and members that have not bend from the program last year i'll be working with members of the cac and staff to make sure we're meaningful and you productive we will try to build a broad program for most of the issues and try to impact a few key areas combrrp our staff and strengthening the relationship with the southeast authority commission and through the training and tours i want to raise the 1r0ish8 with the citizens advisory committee by co-sponsoring more events we
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responded with the utility commission and hopefully have our commissioners come and we'd love to see you there our meeting is a joint meeting between the cac and the southeast committee meeting on april 8th but we'll continue with our regular scheduled. >> next meeting is april 8th and we'll be meeting with the southeast utility commission. >> what time. >> i believe that's at 6 o'clock. >> and it will be a community benefit update that effects the cac and the commission. >> and at the southeast. >> yes. >> and okay. your next scheduled meeting. >> the next scheduled meeting are the 13th day in may.
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>> well, i wanted to thank you for the insert in our agenda with pictures i like pictures. >> yes. >> also exactly who is on what district we lose track of that. >> we have people moving out all the time and new members coming in so - >> exactly right good. >> any questions or comments. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> next item, please. >> would you like public comment on that. >> (laughter). you know maybe i should be fined like $10 all the time
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no, no, no >> okay public comment? i want to mention to not that i don't want to hear public comment i forget about it afterward >> all right. next item please. next item 7 report of the general manager. >> so the first item like to address the drought and since we've had a little bit of rain steve richie decided to give the report. >> i can take credit for .28 inches at hetch hetchy over the last 2 hours can i have the slides please we know where we're at at the drought a number of slides are the same slide and format as far as shortage hetch
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hetchy is 55 percent of capacity we've backed up water into hetch hetchy to preserve it for drinking water we don't need the snow metal that's not much we're in a good position on drinking water and the water is before $250,000 acre feet so the coming year we expect to be able to use water bank as far as there is run off to trade off to get water into hetch hetchy reservoir our total storage would be on the order of a million acre feet and the water bank is down to its full capacity of seven hundred plus feet the precipitation the red line represents 2015 matched up
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with last year's precipitation a good thing as hetch hetchy it relative last year was a banner year the concerning slide is the snowpack slide where you see the red line that represents this year the snow pack is continuing to go down since december it is now well below where it was last year at this time so the snow surveys are not showing very much up country at all the that is of great concern and got everyone upset most people in the state are in the same situation we're in warlt available to the city we have 50 thousand acre feet that gives us more than last year but because of the snow pack we don't expect that number to get bigger unless late snow we might
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see that out there you never know for sure all indications things will stay dry for potentially the rest of this fiscal year we need to be presented for that. >> just flashing through the precipitation around the country we're at 13.75 each month is not good except for that december it is on the medium and the local front a big december not very much precipitation so running about 18 inches total the interesting effect of this you've got the stream flow from 0 alameda cocaine is running nicely from the hillside from the december rains so it is an odd pattern those conditions are this year. >> this is our total deliveries
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and last week our demand was up again, it the city below 2014 that is acceptable but we're at the point we're starting to work and establish a campaign building off the last drought campaign as we ramp up towards summer get the word out that people have to continue conserving we're in a deep drought the worst drought and make sure that message is loud and clear our total water sooifgz we are ahead of the curve this time last year we shall trailing that's good news the line is flattening out we're not savings as much we need to turn strongly soon to a communication campaign to reach out and make sure we're
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getting the message our with wholesale customers are using the wholesale areas we're going to or have the retail services in the month or so. >> some things happening out there first on the control board less tuesday at the extended their emergency instructions they adapted and averaged some eliminating the number of days per week that outdoor watering can occur and drafted for two device per week they changed that again to a selected number by water agencies in achieving a certain reduction in use we'll be grappling with that and have our regulations the second week in april a plan to how to
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consultant that measure the water in restaurant only upon that request in san francisco as hotels must offer meddles for laundering we have the restrictions in place and prompted from consumers if leaks are detook a look at on their property starting on april 1st we're going to identify the continuance con stumps u summation we'll use a water meter to - send a postcard it looks like you have a leak you should do something about it other things going on with the corresponded or reports we sent a letter on march 18 indicating we were interested in the potential water pretty much
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that's the south san joaquin and other districts and the turlock district and merced we received a response from modesto that said they're not in a position to sell water we'll get a similar responses from merced their situation is a dire with the merced he river we hope we'll get positive response from other agencies and send water to us last wednesday the recycle water draft eir that is on president's table that project is underdevelopment for sometime and in the package of recycled water but the golden gate park and take the wells and convert
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them one the things we're evaluating is driver's license a way once we get through the eir period can say we accelerate those projects to bring them online this elevation a going on lastly actions by another water agencies actually i'll be going to the santa clara board meeting their commissioner moran for severe restrictions like 3 percent restriction on use so we will be talking with them and others before the implications their situation is one where their worse off than us in terms of storage so we have a lot of concerns it is back to our storage slide the use of water bank we're in a better situation but at least we're positions relatively well
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so we're going to continue for sure the 10 percent water reduction through this year we demanded no more than 2 hundred and 9 modified per day of it's an extreme dry year hetch hetchy will be potential near that and under our agreement with our customers mid-april we make a determination on the water outcome for the year we have hard decisions it will be around that timeframe and i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> commissioners yes. >> steve what do we know about san franciscans use and i'm thinking of two things the 10 percent that was i guess combined. >> that was combined. >> as far as the people that live and work in san francisco how are we doing.
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>> doing pretty good a couple of things last year, we called for 10 percent pauts because it's primarily indoor use san franciscans achieved 8 percent where the wholesaler customers have more irrigation reductions we anticipated that san franciscans were you pretty much on target as far as the per capital each month and are blue bars that everyone reports to the bar in san francisco we retained over the passport six months between 46 gallons per capital and 39 gladdens as a low all the numbers in that range are the lowest in the state san franciscans are going a job. >> what about indoor and outdoor use can we track that
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for 0urd irrigation. >> we adapted the 10 percent reduction on irrigation accounts so we i think we're about to send out a letter or maybe just sent it out to folks that have accounts a lot of them have reduced to 10 percent some not we put them on notice by the end of the fiscal year they'll on the one hand owe us excess feeds that is something i want to insure it is a clear warning. >> we have a curtail provision in the use is egregious we'll do shut offices on the account. >> i don't know if we have this authority already certainly the dollar finger figure i know we
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have one retail out of san francisco they're concerned that the baseline was inappropriate so we worked with them on a different baseline but they're releasing they have to pay they want to make sure it is closer to one hundred thousand than ethiopian $10,000 arrest the wholesale customers sometime swamp the city numbers i want to make sure that the people that are san franciscans who we have the most direct relationship what we are doing what we can to make sure their doing the right thing as well. >> particularly for the last year we have a steady 8 percent for the entire year the san franciscans is a good number. >> there's no way we can distinguish between inside and
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outdoor use with the customers correct. >> only for those who have dictated the irrigation account we generally have a pretty good idea for more folks particularly those who are apartment twerlz very few landscaping it is almost exclusively indoor. >> how much. >> we figure for most we have a factor about 10 percent of the water bill goes to irrigation so 90 percent is indoor use that's the basic rule for all residential use in san francisco confusing the irrigation. >> yes. vice president. >> have we ever considered not issuing additional water meters for a period of time? >> no
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