tv [untitled] April 10, 2015 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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g administrator i'm very supportive of this type of dissension indication in upper market it worked very well we don't have many issues at all and it works in other nc t eastern neighborhood among those there are two questions i have mr. johnson and mr. star we have carbohydrates in the upper market to alleviate concerns two of those being the cu four lock combinations to prevent large development by someone buying two or three parcels is that going to be covered in this nc t? lock combinations >> he might get on his laptop there are locates for 10 thousand square feet. >> one of the recommendations we put a cu in for lock
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combination two or three parcels like in the market octavia plan to prevent you know those kind of developments and the second concern i have is something mentioned that demolition we asked and received in the market octavia plan a historic survey so that parcels that reason rated historic were down zoned and helped to prevent demolition have they been saudi. >> we have the 1976 say so for the plaques building for historic merit and any project that comes up for demolition has to go to a historic resource demolition report so at this point it will, determined. >> commissioners one of the things you've approved in the budget this year was a position that focuses 0 on expanding the surveys from the area we have 80
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other parts of city to do a survey we're hoping to get that work going. >> so i'll request those the entire party to be surveyed. >> may i say section 247 talks about the restrictions it didn't talk about the restrictions that are deed zoned. >> those are cu. >> that depended on the zoning district and the size but currently not in the nc t indirect eir districts it applies to something that the supervisors office looks at it ca has been tubed. >> i'll vote to confirm that is looked at by the supervisors office. >> commissioner hillis. >> so thank you i totally agree with the lock
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mergers someone talked about the fillmore with the neighborhood character to get to the aspire lots and prohibitions it warranted i'll support a recommendation to look at a cu or even a. >> prohibition. >> a total limit on lot mergers but generally this is good a modest proposal i don't know if interests outreach done there is a disconnect versus what the public comment no rate increase or historic are buildings will be prevented in the current rules i mean this is allowing to put additional unit. >> probably about 25 phone calls in the last 10 days it didn't create the height or bulk
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no other changes except the lot density area. >> as a resident of divisadero we're not seeing this type of development in the admission or market octavia so i think this is modest to get extra unit longer than he visa deferring one question on fillmore why is the northern boundary stop at bush. >> that's the upper fillmore. >> but it didn't have those - it still is controlled by unit we are square feet and not by - >> that one, however is in supervisor farrell's district so there maybe overlap but farrell has most of it. >> the general public comment didn't know when you cross bush street it would be great to look
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beyond bush street whatever braurnd. >> conner johnson legislative aide to board president london breed your bumping into the japantown it is more of a east west ax assess. >> i'm in supportive of changes commissioner richards proposals. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much thank you commissioner richards for making that suggestion i highly suggest we make it a recommendation and the supervisors office to find a good way to implement that i also actually echo commissioner antonini maybe not taking the language of the recommendation on the future going back to look at 9 density bulls program from the stamping staff the reason is that because the density bonus program if finalized it is on the 35th to
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be something that depended on the rezoning district and not handicap ourselves that complicate things in the future how the density bonus program plays out to come back to the commission as it needs and may end up being something neighborhood by neighborhood and finally a question for staff what is the required parking ratio or non-parking space rubbers. >> when they were in the non commercial district they have maximum parking requirements now i think it is .5 as of right and .75 oc you.
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>> thank you mr. star definitely in support of both legislation with those changes. >> commissioner wu. >> thank you. i'm rehabilitation supportive element of the recommendation to have a cu for lot mergers are that i want to ask more about this possibility of amending for the density bonus do we want - we don't know what the density program is yet do we want to possibility use this as increased part of the bonus. >> yeah. aaron give tips i mean the mayors working group convened to came up with a number of splugsz for the housing goals of thirty with 10 thousand affordable and the implementing the state and city bonus of fall is the major outcomes of bringing the folks together with the department and
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they've been working with the consulate to develop that to see what it looks like we don't say radio final proposal we're front yard in the outcomes where one the big goals the program to occurring the projects to encourage their inclusionary oust without fully understanding the mechanics of the state and city bonus program to be implemented we wanted to make sure whatever the density bonuses areas of the city i believe 1 to 6 hundred that will be referenced in the code as baseline so should a project moved in the fillmore or the divisadero we could reference them as baseline it creates the density accurately control as
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the baseline who's that's one way to play out so you can use the ic t moving forward both have different mechanisms but neither of which kind of it is unclear how to play together i guess it is a little bit confusing we don't understand our proposal i guess so the idea to put a book mark in the planning code right now >> it feels confusing why would i reference the old way of calculation if everyone is going to use the new way of getting more units. >> i think that is just because the old what you actually has a numerical face value. >> sure but for every nc t you want to figure out a way; right? so if the nc t legislation move
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forward this should be treated like the others. >> it could be treated as the same way or separately that is making the options available and i think we might be thinking about the area plans separately but don't have to we can lump it in. >> i'm open but i also want to just the density area on its own merits not the tier system if the truth is everyone is going to pick the more dense option; right? so the others are in the code all right. >> commissioner moore. >> i agree with everyone the commissioners have tricked i'm in support of the legislation minus the representation made toy staff it will be a full
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discussion and very rich and will reflect on the neighborhood transit district on its the owner but not today, i'm in sponge support of looking non-aggregated parcels not in the city i hope we'll work on that by supporting it as a amendment but keeping in mind for everything else it comes in front of us. >> commissioner richards. >> i'll make a motion to recommend approval to full board without the urged on the density bonus with the recommendation to the supervisors office we have a conditional use between 25 hundred and 9999 mr. sanchez if you can help us here. >> i think that the additional research looking at the existing lot merger programs and how they apply to the issue in question.
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>> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i was going to make i think we pretty much got the motion i agree with what has been brought up with the conditional use it will be necessary for the lot morgue in those sizes and if it is small than that what happens. >> i want to clarify your including the other recommendations from the rezoning. >> that's correct. >> thank you. >> commissioner antonini do you want clarification. >> i want clarification on the motion i'm supportive but it says cruz on lot mergers are involved. >> the staff will determine it is the cu open lot mergers we may not want to encourage them
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there are instances it give us the control to make the decisions and the controls don't look at only the lot size but the amount of street footage. >> one further question is this for divisadero or mission shall we call them separately. >> they're called up together and similar in the amendments they're proposing so i i take it that was a motion for both. >> thank you. >> so on that motion commissioners to do you want recommendations with approval for approval for the divisadero street and the with modifications with the fillmore street and recommending that supervisors office investigate conditional use controls for lot mergers and it didn't include
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the density lot program that staff recommended commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. >> commissioners, that places you under your 13 abc for case numbers at 150 van ness after a downtown conditional use authorization and zoning administrator will consider request for variance. >> commissioners before, before we start i want to introduce you to a new planner gonzales with with 15 years of experience a planner and lead professional with speciality in neighborhoods led and his masters with the city planning from the
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university of arizona joined the 2k789 in june of last year and his passions include karaoke and a die-hard of mildred soccer in spain. >> 82 welcome, welcome. >> good afternoon commissioner president fong and commissioners i'm gonzales the request before you is two actions regarding the project on 150 van ness avenue and the prioritization and the conditional use authorizations the project will demolish one office building at the southeast corner of hates and the padded bridge and as far as parking lot to constrict a two story with one hundred and 20 dwelling units and 9 thousand square feet of ground floor retail and the units are the market rate
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the site is on the market octavia and within the van ness and market street residential special use district the project covers the north portion of van ness and polk street an haze and it is down general with a maximum height the project sponsor will give a brief presentation regarding the project and focus on a number of policies and regulatory issues in order to proceed it requires the authorization on 309 with exemptions from the district compliance with certain sections the code provided the commission has specific finding addressed the project has a expectation for rear yard under the market and van ness downtown resident su d and providing additional
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parking for principally permit one car for 4 unit and extension for ground level plans with the criteria of the intersection for the draft section 309 you have in our packet i'll be happy to answer any questions in daily if you have any questions but it shows the requests are needed as established in the code the project requires as i said the conditional use authorization to allow additional square footage been the base floor and ratio for dwelling units that are available for 20 years for one hundred and 50 percent of the area medium income and allows hotel use under the code other use of building references the department building the conditional use authorization is necessary and desirable and that
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is a priority of the city to create more affordable housing especially affordable housing for families and proposed guest suits for families and friends of the it is not necessary together with the conditional use authorization the project requires the variance from the planning code to modify the sections for one hundred and 20 units to allow combined parking on hate street and to allow height expectation for the elevator overrun administrator will consider the variances for the action from the downtown conditional use authorization department is aware of both support and opposition for the project so several letters were received in favor and opposition after the planning commission published it a request for tupdz was on file and basically will the proximity between the
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building we understand the project sponsors has met with folks and the proposed concerns have been summarized in a memorandum distributed to you by the project sponsor today 55 e-mail i have altitude copies the letters of support include the hayes valley association and i - staff represents that the commission recommend it with conditions in conclusion the staff recommend it the market octavia plan to create nor housing and has a mixed use unit sizes and close to downtown has assess to public transit and within the walkable transit it is necessary and desirable and compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and meets all the requirements of the code aside
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i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> excuse me. commissioners before we hear from the project sponsors i need to ask the people to see if they can't find a seat i know it's crowded i've required the city to have an overflow room right now we don't have one in case folks are here for items 14 extinguisher 15 if you could free up the spaces 24 item is going to take sometime based on the number of speaker cards submitted i do appreciate that again there are a few seats make available we need to keep that entry and exit way clear for fire safety reasons we are in receipt a request for a project sponsor presentation
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the president of the planning commission has granted that request and in receipt of organized opposition that request has also been granted i'd like to remind the supporters and persons in opposition that if you're comments have been included if the project sponsor presentation and the concerns in the organized opposition you don't need to repeat those and the intent of that organized opposition time allotment is to reduce the need for additional. so with that stated the project sponsor has 15 minutes >> are we all set. >> this is for the matter
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commissioners. >> i'm reminded you the 15 minutes includes moan on the project sponsor team. >> good afternoon commissioner president fong and members of the planning commission i'm the chairman of the emerald fund the electrical benefit fund a new project in the civic area the picture on the screen shows the building from the prospective of van ness hayes corner 150 van ness was appraised under the market octavia plan together with balboa park and the central waterfront it was the first of the neighborhood plans thousand of new high density used are being constructed by the time
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emerald will have added one thousand new unit to the civic center turning a 9 to 4 district into a viability 237 neighborhood one hundred 50 van ness will provide one hundred and 40 new rental utilities 50 will be inclusionary units what is wonderful about h 50 van ness it completes from hayes valley to mid-market from hope to van ness has always been ugly and in the late evenings after the office buildings were shut down it became discharge in the future large areas on the corner of hayes and van ness and new street residents will lion the street civic center will be warmer and far more welcoming in planning one hundred 50 van ness as a sunlight of the outreach
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you have received letters of support from the organizations as well as fwro local businesses one 50 van ness meets the market octavia from the 5ushg9 guidelines to the ground floor retail from the muktd two to three 4 bedrooms to a parking ratio of .5 spaces per unit and the gentleman will talk about the design. >> thanks as a architect and long term resident it is a privilege to be involved in this project the architecture seeks to transition from the solidarity to the van ness neighbor to mitigate it's long block the building is articulated into 5 mass
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a pair of bay windows is to create on a expression in between the mass bandage and windows are add hair significant to create additional roof terrace or so along hayes there will be a frontage and at the intersection of hayes and van ness it creates an opportunity for restaurant outdoor courtyards and roosevelt create open spaces for the residents facade detail role shows the high quality of finishes and the articulation that's been achieved it is a great material that wraps into the resources to create solidarity and the bays provide for further articulation to the facade and project
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upwards to create visual craft i'll be happy to answer any questions and later in the presentation that you may have thank you. >> as noted one 50 van ness provides balanced needed housing including the one and 50 and has received widening report 3 months ago the preschools opened their doors immediately to the south some of the parents were urban aware even though our documents were filed july 2013 prior to the start of the application process that was followed by two other major filings regardless of the timing of the various filings those parents
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are valid safety concerns of one 50 van ness that effects their children we want all those parent to go their children are of the utmost importance to us just hours ago we updated an agreement with the port schools that clarifies our mature concerns and documents proposed solutions entire one 50 van ness development team is approaching the construction with the attitude that nothing p is more important than the safety of the children at the end of the day, we not only want a totally save project but want to make it into a better and safer building current situation to start with as you can see from the attached photo one 50 van ness and one 50 hayes butts up to this and
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towers over it old one 50 van ness is a delick building and structurally urban sound and california triple a moved out for life-threatening reasons and two california twoip a engineers in the effect of a major earthquake and quote portions the primary structure that expected to collapse and the life safety of the occupant with will be jeopardize no one wants a large building collapsing next to a smaller structure that houses preschoolers demolition of one 50 van ness under the plant construction the occasion of older one 50 van ness will be done with the uppermost care and the picture and plant have a series of splooidz slides that
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demonstrates the demolition process in the instance of safety within 25 feet will take place during school hours that work will be done on weekend or after school. >> the plan is based in san francisco we've been constructing projects here one hundred and 50 years we're for project that wish on sensitive sites the one 50 van ness project we removed 16 hundred panels many of them over the site we're talking about and another one of the projects on market for the ritz carlson one of the busiest intersection and redid the foundation and we keep in place the one
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hundred-year-old brick facade to a lessor known business is your k through 12 business eave listed a lot of repeat clients year in and out so the protection of all of the buildings and especially at 50 south when we are doing the demolition of the two buildings one 60 van ness we'll put skoovrl around the building and the set back on the back over the top of 50 we'll put in a steel platform similar to the one over 50 fell when we were doing van ness we had it on the west side of the building so we'll do the same thing on the north side so when we are doing the demolition we have 3 levels of protection for 50 fell the doted
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