tv [untitled] April 10, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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of the hours were crafted by myself and another colleagues in the mission this is a place for appropriate growth it is transit rich i don't think any of the people heard were saying that they don't want housing here i think this the gentleman's point any type of modifications for specific projects on a indictment plan it is a specific issue this is where we should be approving some of the merits mr. eir son you and your reputation are platinum in this town you have a great responsiveness to protect the children you indicated your utmost concerns are very, very believable it creates the market octavia plan and affordable it is the plan i
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like bike parking gets rid of the bad conditions and maybe we can call the neighborhood these you've got a agreement with the school all very positive some of the things i'd like to hear from any other commissioners are 4 things one you're sitting pretty much a block away from major transit hub on eloquently bus lines in the neighborhood you're asking for a variance on the conditional use on the parking to add additional 5 hundred cars since i've been sitting on the commission we've not been approving those you have car spaces for 4 hundred residents i'd like to see a different portion you're using starkers
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one other concern i want to see the 3-d drawings looking west on 55 polk and north on the other area so the rendering to look those ways i want to see how the zoning relates to the shorter you mentioned the principle from the market octavia plan the mass articulation on the treatment on that i think a minor one the ground floor entrances on hayes street you had a great example included in the packet or emerald put it in the packet it remind me in portland those are actively utilized spaces people having a glass of wine encouraging the neighborhoods i think i saw in the drawings that was a little bit uninviting i'm not sure of
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it going in and out so this is something that should be taken a look at and the last thing the cigarette is 5 feet versus 80 percent you're providing additional glazing of one hundred and thirty the 4 percent i guess the expectation how many square foot is there a way to move the wall back i know i'm not an architect it is probably a simple question, sir. >> again not an architect talking about some feet to reprogram the building. >> thank you, steve with the land use council and first on the parking we're seeking only .5 to parking it is a low parking ratio this is allowed it
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is unusual that in the special use district as 2 hundred 5 with the conditional use that seems consistent with the commission has approved with other downtown projects on the 80 percent lot coverage issue what the project has is about 84 percent live come over on the ground floor it reducess down to 60 percent on average considering more or less than 80 percent lot coverage the code there's no rear yard requirement simply the code didn't designate where on the site the lot coverage goes and not on floors for the public right-of-way the reason we have this exception a couple of units open 91, 2, 3 or
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floor that didn't face the right-of-way they all face the street. >> so you'll consider moving lt 5 set back. >> sorry. >> we started out with no set back those are property windows on the 60 foot building not required from the commercial building setting the building back 5 and a half feet didn't allow new windows to be put in when you have a 5 and 10 foot set back even the property line windows they've accepted the offer we install more windows this set back allows a light reflecting terracotta material in our buildings rg9 light into the lightwell and roving the existing one 50 van ness
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building that covers about half of that back wall that back wall the amount of openings covers it. >> last question you know it is the simplest so say children against housing have you screwdriver for a short term demolishing the school and putting the children back in. >> the school administration has been satisfied with the tactics use for the demolition the demolition of the building will be done methodically and not you know with the building that will be taken down one story at a time nothing will happen during school hours and
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adding the skoovrl so all the administration is savored. >> and i'll hear if the other commissioners, if you could provide those 3-d drawings i'll appreciate that. >> i'm in support of the project your nearly there and good work. >> a followup question how long is the follow-up face to take down that wall. >> 5 months. >> it's a long time we're doing it methodically. >> what are the controls for airborne dust or. >> during the demolition there are be minorities inside the building so the 4 by 8 concrete panel will be taken down from the odds there is a fairly
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recent dust control ordinance adopted by the city three or four years for a stringent dust control excavation putting watering down the site and sweeping the streets and making sure that tires of the trucks are clean we're committed to comply with the provision we have 40 no choice dbi will endorse those there's nothing beyond that we can do other than comply with the dust control provisions and again, the school administration is satisfied with those that's included. >> your part of the project team okay. go ahead. >> sure i'm with the emerald yes, we're
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going to be misting but a triple layer the walls it capture first of all a wall and another wall behind that that makes a perfect l and behind that a drape so misting bus 3 layers and when we're doing the new building we're hanging an acoustic building capturing dust and installing a filter on the school. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i noticed that the building as sheet offer it at this point but i'm very supportive of the project i think many of the concerns that were brought up are issues that will find their recommend in dbi restrictions that are already in place for example one speaker brought the poeblth possibility of a damage if you have a
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project you're always responsible inform prevent damage to jane property that is part of the whole process that will be monitored by dbi and the same was spoken to in terms of the particle matter and the matter from noise to keep it within 45 decimals that is extremely reasonable the one issue that was brought up i had to study on it the distance if you look at a view from the top you'll notice that is on this 60 percent probably thought rear part or the northern facing part when it is l-shaped that is within the 40 and a half 5 and a
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half feet of proposed building one hundred and 50 van ness and also what is interesting if you look at this situation to the east of one 50 is the arresting genocide and one hundred van ness those spragz separation are very similar they can't be much different than the 5 and a half feet, of course, s it was not a school but when we talk about the existing separation the separation is probably very similar to the one that exists on those two buildings and unlike that the sponsor is making exceptions to the schools putting in windows they're not required that's a property line situation so i think this is going to be a lot
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better than that was and in terms of schools in general, i recall the situation with notre dame they have generations the students that came through a catholic school in discount san francisco that has buildings on the east and west and pine street on the north and so to the south blocked up with the church and other structures they've done well although we want to let as much of light and air but the impact is on the portion of 50 fell i think that the developer has done a good job of trying to mitigate that gak impact but the impact is probably more from the a gent so other things i'm very much in
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favor of it and the parking that is piloted is consistent it is tech in market octavia but it also is typical of the c 1920 area i remember we had a compromise from jake to make a higher amount of parking for the 3 c-3 i think that 50 percent a very reasonable and starkers and makes it reasonable with the number of people we are going to expect we're going to have cars and place to store them the t design of the building does a lot to exposure to take care of f that but it's very well designed and dpishsz the impacts although we have to grant an exception but overall
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the wind speeds are less after the building is there and ago gait as the case right now i really like the design i think it blends not only just glazing but blend in precast and masonry elements that meshes well with the building i know this is an extraordinary project i'm very much in favor of it. >> commissioner hillis. >> thanks excuse me. so i. also in support i spent 20 years working in this building that was a great sandwich place that we walked to but we had to walk down poshlg polk street it is amazing to see
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the school that, too suffered from the same fate i don't think the school would be there if it wasn't for housing being built it definitely turned into a neighborhood we couldn't talk about as a neighborhood years ago one question to follow up on commissioner president fong's the demolition timing when do you plan on starting that. >> we have a demo permit filed so as soon as it gets approved we tried to make this as short as possible we are permitted to pull down the skin and do soft demo we have the structure and as soon as we get the permit we'll start and that includes the building adjacent. >> yes. that's the 5 month
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period. >> it seems to me there are time to talk to the parents but there is a disconnect between the school and parents and obviously things are happening face so information hadn't tripled from the schools to the parents and we're more than happy to a talk with the parent we are more than happy and part of our agreement is that we have regular communications with the contractors there are 2w7 numbers to call up and students and parents get the plans of the construction schedule beforehand and scheduled events we'll take the construction away from the area were going to really work with them. >> a non-school relate question did you have retail on the
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ground floor of 101 polk. >> no 15 thousands between vaefrn. >> that's why you didn't include retail on the east side of polk street it seems like they're starting to be morality on that block i mean the east side on polk student. >> yeah. we start make sense to currently around and did a walk around. >> my question for planning staff sorry is there a lot of agreements that the developer made with the school that maybe appropriate in our motion i mean things like it construction are the don't guess won't happen during the normal school hours and the noise mitigation manufacture are those included in our referred by reference a way to do that so it
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will skew up. >> commissioner, i understand the motion that the sponsor has proposed excuse me. the conditions of approval are not part of the packet they have been submitted to us earlier today and we have a copy but the speaker is ready to present. >> do you want to talk about that. >> there are two conditions we'll propose we'll add to your conditions of approval one is the design of the one 50 van ness building i'll read the proposed condition to address privacy conditioners of the preschool within the van ness building the windows on the south facade located within 6 feet of the building shall be permitting translucent i think this is 6 floors; right? not 5
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floors. >> 6 floors to the lower 6 floors. >> so we'll make those windows translucent and practical we've talked with the school to make sure that the wall of that all of the evidence is bright terracotta color they haven't decided what color but we'll work with them and the second condition regarding the demolition that will be as follows: the demolition of the southern floor of the hayes street building that abuts the other building will not occur during preschooler hours and the staff will identify those i don't know off the top of my head but we'll have those and suggest you add those conditions. >> all right. and what about the things like dust control that was mentioned about minorities and duck filters on the scald property.
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>> my guess our staff will not recommend those those are not endorseable and that's correct we have concerns about the conditions of the adjacent property that is a significant building article 11 requires a preservation review. >> i imagine the same with the windows. >> we've committed to initiate that process and get a permit over the next year for the windows. >> those will be law lined windows thank you. >> commissioner richards we have the rendering you were looking for it's on the overhead overhead. >> i was thinking of looking this way kind of head on looking at this wall this is a blank wall.
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>> from fell street. >> do you have a rendering of it. >> we've never render not with us today. >> just want to make sure it's not a blank wall. >> you're looking at the courtyard. >> on the roof of that building that 4r9 residential building. >> come to the mike, sir. >> if you were standing on polk street you'll look at the l shape there's - >> thank you. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much generally in support of the project have a couple of requests first of all, the parking in the documents that statistics the parking is available for residents half a mile or quarter of a mile from the project area maybe a
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question or staff what do you mean is this sort of anyone that is in a two block radius gets a spot in that building. >> that provision is maneuvered manifest in the code when you a conditional use parking you must make that available to resident within a half a mile scott. >> i think within seven hundred and 50 feet it provides to all parking within the city t is serves the building of folks that resides in the neighborhood. >> okay beyond the i guess my question if i understand a van ness parking entrance i know that regulation exists how is it
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going to act in practice for the site does that make sense i have seen other sites there's not lee a whole lot of sites but this has a couple of different projects around it. >> yeah. the sheered access is a sheered curb cut it was an van ness those are not allowed so part of the one hundred van ness we'll get rid of the curb cut is as soon as this curb cut opposite to access both garages the people in one hundred will go down and connect at low grade and there's so much demand they'll be used by the people in the building. >> right. right and then second question again maybe for the
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project staff or planning staff the change that was made for the privacy of the school to have the lower 6 feet facing the bell street side do those include the residential. >> no one are rearview mirror for the late a lot of time are bedroom but their fostered not lirmdz so we're okay on the light and air if that's where you're going but the parent were afraid at the 33 that people can peep in now, it's impossible. >> i don't think i see because the windows restraining order not open i'm not understanding. >> it is frosted something you
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can peal off not see through. >> you can't see there the bedroom window. >> yeah. but still get light. >> there's another light involved. >> okay. >> commissioner moore. >> necessary indirectly all of the above in a way that is really clear to us given the fact we're talking about housing shortage and the shortage of affordable housing i'm glad to see this building it's become a critical corner stone in kcstat enough residents to call it a neighborhood van ness is a divider but now being on the east side we're having enough unit to have this jell into a corner storing stone for recapturing this as a
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residential neighborhood i had several issues i discussed with mr. iverson about the depiction of the issues i was concerned about the imagination it was two gloomy we're in an area with the federal buildings nearby create almost like 4 block sized buildings but he sent me a detailed description of the facade that totally eased any concerns for various and color to give the rich and scale to the block decoration i'm very, very happy to hear the gentleman speak about the public arts component of the building that is extremely important and that will add and makes the
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district rich eras it ties back to what is happening on market street i have one question for the architect and mr. eric son polk street at 55 polk is an 50. >> i believe that's it that's correct. >> the one question i have is in sro's we're could you talk about that we're in contrary and significant limited on light and window exposure and i do not see you use a lightwell to respond to the lightwell on that particular building can you explain to what you did to investigate what's inside the building not providing a matching lightwell didn't increase the availability of 50. >> again the lot lines there's
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no requirement foreseeability we were trying to make sure we could make an efficient building and uses the double loading limits on this side of the building. >> if i may pull back we're looking for is that without providing a matching lightwell and since your building is significantly taller building we want to make sure that the liveability of the people that use the lightwell as perhaps the only light source is not impaired have you been inside the building go. >> the backside of the 50 building about half their lot is not built that on. >> that's not what i'm talking about 50s don't function like normal buildings where people share the kitchen and bathrooms
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and have a minimum bathroom space if you looked at the interior relative to what is along that lightwell. >> no, we did not. >> i have to ask that question we're asking over and over those questions to anyone that builds next to an 50 so the functioning is not impacted by the buildings. >> we have a lightwell or actually a lightwell no, we did not look at it. >> i want to look for other comments from my colleagues i want to see what you're intending to do should there be liveable space along did lightwell. >> part of the challenge maybe i'll put this up on the screen
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that wall is actually part of the shared structure for the building as you can see the dark line this is the lightwell you were referring to. >> i'm you fully aware of that in residential design we have matching lightwells to they're protecting everyone that is encountering a larger building next door and usually we ask people that are building next door to go inside those sro's those are not sro's. >> tim with the emerald fund with the sponsor i've not been inside the building but talked about with the
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