tv [untitled] April 12, 2015 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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5 hundred people that bought the medallion for $250,000 i spent you outline i all my money i spent $12,500 to guy the medallion what happened it's gone i'm a cab driver i'm working in this industry for 28 years what am i going to do give up my medallion the most exciting time is when he washed his medallion for 18 years for 20 years to get the medallion where's the value of the medallion now zero it's nothing i think one of you guys should get out on friday night or variance and looking at what the drivers are going through thousands of tmcs you stop at one traffic light theirs tmcs
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with passengers my is an entry cab they're picking up and dropping off passengers wake up come on (clapping.) >> last speaker. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> i've been driving taxi like the almost 20 years i have a medallion first of all, since the economy has been tough we're not making money it is a tough institution out there i'd like to request all of you to waiver this fee to make it possible now going back to the situation right now right now driving 5 to 6 days a week i mean, i work hard liquor every other colleagues and
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drivers the taxi is sports to be all over the city you know this is a city culture this city is losing the integrity of the city so many uber drivers and lift drivers breaking reputes right in front of me doing u-turns i'm not to make u-turn i can't find a passenger 20 or thirty minutes not or not anybody why is that why the funds what we need to do to meet the fundamentals the russ johnson and insurance why this is so frustrate everyone in this room look at their face why i'm afraid we have a medallion drive five or six days a week why can't i find anyone please do something
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endorse the rules and regulations this is a lovely city don't lose this is the transportation you're definitely losing it and i don't appreciate that nobody does thank you very much (clapping.) that concludes public comment at this time i am sure i'm sure the board can't discuss issues that are not on the agenda i'm sure those issues will be agendized in early may i'd like to ask the public to come back we have a brief history of highlights of the relationship over the last several years all the issues a great daily because sometimes, it comes across it didn't fully reflect that okay. so next item. >> regarding be polk street can
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we ask staff to look at the merging situation between california if it's true the merchant make up has changed and it looks like there will be extension of the bilk path we owe it to the merchants and folks to look at that. >> one clarification on the early may will this include the issues of the taxi drivers. >> sorry i was asking for clarification whether the early may items be brought back. >> we can include as mr. snider suggested a meeting thirty days away of what we're doing with regard to driver safety. >> okay thanks. >> we'll ask director reiskin to come back.
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>> next item. >> what? oh sorry we have exciting news from the board of supervisors this average against all odds supervisor campos unanimously selected for other 4 years >> monday evening on the consent calendar by one resolution in the form or forms listed below. if discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. i've received no indication that any matters should be served. >> motion to approve. >> all in favor, say i. opposed? next item and item 11 the approval of a supplemental capital budget for 2016 which includes addressing $15 million from impact fees into the original projects from the general fund paej allegation in
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the capital budget up to $26 million based population growth and appropriately those what the bay area for light rail and the bonds for the streetscape project and having the adjustment permitting $8 million from the general fund on behalf of the budget to save the contract and authorizing the county correction to the original supplemental appropriation for the series 2013 and series 2014 revenue bonds. >> up again (laughter). >> as you wish. >> mr. chair and members of the board this is an action we're asking you to take it is really a recommendation to the board of supervisors which is the body here in san francisco which has the authority to appropriate
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funds because off the state of the economy that is generated greater than budget for transit impact budget foes and budgeted general funds and because prop b we're seeking our approval for the supplemental appropriation it's a long agenda title that went through this specific items the reason we're doing this now as opposed to waiting for the next two years there's projects that will be delayed so i'll be happy to walk through this. >> it seems like a reasonable trade off questions or comments. >> no comments or questions i'm happy to make a motion and note i appreciate the focus on this i can there are people that don't
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want to see the ma song streetscape delayed. >> any questions. >> i'm told we have a speaker. >> peter spraus. >> u straus. >> peter straus i'm sure you're aware of i've been working with the infrastructure transit riders and one of the people people that put effort into securing the package of prop b last november given that it is gratifying to see how this item before the board appropriate those few minutes and proiptd ♪ an appropriate way with that said, i want to remind the board to point out that prop b very explicitly maybe funds for improvements of reliability, frequency of service and state of good repairs made the fund
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for capital or operating extensions and in the future we still face the structural deficit on the operating side that will could you be to us given that the funds could be important we're fortunate this year the general fund is in good shape 13 percent improvements including those implemented that month it is appropriate for the prop b fund to be allocated for capital needs at this time but in the future this is something which you should review and have to review carefully as each of budget comes before you those get into the weeds need to be taken with the best action possible those in not controversial but i urge you to
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pass this before the board >> any other comments or questions we have a there is a motion and a second i actually have one question on the recommendation which is on page 15 the one about the approval add $15 million and employment those funds with individual projects but remember the $32 million appropriations with up to $26 million with the board approval does that mean what do you mean. >> when this board approved the budget with the goal budget back in april of last year, it was with the anticipation that the city will advance to the battle in november a vehicle lessons increase that brings roughly $32 million to the agency so the budget you approved included the
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$32 million by the time the budget got to the board of supervisors that budget failed to advance so the board of supervisors didn't appropriate those $32 million with the package of prop b we're exterminating it will bring in $26 million so from the time you last approved the budget we've removed 32 but addressing back 26 and the net appropriation from the board of supervisors is 26 because they didn't appropriate the $32 million. >> measure prop a a number of years ago we lost it all in work orders. >> no, i believe that with all due respect it is not a goodanalog
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we have $26 million to enable us to buy 18 new transit vehicles and that wouldn't have been there if prop b without the possibility of parole would be there to backfill the agency fee we hope in 2015 and in 2018 that will be coming to the voters to continue to fund the holes in our structural deficit but it was you know what it was clear that the vehicle license fee was not going to go forward and the $32 million not coming to us is $26 million we anticipate more like $22 million it completely filling the gap. >> at this time i appreciate that the fair analog but the $26 million was begun they used
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it for something else. >> this was almost the opposite the 32 was not going to happen but really the board of supervisors and the voters came back and back filled it with $26 million. >> thoek all in favor, say i. >> i's i's have it thank you very much. >> mr. chair with the cancelation of the closed session that community colleges our meeting today. >> thank you very
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>> good morning and welcome to the commission of aging and adult services. good morning again and welcome to the commission on aging and adult services commission meeting. could we have the roll call. >> president ed that james. >> present. >> vice president gustavo seriina. >> here. >> commissioner katie loo. >> here. >> commissioner samer itani.
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commissioner ow. >> present. >> commissioner roy. >> present. >> and please note that secretary badasow is present. >> please note that we're going to table the nominating committee and could we have approval of the agenda with that change. >> so moved. >> second. >> it's been moved and seconded that we approve the agenda as printed except item 3 the nominating committee report. all in favor? >> aye. >> aye's have it. next item approval of the consent agenda. >> so moved. >> second. >> it's been moved and seconded that we approve the consent agenda as printed. all
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in favor say aye? >> aye. >> opposes? the motion is carried. can we have approval of the march 4 meeting minutes except that we have a change there commissioner katie loo had a change in the minutes which says --in. >> should be congresswoman. >> okay. could i have a motion to approve the march 4 meeting minutes with that correction. >> so moved. >> second. >> it's been moved and seconded that we approve the march 4 meeting minutes with the correction. all in favor say aye? >> aye. >> opposes? the aye's have it and the motion is carried. public comment. you have three minutes. general public comment at this time. any general
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public comment? three times. moving on. thank you. reports. employee of the month. department of aging and adult services commission and executive director anne hinton will recognize renee beaupre legal assistant for the public guard an, public administrator. [applause] >> [inaudible] >> oh it's both. we're both going to get it right now. congratulations. >> thank you. >> for those that have been to one of the commission meetings before this is an opportunity to
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honor renee because the staff she works with nominated her for employee of the month but it gives me a chance to talk about the wonderful work that you do in the context of the programs that you're involved in which are the public guardian and the public administrator. is that correct? >> yes. >> so well first of all who is here from those two programs? you need to stand up and wave your hand. there you go. [applause] for those that don't know the work that renee does and her colleagues is all about serving people who can no longer serve themselves in the best way possible. it's also serving people that have died and need someone to follow through with what their wishes would have been if we know that, but frequently we don't know that so staff in these departments are
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constantly searching i think i like to say who this person was; right? because we might not have known them before they came to us so it's a lot of work that the people in the department do, investigation, digging deep, trying to understand someone, trying to find family trying to do all these things so that's a huge piece that hamgz in the programs but the other piece is what i call the "i" dotting and what you're responsible for and making sure that every dollar is accounted for, that expenditures are made in the most appropriate way. this is the handling of someone else's estate and dollars and assets in a way that we want someone handling ours and someone that doesn't know us and in this case we do that, so it's important as all that front end work do and the work that
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you do renee and you're just wonderfully described in this short paragraph -- not limited, but short paragraph says you're smart and talented. you can be counted on which of course is extremely important in the work that you do. she prepares the accounting for program programs and it says that you're thorough and accurate and colleagues seek your guidance and you seek answers to questions that seem impossible to answer and given the outline i gave you you can understand how it's difficult but it gets done so congratulations. i believe we have a gift for you. like to give these and you really get to read what people said. it also said she's very calm and i am thinking that is another good quality to have
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doing this work so on behalf of commission thank you and i think we need a picture while she's back there already taking pictures. marianne an are you getting one? >> thank you very much. >> you're welcome. [applause] >> >> well thanks again renee for your hard work because it's sometimes lonely out there doing that kind of work. next we
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have the director's report, executive director anne hinton and we welcome back. >> thank you. thank you. so i was in chicago last week for the american society on aging conference and primarily was there because i was asked to do a presentation with kate hopkey from the san francisco foundation on the public partnership that we have with the villages here in san francisco. the session went well. it was parked with people really interested in the work that gets done in san francisco and i think truly a lot of comments about how innovative san francisco is in its supportive programs like the villages but also the innovations that we participate in. i had the opportunity to meet at the conference with foundation folks from different foundations around the country and again i heard from people
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from other states about what is happening in san francisco. it was a great foundation to smooth away foundation support for activities going on in our community. the other thing that became an opportunity thanks to marie jobling and community living campaign was to meet with a counter part at microsoft the civic engagement person. they're a member of the technology council that has been formed in this city, and so we had this opportunity to meet with the woman there who is a counter part to one of our members here and really talk about what they have done in chicago. interestingly enough they want to learn from us as much as we want to learn from them because we have taken different roads and opening technology paths to members of our communities so that was pretty exciting and on the last day there was a three hour
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session on social and health disparities in nonwhite populations of older adults across the country and it was enormously interesting as there were at least three panels of folks who spoke specifically on specific populations of people, some of whom you're familiar with. a researcher from washington state who did a lot of work in the city related to lgbt seniors was there, a woman from san francisco state showed about research she oofs doing related to asian pacific islanders. someone we don't know but who had a very interesting presentation and i think partly because there is so little done in this area with native eskimos and native americans and hawaiians so that was interesting for me. there was a call to action at the end of that session around poverty and these social determinants
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that are such a problem within certain communities, and so that was actually quite interesting and hopeful in a way. i think there surely will be pressure for next year to be at the beginning of the conference so it sets the tone during the week instead at the end of the conference. there was a fair amount of conversation in different sessions about what really can be done to educate -- especially older americans around the things happening in congress that seem to be a threat to things like social security and medicare and medicaid, and president james i think you will be very interesting there is an activity going on right now -- i believe it's in the senate side -- no, it's the house, to form a committee and made up of republicans and it's to look at social security and try to fast
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track major changes in the plan. there will be no public input to the process. it's just what it is. now i have to say knowing how congress works and things have to make the way to the president and there are checks and balances i have to say it to myself i don't believe this could happen. on the other hand i think we have seen any number of things happen like major impact to adult day health here in the state, sequestration, the lost of funding for nutrition and other programs and it makes you wonder what might be in store so i think for those of you that don't know president james is quite a speaker when it comes to promoting social security, not just for would r older adults but thinking about our children and their children and whether the program will be there for them or not and again i think it's a call to action for us in our community about
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how do we make sure that people understand what is happening and what's possible, both the good and the down side of that. cathy greenly the secretary was also i was able to get to a session she spoke in and i think one of the things that captured me about her comments is where she talked about longitudinal solutions and i think of that when i think of some of the work that we do here in san francisco. we know so much now about mental health and hospital starts in younger agents and we see examples of that. >> >> cluttering and hording is inn an example of that and abuse she was talking about and could start at earlier ages and that was one session and she was right on the mark in the call
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to action how do we hopefully think about these programs and services and the people who eventually come to our attention and are served by them. the primary part of my report today though is going to be a presentation on the work that the palliative care strategic planning group did. excuse me. when i was in chicago i think the snow and the cold i had a really good voice. now i am back with no rain and i can hardly talk again so bear with me. you may remember my mentioning some months ago that a gentleman the then hospice came to speak to me about what was going on and not going on in the world of palliative care in san francisco, and what was to happen within the next few months the san francisco health department and the department
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of aging and adult services were doing things and staff support was brought in and we both had staff and its was a lot of work and today i'm not going to present part of that presentation except to set the stage for you because dr. christine ritchie is here and christine if you would come up that would be great. we were co-chairs of the palliative care task force. christine is with the department of medicine at ucsf in the division of geriatrics and center on research of aging and works at the jewish home -- san francisco jewish home. i have to say we only had i think five or six meetings. the first one was only two hours. after that they were three. we set these
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meetings up so there was always an educational component but they were working meetings for people working in the areas across our city would pick a topic they were interested in and in all the five subsequent meetings would work to develop short and long-term goals so by the end of the final session we had these recommendations in place, and you will hear through the -- christine's presentation that the recommendations are actually moving forward and work is being done on them. a number of people from the long-term care council and in the audience were part of the discussion. one of the beauts was bringing all of us together and a first in the community at least on this subject. i learned a tremendous amount and i am internally grateful to the folks who participated and are continuing to work on this so christine i
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