tv [untitled] April 12, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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which we're asking authorization to modify and add to the existing contract. self-help for the elderly we're recommending thai chi program for total of $46,321. just a little background the california department of aging received snap-ed funding and we have an amount of that funding that was actually presented to the commission and it was approved several months ago. i believe it was in november. these contract modification is for us to be able to work with these two contractors to help us implement the three snap-ed projects. the goal is to target low income seniors below 185% federal poverty level and by
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implementing the programs we hope to reduce the prevalence of obesity and on set of chronic diseases for these low income population. we're able to accomplish these by educating and by providing direct nutrition education and providing support to the participants with increased access to healthy foods, reducing the consumption of beverages that are high in sugar content, so healthier beverages and also increasing physical activity, and also improving the food resource management skills of these participants. so based on the state's and also the county's profile for snap-ed participants as well as staff needs assessment and also the providers identifying needs and interests we were able to identify two contractors that we recommend to you to help us
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implement these three projects. again the first project is snap-ed nutrition education and i will provide more details about that. the second project is the snap-ed early gardening project and i will introduce my colleague soon and she will give you details about that project and the third one is the thai chi program. all of the programs are evidence based which means they have been proven to be effective in achieving the impact that we want. all these programs have to be and are approved by usda as well as the california department of aging, so first i'm going to review and highlight some of the nutrition education projects for you. in your document the appendix a gives you a lot of details about this system r program and the
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services. i'm going to give you just some highlights of the program. with this nutritional education project we're going to be providing direct nutrition education either four to six week sessions of the seric lums. the two that we identified that we will implement is one is called cooking matter frs adults and the other one is "eat smart live strong." both programs include not only nutrition education but practical information. hands on training, food tasting and demonstrations and the goal is share information and have people have the skills to implement it and adopt it into their lifestyle. in addition to the direct nutrition education we will be having these two indirect nutrition education through
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community health fairs and the contractor will work with us and the other snap-ed partners. in terms of the other indirect nutrition education daas will be sharing other kind of policy changes, providing curriculum and information to the contractors so they can share it and use it at their sites to encourage seniors to be able to adopt healthier eating habits, things that we do and more healthy beverages. in terms of the service objectives we plan to have at least 11 sessions of these direct nutrition education classes. that means 11 different centers that are snap-ed eligible and then provide at least two community health fairs serving a total of
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190 unduplicated consumers through the direct education and serving at least 300 commissioners through the indirect nutrition education. for the outcome we are going to be doing some surveys of the participants and at least 85% will be participating in the survey and then based on the survey results and also the standardized evaluation tools, pre and post tests at least 75% of the participants at the sites will report improvement in healthy food and beverage consumption. also the other goal is through the post evaluation surveys at least 10% of the participants will show an increase in consumption of fruits and vegetables and at least 25% will increase their physical activity level so
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those are the goals of this project. at this time because the second piece of the contract modification involves the gardening projected i will introduce my colleague anna who will share some details with you. >> excuse me. just a procedural question. i only read the first contract. will we will be voting on both at the same time or should we take them separately? >> i believe since it's two different organizations you will be voting individually. since the gardening and nutrition education that linda just spoke of are going to be authorized to bayview hunters point multipurpose senior services you will take that as one contract but yes, you need to vote on it separately. >> in that case i think we can
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vote on the first one now and discuss it and then discuss the second one separately. >> why don't you clarify that? so -- >> total piece to the first one. >> oh. >> linda outlined the nutrition education and anna will outline the gardening project that is part of letter e. >> thank you for clarification. >> [inaudible] >> good morning president president, commissioners and director hinton. i am one of the nutritionists for daas and today i will guide you through the highlights of the gardening project and the federally funded program that linda presented. this is . >> >> an evaluation -- evidence based program and will provide education, growing
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and harvesting of edible food and allow for outdoor activity. it meets two of the state's objectives by providing physical activity and increasing the knowledge of healthy foods. we plan to approach this project by establishing three gardens in the city of san francisco and meet the eligible criteria and have been identified as episcopal service in the soma area and rosa parks and samoan community center in visitacion valley and they will provide hands on gardening and education that supports the food grown seniors at each site. the outcome objectives are measured by surveying of the participants with the goal of obtaining at least 50% of the surveys completed, and the survey
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templates were approved and provided by the california department of aging and the focus of our easy urban gardening project is increase physical activity by 25% and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables by 10% and the hope is serve at least 80 unduplicated consumers. thank you for your attention as i highlighted this program and seek your approval on the program. >> thank you very much. may have a motion to approve and discussion for discussion. >> [inaudible] >> second. >> thank you. any questions or comments? commissioner sims. >> can someone explain the rational of combining two contractors in one memorandum and then separating the vote to two separate votes? seems to me it would have been clearer if there were two memorandums, one for each vendor? >> so i think what happened
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here is that the snap-ed -- these dollars came to us through snap-ed so it's all one pot of money that we will now be reporting to the state on as one pot of money with three categories so for reporting requirements through our funder we're going to have to report on the overarching snap-ed money with the three programs, nutrition education, gardening and thai chi. i would imagine there are some communities where the snap-ed is going to one so it's not confusing but to have this laid out and who the funder is and how we're getting the money and the overarching objectives and why we have the one memo and detail of each and outcomes and measurements split apart. that's my best thinking but i seen david has gotten up
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and he's gog to really explain it to us. i think that what it is. >> i am the contract liaison for daas. i like her answer better than what i am going to give you. >> [laughter] >> then why didn't -- and paused). and especially if they're providing the same service and better to provide a narrative and make it clear and concise that way so we tend to cluster services that are the same and provided by multiple vendors so and it's been my
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experience in serving the commission in the past and serving the dhs commission as well and one less paper to read is to your overall benefit unless you think otherwise and the purpose is eliminate the amount of paper you have to read when approving multiple contracts for essentially the same service and we leave it up to the staff and anne as well to explain to you the nuisances or differences between the vendors and they're collective approach, but essentially it's to make it easier and minimize the reading you have to do in order to prepare for the job you have to do. >> thank you. >> thank you for that. i guess my only follow up question. in this case these are two stellar providers with tremendous reputations to the community and to daas but one of the concerns from my point of view is accountability and the
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metrics and if we're approving one program budget and the set of accountabilities for one budget at a time to me i am more comfortable with that because it allows a discrete analysis over another of the contract period and if one contractor over permanents and one under permanents under the same program -- >> but you're voting separately and we're monitoring it separately and that's why the vote is separated out. >> it's a little counter intuitive. >> and like anne said and you're required to vote on them separately and the purpose is facilitate the work and if you prefer them to be separate we can direct staff to do that. >> i think we want a full conversation about that because if you remember in nutrition alone we have many, many, many
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contractors and the over overarching memo is a tool to separate out. we wouldn't take action on that today. >> correct. commissioner james. >> i just had one question and when describing the frail elderly and their condition and how they're going to be gardening and how are they going -- boxes -- because i don't think i could stoop that low to do any gardening. >> they're going to be raised beds. >> okay. >> and there will be stools for them to sit on and they would be modified for them to be able to reach. >> that is a lot of -- that's my concerns when i looked the frail elderly and how much chopping? that's a lot of exercise, so i was just wondering if there is something
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raised. if somebody is in a wheelchair can they get -- >> definitely. there will be enough space to do so. duly noted. >> thank you. commissioner ow. >> yes, i want to congratulate the staff as picking the hunters point as the pilot project for gardening but hopefully when more funding is coming in i hope that you will spread out the good gardening to other neighborhoods. >> [inaudible] >> thank you. any other comments or questions from the commission? any comments or questions from the public? >> just one. it's not going just to hunters point. it's actually in the western edition. >> so there is more than one spot? >> correct. there are three. >> oh three. >> the money is going. >> very good. thank you. >> any other comments or questions from the commission? any comments or questions from the public? hearing none call
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the question. all in favor? >> aye. >> before we vote can i make a comment? it's a positive one. i was on the training on map thai chi -- >> we will vote -- >> we're not getting into thai chi. >> we will. it's next. >> all right. >> again call the question. all in favor? >> aye. >> any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. item f requesting authorization to modify the grant with self-help for the elderly for community services during the period of march 1, 2015 through august 31, 2015 in the additional amount of $46,321 for revised total grant amount not to exceed $1,560,546 . welcome back linda. >> thank you commissioners. this is request to modify self-help for the elderly's
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contract to include the snap-ed project with the thai chi program that was alluded to and i will turn it over to my colleague to share more details about the program. >> thank you and welcome. >> thank you linda. good morning commissioners, director hinton. i am sara chen nutritionists from daas and i am very happy to be here today to walk you through the thai chi program and as we know [inaudible] other leading causes for injuries and disabilities and that affect our seniors to live independently and the quality of life in their life, and so daas is very pleased to introduce this thai chi for arthritis and prevention program to our community and this
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program is an evaluation based program developed dr. paul lim of thai chi institute and which adopt a very -- well, they use simplified thai chi forms and slow motion to focus on prevention of arthritis clients as well as to improve the participants' physical activity level, and in this program we're happy to have the grantee self-help for the elderly to implement this project, and in this project self-help for the elderly will focus on two aspects. the first aspect will be implementing this thai chi program in the community and self help be collaborating with community partners and implement at least 10 sites in our community and to offer this thai
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chi program to 200 unduplicated clients and these classes will be one hour each and last about six weeks and meet a couple of times a week and taught by certified trainers, and the other part of this thai chi program is very important to be sustainable, so self help will coordinate and offer a workshop and we have one that happened last weekend and was really successful and the thai chi program -- this program will be able to allow the community partners to send their staff and volunteers to the chinatown program and have the master trainer from thai chee for health institute to certify the trainers and continue to provide support to the trainers, so this is also very important piece of the project, and the outcome will be measured by surveys and
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also pre and post evaluation tools provided by california department of aging, and so the outcome is really have this program collaborate with community partners, and to be able to work collectively and help our seniors to have a quality, to have the assets and quality based evidence program and reduce the fall risk, improve independence of life and also to be able to increase their physical activities, and so in this project you have the full scope of service and the budget detail in front of you, and we're asking your -- seeking your approval for the additional of $46,321 to self-help for the elderly to implement this
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project. i am here to answer any questions that you have. >> thank you very much. a motion to approve and a second for discussion. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. any comments or questions from the commission? commissioner loo. >> okay. as i understand last week and training you charge people for coming to the workshop. since you get the money from the state why are you charging the people if. >> one of the fees listed on the program application is we really want people to have the commitment. when they're trained they can bring the skill back to the center back to the community to implement the class so in lieu of that if they provide the classes at the sites and the fee will be waived. actually there is a few waiver process and yes, and if they are
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unable to fulfill that commitment those fees we're asking the grantees to be able to put into the stipend pool so we can extend this program to provide more and more this type of programming in our community. >> you mean the money you collected for the fees will go back to the agency? >> will go to the project in house. >> if i may to add some clarification. as sara mentioned there is a fee waiver for the participants to sign up for the workshop. we know from experience that the workshop is free oftentimes you don't get committed trainers to come back and do the classes and our goal is really have the certified trainers to implement the thai chi program in the various senior centers in the community, so i would say the majority of
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the people that sign up for the training apply for the fee waiver and in order to qualify they're saying they are committed to implementing at least one series of the thai chi class and as sara mentioned also those that are not going to apply for the fee waiver the fee that self-help for the elderly received will be going back into this project, and allow us to pay stipends to hire other certified trainers to implement the program. >> are there senior discounts? >> there is a discount for volunteers, yeah, so instead of $250 which is the going rate for full two day training plus materials for a volunteer is $150. >> thank you. any other comments or questions from the commission? >> can i say something? i went through those two days classes. i already have benefits. my
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palm used to be white. now it's turning red. that means circulation. my blood is flowing. hopefully two months, three months my face will turn red. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> to show that i practice. >> thank you for that testimonial. any other comments or questions from the commission? comments or questions from the public? hearing none call the question. all in favor? >> aye. >> any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. the next item on the agenda announcements. any announcements? hearing none moving on any public comment? hearing none motion to od junior. >> moved. >> second. >> >> i have a second by rising vote. thank you.
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>> ♪ ♪ we are definitely pioneers in airport concession world a world of nationally if not entirely or internationally >> everybody is cop us right now. >> the people that were in charge of the retail this is where that began. >> i didn't think we would have a location at the airport. >> we've set the bar higher
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with the customer commerce. >> telling me about the operator and how you go about finding them and they get from being in the city to being in the airport. >> so first, we actually find a table and once we know what we want a sit-down we go to the neighborhoods in san francisco and other people seminary of the retail let us know about the rain water and are excited to have the local operators in the airport. >> we have to go going through the conceive selective process and they award a lease to the restaurant. >> they are planning on extending. >> we that you could out the
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china and the length evens and the travel serve and fourth your minds and it's all good. >> how long for a vendor to move through the process. >> i would say it could take 80 up to a year from the time we go out to bid until they actually open a restaurant. >> i don't know what we signed up for but the airport is happy to have us here. and, you know, even taking out the track simple things there's a learning curve >> with once we're here they are helpful. >> it's an award-winning program. >> we're prude of your awards we have won 11 awards the latest for the best overall food address beverage program and . >> like the oscars
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. >> all right, good morning, everyone, welcome it our rules committee meeting of april 9, 2015. my name is katy tang, i'm vice chair of the committee. i know our chair, john avalos, will join us shortly and to my left is supervisor maria cohen. >> please silence cell phones and all electronic devices. items acted upon today will be
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on the april 21 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> thank you, madam clerk, please call item 1, please. >> item no. 1 is a hearing to consider appointing one member to the bicycle advisory committee term ending november 19, 2016 or the tenure of the nominating supervisor, whichever is shorter in duration. there is one seat and one applicant. >> thank you, since we have one applicant for the seat we can call up miss magy up and give us a presentation. >> hello, supervisors, my name is ilyse magy and i am interested in seat 9 on the bicycle advisory commit ee. i work as an artist and organizor and focus on pedestrian advocacy and alternative transportation in both my professional and personal life. i currently work as an organizer with sf ad
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