tv [untitled] April 12, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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. >> for people of all races and incomes and races. when we lose families we are losing diversity. while diversity is a value for it in and of itself, the loss of diversity also threatens the following areas: middle income jobs and workers, environment and sustainability, social integration, social capital and
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citizen engagement. over the past two months my office has been working with the mayor's office, the school district and a diverse dwruep -- group of stake holders to further specify what this council should look like. so at this moment i'd like to thank the children's funds coalition, the our children and our city stake holders group, the mayor's office, the superintendent's office, supervisor avalos' ofrs and the youth commission and many other people that were involved. we have made a number of amendments to the composition of the council and to further clarify its functions and duties so we had introduced this over a month ago and been working with all these different people to strengthen the language so we would have a successful council. so let me go through some of
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the amendments without going through every one of them, but just in general. the most significant change is the size of the council. originally we had the mayor was to appoint up to 18 city members, including himself, 18 and then there were going to be 18 san francisco unified school district members and 18 public members. almost everybody agreed that this body with 18, 18 and 18 would be way too large. and then even though we're cutting it to 14 we also realize this will be large, but it's to be inclusive. we needed to do this. so we have chosen 14 members and we all agree that the 14 members for city members including the mayor, the superintendent may nominate up to 13 school district staff or
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division heads to join the council, and the mayor will appoint 14 people to serve as public members of the council. so i know this is going to be a big council. embedded in this is the realization we're going to have to have adequate staffing to really make this work and function. i know there are many other department heads that would have liked to serve on this council. however, there was consensus to keep the number down as much as possible. other department heads may be invited to be involved through the working groups. for the public seats, we wanted this group to be diverse and most importantly through our discussions there was a general consensus that each of these members should be connected in some way to a larger network or organization so that representation is much broader than just the
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individuals themselves. so i won't go through all the different seats at this point, but we worked it out with the mayor's office and with the superintendents' office and committee members. the major changes would be basically just renumbering the community members so that it would make a little more sense. so all the amendments will be -- did i pass this out yet? >> just a quick question. so we are reducing the numbers down to 14. are they all going to be appointees by the mayor? >> yes. >> and then the other potential amendments coming
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forward. thank you. >> then we also included some language to specify that the board of supervisors, the board of education and superintendent may also recommend members to the mayor just to assure they were inclusive of who could recommend and who could not recommend. we felt this was a collaborative effort and wanted to provide this opportunity. as far as section 102.5, the government's piece, the council will meet at least 3 times a fiscal year and we added that to the extent feasible that these meetings be spread out through the year. we also, we are also havinging the mayor make appointments by shifting the deadline to june
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30, 2015, and on page 9, section 102.6, functions and duties, we made suggestions for initial working groups to cover the areas of education and health, safety and housing. we are also recommending that the working groups consider data driven issues such at closing the achievement gap and pursuing economic mobility, improving transit history and safety and increasing housing. again, it was important for all of us that we decided that whatever plans or decisions we came up with should be data driven. these decisions were made to help shape the decision of the council, but the council itself will ultimately decide on what working groups they would like to form. then some, real quickly, some
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additional amendments. upon further review i would like to also make these other ones. on page 10, lines 5 to 7, i would like to propose changing the following: right now it states upon the recommendation of the mayor and the superintendent, the council may invite additional city and school district staff and community members to participate in the working groups. so just to clarify, we changed it to the mayor may invite additional city and school district staff and community members to participate in the working groups. it's important to include expert advocates and other leaders in the working group level that are not on the council. this will allow a more streamlined way for non-appointed community members or staff to get involved
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without having to receive full approval of the council. then on page 9, line 4, i would like to propose striking the following language for c and basically that says the mayor's appointment of public members shall take effect 30 days after transmittal of the mayor's notice of appointment to the board of supervisors. the board of supervisors may hold a public hearing on the public members appointed by the mayor to the council. so i would be asking that we strike that as an amendment. i feel it would be prohibitive for the mayor to make initial appointments. we want to move quickly on this, we're a little behind right now. the intention of this language was to allow for more public balanced appointment approach.
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however, if we strike this i think we'll be fine. so those are some of the highlights of the amendments and most of it really is about clarification and again to strengthen the notion of what this council should be made of and do. so any questions about that? >> supervisor tang. >> i think you clarified some of the questions i did have, but i think overall the changes you are making are good, especially when sometimes you have core issues it's good to cut down the number of members. although people want to participate i think it can be good to do that. i think your change on page 9, part c in terms of 30 days i think you probably want to move more quickly on appointments so they can begin to do this work as part of the council. so overall i do feel i am
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comfortable with these changes. >> thank you. >> i'm fine with the amendments too. if there are no other comments from the committee we can go on to public comment. any member of the public who would like to come forward, please approach the podium. and if you are lining up, please line up behind the gentleman with the hat by the wall. >> hi supervisors, (inaudible) i'm also representing the children's funding community coalition. we've been really active in the development of this trailing legislation. i really want to thank supervisor yee and jen lo to the proposition of having more seats as part of the public seats of the council. we're disappointed that it came at the expense of some other community seats. we understand
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there are a limited number of seats. we felt it was really important for there to be a robust youth voice on this council. we're really excited for this body to get started. better coordination among agencies is something that came up repeatedly in our stake holder meetings in the lead up to prop c, so we're really excited that parents, youth, and public officials get to sit at the table in an interagency and cross systems way so we're optimistic that that can happen and look forward to the council getting off the ground. >> very good, thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors, (inaudible) mejia with transitional youth san francisco here to speak today on behalf of the children's fund community coalition. again, thank you, supervisor and your staff and everyone else who has been a part of this process for being inclusive and open to feedback and recommendations along the
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way. i have to also echo the last comment of appreciating the inclusion of young people from the perspective of tsf, this is something of value we hold closely is to be inclusive of young people with lived experiences and the issues we are working to address as a city. so that's going to be key moving forward. just a couple of last pieces of feedback from the coalition. we just want to emphasize, we appreciate that the mayor and the superintendent are going to be chairing this and we want to emphasize we want to have their continued leadership in championing the efforts to make sure there is follow through from various departments in terms of the goals that are going to be set forth in order to really make sure these things happen. the other is just, you know, being clear about the outcomes and the benchmarks and the goals of what this council is set forth doing and especially
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when it comes to setting clear measurement for how we're going to be able to track success and that we actually had progress, you know, come out of this effort. and the last, i know this is just a little thing, but in the language it's just, you know, emphasizes children and families and we would like to, you know, be clear that it also is inclusive of youth and if that could be something that's clear in the language as well. but other than that, thank you very much, we are excited and look forward to staying engaged and making sure that this is a meaningful effort and a meaningful time spent. so thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> hi, good afternoon, supervisors, my name is erica maybaum and i am the coordinator of the california child care advisory council,
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cccac i want to thank you for your commitment to having an open community process for the development of this legislation. i attended at least three meetings, i think there was a couple i was unable to attend and in between those meetings supervisor avalos' office was always open to receiving email and other communication from ccac we support this council and look forward to being a resource available to the council, its members and the work of the council. and i do want to also note and appreciate some of the last amendments that were made that include the use of data in informing the decisions and the service coordination. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors, it's good to see all of you here and i want to
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echo erica maybaum's words -- (inaudible) killday speaking on behalf of providers, early childhood education providers throughout the city. erica just spoke to some of the hard work you have put into it, supervisor yee, jen lo, avalos, and i wanted to address that. but i wanted to speak to the spirit and intention of this city and speak to early childhood community's hope for breaking down those silos that so often get in the way of common interest that is we all have for family, youth and early childhood education and look forward to this committee being a place where departments and the unified school district and the early childhood family and youth community can really move forward with bringing
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early childhood and development into the community. i want to say thank you for this. >> great, thank you very much. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is rosa chen, i am a youth commissioner. i want to thank you for the decision to include youth voice in the our children, our family council. we are especially excited to see you include our recommendation to include one youth commissioner, one student advisory committee member and one youth seat. my colleagues and i, we have worked a lot of, very hard and we have a lot of training on how the city and the school district really sets their budget. i am confident and grateful for everything that we have done and at the same time i want to say that i'm confident that the youth
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commissioner and the student advisory committee member will definitely make an impact on the decisions and the insightful comments they will have on making impact on the children who are living in our district and our city. and i also want to give a recommendation that maybe we can have tsf to kind of help in selecting the tuc, since they really worked very hard with a lot of youth who are t youth. i want to say thank you for considering and adding in youth seats to make sure that youth voice is really heard in our city. i want to thank supervisor yee for really continuing to include the youth commission and other stake holders and including the youth in the council. so thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you, i just wanted to
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say -- hydra mendosa, mayor's advisor who has been working with supervisor yee and jen lo and supervisor avalos. this is really an ideal council because these are the two entities that work informally side by side and this is our opportunity to bring them together. i wanted to take this opportunity to thank supervisor yee and supervisor avalos for the leadership role you took in helping pass prop c which gives us the opportunity to create this our children, our families council. the mayor is excited about institutional liezing the relationship we already have with sfusd in doing what's right for our youngest members and their families. the council will enable us to have a structure we have never had, including bringing together the department heads
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whose work deeply impacts children and their families but have not been at the table necessarily including the city administrator, housing, mta, planning. these are not normally the departments you would see in our discussions when it relates to our families but have deep impacts how we get our families around, the housing availability for them and many of the deep infrastructures provided by our city. we are deeply grateful for this chance to create a policy agenda for our young people and we look forward to a collaborative council now and for many many years to come. thank you all for your deep, committed and dedicated work to this council and particularly to you, supervisor yee, and to your aid, jen lo. >> thank you, commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. if there are no other member s of the public who are here we can close public comment and we have this item live before us.
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i believe we have some amendments to accept. do you want to have any other closing comments? >> no, again, i want to thank the public for coming out and supporting this notion of a council and the amendments that we put forth. to me it's one of the most important things i could do as a member of the board of supervisors to form, help mold and form this council and see us as a city, you know, working to the to address the issues that we need to address to, you know, make the lives of all our children and our families a better place for them to live and to grow and to be successful and we want everybody to be successful, not just a few. thank you very much for supporting. >> thank you, supervisor yee, for all your work on this measure. supervisor tang. >> thank you, i'm really excited to see the outcome of this council and i'm happy to make a motion then to accept
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all the amendments that supervisor yee delineated earlier on, which we have a copy here, and then if there's no objection afterwards then move forward with a positive recommendation to the full board. >> great, and that motion is seconded by supervisor cohen and we'll take that without objection. madam clerk, do we have any other items before us? >> that concludes our business for today. >> before we adjourn i'd like to thank sfgtv staff for their work broadcasting, jessie larson and herb paretti thank you. (meeting adjourned).
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supervisors here supervisor breed formerly supervisor and new carmen chu jane kim thank you very much for being here our city administrator thank you for being here and commission thank you and tom hugh and mr. puc guy >> thank you all of you for being here today let me say at the outset we're giving the oath of office for 32 people 118 bodies and commissions that help me deal with the policy challenges but more and more most importantly and the most important thing the commission and advisory bodies do we reach out to people and engage them and bring that diversity of opinion and culture into the way we around government and this is
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what the exciting to me and let me tell you i'm excited today because the 18 different commissioners and advisors bodies are very important to me let's look at who ear appointing people to when we look at our diverse city i have to say and it is not because it begins an organization but art it is important to our city on a local and international level so the arts commissions e commission deals with our diversity and culture and on the eave of the completion of novm the beginning of the maeks the reestablishment of moob and the museums we traditionally have and now a really big opening of community
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arts that is revienlts has been the reason why we've been able to revitalize market street in the tenderloin lead by the arts and the asian arts my name is a big part of that not only because their across the street today but i i think so you have an indulging exhibition it is dusk infection i don't want to talk about that too much but our building inspection commission will be appointed to you don't think them we have serious fires in the city in the past two months over one hundred units of affordable housing we've got to make sure that everybody lives safely in our city and we don't lose housing, in fact, we need to net new build housing in the city to the
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building inspection commission will make sure that happens commission on the status of women and equal pay of advisors board are important nor many, many reasons many of you know you'll be co-sponsors with libby shaft on women's economic empowerment this october we'll bring together all of you and anyone that is have read or interested in making sure that women have no gooblz to economic opportunity and less barriers and those two commissioners will do that i'm excited about the individuals appointed there it is a lot of great talent and high commitment brought to the bodies with respect to equal pay that's a fairly new board they're going to be 4r50k9sd the actual data so we understand what the economic gaps are between men and women in our city and what we need to
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do that about it and, of course the status of women take that data address revolve it through policy oriented discussions and ultimately legislation we need to consider our historic preservation commission and hiv council wow. what they've done to make improvements with the ac a, with 5 hospitals being built with health care being the number one impact driver in this city their incredibly important and wanted to say to you a big that's correct to the health commission they're there day to day to help us with issues of mental health and all kinds of health problems in the community the hiv health services planning council i'm very proud of them we're joining
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as angle inspire industry to make sure we get to zero infections in the city we are about to launch the opening of the wednesday center in the castro this is successful such a great state of the art to help us going get to zero in a short amount of time this year is a one hundred year celebration of our world fair it, of course, allows us to think back a hundred years ago the innovators in our city i mentioned that in a context of this historic preservation commission as part of they're great work to understand and make sure that our city's history is connected to us this building is part of that history but so many other buildings give us
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