tv [untitled] April 12, 2015 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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d to members find their station the poblgz cottons for service and the demonstrations that go both ways they still believe the better border is larkin street they would agree that the most police officers would go to tenderloin if the entire market street run down to third street and the market street beat officers on the first day but again, i'd be anxious to hear if the rest of the community. >> what we did was larkin street under the community prospective sort of a hot bed location for drug dealing move it to polk and certainly to van ness for consistency sake if that's where the northern border would be i'll suggest the goal of this conversation is for us
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to do that take the data and the antidotes and see where we end up so my suggestion here we hope to next week have a minimum of two maps we can vote on we're not voting tonight only discussing but prepare a map this is my proposal we prepare a map to polk either to polk and one to haven we can decide after we hear more if the community and check back in but make that decision we'll heard loud and clear larkin street was not there we need a map colleagues, any suggestions around that does that sound right yes. >> inspector it doesn't capture the severity we're talking about a large incident.
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>> not to open old wound one of the things we've found when we did the redistributing the whole issue you're talking about there was a lot of finally around the issue of larkin polk and van ness and what to do as you do that and try to wrap the tenderloin into one piece it comes down to what it does to northern and honestly the 09 districts in order to capture those tonight you're having to capture a bigger piece it is interrelated but if you want the most staffing and you're thinking about this consideration of your facilities and consideration of what happens outside of city hall it is difficult to get all the tenderloin together the way you
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envision it so where the chief gets his resources if you think about the demonstration and he'll talk about that he's lived it we can look at the do not and when we look at where the events happen your push it outside felt street configurations so it goes into other district you need to capture the piece of it quite frankly the city is not presented to impact the overall changes it will mean dramatic changes i'm not sure your presented for it today that's something - >> to go to that point if you move it to polk or van ness the federal building goes 0 into the tenderloin p there are significant demonstrations sometimes i've been a police officer going on 34 years
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sometimes the president is not a democrat so sometimes. >> of the united states. >> of the united states so sometimes the federal building is a bigger issue than other times we rezoning district every 10 years i'm saying experiencely the federal building is a bigger issue than the last 8 years. >> commissioner. >> so i'm looking at the maps are we fixed on the westerfield are we looking at different options of great southern. >> the real concern. >> there's multiple concerns and we'll address all of them in order misdemeanorly what we're talking about the border to larkin or van ness we have to the options and the data to support it the decision this commission needs to make is
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where the border is so this is the point of the conversation if there's any other questions about that further line we'll do methodically. >> it's a question about next week i know we're getting recommendations to you ultimately we're going to vote but it is chief are you going do give us your recommendation and imagines we move forward. >> sure. >> that's important to me. >> thank you. >> okay and now it appears you have the two maps one to van ness and one to polk i asked you to stop this correct the original map for the tenderloin that was proposed at larkin. >> so that was the very first map i showed you. >> correct. >> so the but the question i
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mean the issue then if the community wants to go to polk and there - that is stretched our staff into the community wants maximum staff something has to give. >> the stretching have to polk will not get additional staff only the sector larger for the officers to cover and market street there are already planned to have 36 beat officers on market street those officers currently work out the southern station so whoever gets the market street gets the 36 officers and in addition the market street will become two separate areas so that is 12 officers so if the dpifd line is anothers fifth street 12 additional officers will be
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going to the tenderloin or 2 it's 24 that's been explained we have good meetings with the folks of the tenderloin. >> the second issue the requests on both sides of geary so those maps reflect that change. >> both sides of geary we can map it but you don't know what gets which side until you look at the order that consideration is written and the e m when they reprogram the map those locations get recoded to the district that you assign a district to take both sides of the street that is behind the scenes the map shows it on geary street but the instructions to the officers and within the e m that dictates how it goes into the future no distinction on the map. >> the original map didn't have
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it on both sides of geary that map reflect that. >> what she's saying the border line is the border line regardless it is blew it ultimate is described when we sigh who handles was there will be a writing in the general order and approved by this commission. >> to the general odor is fine. >> the third issue is the west field mall the chief and i had conversation with the tenderloin community that have concerns around the draw did mall will take away my concerns with the excites has been withdrawn and the original map as proposed what the consensus on t is liveable chief did you want to weigh in on that. >> i said it.
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>> that's exactly how we drew the map. >> all right. i love it when a plan comes together so let's move on to the next sector of the city awhile i'll leave i'm sorry, i'm sorry commissioner dejesus has been waiting partially. >> i'll say the tenderloin individuals have told us it's important we see the map whatever we do we're going to change the redistributing that's not an issue we're going to have the people on tenderloin the question is who are they going to report to we'll deal with the community the maps. >> so we have done that at this point the community is asking for the version of the map that is what we're here to talk about how much of additional burden so
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we're being robust to those conversations and i'll courage my fellow commissioners to talk with the community and hopefully vote open the map. >> one last emission the problem was there were one side of larkin to odds of larkin that's the gap right instead of redrawing the map if we're doing a general order to the side of larkin into the tenderloin that solves the problem as opposed to extending to polk. >> as far as what was originally recommended yes, but community has spoken to taking it to polk street or at least taking the fingers of the streets to polk if polk was to remain in the does that make
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sense so the streets that run east west if i understand it credible the community men's are concerned about not getting the same kind of controls we're saying if their east west block that runs from larkin to polk could be included in the tenderloin awhile legally both sides of polk street in the northern i'm getting head nodes. >> there are head nodes from the room. >> i think george i've got it. >> okay. so i think so when the community has been saying they want it to go to polk street go to polk street without having it to both sides. >> again from our phonetics as consultant we look at that we think that it creates you
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further problemsfor the police department but the od's of polk b will be in the tenderloin. >> their saying both sides of mcallister park street and all of polk street belong to the northern so the border to northern goes north-south to mcallister and turns eastbound to mcallister leaving it in the northern and stops at larkin street and both sides of larkin belong to the tenderloin. >> that's in the original map in this map it extends the tenderloin to polk no borders of polk but to polk you'll cross
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the stairs in front of city hall i'll be in the tenderloin that's what this map shows at the prior map it shouz shows you it comes to larkin and at the edge of the green space on the one side of city hall that's larkin. >> that's what they want they want when you move one block up to golden gate they're aligned. >> i which is in the tenderloin for awhile i was assigned to the tenderloin. >> i want to be clear that's not wasn't this map shows this map shows to polk with the east west streets that includes the north of mcallister up to geary. >> that needs to be corrected
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and, yes. >> and that's why we're having this conversation so we have to get it right. okay so we can also have a sidebar afterwards to make sure we're clear anything further on the tenderloin before we move on to character. >> we're hearing from the community the station is one side of larkin and polk and one side of van ness is it possible for both stations to cover the block. >> so when both have a block no station has a block the thinking being it has gotten to be one persons has one side of the street it doesn't work as well, for major boulevards and streets both sides of that street belong
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to one station. >> i'll say that commissioners the data shows coordination and an officer from one district and back up their backing up the officers regardless the district in which the call occurs the border street for example, an issue in the tenderloin and there's a northern car that is close we give them the data to help on the route. >> the purpose it was a data driven commercial map you've done a lot of work and people in the tenderloin you talk about how it is like and at the end of the day, we have the two worlds together so the park. >> the first question was how to keep the neighborhood together in one district the first one shows the parks northern border to geary with that i'll see the cad increases
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just under one percent and cable under one percent and population about one and a half percent there's considerations that that the other option toaccommodate that if you look at that in reverse park can go north to geary it is a point of consideration and back into the police department there is considerations at that point as to what is best for the operation for the p d if we move it it to gear this is the further border away from central park and depending on how this was written if geary both sides belong to park it would tenderloin the businesses along
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geary boulevard there's a split between the districts the od's if you bring it down it makes richmond a little bit bigger and park smaller again, the chief needs to weigh in the changes are about the same. >> so again both sides of geary the confusing part the black and blue like that both sides of geary belong to currently belongs to richmond; right? >> in the scenario we have the way that the line goes the community felt it was splitting the line. >> no, no right now who is geary get both sides of geary. >> well, it's split in the current district boundary it is split it comes along and up to geary it splits in the middle of the district richmond and park. >> right now it belongs to
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richmond. >> right now correct. >> so it stays in the richmond but the streets returning to geary again, the fingers belong to the block it belongs to richmond currently for that exact reason we don't split the business district. >> going back to the concern north of handle and the colleagues were calling out the e-mail we heard from the park station their concern was moving the northern edge at turk rather than fulsome and i think that was the department suggestion practitionerly if you're going to take it to turk you might as well go to geary; right? arching i didn't. >> without taco taking geary so
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practitionerly having the department weigh in did you talk about the mrmgz. >> essential whether you move it to keep the neighborhood you have to options either move the line north to geary or have it south the data mrmgz are very similar so if you were to move it park north to geary it is about a one percent change in cad cable and one percent change in population if you do it the other way richmond down to the southbound it changes would be
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points 7 percent for cad and point of for cable and less than a percentage for the population. >> but regardless the community didn't want fell they wanted the anytime of turk so our contention was if you go to turk the day you create from geary to turk it is negligible the amount of calls from service from turk to geary way cleaner than the streets that run north-south perpendicular to geary that's where the park boundary stops. >> it is preserving neighborhoods so it didn't chief that interest. >> it doesn't sound like in terms of that matter what we're considering is moving north to geary not another option i want to make it contrary to the
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colleagues. >> it's a minimal change about a percent cad cable one .4 percent to park. >> so got it everybody is clear in terms of the next map okay moving on southern. >> so the next consideration will be southern to mariposa we have it combined with the small section of the mission to the bayview data on that small changes in terms of cad cable .3 percent on both of those point one percent in the population change that's for the southern bayview switch search warrant mariposa part with the mission is insignificant to boyfriend there are 8 calls and we'll go over this in the operational consideration
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so moving the southern border it keeps the area between mariposa together you might not have heard it but we look at the long-term changes in the bayview you might want to consider moving south of caesar chavez that was in the discussions with the working group you have so do the redistributing it might come up 10 years from anyhow we want to point out the fallen bridge park that area from mariposa you talk about the 18 there are a few groups that come from bayview to that area that's been included with a bigger chunk to get that piece you're talking about under the 101 the bayview officers can't get to it. >> unless at the go over the freeway and up central. >> right but they'll have to
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come down to mission. >> not at mariposa but the dividing line. >> if mariposa is the dividing line and bayview has mariposa they'll stay in their district mariposa can go down but if southern takes mariposa they'll go into bayview. >> we'll have to clean mariposa and i see the supervisor got her up out of her chair (laughter). >> okay. >> whatever we're talking about the bayview and the supervisor is up out of her chair there's something in play paw whatever you that is 8 calls. >> the community and probably all 8 of the callers.
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>> were at the meeting. >> very seriously it was about 8 people they all looked stress and unanimous desire the quality of life issues and having been a prior captain and talking it that prior captain we both described what i described to you coming off mariposa and block under and make a left. >> right and there again, the calls whichever way it keeps the connectivity into the park that is down below so the police officers areenter connected. >> mariposa is in the bayview and the southern station wagon will be mary bossing possess but bayview has mariposa and this change to fallen bridge park
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area will be reflected in the map. >> it is in the map already. >> it's small park. >> so let's look at some of the map options that you have this is sort of describe what is shown in each of the maps so in opposition one tenderloin to van ness, park to geary, southern to mariposa which in this scenario brings the tenderloin further down do keep park to geary the way you get the feedback from the neighborhood and inclusive of the piece of admission to bayview. >> this needs to be changed based on the tenderloin the issue that the chief raised around you said this map didn't reflect. >> that will be on the next option. >> okay. >> so let's go to that one
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and just so you know when your discussing those each of the options has the new district looks like if you look at this page in the palm tree you have option one is sb 3 b so the tenth version of the proposed map it shows you what the districts looked like in terms of cad and cable and population for the city so for each map the corresponding do not the citywide view so the next one is one that you are not interested in looking at turned out to van ness it is the southern to mariposa let's move quickly to option 3 it is close to where you're getting tenderloin seemingly like to southern mariposa inclusive of the piece of the mission where the park is to bayview. >> and again, just after that,
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you have the data shoot that shows you the citywide view and that corresponds to sb 312 the map for that option four is one that now for the discussion didn't seem like it's on the table that's itself tenderloin richmond southern to mariposa you're looking at option 3 so the next sheet in your packet is the summary data so you can see the differences we were talking about map to map under the populated map that was presented on march 10 and options one through 4 so the ones you were more focused on option 3 tenderloin to park to guarantor, southern to mariposa inclusive of fallen bridge park and that shows you the differences of the what the map
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you know so you see we what the differences are and so that is what you're left with the fine detailing and we can start certainly work with the controller's office and the chief and our mapping person so that you have maybe want two maps to come back for invocation. >> let me check in with media colleagues, i want to check in with the folks option 3 is close tweaking around the tenderloin piece from my prospective colleagues other maps you want us to consider for next week? >> i think i agree with option 3 with the tweak with the tenderloin. >> chief? i see we have supervisor cohen here and i can concede some of
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our time >> do you want to speak no great my suggestion we make the changes to option number 3 and have that presented to us invocation it didn't seem as to that's a desire to look at another map in terms of of the commission not interested in the data as the community concerns it is helpful on the last charter to look at the summary data some taken off the northern but the contingency that aware thought that piece and help impacted with the staffing and it looks like the park grows a little bit at again, this is what that community has asked for that stayed part of the park and bayview dropped counsel a little bit it is helpful to know the
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long tint consequences we didn't shift in a significant way with the problem we didn't consider that's in the table too so colleagues we'll have a chance to have. any final questions for the consultant that traveled from boston oh, the chief >> the other consultants were the other communities although at the end of the day the changes that end up being what appears possible riffling negligentable i don't think we could moot and go both sides i worked there for a long time but didn't live there it is huge like fallen bridge park maybe a little thing you but a big thing for people living there and the people president of the east west streets that's o
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