tv [untitled] April 13, 2015 2:00am-2:31am PDT
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things we want to quickly with but feedback the with work that went into adding all the comments is pretty amazing so i want to thank you. i know it was probably a really long week. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> great, thank you so i actually, i want to thank the staff i know you guys were violating writing all our comments combining our two pages and your 20 pages of questions i have concerned though that i don't know if they can necessarily get answered and if they can't i won't vote i'm not comfortable on areas specifically i'll put this out there so see whether or not those are things to be addressed whether or not i'll be able to
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vote on this tonight i have concerns around the multi lingual pathways and the dollar amounts we've allocated for particular programs and i guess my biggest concern is around is not knowing exactly what our strategy is for growing programs be stabilizing program, aligning programs $13,000 for the tagalog program is nothing i'd like to have time to understand our plan for stabilizing our k program and how that feeds into the high school before i will allocated an amount the alternative not to
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allocate the dollars tonight but to put in x number of dollars that go into the multi lingual prop programs and for us to work through a strategy around this because i think it is very specific on how many ftes are going to programs and i'm not clear on whether or not those are the appropriate program to move our language programs forward that's my concern around the pathway programs and the other thing that came up for me in reviewing this we break down the excel role well and i guess i have questions on how the schools have been selected about the memorial day and high school you spoke specifically that
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affordable housing individual is designed for kids to go to college it helps to support the events in schools that where we have higher population of kids that need this type of support when i look at the city hall's at affordable housing individual and off the top of my head we're not selecting those schools and not why some schools were not include and lastly around our the arts peace you know as many of you know i'm a big supporter of our arts i'm glad to see some funding allocated for to that so this o have an fte for special assignments for the curriculum development and the ceqa the
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will subsequential arts program development my question on this one is there your description on item no. 7 you indicate that this has been able to add teachers on special assignment and an additional administrator so those positions will stay in place or is that different from the fte that's being added so this means there's now three staff members and they're working on the subsequential updating the master plan i have general feelings about the areas i don't think that that we are prepared to vote for tonight at least i want to thank the staff important plugging in many of the changes and request that the board expressed in our meeting
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earlier and so i don't know how what you want to do if you're able to answer great and satisfies great but particularly with the programs i don't how to have a discussion around this to a point i'm going to be comfortable. >> i'd like to get as much progress so because we have the players around the table. >> superintendent carranza. >> thank you. i want to introduce christine wong to answer the first and then our supervisor rob daniels to answer the third question. >> good evening, commissioners i'm christine wong assist to the
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superintendent i could go through the strategies i want to highlight one section and give you an example of our approach and rational for determining the particular ftes with that particular pathway that being the filipino tagalog role trying to consider a .2 ftes for a multi lingual teacher on special assignment something to consider is perhaps amending the amount to 4 ftes and taking away from 9 world language of the elementary school and decreasing that to 02.2 originally with the 2 ftes and the 4 ftes it really allows a teacher and special assignment to work closely with the betsey carmichael and long fell to consider the curriculum they're working through and to binge to initiate what a program process looks like for the filipino as a
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middle school we've heard this is a great need to strengthen the pathway but we also want to be able to do it in a thoughtful and meaningful way we've heard from the principle there ounce because a pathway at the middle school level but no longer we want to understand why it one way or another was not sustainable how to make that sustainable and making sure if there's targets at the elementary school 0 into the high school so the use of a .4 ftes allows us to support and planning and part of the planning also look at potential fiscal input by the next spring this is what we need to make sure the pathway is viable and those are the materials and resources and the types of allocation we'll need so it is so critical at this point we
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have been spending the last 5 years really trying to make sure our pathways are a strong and we go through the program plummet process and the facilities to school impact curriculum we want to be able to have an opportunity to do that for this pathway. >> i'm sorry can you ask a followup question if you bump it up to .4 with $26,000 are we're going to be be able to develop this program is that one person that develops each of the areas 1.4042 ftes will this person be responsible for the filipino or the japanese program and the other work so you're talking about having this is a consultant perhaps. >> - >> i don't understand what you
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do with $26,000. >> it is 36 thousand 8 hundred the math but actually a .4 tagalog proficient teacher on special assignment for two days they've devoted towards the tagalog filipino packet that's their assignment and the next 3 days another assignment but that's their focus this is something that multi loinldz never had the capacity to provide we've always had supervisors or on the folks hold meetings that is the first time we're able to provide that level of support. >> let's see commissioners before we go to next turf has a
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question. >> yes. thank you christine i want to take a moment to say how blown away i am listening to the crime lab i'm looking at this like, yeah wow. hesitate the response so thanks guys i really appreciate that it is really laid in an awe layoffs way you can understand it like a layperson like myself so christina i actually in my comments wanted more money to start on a lingual language the real elementary schools versus a language pathway for example like a you know immersion go program offering world language and highlight a program like that in some of the schools that is money i've asked for $300,000
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and actually this is the right place i want to commend staff you're right about the shifting of the custodian i'm glad this is an infrastructure four for our whole district this is a perfect spotted for world language because it is enrichment it is i think aligned with the vision 2025 we've continue at the specific sites but if we really want to start to walk the talk about vision 2025 and be able having our students have exposure to our world language it will take more than a .2 in our estimate i think that 2.2 is not really doing much in other words, so when i think about world last thing superintendent i know
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you're here afro-for the discussion there's a language pathway we have we're having established and another thing about actually expanding the opportunity to be 40 for the illumination rue right now it is limit if you got into the program or not so the exposure and we talked about the chris and i talked about the lack of african-americans in the world language program so i've talked about maybe having a pilot having language to them we don't have a world language program we'll have world language but not they're first he exposure what we've heard also from other folks in the fold is that, you know, that early imprinting in the brain on world lapsing is important to be successful anyway in your opinion i'm
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thinking .2 is not adequate so tell me if you think it is we can do this and also we were to add another language i'm sure you're aware of we have co-authorized a resolution around arabic and others because chinese and japanese and it is the biggest next one, if you think that .2 is adequate it will take more than that .2 doesn't allow for much but maybe something in the current budget we're also addressing to i don't know if you can explain that to me. >> i think a .2 is adequate and for a lot of the programs it requires supervisors administration active staff including myself to engage the
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community we have the opportunity to engage in the thank you for the opportunity community a that's not something we will devote a tremendous amount have teachers on special assignments it will have a lot of wrap around administration active implementations through the placement process there's under the multi world language a .4 allocation to facilitate a pilot they'll be doing in alignment with the elementary schools there's around intent to create flexibility and to delegate this responsibility. >> thank you, chris teen a as we move on to 2016-2017 budget that i think there this amount should be improved after the foundational work with the .2 but the following year to do the
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implementation if this is it goes through the whole process the protocol process yes this is a program we would like to start in 2016-2017 budget weeping we'll be looking for additional funding to support those programs thank you. >> other questions for ms. wong before we move on commissioner wynns. >> thank you. i appreciate all the information and the work that went into this i still have concerns about the and honestly my opinion about action on this tonight this is not going to happen we're getting this much more money i'm hoping it says so deputy superintendent lee that all the time we're going to try to buy down. >> i'm sorry commissioner wynns we're focusing on questions.
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>> that's the question buying down the money the formula basically so i'm presented to vote for this although i think there are things i want to continue to pursue and the militant lingual pathways are one of the main things i mean, you said something up here that says okay we're putting money into staff people for intermediate grades and middle school pathways even though we don't have enough students for them now and preserving that those will be good enough i'm presuming that, too that more students will want to continue than in the past we've both had work pathway that ended at third grade but that were not robust enough in middle school to be served those students well, i
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understand that, however, we also have the issue with the pathways that i brought up before that students move or a lot of students no matter what their experience with the language programs prefer to go to a middle school where they have other things available because of the number of students and the size of the ask the ask the and the robotic programs we're going to need and the same things are true in a year or two, that more of the money we focus comes online hopefully that the same thing will be true in high school if you're going to say let's put a staff person in this and that high school we're going to have the same inequality facing us
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and particularly going to do have not enough money being focused on the african-americans and apologizing and asian pacific islander students who are not in the pathway for the most part so that's kind of my caveat i want to say and then you you know we've talked about a lot which i think we shed about the 3 long language path groups we have most of the money which is a significant amount of money is for staff in chinese and spanish there isn't anything i don't expect to see but an assessment of how much students are in those classes in the entertainment and middle school grades for the superbly spanish and chinese i'm worried i want
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to be reassured we shouldn't be looking at which we aren't looking consolidation on some of the programs this may be extremely difficult i'm willing to be convinced it can't be done but if we've got a fourth and fifth particularly a lot of language classes we're proposing to staff with peace money that are 15 kids or 10 kids while all the african-american kids and everybody not in the pathway i'm not going to be able to support that in the future for now i'm willing to say this is okay. i think but i don't have the analysis of how many students in the program i'll say then i'll talk about that later one thing i understand is a how long thingy expect to get this this week is there is nothing that
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tells you how much money we were spending the peace money in general some groups of students compared to others why again i don't expect to have it now but i want to analyze the money we are going to spend this year so next year we'll have a sense of that. >> ms. wong your response. >> yes. the reason why we're putting in this investment the fact that there is a lot of third graders that want to continue in the pathway so the collaboration size in third grade a .22 and most want to move up to figure out grading grade this allows them the opportunity and where they use to have combo classes that's how they roved the staffing and the class size at the upper grade levels but a lot of the families want to continue we don't want
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to leave the program that means there are more and more students those teachers will allow the opportunity for those students to be able to continue. >> if i may respond that's exactly the issue that's what we end up having we put millions of dollars and kids in the pathway have 22 kids but those not in the pathway are in a class of thirty or 31 that's not okay. >> the way it workout we're not giving a whole classroom so to particular sites with a 1 point fte with a particular school they're trying to serve the fourth and fifth grade at a minimum the pathway instructions to be able to continue with the middle school is approximately 90 minutes to two hours so there's smaller class size
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reduction but the rest of the day 32. >> that's not equitable for the kids not in the packet not now but in the future how to make that equitable it's clear it is not equitable not our fault but we set ourselves along the pathway we sat around the table and said boy this locks extensive how can we build it out and it if this is the way we work it out we have to figure it out. >> and adding to my question i'm presented to vote on the proposal many of the points i brought up in the last two weeks have been addressed and i'm pleased to see the programs i
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know there are members from the program and the japanese program the only remaining concern about the funding for the tagalog at betsey carmichael and right now currently there are .2 allocated that's supported to cover longfellow and betsy if we upped to .4 the personnel could spend one day and betsey carmichael and one day at longfellow but no space to address the middle school issue my question to ms. wong whether any of the middle school work could be conducted by the resources for the multi programs at the middle school level. >> well, certainly the point forfeiting if allocated part of their responsibility to initiate the process it is important whoever is initially that
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process to build a middle school pathway have the knowledge and pathway from the middle-income to blgd this forward it is parrot of their responsibilities and duties. >> i'd like to make an amendment to the proposal to raise the fte for this particular line item for betsey carmichael and long fell from .2 to .4 fte and i'd like to ask my colleagues if there's a second. >> second. >> can i ask a question. >> yes. >> you - i thought that was another part to the suggestion in addition .2 i'd like to make sure that is part of the motion or make an amendment. >> taking away from 9 world language at the elementary school and developing initially the protocol but as we mentioned
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and discussed this is particularly connected to the middle school multi points there's a .4 allocation so in total the flexibility of allowing a .6 individual to do that work looking at both the elementary school and middle school. >> yeah. i'm not going to support - i'm not going to support the motion because i don't support of the second part i don't want to take away - i think yeah. - i don't want to take away from the middle school proposal i feel uneasy about making a decision like this in this kind of fashion without a sort of discussion or staff vetting on that i appreciate 20th century it came from you. >> i'm not going to support the motion. >> there is a motion and a
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second is there further discussion open the proposal. >> yeah. i want to say that i think that if we're going to entertainer proposals on the floor right now i would i could spend two hours addressing more stuff i could do that, too it's a protocol let's move to another night i have full conversation the superintendent supports this i'm not willing to actually do this right now in this arena about because then i have a whole list of stuff i'd like to add to the budget also to i'm willing to entertain the conversation at a later date but not willing to vote if people are uncomfortable voting i'm
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open in fact i'll support another conversation and trust the superintendant to submittal in proposal with the good intentions and add american people amendment or a final budget later but not interested in entertaining this at this point so i know it is seconded this is my comment we can take it for a full vote. >> can i ask for clarity the proposal and for clarity also turf there's .4 if in the piece around the pathway down to .2 under the proposal not completely - >> no, it's not a limit it takes to .4. >> i asked for .2. >> yes. it takes it to .2.
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>> but earlier, you said there was a .2 for the elementary schools so where's the additional .2 it is originally .4. >> overwhelmingly .4. >> i thought it was originally .2 you said - >> trying to move from the world language was originally .2 the tagalog filipino pathway was a .2 i wanted to move the .2 up to the tagalog filipino packet that's the remaining .2 fte for the world language placement for the elementary level but i also mentioned you were concerned about capacity and under the multi entry points for world language there's a .4 individual that facilitates the pilot we'll
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be able to have that .2 above and the .4 to .6 to be able to manage the pilot and look at the program plummet at the elementary level. >> okay. well, i think i still stand i don't want to take a proposal from the floor there's been a process but i mean, i understand commissioner president murases proposal so if this board choose to not be comfortable to vote i'm open to voting on it at another time and feel imperfect fine for the april 1st deadline so that's where i am at thanks. >> so moved and seconded i think it was clarified by the superintendent it can be amended in the future so i'd like to ask for - >> i just for clarity need for
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you to repeat amendment. >> so the amendment to the peace spending allocation plan to increase the betsey carmichael and longfellow from .2 to .4 fte and reduce the pathway for new world lapsing from .2.4 to .2. >> thank you, commissioner. >> i'm sorry discussion commissioner. >> we're only voting on this amendment not voting on deciding whether. >> we're voting to make the amendment or can i comment on the amendment. >> yes. discussion on the amendment. >> i think there's needs to be an increase on the betsey carmichael and the longfellow will but not
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