tv [untitled] April 13, 2015 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT
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get the 3 hundred officers back that kwldz about 60 thousand more shifts worked so the presence of officers along the commercial corridors and we've spoken about the dedicated details but the primary focus has been awhile we'll had this reduction in force is effecting crime so this changes the landscaper we will catch up with crime. >> you mentioned the arrests rate i guess per officer is around what. >> about the same so you look at 201125 hundred that would have been full staffed at 2 thousand officers now 17 hundred
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officers again, if you divide it into the number the per capital arrest per officer is about the same. >> okay. >> i guess do you have any colleagues colleagues, we're joined by supervisor christensen. >> i'd like to do maybe have the da give the presentation first, i wanted to then come back and ask specific questions and probably focusing on what are some of the solutions to improve our situation okay. from the district attorney's office at this point i believe is drew berry. >> hi how are you. >> good afternoon, supervisors thank you for inviting me to
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and understands what the result we can identify was referenced to realignment ab one 09 and take into account to see if it influences the numbers it appears that is not what we're dealing with here in san francisco this chart shows property crime rates other major jurisdictions within the state of california with the realignment with the state initiate and the other jurisdictions are seeing a decrease in their property crime there is a san francisco issue we need to look at more closely this is covered very well by the chief that is kind of the burglary crimes you're seeing and also interested in maybe a prop 47 impact on the crimes if you look at the cycle we have
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peeks in september of 2013 and a lot of fluctuation in the crime rate over that time it is a bit early to say whether or not there is an impact from proposition 47 at this point but obviously the police department and ourselves are keep a close eye on the situation and continue to come back to it but at the moment it is difficult to say so - >> and this is sort of a reflection of our work in the district attorney's office the data systems don't allow us to report by crime type of unfortunately but this is our overall felon filing rate that should have some of it to what we're dealing with today, the new cases as well as the situations we had to revoke
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someone's parole supervision as caseload in 2009 and 2014 you'll see that is back in 2009 a vast majority of resources on felon cases were devoted to drunk cases we're spending more time on crimes we're talking about burglary and robbery and theft and it rfktsdz in terms of the arrests they're bringing to us i wanted to spend a little bit of time there is interest in talking about the solutions we obviously know there's a problem that property crime one of the things our office started on a crime strategic trying to view our resources to better identify the biggest crime drivers we see in the city the people that are causing the most problems on the
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streets from our angle and the district attorney's office to contribute to the over all public safety mission that the police department shares with us and one of the great tools we were able to develop we went to the manhattan district attorney's office and they have an arrest system we essentially copied from them and had the justice programmers here in the city build it for us it gives us an early notification when someone is is arrested one of the main problems we've had closing all the gaps that confusions fails between us and the police department we have weekly and monthly to update the people we ended up trying to play catch up so it didn't require us sitting down at the
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weekly meeting and take people away from they're important work rather than relying an, an officer to innovative a particular office in the office we have a technology in place so when someone is arrested and the office decided we're created a notification as soon as their fingertips are taken that information is sent to us to start working on the file that's a huge benefit to us and the system in general obviously phones pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. police make an arrest at the give us the time to review a report that leaves a short windows to review the case the easily to be notified the more likely to garter the information and make a decision to handle the individual particularly
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people that are high crime drivers that come in on an offense that might not catch our attention but we know that someone is problematic and laws u allows us to apply all the legal appropriate resources to that individuals and that is what the alert looks like when it comes into our attorney. >> so i think i'll end with that i'm sure there will be questions there are areas with improvement and our partners with the police department in this area and i think looking at some of the more problematic individuals driving those property crime rings will pay big dpfdz. >> supervisor christensen you have a question. >> i think you are the appropriate person to ask so i want to say that a is pertinent i saw two armed men
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robbed a tourist an hour ago one of the things property crime is increasing in district 3 and there's been a series of people when we could be caught if the act we've had a couple of cases of people caught realize the same day and committed a crime in the afternoon we have people that have a history of being problematic homeless people on the street and the concern is there is no place to take them where they can be dealt with koala and the public can be safe from them so i hear this a lot from the cops in the district they're doing their job but the system is not processing the people in a way that keeps trouble from reoccurring. >> those are two separate
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scenarios in the case with the armed rob they bring the person to the couldn't jail to make a decision whether to file it the legal standard is proximate cause we're held to the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt do we have the case to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt we're able to have action on many moment this is not the case one hundred percent of the time unfortunately, that is for a variety of reasons sometimes we're looking for dna dna or additional witness not enough we found one of the police officers arrived there are a variety of reasons thirty percent gets problematic but would i'll urge to do speak
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with usful about a case or individual certainly we can do something better we'll make the corrections we take into account our charter to make sure we are charging the cases that come to us and we're vigilant about the work that's our mandate to take that seriously if you have a violent individual. >> actually, i mentioned the burglary the arms robbery i was so stafrld a lot of the property crime are the issues i understand that they're low open the pecking order in terms of the concerns and urgency, however, if we have serial folks that are breaking into thirty and 40 vehicles over time to me
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getting those are one or two people off the street allows the police to use their resources better and it prevents that from being spread i don't know if there's a process to prevents them from being an annoyance. >> i wouldn't say that property crime is a priority it is not a different standard for crimes committed not whether the evidence holds us u up not a decision we want to do to disruptive a case but our obligation to protect the intrieth of the system on the property crimes the thing our office worked closely with the police department it is difficult in a one opt case for a judge to take into consideration seriously we've
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tried to do in partnering with the police department to know they're the people that condominium multiple of those cases and build a case it doesn't show you one car break in but 10 or 15 we're in a better situation whether to request a punishment and more likely to go forward and we inlate some of the situations we see otherwise we've started a multiple of those with the police department working jointly on a couple of operations i can't go into the calls but they'll bear fruit in terms of of identifying the people that commit those 50 and 60 in a month i'll be happy to work with you identifying what is appropriate. >> let me extend that question
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my understanding is that the threshold of the month that would will determine whether there's a feloncy missdemeanor and they go out and do that again and again and it is serial in nature it nerves reached the threshold that will trigger whether this is a felony or not is there a way to look at it in terms of what accumulative if
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you do this 3, 4, 5 or 6 times can it trigger it to be a felony or not or something we need to amend the law to be able to do. >> not law didn't allow you to accumulate those values over several incidents it is treated a separate crime we have to prove each break in crime so i think you can consider state legislation that will be challenging with what you're describing i think the value if we have an individual that comes in open a missdemeanor the options are better and chief suhr similar question because i know that we've discussed that
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with other officers that is a problem when they don't reach the threshold they don't know what to do with them. >> right i think the thought of prop 47 other counties that are not san francisco that were used to be a single petty theft conviction and regardless of the dollars amount is a felony so tlooerl something that is temple dollars and get convicted and it is other case of $10 it is not san francisco so we've got some of the most aggressive alternatives to the programs in the country and record low juvenile population it went the other way it couldn't get to a
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felony for instance, i know that in conversation with many of the officers they don't want to get somebody that as incriminated a relating low two cases go to prison is not fair but the aggregate amount might be 25 hundreds that is significant enough but if you bundle the cascades and present that people stealing to the extent to 25 hundreds or a $5,000 thresholds is more than people can have. >> currently you don't have the ability. >> no currently condominium and petty theft in san francisco and not get to a felony. >> is this just san francisco. >> no, it's statewide
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proposition. >> right and i guess when mr. berry when you mentioned that we tried to change this through legislation that is something that the district attorney will support. >> i think the solution lies in focusing our arrests and prosecution effort on identifying the high crime drivers i don't think that the perspective solution are going to do bear as much fruit as trying to identify the folks if are committing the most crimes this is where you'll see i saw the numbers that are low that makes the prosecution rate low in this area if we want to provide relief to the community and staffing the police department this will give them additional resources to bring
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those cases to us and both of the departments working on high-level investigations to focus on the crime drivers is the best to change this as we've seen other areas of california it face realignment are not seeing the same cases we need to look at our approaches to fighting those crimes and investigating and presenting rock solid cases that fund in court. >> so chief suhr i'm sorry, i just - one of the things i have those types of hearings let's hear the problems i want to see what we can do about it. >> one of the things i've spoken to earlier the probation parole system challenged a lot when i was out doing regular work if a person got a probation
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violation they'll get a year they'll do 6 months now the flashing incarceration is 6 today's to the community doesn't get the relief from the person doing crime or crime now, it's days what we've can you think in the past we've bundled miss don't remembers to get to the cases this is important to put the cases together to present to a jury so we can speaking to people if the district attorney's office we need to figure out how to bundle the miss don't rememberdemeanors ab one 09 says they
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don't go to state prison but can do the time in the jails we know who the folks are and brings in to a tall i didn't of the cases this is danger in urging the word tacorita there can be suggestions made that we don't do here in san francisco. >> okay supervisor breed. >> thank you. i just supervisor yee asked what can we do i think there are a lot of things we can do i know when we have this challenge in my district it is still an issue but not as bad as it used to be when you look at the numbers in terms of the number of break-ins and part of what we tried to do especially with our captains at northern and park police station to provide tips to resident of the kinds of things that they
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can do to help to affiliate some of the challenges especially the auto break ins not leaving things visible in our car last year, i made that mistake it was nothing but a couple of papers and my car was broken into i was wondering what was i thinking even the smallest things we know that people use spark plugs and at that point the window you don't hear the noise if they see something they'll grab it and take off oftentimes a gym bag with dirty clothes but you're stuck with the bill and it is something like not leaving things in ash car and not leaving things 1r0ib8g and not letting people see you put things in the truck we put out
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messages to our constituents we want to make sure those are the kinds of things that don't happen the quality of life crimes we want to encourage the public to do what. >> can to hopefully being a victim of one of the crimes it doesn't pane it won't happen but i think working with hayes valley association and working with the police station you you know we've cut the crime down in terms of auto burglaries in particular and no, they haven't gone away but not that crime happen as often people changes their behavior how they leave items in their vehicles number one that's a part of that but number 2 finding when those crimes are happening and doing targeted kind of hopefully, the
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policed seeing when this is happening in terms of the time period and doing from my experience kind of in the middle of the night making sure we have a police presence in those neighborhoods there are areas where a lot of the burglaries a taking place and also the bigger issue it dale there has to this consequences so we need those prosecution to happen when people condominium a crime there has to think consequences for people committing a crime especially, if they're the person that perpetrate this crime there are a number of things we can definitely do not an eyes solution was you know soold crime exists all over the city whether it's an ate break-in or a home invasion we have to come up with ways to
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hopefully prevent some of this from happening in the first place. >> you bring up a great point we put on parking meters and so the short answer to how you can do this is not having anything available within view the other piece that's expensive is the broken window we talk about the goods that are taken i lost a jacket because i didn't loan to my own advise but the window getting fixed the jacket was not the loss as the broken window address sadly those are the things we spend all our time in san francisco it is railway you see broken glass on the streets
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of san francisco because we keep our streets in good shape. >> window braekz are the worst if folks will not loaf their digital and electronic devices handy that is really wyoming can folks used to trafficking in electronic devices their tractional and working as a city with the district attorney's office and the officers again, we hire them all back we'll get a handle on this really. >> so actually as i mentioned i go to a lot of neighborhood meetings and generally there is probably 50 percent of those neighborhoods meetings small business from the sfpd representing that and talking about prevention and i heard it
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enough when there is not an officer whether there's what we talk about in terms of of auto thefts or home burglaries when you suspect someone report them of time and even with any of the crimes when i talk to people a big percentage don't bother reporting it. >> it is important when you don't report we have such good system in realtime crime mapping that's where we put the resources the best way to not get - >> i'm guilty of that. >> you have to report you have to get that into the system so we can ago gait that data so we know where the lions share anecdotally we know where the auto burglary problems are
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especially commercial areas we we work with better lighting and cameras and education that come out of commercial like bars and restaurant but certainly in residential neighborhood sometimes that is one person that might be responsible for several ate burglaries but sporadic the sooner we know we'll put officers in the areas. >> that's one thing i emphasize when someone walks down the street they mention that i go back and try to reach a councilmember and they said we looked it up and there was no report of anything i have to go back to the same person by the way, such as we know this crime is happening they have no report
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and can't do anything i think the 09 thing that might be helpful the residents in the community they could be helpful if they stay alert and do the things that police officers do as suggested but also, we know that we can short the police officers for quite a few years i know your attempting to catch up as quickly as possible can you speak to that. >> sure because of the combination of things but the marine accelerator wars the deferred option plan in 2011 that really accelerated residents to record levels against a period we hadn't hired for awhile we found ourselves 3 hundred officers down and thankfully this department
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worked with an aggressive hiring plan in 2012 that was fortunately fftd we put that plan in place the aggressive hiring plan equaled the retirement that period is past we're making up ground and the mayor's office approved a class for 2014-2015 so we're going to start an academy class that monday and another class before the end of the fiscal year and another one at the end of the next fiscal year now, it's accelerated this aggressive hiring plan gets up to full name staff in 2017 versus 2018 we're working with supervisor wiener and the controller's office to see if 1971 is a number that was when the population in san francisco was
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