tv [untitled] April 13, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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department worked with an aggressive hiring plan in 2012 that was fortunately fftd we put that plan in place the aggressive hiring plan equaled the retirement that period is past we're making up ground and the mayor's office approved a class for 2014-2015 so we're going to start an academy class that monday and another class before the end of the fiscal year and another one at the end of the next fiscal year now, it's accelerated this aggressive hiring plan gets up to full name staff in 2017 versus 2018 we're working with supervisor wiener and the controller's office to see if 1971 is a number that was when the population in san francisco was in the 7 hundreds
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for approaching a million we have more construction and bigger neighborhoods and the like it is in all likely hood the seven hundred number is low. >> as we're approaching the 71 number how about the resources putting more. >> the likely hood is one hundred percent. >> the 3 hundred officers enabled us to do itself primary robot so answer the 9-1-1 calls and our proprietor to stay on top of violent crime when the 3 had had officers come back those are our beat officers and bike officers your specific enforcement for specific problem details like auto burglary and the like so all that will come
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back and obviously if there are more officers added it booster our ability to do more. >> thank you very much i don't see any other questions i want to take public comment i have a few cards here (calling names) come up you have 2 minutes. >> first of all, i want to say thank you to supervisor yee and chief suhr and from the woke up if the doofdz i appreciate that meeting being organized i'm a homeowner in westward park and supervisor wiener lives 3 doors around the corner i'm here on
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personal experience he had about one thousand dollars in tools stolen if any vehicle and to the chiefs not so much the value one felt things my grandfathers chest it was probably bought for 25 bucks but can't be replaced and the second level i'm speaking this is more important i serve westward park agency as an emergency partner we formed a committee because of the increased crime in the neighborhood and what's been going on i want to - i'm a handy man serving the west portal and west side park this is what i've noticed and this is what i've customers telling me instead of asking me to fix their fuss even though their asking me to put in
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dead bolts i was checking an alarm this morning and i just want to say i support additional police i support doing what we do it has a direct impact on the community when folks don't feel safe and spend money and needs and not improving their home on a person level my customers be wear it has a real impact. >> thank you. >> i'm linda i live in the lakeside neighborhood i grew up here in san francisco and every neighborhood inch lived in in this city up to now my home has been robed at least
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one time my parent's home i agree with supervisor breed the crime is here and b will continue to happen sins i've lived in lakeside the crimes up there that way are more gifted countless break-ins at the homeowners meeting people are told not to put the valuables in their cars people are carless nevertheless, people get their coarse broken into when there is nothing in them in our block in the past five or six years two home break-ins and one mugging next door to our house a month ago there was a home invasion in the daytime one person's car was stolen twice, a a my husband and i were
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lucky one night someone custodial the police for someone wreaking into a car they arrived in time to get the person they caught him in front of our dining room window that killed our at&t apple it's i've had people cock up to my doorstep strangers and saying their from the water department and had to come in and fix something you don't show up like that but i guess people let them in so we have a diversity and part of - >> thank you very much your time is up. >> thanks for coming. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm roger president of the west
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of twin peaks council i have two comments one is a complaint from a constituent and the 09 a suggestion i received an e-mail from one of the long term homeowners in bottle terrace she was on a field trip with a high school class at the zoo and they left gutter equipment on a bus and when they returned the bus was broken into and $40,000 of equipment they recorded to the terrace station and they found out it was posted on craigslist to sell the equipment but for various reasons no follow-up until several days later then the equipment was sold i think it is a good idea if possible to be able to respond to situations like that where the people that
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sold the equipment is breaking and enteringly sell it to go on the greg's list and track do you think the people and stop them my suggestion being a long term resident near west portal reconstitute having a beat cop over and over west portal avenue i've heard beat cops don't reduce the crime have patrol cars respond so they know when something didn't seem right purse snatching and things of that nature that southern and i our elderly residents i'll offer that as a suggestion. >> is there any public comment? chief suhr. >> the one speaker smoking
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spoke to sometimes, people use a pg&e worker to get into our residents i know this from my time on the police department there is absolutely no reason for any utilize person to go into our how is it should be connected in the exterior point if someone does that call 9-1-1 if you're smart enough to tell them no they'll hit other residents that is that burglar working the neighborhood call 9-1-1 if someone represents themselves as pg&e or puc they need to get into our house call 9-1-1 that's a priority call for us. >> thank you public comment? come on lisa
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>> i'm lisa the president of the sunny side association we have hot spots where cars are broken into i think hearing chief suhr talking about call 9-1-1 for a utility worker is a reason to call in our neighborhood people are reticent to call 9-1-1 supervisor yee what you said cars are broken into and it would be helpful to have a list for reasons to call 911 that are appropriate if people knew that we could share that with the neighborhood one of the things that happens to our point they don't call it in they don't open the door and go on to the next house the better educated the community members and we as at president of the neighborhood association casca
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do that and help keep our eyes open we'll turn around and better educate the community thank you. >> thank you lisa chief suhr. >> something made a suggestion to me probably about a month ago there was a staffer of a car and i guess they were told to report it and realized they had to go down to station i didn't know if the suggestion was practical they said it was hard for certain people to get down to the station wagon whether elderly or they're working and it there a way i guess the person tried to call it in and they said they can't take the report. >> the 9-1-1 dispatcher might not be able to report but
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dispatch a person to the person. >> oftentimes which one calls 9-1-1 or the police station they would say oh, geeze i waited forever and they didn't come for two days and if it is citywide plus or minus plus or minus minutes those priorities are somewhere closer to 10 or 15 minutes if you priority calls can take up to hours they are cold calls but no call for a service is never more than a few hours. >> thank you for coming is there any additional public comment. >> come on up. >> if there are other public comments please line up. >> yes. hi, i'm from balboa
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terrace i've worked with terry very well police station the captains on various issues we've s had invasions and robberies between the hours of 34i7bd about 5 my house was hit at 520 in the morning when we were sleeping my alarm went off thank god but when the police officers arrived i had the phone company and having two men in my house they tried to break into my car and the next day another housed over o on santa ana and were not successful came back around 425 and broke into the vehicle so all caught on tape
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tape was sent over to terryville police station but as of yet the homeowners have not heard anything i believe that the terryville police station is short on staff not to say so have so many police officers for the academy i believe that you know you really should have a sting gent program for having police officers graduate if we had nor adequacy on the numbers of crimes maybe that will be able to help thank you. >> chief suhr. >> is that possible to ma'am? can you see is there any additional public comment seeing none, public comment is closed i want to thank chief suhr and this drew berry from the district attorney's office to come and give their presentation and thank you. the public for
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come outing for to item madam clerk item 2 >> sorry. >> supervisor breed. >> thank you, thank you again chief for coming by and i want to thank everyone for being here thank you, supervisor wiener for hosting this hearing clearly this is a real challenge in the city i'm glad we're having this discussion and hopefully it won't be the last discussion and take things from the hearing in order to help to address this problem especially where we have a lot of chambers and also one of the important things that the chief mentioned to make sure regardless of size of the country. we report it so we can track this information in order to make the appropriate dispatch and changes we need to do especially with the police department again, thank you all for being here.
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>> marking item. >> mr. chair would you like to make a motion on this item. >> can i have a motion to tennessee this item to the call of the chair. >> we'll take that without objection. motion passes. >> item 2. >> item 2 the hearing on vehicle for the city vehicles and requesting the budget analyst report. >> okay colleagues, i have requested this report of equipping our city fleet with black boxes public safety has been one of the main focuses and this strategy has been used no new york as part ever their vision zero policy and proven successful so this is something
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that when i looked it this should be a fairly no-brainer in helping our getting to our goal of vision zero so i asked the - our budget analyst to do this study and to represent the office is fred to give the presentation on the finding. >> thank you chair yee and supervisors you requested we present on estimate of the costs and other consideration pertaining to implementing a vehicle telling mask system or black box system for all city vehicles we've analyzed the purpose and capacities of the telling mask system the costs and benefits associated with them as occurred
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in other jurisdictions and finally came up with a cost estimate for the city and county of san francisco and we've identified the potential benefits of the system we've included there are one 7, 8, 9 startup costs and maintenance costs potential benefits that appear to be greatly over recover the costs that are occurred and julia the colleague mr. give a brief study. >> the telling masks is the technical term but known as gps tracking they have the potential to save the city time and money and potentially lives and allow for the tracking of vehicles and reporting data open their location and history and speed
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and mechanic studies they've increasing been used in the public sector for example caltrain and city of language and sacramento and here in the sfifblgs some use the vehicle telling masks it does more than location tracking it does have independence day which sends the information to the vehicle but collects value information from the vehicles computer itself this is used data and survivalist data and digging not that i know of data that is triumphed to the fleet managers the standard update time is every two minutes but in cases of emergency vehicles and public safety vehicles it can be as price as thirty minutes it
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spreads across the cost saves and emergency management but they tend to over lap for example, over the past 5 years the city paid a total of $76 million in litigations relate to this but at the same time this system collects information on fast acceleration and hard braking i know creates inefficiencies and fuel inefficiencies at the same time this impacts safety so being able to collect that information and curve it saves time and money and also insures safety some of the recent example come from the city of sacramento that suspended money in the first month saved $60,000 in fuel costs and the yellow county sheriff's office that outfitted
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the sheriff's deputies vehicles with attorney fee masks and found 50 ferries percent of the deputies in the municipal water district the employees saved $354,000 on fuel the drive cam is here in san francisco we'll discuss 3 that later on but saw a savings of 50 percent the rim fire we managed the emergency vehicles this is a quick illusion of what managers might see in some of the telling mask reports this is the live update on the pressure view and the color codes is the status it gives reports on
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digging nofkz and fuel-efficient routing and other efficient metrics currently san francisco has 40 percent of its fleet using this system it is voluntarily installed with some departments and currently managed under the fleet management central shops o shops department on the left hand of the slide is a list of departments currently used awe using the system and this is the current fleet many of the parking vehicles and the puc and various other departments on the right is an illusion of the drive ghaemi mentioned that the sfmta needed uses on buses and trains it is like telling masksematics when.
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>> - when they installed the system in 2010 they saw a sro percent decrease in busy accidents to expand vehicle telematics citywide a cost of $1. million in equipment and other cost for services training and administration for the remaining vehicles now regarding privacy and security employee privacy is a concern under the policy of the city vehicles are considered similar to city owned computers they can be monitored by city management it is essential to
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protect employees from tampering so the city can secure the systems diagonally and the security and standards use for other information systems should be in place for the telematics so given the size of the fleet a citywide vehicles provides safety benefits but realizing the full value of the city requires that the management use the information it is therefore critical coupled with training and support for the use of the system as a management tool for for full benefits the board of supervisors will sure the auditorium oversightincluding the reporting are implemented thank you i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you
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i actually the report i mean, you're presentation really answered almost every question i had i want to give your office and yours particularly a lot of credit for dissolution a thorough report of explaining what this is and also articulating the benefits of the black boxes so i'd like to see if there's public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. you know when i first asked for this report and coming back from new york the main motivation
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i've talked to the benefit of this would be a possibility of maybe having drivers driving for safely and the report itself flushed out there are more benefits to just maybe driving more safely by itself and the by the people for us to put in the black boxes when i talk about efficiency and other benefits that can happen and then when you look at cities and counties that have implemented some of this effort and see the cost savings that they receive in the very short time it is there is no reason in his mind we shouldn't do this in san francisco for all our fleets it seems that whatever costs we've put into this in terms of the front costs and at ongoing monitoring we're going to see
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efficiency enough savings to pay for them and at the same time, we receive we're going to have basically your numbers citing that for the busses that are armed with their system the number accidents was reduced by restraining order percent imagine how much we have the city has to pay out had the accidents occur so there's a lot of saved to be made and hopefully, when we do this this will save lives also i commend our office on the effort and putting this report together this gives me a lot of motivation for this report thank you very much >> thank you. >> okay madam clerk is there another motion to i think we'll just
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>> from the controller's office to present. >> so we're here today, i have danny here but we're here to talk about the represents on the follow-up report we issue on a quarterly basis and for our follow-up work we follow-up on all our audit recommendations from the finding we issue for the report and really what is more important than the finding are the implementation felt recommendations by our varies departments and our office publishes two types of reports as it represents to follow up our quarterly follow-up report and we issue a two year report on all recommendations that have not been implement within the two year period that's required
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for recommendations to be implemented and although we do that report we still follow-up on recommendations that exceed the two year timeline to insure that the departments are actively doing something to mitigate the finding and sometimes there's difficulty depending on what the issue is if we need a bargaining unit to be open or contract to be open or something of that nature before the department handles that issue and we do regular followed up on the finding every 6 months those follows up require the departments report out to us on their solutions of recommendations and the implementation of our finding and there are certain high-risk finding we go back 0 into the department and attest to what
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