tv [untitled] April 15, 2015 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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situations. they give directions for cpr and medical assistance for people, blifer babies, giving information to people that deliver babies and give the first responders critical information to get to the site and keep them safe. we're recognizing kalely today because of incidents in the last year where she provided clarity and precision keeping people safe and supporting police officers and in extremely stressful events and include helping an injured officer in chaotic situations. during the evening of the giants winning the world series for example she really helped ensure that police had all of the adequate support and information to safely manage joyful and happy crowds but at times unruly and i saw the
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donuts and everything happening and the different activities in many neighborhoods that spread to the streets and all over the city. also in response to ferguson in many ways and protests lead by black lives matter and many others throughout communities here in san francisco she provided strategic incites and recommendations to support police that benefited from this overall response to keep people safe but to be respectful of protesters as well. through the most chaotic of situations she made officer safety and community safety a priority and maintaining control and situational awareness as well and joined by family and friends and dispatcher s and the senior staff of our department of emergency management. she volunteers with animal welfare and control and spends time with dogs and other animals
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displaced because of emergencies and has been an outstanding employee for 10 years and we honor her today and as we put a human face on the many people that staff that san francisco 911 office and thank you to her and keep our community safe and supported and please honor kaylee hillco. [applause] >> thank you supervisor mar. 10 years ago i saw an ad for the position of public safety dispatcher in the examiner. i was lucky to make it through the selection process and secure a seat in the academy but when i started that training program i had no idea what i was in for. everyday in that room is different and comes with its own challenges. team work is vital
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and i am proud to work with skilled and compassionate individuals who strive to do the best for the public safety partners and the citizens of san francisco everyday. we put our personal emotions aside and pull through intense situations together. the incidents mentioned by supervisor mar are no different. i may have been a voice in the chaos but i was assisted by numerous coworkers who were logging and forward critical information, make calls, notice the allied agencies of crucial updates and helping to dispatch fire and medical response along the way. dispatch is so often a thankless job. it means a lot to us to be recognized by the board of supervisors during dispatcher week. thank you lieutenant daniels for taking the time to represent the officers that we know as a voice on the other end of the radio. thank you for everyone that pushed me to learn, made me laugh, allowed
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me to blow off steam and provided a shoulder to cry on at the end of the particularly brutal shifts. thank you to my -- lastly thank you to my family both my blood relatives in the uk and my chosen san francisco family here today. i couldn't do it without you. thank you. [applause] >> i just wanted to ask anne kronen burg or any other would like to make any comments? >> thank you supervisor mar. we are so proud of kay lee and all of our staff who are the unsung heroes of the first responders in san francisco and we thank the board of supervisors for allowing us one day out of the year to come and highlight the best of our best so thank you. [applause]
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exhaust extractor systems in fire stations. >> madam clerk can you call the roll. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor christensen. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> aye. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> aye. >> supervisor wiener. >> aye. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> there are 11 aye's. this ordinance passes unanimously. next item please madam clerk. >> item 7 a categorical exemption for the san francisco international airport plot 700 development project. >> colleagues same house same call. without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. item 8. >> item 8 for a real property
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lease at 100 blanken avenue with celestina and alan salvador jimenez co-trustees for a portion of the ground floor and one five year option to extend. >> same house same call. >> i'm sorry president president. >> supervisor kim. >> i wanted to reiterate some of the comments at budget committee about the number of years this leefs month to month and therefore doubled in rent expenditures without any type of negotiations. i know the comments were already made and i want to appreciate and reiterate the comments and i hope we put something in place that doesn't allow a department to go month to month and around evictions and major rent increases and major taxpayer dollars over the years and i hope we have a system to prevent that in the future. >> supervisor farrell. >> thank you president breed
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and supervisor kim we're working on legislation and we will partner on that if you're interested. >> colleagues. same house same call. this ordinance passes unanimously. item number number 9. >> item 9 modification for the terminal equipment maintenance and operating agreement and the san francisco terminal equipment company and the city for $3 million to support the patron and document verification services for new total amount not to exceed $21 million for a agreement term expiring june 30, 2020. >> same house same call. this ordinance passes unanimously. madam clerk can you please call items 10 through 23. >> items 10 through 23 are the resolution declaring the city to reimburse these future bonded indebtedness to the related
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documents to the california debt limit allocation committee for the multifamily housing revenue bonds for it is following addresses and amounts. item 10 at 462 duboce avenue. item 27 25 sanchez street not to exceed 33 million and 12 is for 1150 scott street. item 13 for 939-951 eddy street and for 14 1880 pine street and for item 15 100 appleton street and item 16 for 255 woodside avenue. for 990 pacific avenue and for 18 for street bonn not not to exceed 21 million and number 19 1068 oakdale street and 798 jerrold avenue and not to
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exceed $108 million and item 20 for 345 arguello boulevard. for 21 for 491-31st avenue not to exceed $20 million and for 22 666 ellis street not to exceed 32 million and for 23 430 turk street not to exceed $32 million. >> thank you. supervisor campos. >> thank you madam president and i am one of the cosponsors of item 15 that deals with 100 appleton street and holly courts and i will be supporting these items and it's important to note and supervisor avalos and i will be calling for a hearing on this. one of the things that i have seen in the last few days and today i think a number of us were visited by some families that came to our offices to
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express a very real fear that these families in public housing that once they're relocated to allow for the work to be done there's a real fear that somehow the families are not going to be allowed to come back, and i had the pleasure of visiting constituents at holly courts over the weekend conversation about the proposal and the various changes that are being moved forward, and the comments that i received from those residents were very much along the same lines that there is a very real tangible fear that these residents have that once they're relocated that somehow something will happen, something will not be followed through, and that they're going to find themselves on the street, and i know that from sitting where we're sitting
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it's perhaps difficult to understand that, but i think it's very real, and i think that we have a responsibility because i know that we're all committed to doing the right thing to address that fear, so i just want to put that out there and i will be supporting this but i think i want those families and folks to understand that i understand how real that fear is and so i just wanted to make that point. >> president breed. >> thank you supervisor campos. supervisor cohen and i last week were at alice griffic with speaker pelosi and speaking of the build out of alice griffin and what is exciting about what is going to happen
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to public housing all over san francisco is the fact that the mistakes of the past that happened are things that we are doing everything we can to make sure they don't happen in the future. i grew up in plaza east and when we were rebuilding plaza east my family -- we were moved out and it was really difficult getting back in, and one of the biggest problems was they had moved a lot of people outside of san francisco. a lot of my friends and family and then when the time came to return there were a number of excuses as to why they were no longer welcome to return to their units and that's why when we pushed alice griffin through we made sure people weren't necessarily moved outside of the community but a one to one replacement and worked with the community over the years to prepare them for what is to come in terms of that change. not
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only changing the physical structure of these places but changing people's lives through supportive services. we are committed to that and one of the things we can't do is build a structure and not necessarily help the people that are in these facilities with an opportunity to succeed so we are committed to that. we have been working very closely with the mayor's office of housing to make sure there isn't displacement and people aren't afraid. i have been going into the units in my district specifically because i know families that still live there but the problem is bigger. we get $10 million annually to repair 4600 public housing units, so the sad reality is the conditions that i grew up in with the roaches and the cracked walls and the toilets not working and using to use the neighbor's house for certain things because the sink doesn't
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work that stuff is going on today. we can't do things the same way and wait for the feds to give us $10 million and we're going to repair over $200 million of needed repair in our public housing facilities. the folks who live there have suffered long enough. we're trying a new approach and there's a lot of fear out there and i just want to make sure that people understand that it's understandable because of what's been done in the past and we have put safeguards in to make sure people are not displaced that we're working to rebuild but rebuild with the existing communities and make the communities better so we want to put that out there. thank you supervisor campos for bringing the points up and we're committed to doing this and i am excited this is finally moving forward.
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>> okay. colleagues can we take those items same house same call? without objection those resolutions are adopted unanimously. madam clerk can you call item 24. >> item 24 is an ordinance to amend the planning code to permit certain exceptions from off-street parking and loading requirements on lots that curbside transit lane or bikeway for lots and residential mixed district and bring into conformity with yard, setback, and other building requirements and what is principally permit ted in the van ness special use district modifying other floor ratio provisions and affirms the planning department ceqa determination. >> colleagues same house same call? this ordinance passes unanimously on the first
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reading. item 25. >> item 25 is an ordinance to amend the planning code to require the planning department to monitor and department annually to the board of supervisors between the balance of new market rate housing and new affordable housing for strategies to maintain the housing balance in accordance with san francisco's production goals and making the required findings. >> supervisor kim. >> thank you. as many of you know i represent a part of the city that is rapidly growing both in office development and residential development. it's absorbing the vast majority the density in the city today and as we see this growth it has been a priority of mine and my office to make sure as we grow we grow in a balanced way that is affordable to the majority of the city's residents. preserving existing affordable housing and building new affordable housing has been a priority, not just for me but many of the folks in this room. the legislation before us today is one of the outcomes of the
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housing balance discussion which began last year. when i introduced this ordinance, an ordinance that would put into place affordability to be one of the considerations when we approve developments in the planning commission last spring. after that introduction our office and the mayor's office spent time negotiating what it would actually mean to build 30% of new housing as affordable to the vast majority of resident and we need an accountability mechanism for us and developers that we're building housing that the residents can afford and not expensive luxury housing that 60% of the residents can't afford to live in. the mayor has a goal of 30,000 new units and 1/3 must be affordable. we
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know currently that 60% of residents qualify for affordable housing under the federal hud guidelines, 60% of the residents it is qualify for affordable housing here in san francisco. in the discussions last year we agreed to commit to 1/3 new housing in the plans to be affordable a goal we set for example with the new central summit plan in the planning process right now. we agreed to pursue revenue measures to build more housing or protect housing and the housing bond which discussions are under way for the ballot and we passed unanimously thanks to the board of supervisors the interim controls to make sure we're not losing manufacturer and art spaces to commercial office and while we plan parts of south of market. the executive director directive was memorialized by the voters with the passage of proposition k last year and part
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of the commitment to the voters. this legislation ensures that we the city have the tools and data to understands if we're reaching the goals or how much we are from reaching the goals. how much affordable housing are we building? how much luxury? how many rent control units are we losing and are we staying in balance? this provides the planning department to provide a report to the board of supervisors and calculates the new board of supervisors defined as housing affordable for housing making between zero and 120% of the median income within the 10 year rolling time frame and require that we calculate how many rent controlled units and affordable housing units that we lose. the planning department must monitor the progress towards the goal and publish the information on the website, report to the board of supervisors on the data as well as other land use regulations that may impact the ability to
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sfgtv-full board of supervisors-second half 4-14-15 i don't want to be the last generation in my family to live in san francisco. we talk about how to plan each neighborhood and there is a lot of debate how to plan neighborhoods like the mission and in the mission community advocates said only 7 percent of the new housing building in the mission neighborhood is affordable to the majority thf rez dnss that live there. this data didn't come from the city. actually counted the units themselves. we should have this data and shouldn't ask community cauline tears to come up with the numbers for us. i want to thank the siera club and ace and recognize members
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of the city family dens phillips, errhine star, [inaudible] and of course april [inaudible] in my office who spent countless hours on this legislation. finally i want to thank director rand for his commitment to make sure sth housing report is available by june first to guide in the discussion about affordable housing. whether we debate there dollar whether it is 250 or 500 we should know how we wim reach the goal and what is in the pipe line. i continue to work on the housing affordability and continue to make it it had number one issue we work on and scr the dot available to make the choizs and prioritize resources. colleagues i ask for your support >> thank you supervisor kim. supervisor cohen >> have the question to the
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sponsor of the ledgeilation. it goes into a conversation that has been happening about a additional possible finding. supervisor kim, i just wanted to know more about how you came about accepting the finding that came through a beck. i'm sorry the findings that are in our-the findings that are in the legislation are based on the numbers provided through the area bay-sogez of bay area government that helps calculate goals for what we should build in the sit for everyone to afford to live here >> regional needs >> regional housing needs allocation. 60 percent of housing should be affordable for sth residence, but we know how expensive it is to build and it is important to have a
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flor to insure we are building affordability >> maybe we can have a discussion if there is a appetite on the bodies to loo look at way tooz aggressively meet the housing goal squz eliminating the cumbersome challenges that impede a project from getting build like the project approval process, there are people and agencies and entity that use seek wuother rimets that delay projects. i don't look to see projects delaysed and sit ogthen land use committee you see there is a-sometimes there are people out there that play in this arena. i'm in a effort to delay a project from being
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approved and wondering if there is a appetite to consider additional language i'm happy to read into the record as a amendment for the legislation that we are discussing today >> our office introduced the legislation many months ago and went on the 90 day hold and went through lands use committee and today is the first i heard about proposed amendments. through the hack we did read them this morning. i think amendments like that should come much much in advance, and b i don't support the language that is in there. this legislation is about having account-we know how much affordable housing we are building in certain neighborhoods. we can figure it out u the numbers exist, but we don't compile the data today. we did in the south of market but not every neighborhood has tools like
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that or planning processes like that to calculate the numbers. the mission was a example i put forward where advocates found 7 percent of new production is affordable. this legislation requires the city to claeckt that nrfgz and any findings wouldn't impact it goal of lechblg slaigz. second i have to i understand the concern about delays to housing projects, but it isn't just delays to housing projects but also luxury projects. i supported many luxiary housing projects and there is real concerns about how much luxury we need to build and they use tools in the process of who are we buildish for and what in the city. i would like the housing project tooz go through, but i think red tape and bureachyeracy is a issue. i think there are times
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additional consideration is also important to insure we build the right units for the neighborhood so that is quie are can't support the filedings proposed. i know they circulated among colleagues, but it doesn't change the final goal of the legislation which is just to collect the data >> ia gree to you. i'm not looking to change the legislation in any way and not odvoicating for development of luxiary housing. i'm just concerned there is still-it cuts both ways. you have to tool that the ability to impede a project and that also includes affordable housing project, so i'm concerned that people are not are not interested in affordable housing frauject get build use a tool [inaudible] i don't want you tamisconscrew my question, actually i think it is good to
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have a kis cushion open in the chamber and helps me better understand what lens you are looking through when discussing the findings. >> thank you sfr visor coen, supervisor ween >> i'm cureier to hear what the proproposed amendments are >> supervisor coen >> we can consider that language >> sure, consideration. sphthere is something in here you are not interested in supporting let me know. the proposed findings read as, march 17, 2015 the california legislative analyst office published a study of high housing cost in the state. according to the analyst office
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for a 30 year period starting in 1980 san francisco produced 16.6 of the cities estimated housing needs. among the factors sited by the analysts office as to why san francisco and other coastal cities haven't built enough housing a flow and cumbersome project approval process. the use of seek wucompicate #d procedural requirement tooz delay an approved project from starting construction and the use of citizen initiative tooz delay or halt new housing. >> supervisor co00 cohen is that the only amendment to proprose this language? >> i would like to respond to that. i did read
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