tv [untitled] April 15, 2015 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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it professionals in the city. and most recently the community's cio, we have a plan for the city. through a series of strategic it sessions koit has recognized two major opportunities for the city and these are a shared strategies for the city and as well as the public strategies for the city and thinking about all the ways that the city engages with the public. major components through the plan and through the annual process koit makes recommendations annually to the next 2 fiscal years. all projects are evaluated based on their impact and supportive it plans strategical
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that are out lined here and goal one was established as the highest priority for us to be focused on which is support, maintain and secure critical infrastructure. followed by increased sufficiency and effectiveness and improved access and transparency. through the budgeting process koits provides funding for a number of sources. the annual allocation to address all of general fund needs. one of the biggest highlights is the i guess of major project funding for several major legacy systems. so the addition of this allocation has increased the general fund
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sources the in this plan by $91 million and approximately 200% increase from what we have identified 2 years ago in the plan. and the last two categories, the sponsoring department of the department is fund to use on the technology project and to some rate of allocation for general fund and non-general fund departments to help fund the citywide effort. non-general fund sources can range from enterprise department funding, departments who have internal operating funds to pay for projects as well as grant funding. >> the focus on the general fund portions that i recommended immediately, recommending $150 million in general fund. as you can see the major it projects allocation
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has substantially increasing the city's ability to fund critical it projects. >> in the current 5-year cycle they have received funds like never before totaling $613 million over the 5 years. the addition of the major project has enabled the city to fund the projects however with a $61 million will have to prioritize. a substantial amount of general fund request are coming from three major it projects defined by koit as complex, multi-departmental and major legacy system for the city. the three projects we have identified in the plan are not new to this
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plan. they were identified 2 years ago. these projects are the financial systems replacement project. the public safety and public service, radio project and property tax data base. these are $101 million in general fund over the 5-year plan. ultimately as koit takes a look at these projects in the annual budget cycles, there are a number of strategies that we have to consider in thinking about how and what the city can afford in any 2-year period. i think most importantly one of the things strategies that we know that maybe necessary is project sequencing, understanding the city will most likely not be able to afford all of these projects at the same time. so in the i ct plan in the radio
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replacement projects have been identified as high priorities and through the business or occupation -- work their various permits will begin over the next several years. this project requires another year to complete that process at which time the assess or recorder for review. we also want to highlight to you the potential need which is the department of public health unified electronic medical records project. this project is estimated to be around $225. million. currently we are not considering this as a major ict project as they may have internal, they can pay for this project within their
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internal operating budget. but we are tracking it as if because should they require funding, it would change our major fund project. understanding the major funding project allocation is a single general fund source that will be evaluated during the cycle and the ict makes a funding recommendation for the major it project allocations. so ultimately the recommendation that the ict major project has for recommendations that it's completed annually and the second recommendation to the extend possible. koit recommends allocating one time funds to project and should that fund become available and ultimately the city funds
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project for project mrems dshg implementation and not based on budget constraints. the second general fund allocation that i wanted to discuss a little bit today is the annual project allocation. again historically this was the one funding source for all general fund request. for it, we are assuming $59 million over the can course of 5 years, as you can see there is 110 million requestover that time period and through this process koit will have to determine the highest priorities to fund over the next 2 years. one project that has risen to the top is depth of technology network project. this project has been identified as a priority due to the facts that
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it is helping to fix some of the city's core it infrastructure. so the foundation for which all of our other project need to be built on including a number of our major it projects. this project started in the current fiscal year. over the next 5 years it's estimated at another million dollars. the recommendation for annual projects allocation, the first is to don't grow this fund by 10% annually, the second recommendation in consideration all of the many critical ict infrastructure needs that we have as a city to take a look at the funding allocation it's for the next year and the third recommendation to identify one time funds help fund priority projects for the city. lastly i just wanted to give a little preview, we are working on a micro site for the ict plan and
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make it more accessible and more transparent. this is a sdeen for our home page as well as the inter pages of our website. that is my presentation. thank you very much. i am available to answer any questions. i know that miguel gammano is also available. >> thank you very much. i'm just curious relative to other cities and so forth, have we done a study of our investment in it versus other places whether, where are we, are we behind others? >> thank you for the questions. in the it plan we do the evaluation of citywide ict spending in the city. i can't remember the exact number but what we have found in working with taking a look at some of our
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peers we are kind of right within the range that we would anticipate however many folks have notes that the cost of implementing projects in san francisco might be higher, the wages and salaries that we pay to our it professionals might be slightly higher than other places. it is something that we consider and we have to discuss that koit as a benchmark. so again, what we have found is we are right within the range that we have seen within our peers. >> thank you. >> supervisor wiener? >>supervisor scott weiner: thank you for that presentation. i have a few questions, first the wifi program, do we have a way of monitoring the quality control for that. i say that
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before, i still thinking the market street wifi is often unusable and in fact it's worth the non-existent and others have experienced it as well that your phone links as wifi and you have to turn off your wifi in order to use the data on the phone. do we have a way to monitor that because it's frustrating when we are rolling out to the public that we have this program and it doesn't work. >> miguel gammaino. thanks for the question, we are working aggressively on that esh. we monitor the quality of the network and the connections from the back end with management and monitoring tools and then actively monitor it on what i call the
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front end or the user experience on social media and things like that and respond directly and almost immediately to those sorts of moments of feedback that we get. the way it's constructed left to work with. the issues you said about being connected and disconnected has to do with the way the system was designed initially. >> i'm not talking about having the disconnect and reconnect, i'm talking about the wifi simply not working. if you go and turn it off, you have to grab your phone to turn it off just so you can use your lte. the question is what's wrong with the market of wifi and when will it be fixed? >> it's being fixed as we speak. it has to do with the way the system
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as ark chitected initially and we are working with the vendor. we are very much focused on your experience ha you are talking about. personally i live on market street and i'm kind of the active tester of that and i have experienced that and a principal point of feedback to the team as to what is working and what is not. we are working on that precise issue. >> i can't remember the timing but i remember standing at the plaza and with supervisor lee and chiu, i think it's been a year 1/2 sense we announced the free wifi on market and it's been some
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time. seems like something that should have been probably resolved awhile ago because it's not a new issue. >> yes, there is some art form to the science and it has significantly improved from the last three months from personal experience and feedback identify been collecting. there is some art form to the radio frequency and the way the antennas are aligned and things change. it's important to tell you that it requires on going support and maintenance which we are doing actively. but it doesn't surprise me that you experienced that about a year ago and i can tell you in the very recent months we've made significant technical adjustments in equipment and configuration changes that have experienced it quite a bit. >> okay, i will let it go but i
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have experienced it more recently . another issue, last year we passed a legislation that supervisor chiu and i coauthored about laying concrete on the street. it's very frustrating to many people in the city that were tearing up like every street in the city. a lot of work has been done and covered up so far without laying conduit and frankly the city departments should have been laying conduit on their own without having been directed by the board of supervisors to do it. it's just common sense. the question is i can't remember when exactly in the past it was last summer and probably some time in the summer, the question is how much conduit has been laid in our
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streets as part of the roadwork sense we passed that legislation? >> right. so the legislation was passed right before chiu left and we being the department were given the responsibility for developing the implementation for that and the timeline i believe was may which is when we planned to have that prepared and ready. we have a consultant on board that is very experienced with this effort in helping us identify the criteria by which and the method by which we'll receive those opportunities and decide whether conduit should be installed or not. as you know the legislation, the default if if a road is excavated that cop duty be put in and we have a clear process by which will evaluate those opportunities. we've also included in the
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connectivity plan the version the current version that is publiced. a pretty robust forecast and plan for how we would exercise that legislation and that conduit opportunity following the current road excavation plans which identify where that conduit would be implemented going forward. >> so, it's been, i don't know, it wasn't right before david chiu left, it was months before he left. it's been at least 7 or 8 months. i guess we can go back and take a look at that. i understand you want tools to -- to have criteria but as we speak roads are being covered and once we cover them, it's going to be a long time. my
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understanding that no conduit was installed before legislation was passed and i understand why you want to have criteria in place. you want to have that and i have concerns about getting bushed -- pushed back and i'm concerned that the criteria might be so constrained that we are going to see a lower a lesser amount of conduit installed. i'm looking forward to seeing those criteria but i'm concerned that we are continuing to let streets being covered up without conduit. it's not rocket science despite what city departments say. it's not that complicated and there are streets where it's so crystal clear that there should be conduit there and i don't think we should have to wait until some
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lengthy city and county of san francisco for the process to come up with the procedure to come up with the guidelines and the rules and years later you start doing what we should have done years before. i'm a little frustrated for the years and years that we've been digging up streets that our city department should have been laying conduit without having to do so. you know it's a lot and i'm expressed by frustration, not just to dt but array of these departments for these delays. >> the positive kind of response i can provided is that i'm very pragmatic and i agree with the roles that we should be taking a look at and what needs to be a well thought process
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because once the streets are open, we have a window of opportunity and we need to take advantage of it because when it's covered up, it's covered up for a while. we are being very thoughtful but i think also moving through it very quickly. we are not creating a bureaucratic process of meetings and meetings and committees and what not. we are getting to a presentable policy and criteria very quickly. by next month's time we'll have that ready for departments to review and you certainly have copy of that and input. so i think we are going to move fairly quickly. >> and i know, i actually i know that you want to see this happen. so i know that you are, your viewpoint is pretty well aligned with mine and i also know that you have limited control. i have
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seen this movie before when it comes to streetscape and street safety pedestrian project and you will issue these guidelines and i can guarantee you there will be a multi-years of departmental review. i have seen this before. an they will go through layer and layer of reviewing in each of the departments and guaranteed some of the departments will come back with completely unacceptable feedback that will basically can ill the program and it will go around and around and by the time it's finalized two things will happen, it's very water down or if there is backing to that we'll have years and many many blocks of covered up street in the interim. so i actually, i don't like how, i don't like this process because i think it's really, it's going to take too
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much time and i think we are going to lose a lot of opportunities. i will say that i am, you know i didn't necessarily agree with all the compromise, i understand this, if we need to go back to the legislation and mandate it that it's going to happen on every street that is dug up. i would like to see the city department to work on this expeditiously. >> i believe we will have something very thoughtful and complete and that will inspire that legislation. >> thank you very much. >> i really appreciate the planning that's been going on for many years and the plan. like supervisor yee i'm
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interested in how we compare with other cities. i will bring up chattanooga since we are interested in their fiber network and the potential of san francisco lifting all boats of inclusion from low income people to immigrants to have access to high speed internet and how the city might have the potential to do that like some other cities have done. there is no mention of a digital divide and people who might not have access to the digital future. i think some estimates show that it might be as many as 100,000 people with no access and 50,000 that still are using dial up and many with not a lot of speed that others have. in your plan what is being done to address that digital
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divide that perhaps 200,000 people in our city. is high speed internet access available at homes and what are we doing to make sure that people aren't left behind and large number of people in our neighborhoods? >> thank you for the question, supervisor mar. there is a section of the ict plan that is connectivity plan, and that connectivity plan lays out our plans for fiber network build outs, the big ones, those are very well flushed out in terms of their variables in their details. then there are two other sections that are sf wifi in the expansion of the public actions and the call to fiber around the home and gig speed to the homes. those two sections have a lot of dynamics to be flushed out. iteration two of the
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connectivity plan we are working towards will help fl you should out those two latter sections in finer detail and we hope will call to issue to action for that effort in exercising for using the investment of the municipal fiber network to help further those latter sections. the one that we are making progress on is wifi for public ways and a lot will be communicated around how to crystallize the opportunity and the values and outcomes intended for fiber to the home and project or initiative and what is our role in that. rather intelligently apply these assets that we do have to help bring that
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forward for the city and county of san francisco. >> so you are saying you are not in support of a municipal sector like chattanooga and that it's not really the government's responsibility to provide free and affordable wireless internet access from a strategy seven or 8 years ago from a task force from our city, is that what you are saying? >> i think those two sections still have dean -- dynamics need to be flushed out. what i can tell you that it will likely be a hybrid. we have fiber backbone, we have conduit systems, we have a lot of assets that we can bring to bear but whether or not we are going to directlien
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-- invest in fiber to flush out to people's home goes far beyond what the city's cio oh pines. >> i appreciate the control that you have and i appreciate the planning. i still hope that we have a big vision. i think sf wifi is great, but i would hope that equity and social justice in bringing people up to the digital future especially those that don't have access now should be a key strategic goal for any technology for a plan and a city like ours and the failed earth link planning with the city and even other efforts with looking at other options to me, i hope we don't ignore a lot of the work done by many community advocates as we try to think about digital
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inclusion strategies. i know we have a hearing coming up tomorrow too on a greatest budget and legislative analyst report on the city and other cities and what they are doing as well. i appreciate your comments as well. >> supervisor tang? >>supervisor katy tang: thank you, i had a question because it looks that the presentation that major allocation that they increase by 10% annually as well as the annual project allocation by 6% and the plan on 24 there is a chart that shows some of the request coming in to fiscal year 20. as those are submitted it will go up. it looks like those are decreasing. no. 1 i
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