tv [untitled] April 15, 2015 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT
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265,000 people commute into san francisco with over 100,000 people san francisco residents who commute out of san francisco and we have another one and 150,000 visited on any given day in san francisco we don't know the racial breakdown of the people in the city during the day so i didn't think i was an appropriate comparison. so, all we get is try to take at least sort of out of it. let's look at some and calls 911 the victim of the kind often times they have a description of the suspect. so what we ought to do is take a lock look at those 911 calls what is the description of the suspect given by the victim and you'd be start racial percentages of those and compare that to the rest that we are making san francisco because one would think there should be somewhat aligned with each other. so, that's what we did.
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>> president: us of the e5 85 which is traffic stops. the traffic stop -- >> testifier: yes. every topics up. if you look at the slide the top information goes for the last 6 years. the race category were using are dictated by the president of the united states defines how we need to port on race. that's what you see there. then, the percentages are again -- this is the total number of incidents and concept san francisco were that raised of the -- was identified by the victim. if you look at the far right corner you can see the total over the 6 years. on the top. on the bottom were looking at a race at rest by race category. so sort of the important information on the slide is the differential you see on the bottom right corner. the extent to which one race
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might be bias going on. you would expect that differential to the 0 in a perfect world. or that's just sort of what you would think it would be. as you can see, there some difference is that you're the same data i do. i'm not sure what inferences we can talk. drop. >> commissioner: not every single person that's called in having committed an offense is arrested. so, that would also explain why there's a differential. the point of the -- of this presentation is this is not the officers are not acting autonomously. so the officers summoned calls and somebody says, princess, in this homicide a white whale white male was the suspect the officer try to find a white male so the suspect in this
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incident was a white male. >> presidentthough i had. continue. >> clerk: waders and gentlemen letter given the report you will have your chance to react. i'm not saying it does. i'm just saying let her give the report. let her get the report and you can comment on it. that's all masking. proceed ma'am. >> testifier: this excite basically a subset of the fireside. the subset this is all this is driver arrested again, the totals of the top is where the victim identified the race of the suspect totals at the bottom was her actual arrest. the differential is the difference between the 2 percentages. this is juvenile
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arrest. same format same slide. i'll give everyone a moment to look at it. >> commissioner the numbers are quite small for us. we don't have a printout so i think you can highlight the things you think are important and will try to track then we can get some time to look at the data. formulate our questions but let's treat this as a beginning of the conversation and not the end. >> testifier: i sympathize. this is a complicated subject images taken with numbers to compare to what is very very challenging. again, what you're looking at here is juvenile arrest in san francisco. the top part is where the suspect identified the race -- the
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victim identify the race of the suspect at the bottom is where the arrested soon expect that we should be arresting the suspects that were dignified by the victims and if not, than the percentage differential would be -- for example, a- 2% on this slide would mean >> commissioner: i was can make decisions that i think with airport important as this my suggestion would be that we table this for the day. there we get enough copies for everybody to see. have them resent and then come back and do it. i think that would be best. that's my suggestion. >> presidentall added for future date. thank you. can we also provide a copy online. thank you ms. merritt. anything further achieving your report to misread
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>> clerk: line item to be review recent activities. >> presidentgood evening. >> testifier: good evening. i've no reason to recent activities to report by next week i will present the occ 20 14th annual reports. >> presidentokay: i once a special thank you to director exterior help in identifying some of the policy pieces that we're working on some of your -- you and your staff cooperation and willingness always to be of help to the commission. is deeply appreciated. any questions for dir. hicks? inspector please call him >> clerk: line item to, c c commission reports discussion commissioner presidential report commissioners report >> presidentanything to report this evening? okay. inspector
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please: send >> clerk: to he commission announcements and scheduling of items defy for consideration of future. commission meetings >> president: colleagues their couple items to when we can schedule a time to come back and discuss racial profiling data that was just shared. so we need to get a date for that an inspector will secondly chief i know that you had shared an analysis of where the same physical police apartment is with regard to the president 21st century policing report and recommendation. this commission is very interested in the assessment of where we are with the gaps are and what needs to be done looking for. so i like to schedule that person is possible. >> clerk: >> commissioner the captains are at the district station are trying to match it but one of the 1st meetings is innate. >> president: some of the
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request that we've heard from the public would last 2 months i think those suggestions also contain a not reported it would be awful to have a sense of where we are at ship against that. and the last thing i have is i had a meeting with walk sf and the bicycle coalition and were due for quarterly report on what we are with -- cc for all and the citation collision vectors and more than ever there's ongoing concern about people treat satan respectively could keep in may in the progress with traffic enforcement. those are the items i have. folks. >> commissioner: comedy would like to actually get your hands a copy of that report? okay. let's tell them how they can get their hands on the report. it will be online i believe. generally, to report and make sure the next toggle the airport there so i'll be happy
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to entertain any of the suggested how we can get them the reports i have time so they can actually see it may make some available at the >> commissioner i don't know but that's generally what to put them online and we put him there. you should be able when you come and it is an agenda worried look at it so this is about racial prideful profile. very important sense of topical subject. should able to look at it. we prepared to ask questions during public comment. that's why wanted to be done in a way that you can have access to that kind of process. online is one way i do believe. having it here is another way. would try to let you know when it will be an agenda item so you will know that you have to probably check on the process for that. if anybody can come up with another way they can get a copy i would entertain any talk about that. >> president: the dinosaur in the likes paper making paper available to people. so i think working to try to make some copies. the some ways folks make copies tonight. hold tight
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and will notify you if we have paper copies otherwise will be available online. just give me a few minutes and i'll circle back on exactly how close can get their hands on a set. >> commissioner: i hope that's helpful. >> president: any further items to schedule for future consideration colleagues? inspector please: him >> clerk: >> presidentnext line i'm is public comment. is there any public comment? please come up. >> testifier: my name is -- myrrh resin either program called care. for mentoring at-risk youth in about on the racial profiling issue, i would suggest it was ambiguous at least in convoluted and most. was just too much there was no information antivirus can really disseminate and get a good answer saying from. if you look at it, more than half of
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the arrests on there were blacks. on each portion of the graph half of the arrests were a black man black youth. but the population of san francisco is still minute as far as people of this is serious issue and the people in the community know and recognize. we feel that we live it every day. when you come here and try to discuss it with fancy words and grass, it's
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insulting. so, if she does go shoot is another time when you do those make the population of african-americans in san francisco part of the scale so we can really see the difference. because is a big difference. >> president: thank you. public comment? next speaker. >> testifier: my name is -- and the lady here -- would like to make a comment about because of lack of time she needs to go about the changes in the district. >> president: welcome ms. welcome >> testifier: good evening. my name is [inaudible] i represent the latin voice of the
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>> president: thank you. next speaker. >> testifier: was a popular saving there are 3 types of lies in our society. a good light bad liar and a statistician. the report on race and that's exactly what the department is doing. one by including descriptions with arrests that skew the numbers heavy to lug people that might be described not arrested. so the number by favor certain white perpetrators who don't get arrested as we know the white -- as often as black criminals. so next time this report is brought that all requests that those numbers are separated to the lee know exactly how many people are being described, and peoples separately been arrested based on race. also, the separation i know you said earlier the races that are provided on the paper
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are following the regulation of the federal government on how describes race and i are stands that might be something that makes it easier for you, but is heavily inaccurate here in california, if you're applying for anything under middle eastern you're technically white but a lot of people from mass recognize themselves as white. underreport the white hispanics but a lot of people that recognize themselves as hispanics lean more towards latino part of the wasting of latino it onto them so as white hispanics there is no white hispanic get rid of the white when the privilege of being white reader hispanic that is the reality of this is that all these little things skew the numbers in favor of the mass of the department wants to send about research profile with emissary. just to make it plainly have the numbers clear. what race are being arrested what races are going behind bars . simple. >> president: thank you. further public comment? t want
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to speak? 2 min. welcome and good evening. >> testifier: [inaudible] i just like to make brief comments try to make it a little more educational. i believe that she was just trying to show you through her chart may be some benefits and some maybe not so much about benefits of racial profiling such as possibly middle eastern or mistaken me have a bias possibly against another -- identifying somebody like i may not know some hispanic. what color hair do you think. tell me what you think. where i've had to make some police reports just based on my thought. i believe the
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lady was mistreated. she was not treated properly. she was trying to show everybody possibly some benefits of it but we will never know until the further date of what the rest of work. there could be other reasons why there weren't arrested not just so much just based on white black, chinese. so, those statistics would probably be subjective and not objective. there wouldn't really help some people that have questions that are trying to turn objective into subjective in terms of race. that's all i want to say >> president: thank you. mohammed >> testifier: personal, as you know we been doing with
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reports at least 7-8 reports that came out in the last 10 years and for the public and those back home that's a lot of reports. i don't think of all the reports racial profiling hasn't been dealt with whether it's the -- report weather reports that even came out there was sponsored by the city. we've spent a lot of money on reports and studies. former mayor willie brown said something and i to go study it to death. let's be clear. the only thing i like to report that said black. i'm hit tired of hearing african-american that silly thing i like from the report. i want us to be clear that reports sometimes get a syndrome. it got this country in a war talk about weapons of mass distraction that did not exist. so, let's be clear when were giving news reports that if the people don't trust the department, the commission program would have a problem with ever we say.
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that's why it's important to have an outside investigation. that's why the doj needs to come in who in parachute in so we can have some fair dealings because the trust is even being broken as we speak and it seems like the more we put out reports the worse things get. so, unless we don't tell the committee and be honest with the committee reports we've had enough reports that we know racial profiling exist because now we've got those oscar grant. got what's going on in ferguson did was got was going on israel ready to attack another sovereign nation did come on. we've got to more than just deal with reports like the young man just said that we could be honest with our subject it we don't even need to support not attacking the lady that gave the presentation. however, i'm tired of reports. thank you. >> president: thank you. any of the public comment? welcome
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>> testifier: i'm -- and i live in san francisco since 1961. just thinking about how things were when we grew up pace of change so much that i have a 26-year-old son and i'm speaking on behalf of of racial profiling. he has been racially profiled several times but only in san francisco but in burling gain stoppages being in the wrong area at the wrong time. him and his friends being asked to shoulder ids. thank god all their ids were clean because no telling what could happen. just really disturbing to watch the television and see what's happening with black young men across the whole country. it seems like every day something else that comes up. so, i'm here just as a concerned citizen as a black american as a mother as being connected to people who've lost children in
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him also a minister. i also work with several organizations around the city and it's really disturbing. i see it as collating and it's a little scary for our kids. i just want to see something get done so glad that you got a good turnout. i just hope things get worked out and get clear and it's fair. we don't know if it's going to be fair but i'm glad people are consistently going out. i'm glad people are doing studies on it i guess it am, concerns and i don't know a lot about the statistics breaking local news and you can tell it's escalating we do have 8 brewing issue. as with: thank you. any further public comment? >> president: thank you. any further public comment? >> testifier: yolanda -- again. i'm concerned because all young men that we represent in
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this whole entire city black and brown and other ethnicities we are teaching them to have respect for the law. but teaching them how to win the police approach you, what to do to save their lives so that they don't run that they don't do anything foolish and if they're even allowed to call on somebody because they're afraid. the racial profiling does go on here in san francisco. it's evidence. we have a lot of young men afraid and fear of their lives and a lot of mothers like myself who've already lost a son to gun violence. but, it's hard to talk to all you about becoming a police public servant and explain to them the other side of being an officer that is a good thing to serve your community but many of them are inferior of even as negative image and they don't become officers. we're worried about
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that. because it's a good job. if we need more police man of color. double-click them in their communities policing it. so, that's one of our major issues getting young folks unafraid and am fearful of the law. it is sad where we are today they're young people are afraid of the people that supposed to protect and serve us. it's a shame. at the end of the day, we tell them we want the officers to go home and we want our children to come home. at the end of it. that is what we are in this room for. so we can suggest is that all this dessert. so we hope that you take that into consideration and not as an attack but as a solution. as you heard all these people today we love san francisco. that chain. we don't like the changes. we have to do better than this. thank you. >> president: thank you. next speaker.
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>> testifier: good evening. i cannot speak my name is didi hewitt. i'm a 5 residence activist and current. in the san francisco community. i used to oversee the committee that oversaw police misconduct in the city many years ago and one of the things that concerns me about this process but we all know about racial profiling. the him about the disparate impact on the african american or black community. the problem that we seize unequal justice across the board. i personally been in a situation where i called out police in my home to enforce the judge's order. not to talk about racial profiling. 2 sets of times but a 911 call forces of officers failed to enforce a judge's order. we need to look at this process. the system is broken. you consider at not seem listening to committee rolling her eyes and think us what we can do about this. geocities committee
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that existed for a long time. an organization existed for them they didn't have the capacity to address all the misconduct. on behalf of police department. the other issue is training. the committee sensitivity yes that's mandatory but the need to be more oversight. yesterday i looked at despite the accountable there look to this body to do oversight and enforcement could not just sit in meetings and listen to complaints. they will produce another reports. reporting is one mechanism but what's the follow is the implementation us up for all those officers involved in texting they need to be 5. babies their conduct in pulitzers and embarrassed this department throughout the nation. people watching. you guys aren't [inaudible] everywhere across the nation that was sent for cisco politicians do. you are world-class city gift of world-class accountability and behavior for everyone. justice for everyone. justice for everyone. black white brown justice for everyone. we need to increase the capacity of the occ to do their job. not to
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monitor 10% of the complaints. what's that going to do. it's not -- it's okay. so were not >> clerk: thank you. >> president: thank you. good evening and welcome. >> testifier: my name is vanessa and i represent the bayview community and i just want to make a recommendation that not only are young black men getting killed out here in the streets. we also allow in the services go policewomen to set argument up and set them to prison as well. i know 3 young men in hunters point right now that were arrested by officer ellis as an informant. the guns that were in the car had no fingerprints on it but yet they're ready to put the guns on the african-american young men. they claim it was a
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robbery but yet there was no victims. no one came and said they were robbed. then the police from my understanding in a preliminary hearing it took officer alice over over an hour to find the pistols that he was looking for in the car. so i just want to bring this to your attention because those human one of them happens to be my son. the other 2 happen to be members of the family and this is what's happening to us. not only are your killing us the sinister jail and they're using their -- and snitches to do so which the only -- the only trial with him and he was evidence they have is from the police and everybody knows the police are just not that credible. >> president: thank you. any other public comments hearing none public comment is now closed. colleagues any comments? >> commissioner: it occurred to
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me in terms of the reports the one variable that will be extremely important to include because of the question that was paired to the san francisco population. arrests need to be compared to where the person lives because they may not -- as i understand a lot of are -- san francisco that come into san francisco to make crimes. so, i think when you present the data it is important to present where that person resided so that it compares. you can compare that to the population of san francisco. because the arrest of the -- the address of the people might point to different things. that's available monies be included. >> president: >> clerk:: a limited sort of explain we've heard a lot about the time limit locations and
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this will be helpful. in the past, when the room has been crowded the assumed that because it's got everybody wants to speak of course i've been here when have no idea how my people have to speak. the limit on time is based on what we perceive to be the number of speakers. in the past we've asked people to line up at the beginning was getting an idea, do people want to speak. if i see 100 people in your i'm can assume the summary says tiffany, now maybe we need to go back to asking people to line up so that we'll have some idea if there's 20 people that in fact we may save you 3 min. the steward of people were 100 people we can't do that. so the middleground maybe. sometimes folks have to stand whilst we don't necessarily do that. there's a long line but that's one of the dilemma were in. xm ever get an idea about how many and we don't to the card thing. we don't do.
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