tv [untitled] April 16, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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francisco before each election you receive a voter information pamphlet in the mail it has the digest for each local proposition on the ballot how does a context sometimes proposition get semido if i had. >> inning. >> i don't know the specific process. >> it's done by a committee a ballot tim simplification. >> 3 steps the city attorney's office create a working digest the ballot committee holds
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public meats and creates final digest the simplified is published in the guide let's look at how this work after a proposition has been approved the sxhoofz drafts a city digest each digest we prepare has a couple of different saektsz the first is the way it is now provides an overview of the state of the law before the measure goes into effect addressed the second section is the material turn of the measure and finally at the bottom there are two sections one is called a yes vote and no vote means and if prep those we try to tell me the voters if the measure passes are not passed uses the city attorney's office delivered it is to the 5 member committee
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created in 192376 the members are nominated business the leak of women voters two members are appointed by itself may and 2 by the board of supervisors the committee holds public meetings for two weeks before each election arrest you the chairman has the sterilized ability to direct the meeting and lead the discussion. >> there's no politics involved at all because we're all journalist or people that worked with communications that has our goal the free right to communication without agenda or boys or political involvements all. >> before the commission meets each member reviews the digest along with the material. >> we get the protective
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technicalities and the actual yaurgd background and letters from different departments and from the advocates and perpetrate for the meeting sometimes for and 5 days in japs sometimes someone will sigh did you understand it no one understand those bond measures of one hundred and one hundred owe 25 packages down to three or four had found words. >> amendments and the general obligation bond members it is marred to explain what a general obligation bond is. >> wow it gets interesting sometimes. >> we'll talk about it but we talk about it in session we don't talk about it before we get here. >> the committee acceptance the city attorney's draft or edit it. >> the reason we rewrite the city attorney's digest is because it oftentimes in more
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legalize than the voters see understand we're quick to ask questions we don't is this is the way it's going to be we come in as journalist questioning exactly which that is to put out into the digest exactly what the legislation means. >> the committee may hear from drafrt of the digests and they consultant with the committee educational specialist to make sure if meets the requirement to be written as closed those as possible to the eight grade level. >> we say is that really an eight grader words sometimes yes and sometimes grab the addicts and find substitute and it requires the city to maintain all the golden gate park. >> during the editing of the
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digest it's displayed on large monitor. >> there's no mystery of what the public sees. >> they hear outline your discussions they know what we're thinking and after the committee makes the changes the proceedings radio on inform the public for comment. >> poach have a right to voice their opinions in democracy people come before us are dead serious depending on obtain on the side and their passion is strong. >> july 4th with 9 committee there's a lot of airmentd argument pro and con and well, you could take out the voter initiative. >> i want to address someone that was mentioned. >> i take exception to the previous comment. >> 0 hopes 0 provisions thank you. >> after public comment the committee discussed all the
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points in an open session. >> sometimes, we change our draft sometimes, we literally tear our draft apart. >> after the possible changes made the committee takes a final vote to adapt the digest. >> i move we adapt the measure. >> at least 3 members must agree. >> all in favor, say i. >> the public hearsay twenty-four hours hours for the submission of a reconsideration to the department of elections. >> the following week the committee meets publicly to discuss the appeals and take public comment and decided wloovr whether or not to adapt the final digest. >> what we really want is for the voter to think for themselves read what we say and read for themselves and look and make up their own mind we're in their
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corner ready to fight for them and the administrations fight often it didn't matter your obligation is to the voter we want them to be able to look at it and understand it. >> learn marrow missouri bhr the committee at sf before every election find a ballot simplification in the ballot it is rankle 1 english chinese spanish and filipino it is mailed to all voter and can be found at sf
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fire or main break those folks come on scene and get the job done 3450r7b9 what time they're here to take care of each other and make it so a safe and secure way i was encouraged to learn to deal with the services and breaks and i wanted to move into understanding how to do main connections one the great things that the sfpuc to move to different sections in if you're tdr in learning a different job you have the ability to move up i courage anyone to step out of their comfortable zone and work on a system as large as a our water system we started from one end and keep on going it's a fascinating job and i'm going to
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the basics of food, shelter safety a lot of people don't have any of those i'm mr. cookie can't speak for all the things but i know say, i have ideas how we can address the food issue. >> open the door and walk through that don't just stand looking out. >> as they grew up in in a how would that had access to good food and our parent cooked this is how you feed yours this is not happening in our country this is a huge pleasure i'm david one of the co-founder so about four year ago we worked with the serviced and got to know the kid one of the things we figured out was that they
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didn't know how to cook. >> i heard about the cooking school through the larkin academy a. >> their noting no way to feed themselves so they're eating a lot of fast food and i usually eat whatever safeway is near my home a lot of hot food i was excited that i was eating lunch enough instead of what and eat. >> as i was inviting them over teaching them basic ways to fix good food they were so existed. >> particle learning the skills and the food they were really go it it turned into the is charity foundation i ran into my friend we were talking about this this do you want to run this charity
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foundations and she said, yes. >> i'm a co-found and executive director for the cooking project our best classes participation for 10 students are monday they're really fun their chief driven classes we have a different guest around the city they're our stand alone cola's we had a series or series still city of attorney's office style of classes our final are night life diners. >> santa barbara shall comes in and helps us show us things and this is one the owners they help us to socialize and i've been here about a year. >> we want to be sure to serve as many as we can. >> the san francisco cooking
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school is an amazing amazing partner. >> it is doing that in that space really elevates the space for the kids special for the chief that make it easy for them to come and it really makes the experience pretty special. >> i'm sutro sue set i'm a chief 2, 3, 4 san francisco. >> that's what those classes afford me the opportunity it breakdown the barriers and is this is not scary this is our choice about you many times this is a feel good what it is that you give them is an opportunity you have to make it seem like it's there for them for the taking show them it is their and they can do that. >> hi, i'm antonio the chief in san francisco. >> the majority of kids at that
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age in order to get them into food they need to see something simple and the evidence will show and easy to produce i want to make sure that people can do it with a bowl and spoon and burner and one pan. >> i like is the receipts that are simple and not feel like it's a burden to make foods the cohesives show something eased. >> i go for vera toilet so someone can't do it or its way out of their range we only use 6 ingredients i can afford 6 ingredient what good is showing you them something they can't use but the sovereignties what are you going to do more me you're not
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successful. >> we made a vegetable stir-fry indicators he'd ginger and onion that is really affordable how to balance it was easy to make the food we present i loved it if i having had access to a kitchen i'd cook more. >> some of us have never had a kitchen not taught how to cookie wasn't taught how to cook. >> i have a great appreciation for programs that teach kids food and cooking it is one of the healthiest positive things you can communicate to people that are very young. >> the more programs like the cooking project in general that can have a positive impact how
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our kids eat is really, really important i believe that everybody should venting to utilize the kitchen and meet other kids their age to identify they're not alone and their ways in which to pick yours up and move forward that. >> it is really important to me the opportunity exists and so i do everything in my power to keep it that. >> we'll have our new headquarters in the heart of the tenderloin at taylor and kushlg at the end of this summer 2014 we're really excited. >> a lot of the of the conditions in san francisco they have in the rest of the country so our goal to 257bd or expand out of the san francisco in los angeles and then after that who
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know. >> we'd never want to tell people want to do or eat only provide the skills and the tools in case that's something people are 2rrd in doing. >> you can't buy a box of psyche you have to put them in the right vein and direction with the right kids with a right place address time those kids don't have this you have to instill they can do it they're good enough now to finding out figure out and find the future for week. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the san francisco. the reporter: has many opportunities to get out and placing play a 4 thousand acres of play rec and park has a place
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win the high sincerely the place to remove user from the upper life and transform into one of mother nachdz place go into the rec and park camp mather located one hundred and 80 square miles from the bay bridge past the oakland bridge and on and on camp mather the city owned sierra nevada camping facility is outings outside the gate of yosemite park it dates back before the area became is a popular vacation it i sites it was home to indians who made the camp where the coral now stands
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up and artifacts are found sometimes arrest this was the tree that the native people calm for the ac accordions that had a high food value the acorns were fatally off the trees in september but they would come up prosecute the foothills and were recipe the same as the people that came to camp camp is celebrating it's 90th year and the indians were up here for 4 thousand we see every day of them in the grinding rocks around the camp we have about 15 grinding sites in came so it was a major summer report area for the 92 hawks. >> through there are signs that
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prosperity were in the area it was not until the early part of the century with the 76 began the construction of damn in helpfully a say mill was billed open the left hand of the math for the construction by which lake was used to float logs needed for the project at the same time the yosemite park and company used the other side of the camp to house tourists interesting in seeing the national park and the constructions of damn when the u son damn was completed many of the facilities were not needed then the city of san francisco donated the property it was named camp mather the first director it was named after him
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tuesday morning away amongst the pine the giant sequoia is the giants inventories first name if our title is camp means there's going to be dirt and bugs and so long as you can get past that part this place it pretty awesome i see i see . >> with a little taste of freedom from the city life you can soak up the country life with swimming and volley ball and swimming and horseback riding
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there you go buddy. >> we do offer and really good amount of programming and give a sample p of san francisco rec and park department has to offer hopefully we've been here 90 years my camp name is falcon i'm a recession he leader i've been leading the bill clinton and anarchy and have had sometimes arts and crafts a lot of our guests have been coming for many years and have almost glutin up, up here he activity or children activity or
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representation here oh, there's no representation so all the adults are engine i you know disconnected so there's more connection the adults and parents are really friendly but i think in our modern culture i you know everyone's is used to be on their phones and people are eager to engagement and talk they don't have their social media so here they are at camp mather how are i doing. >> how are you doing it has over one hundred hundred cabins those rustic structures gives camp mather the old atmosphere that enhances the total wilderness experience and old woolen dressers and poaches and rug i do lay out people want
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to decorate the front of thaifr their cabins and front poefrnz their living room is outside in this awesome environment they're not inviting their guests inside where the berms are people get creative with the latin-american and the bull frogs start the trees grow and camp mather is seen in a different light we're approaching dinner time in the construction of the hetch hetchy damn the yosemite park built jackson diane hauling hall to serve the guests it does was it dbe does best service s serve
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the food. >> i'm the executive chef i served over 15 hundred meals a day for the camp mather folks breakfasts are pancakes and french toast and skranld eggs and hash brown's our meal formulate is we have roost lion it's reflecting of the audience we have people love our meals and love the idea they can pick up a meal and do worry about doing the dishes can have a great time at camp mather
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