tv [untitled] April 17, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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ol to the bell wing is there a motion and a second. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you very much. we have one speaker card reon this item. >> (calling names) minute and a half please. >> good evening deputy superintendent and supreme court i'm renee the principle added sunny side elementary school. >> i'm on the pta council. >> tun for, thank you for hearing that item the sunny side community is formally thankful our building be named after ms.
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ruby bell served the community under 40 years i look forward for the discussion at the building and dprounz committee meeting on april 20th thanks. >> thank you very much carolyn ca media. >> good evening commissioner president murase and commissioners and truth known her, she worked at sunny side for 40 years this is the first that something has been named after a paraprofessional i hope you'll support this resolution. >> thank you very much this resolution will be referred to buildings grounds and services committee the next is item board policy on
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student i am san diego's and parental notifications i need a motion and second. >> second. >> thank you very much there is one public comment speaker card ron is still here thank you very much for your patience a minute and a half please. >> thank you members of the board i have a couple of comments on the item but one thing i know this item appears particularly about the i am dances in light of measles epididymis i am wondering why to change anything at this time now this is happen in the
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context of sb 277 the bill in did state senate voted on in the education committee tomorrow and i have a question a lot of families have concerns about this particular sb 277 if you're not aware of a person belief exception from parents would choose to opt out of vaccinations and a or selectively vaccine according to hear schedule it is a narrow range that faster than the operate under i have a question superintendent carranza i have a question for you should sb 277 pass and become law and parents for whatever reason choose not to vaccine their non-or lessor vaccinated children what will
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happen to those students. >> so public comment is not a time for this. >> i understand it is just us here but understand there is a protocol what's going to happen to those children are they truant even though their tax paying parents are willingly willing to have them in the schools except they're being discriminated against what about parents who's child suffered a vaccine before i'm here to ask those questions i hope there is policy involved and answers if this bill passes it will be very difficult for love parents
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they'll pull out their students that will hurt the budget. >> that has been heard in committee already and held over to action to the next board moot and for public comment at this point for the next month to month and i wanted to say this will be is this in lieu the latter commission is there a meeting tomorrow night that significant not the housing it is a subject that is getting more information about the sproirgz will be on the agenda tomorrow night and the couldn't health director will be there. >> the next item on the agenda is r board approvals for first reading in support of vision
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zero commissioner fewer and hydra mendosa-mcdonnell i need another motion and suspension for suspension of the rolls. >> so moved. >> and i need a reading resolution by commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell or commissioner president loftus. >> are we reading. >> i'm sorry we need to vote on the suspension. >> roll call. >> ms. fewer. >> mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell. >> ms. norton parklet ms. wynns and dr. murase. >> 7 i's. >> thank you. i do i need to read the whole resolution. >> no, if you could had had resolve clauses that is appreciated. >> we need to move the
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resolution and second it we need a motion and second for approval of the resolution. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you very much thank you. i want to thank my fellow commissioners sandra fewer for helping actually leading this resolution in support of vision zero we felt strongly about the work that has been put forward for vision zero i'd like to just read the therefore, be it resolved clauses without the work that will be included in that the overview to be respectful of time therefore, be it resolved that the board of education the san francisco unified school district adapts vision zero and the goal of zero traffic death in san francisco streets if i 2024 and therefore
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be it resolved that the sfusd supports child traffic injuries through the safe routes to school with the expansion efforts therefore, be it resolved that the board of education san francisco unified school district is condominium for active collaboration with vision zero partners to foster save street environment at and around all school sites they've foster sites to address regular enforcements of estimates and traffic law in partnership with the sfpd and sfusd crossing combraurdz and capital improvements and evaluation and remiddle safety investments made on school premises be it therefore resolved that the san francisco unified school districtries the instructor when hiring the director of transportation have added
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responsibilities i'll read those as planning and implementing an assessment to understand traffic and transportation hazards faced by families in developing a saved plan in all modes of traffic to and from school and coordinating the ongoing work and developing the work with vision zero related to the vacation and acting as a point of contact and representing sfusd at related meeting and maximizing the initiatives for state and federal student and eliminating the barriers to assess entity thank you commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> i have one speaker card mr. hernandez not sure open that
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item is mr. hernandez still here thank you very much comments from the board superintendent? commissioner wynns i particularly am in support of vision zero work and i think it is good but particularly glad the staff will be a addressing some issues from a transportation director what the job should be since it's never been discussed it is just over time is or was what it was or is what the transportation department does what the goals so thank you >> i'm doing i'd like to ask the colleagues to add our names to the resolution. >> i don't think so but i'm going to defer to hydra.
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>> let me think about that, of course absolutely this is when we get punchy you guys i'm just getting bitter i want to note that a lot of the work that concession how it came to be was around a young 5-year-old kindergartener that was hit during 96 that promoted the city to take on on the other hand a more active and aggressive approach to insuring their safety in our city i think as our 57 thousand students are out and about on the streets this is critical to protect the children we serve and many of that comes from the learners within our own school and our own community i appreciate our board members want to sign into this resolution that is critical for
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the safety and understanding of our young people and hopefully for the adults that could actually impact this work as well so thank you. >> roll call please. >> thank you, commissioner. >> ms. fewer. >> ms. mendoza-mcdonnell. >> hydra i'll get it. >> ms. norton parklet ms. wynns and dr. murase. >> 7 i's. >> thank you very much the next item on the agenda is instill procedures to support stanford university middle schools for the school of arts by rachel norton is there is a motion and a second. >> i move second. >> this item will be referred to budget and services and the
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curriculum program committee i have two speakers roberta 0 hernandez and another gentleman a minute and a half. >> does this have a budget impact should e this should go to budgets we don't have an additional need. >> i'm sorry, i thought it it was referred to curriculum. >> mr. hernandez thank you very much for your patience. >> hello commissioners pretty late; right? first of all, i want to tell you for those who don't know me, i'm a parent in public schools and i also am
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with the eviction and i'm also represent the county of san francisco i believe this is way overdue having been this has been around for 3 that years for many years we've taught and collaborated with schools and middle school and high schools specifically with african-american and latino children teaching them our routes oftentimes and routes are - you learner who you are and once you learner who you are you build the self-esteem it is important po to what we're done from africa to street america and mexico it is important in the schools i've seen some
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amount talent of children from our elementary school to middle school but i this person that have applied to sylmar and who was not accepted i've asked i learned the whole criteria what it takes to be accepted i've gone out of my way with some parents that wanted their children to go there and sustained were still not stepped up to the plate, in fact carlos santana was not september i told you carlos; right? but i think that is this afternoon i was asked to speak another black life manners rally at city hall i said that the african-american community and hunters point and western edition are going to the same thing to the latinos are
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going throw in the mission district this is excellent this couldn't come at a betterment to send the messages to african-americans and latino to take what that takes i think that if it talks about middle school we should start at elementary schools there are children that who already have that gift that skill to distance and play an instrument so start at the elementary schools and let me say i'll finish by saying i know some of the children can't afford private lessons during the summertime and some do and you know where that goes to see is difference of who gets accepted and not accepted. >> i apologize. i overlooked inform additional speakers
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(calling names) and please approach the podium. >> i'm heather i've been a member not going to bend over a member of the sfusd for nearly 20 years each of the years as a full-time teacher of the school of the arts any first day was at the facility on font i walked in and sat down on one classroom that was having painting going on and he is he lives were skafrd around the room i ditched the rest of my cohort and substituted every class for students until i was hovered i'm here to represent the h.r. of the district the letter dear board of education we thank you for the energy you're putting into helping sal so the to help
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the students in the interest of partnership should i skip this? okay in the interest of partnership and yeah. collaborative work we would like to share a few observations and comments as summer arts programs for 5, 67 and 7 it is a great education question wholeheartedly support this and offer every assistance to help it succeed and impact students that motive not have aortas institution inheritance there's a lot of moving parts there's been many years of frustration to target populations with a program such as this we couldn't be more pleased to see this but please don't stop 3 to 6 weeks of a program will not make up
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programs with a aortas education service the solution to increasing diversity if the arts is the high school level requires working from the elementary school level up with the sustained stomach programs the establishment of those programs involves the master plan and it's implementation that which are it pier 30/32 that is long overdue and arts projects are dispercent unevenly can i finish this i'm representing 14 people we've waited all evening those are dispercent unevenlyly the end result at the high school level is predictable only 0.7 of our
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all the time came from willie brown and mission schools combined we ask for a resolution to create an additional task force to thoroughly examine master plan implementation and we would like to participate in that it is sarasota additional process it is receiving tonight that certainly the master program this be worthy of attention that is the arts that every middle school in san francisco have a complete and arts curriculum program stated or applied idea something that one thing with the adution please be clear on that point that adu shuns were eliminated
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and every sustainability were to attend our white population would grow significantly and the schools with about less diverse this year 52 percent of our students are caucasian, however others are - in contrast the underrepresented percentage of those exposed the percentage of those that apply the donated demonstrates it creates diversity at the school why? because we as art heads are keenly aware of issue we conduct partnerships with outside organizations and considering applicants of color to this end used suggested in the last forgave we created two programs in the race two years to
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assessable world music and architecture and design as second-degree murder we included the arts educators audition board and enthusiastically support those ideas we look forward to working with the task force to improve our work a specific point of concern extend of the documents they become district managed we have devoted our lives to this with work we're not qualified to conduct those are and better handed by those of no knowledge or connection to and school is an idea not based on sound reach we're academic teachers and believe me we know our common core state standards we know that an incredible play requires strong evidence the unreliable
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of a few district employees is not strong sound evidence we invite you with open arms to come invite and talk with us and meet our kids and parents and form our opinions on our programs we're confident you'll sees things devil i think we've seen mr. haney and the superintendent that's it we need to have the boards help we would love to have a true partnership the common determinant is creating the me successful partnerships to the outdoor professional organizations they all began with a conversation we would like to have that conversation we would like to fully engage the master plan although many
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napa leadership support sal so the your school has been criticized by a member of that leadership i recognize i'm speaking in a political venue and issues become politicalized we want to remind the board of same thing to hold the students at the center of what we say and do help us to make a sal so the better and sfusd aortas education as to let the record reflect stated in the platoon in every school for every ask the everyday thank you yes get sal so the the arts faculty i want to remind we only out of curious
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this is going to committee and coming back to the board i think i'd ask we absolutely follow the board >> i'll pass an hour and a half state everything that was needed to be said. >> i have two minutes i have 11 points. >> you have one minute and a minute and a half and good evening welcome board this is my first time speaking i thoroughly enjoyed the process i consider administrative review a state of life heather has covered most of it i want to hit an a couple of points i've been educated i know the board ges goes by abc d e f g that is noise and been can't
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take down by mrs. jordan's resolution i read through it i said yeah. yeah every year no and that was me we're on board 90 percent of you everything you said was pretty much on target and couple of things most of what ou were talking about was diversity and quality i know for myself i started with the department that had absolutely no african-americans in that one latino and i know i've been a huge structural change in changing those naubz i numbers, in fact, but if you ask my kids they'll thrum i'm black and white and one said i'm building a vic ship most of them are not concerned but they're concerned
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with jobs with their education that is what those kids are i'll tell you the trick i've learned if from teaching is what ruth said it is the art in the schools that keep the kids coming back if tare doing arts and enjoying it that takes them to math and english you have a wonderfully program zap to ta pa when you get more money give it to zap pa get both those other schools i'll ask permission to continue one more minute. >> no i'm sorry you have conduct our remarks. >> the bottom line one thing i'm aware of recent i've you're only full time criteria technical education instructor
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you need to clone me 50 times. >> thank you have a wonderful night i hope you guys did our taxes. >> as i mentioned 34 resolution will be heard in the budget and services as well as the curriculum and program committee and have an alp opportunity for public comment committee and item s are there reports from the committee that is let's see report from the city select committee hydra mendosa and maybe commissioner president loftus and talked about the summer initiative and the program options that are available how to incorporate the ct e and more of the promising
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and while i'm reporting book i want to congratulate everyone for the youth jobs fair part of the presentation as well as laura to volunteer we had over one thousand young people registered to come to the event and nearly a hundred jobs given to young people on the spot in particular from 0 starbuck's and levi and thank you to all the young people that came out and landed jobs just one note of privilege one lady brought her son out that was one of the first 10 to land a job on stooubz on saturday congratulations eye contact and
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a lot of resumes in hand not only to the select committee meeting but those who come out on saturday to support the young people. >> we had a presentation from the sfmta that shows you their bus routes how their increasing their buses services. >> what kinds of to the heavily used lines by the suggestions i thought that was a very good presentation that brought us you up to date on actually what mta is doing with their services and concerns when we are talking about transportation to and from school. >> i want to say give kudos to the municipal railway after 16 or 20 years telling me use it was
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