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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2015 6:30am-7:01am PDT

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a lot of resumes in hand not only to the select committee meeting but those who come out on saturday to support the young people. >> we had a presentation from the sfmta that shows you their bus routes how their increasing their buses services. >> what kinds of to the heavily used lines by the suggestions i thought that was a very good presentation that brought us you up to date on actually what mta is doing with their services and concerns when we are talking about transportation to and from school. >> i want to say give kudos to the municipal railway after 16 or 20 years telling me use it was impossible to put more buses
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heavily traveled from kids from school they did it is great and he appreciate that we all should be aware of that and panes. >> thank you i'd like to ask commissioner norton to report. >> yes. the budget and services committee meet on april 9th a number of action items the first one was the gateway middle school charter which we sent to the board with a with a positive recommendation and we had commissioners fewer hastening i didn't and others vietnamese pathway and had a rich discussion on the planning for world language some of the investments we referred to that discussion earlier in the evening but i think the desire
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for understanding where we are heading financially with the comments was definitely expressed because the funding for the position recommended in n this resolution was contained in the peace budgeted we sent it back to the board without recommendation because it set up an odd scene but definitely there was people on the committee were supportive of the concept of the resolution we also had the wellness policy agendized as an action item we didn't take action on that it didn't require action of any kind but it was eye opening the budget request over $7,800,000 that is being requested to fund in this year's the wellness policy that all of us are
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supportive of but you know realizing there is real money behind it we'll will will have to follow along with that as we go to the budget development process that is my request really if it turned out it is not possible to fund or tradeoffs have to happen if we produce intents some of the big-ticket items in there to have a road map in the first year i think we have to continue to locate how the budget is looking before we do that to get a sensed of what what we can fund and what can wait until later and how to go back the multiple year initiative in that plan that is a lot of positive stuff briefly the budget
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timeline the important dates is that actually that was - was it today a community - well forget about that there will be may 26th the pack and the delake will be at the full board to give us their reaction to the l pack process and our next month to month is on may 21st. >> thank you very much i'd like to ask my colleagues to announce the dates of they're up coming committee meetings and any other announcements. >> plane autopsy so the curriculum program committee is month to month this thursday april 16th it is an unusual time you're all welcome at 6:00 p.m. >> commissioner wynns.
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>> i already announces the rules committee but this is the rules committee part of the agenda to be speaking is to the agenda policy that is complicated we don't know the budget calls for conclusions those are impacted the budget analyzed it conducted implement every part of it some costs are not known if i can take a minute to praise and recognize our nancy pelosi the congresswoman that made an image passions and floor speech but the bills are coming to a a head in the congress and she is i've been since i internal revenue in washington we've been
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communicating regularly with her staff person i think i forwarded to you you a copy of her remarks and she's been stall washth not allowing or trying to you know the democrats are i am reintroducing to stand in the way of the proposed changes we'll not support that undermines the targeted funding of title one and other programs so thank you congresswoman. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> our next buildings and grounds committee moot on monday april 20th at 6 o'clock i have a couple of announcements to congratulate the san francisco rec and park department they just hosted the international parks greater and greater that brought in national and international park representatives throughout and it was i mean, we had this was
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it was one of such a prim to be able to host the conference i hentd to attend a harris lee what they call a lecture in oakland and terrance robert was they're talking about their experience what an amazing group of people that volunteered to do what many of us couldn't image doing at such a young age it was delightful and wanted to congratulate alex randolph the new federates for city college replacing natalie burk he look
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forward to working with sfusd thank you for supporting him this afternoon and lastly i wanted to say gas stations to the golden state worries we're in the polygraphs we finished and all right in the playoffs earlier we're looking forward to supporting one ever our great partners the golden state warriors. >> so i so have two announcements the cherry blossom festival grand parade gavin newsom low join me as a member of con migrant come out on sunday and as well as commissioner shamann walton congratulate the musicians who will perform at the emergency room mosaic festival on
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april 24th at blood alcohol high school if no other announcements we'll move on item t report of closed session action closed session action of april 7, 2015, the board by the vote of 6 i's x that i would two students and the board by a vote of 67 i's approved the contract of one superintendent and one in a and one abstinence approved the contract of one chief new informational items a staffer report on the classified personnel transactions adjourned - meeting adjourned.
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>> before test. >> good afternoon, everyone wow. first of all thank you, everybody friends, family appointees to our boards and commissions it is my pleasure to join all of you and issue the oath of office but a celebration of more people that share responsibility thank you to our supervisors here supervisor breed formerly supervisor and new carmen chu jane kim thank you very much for being here our city administrator thank you for being here and commission thank you and tom hugh and mr. puc guy
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>> thank you all of you for being here today let me say at the outset we're giving the oath of office for 32 people 118 bodies and commissions that help me deal with the policy challenges but more and more most importantly and the most important thing the commission and advisory bodies do we reach out to people and engage them and bring that diversity of opinion and culture into the way we around government and this is what the exciting to me and let me tell you i'm excited today because the 18 different commissioners and advisors bodies are very important to me
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let's look at who ear appointing people to when we look at our diverse city i have to say and it is not because it begins an organization but art it is important to our city on a local and international level so the arts commissions e commission deals with our diversity and culture and on the eave of the completion of novm the beginning of the maeks the reestablishment of moob and the museums we traditionally have and now a really big opening of community arts that is revienlts has been the reason why we've been able to revitalize market street in the tenderloin lead by the arts and the asian arts my name is a big part of that not only because their across the street
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today but i i think so you have an indulging exhibition it is a sud dusk infection i don't want to talk about that too much but our building inspection commission will be appointed to you don't think them we have serious fires in the city in the past two months over one hundred units of affordable housing we've got to make sure that everybody lives safely in our city and we don't lose housing, in fact, we need to net new build housing in the city to the building inspection commission will make sure that happens commission on the status of women and equal pay of advisors board are important nor many, many reasons many of you know you'll be co-sponsors with libby
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shaft on women's economic empowerment this october we'll bring together all of you and anyone that is have read or interested in making sure that women have no gooblz to economic opportunity and less barriers and those two commissioners will do that i'm excited about the individuals appointed there it is a lot of great talent and high commitment brought to the bodies with respect to equal pay that's a fairly new board they're going to be 4r50k9sd the actual data so we understand what the economic gaps are between men and women in our city and what we need to do that about it and, of course the status of women take that data address revolve it through policy oriented discussions and ultimately legislation we need to consider our historic preservation
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commission and hiv council wow. what they've done to make improvements with the ac a, with 5 hospitals being built with health care being the number one impact driver in this city their incredibly important and wanted to say to you a big that's correct to the health commission they're there day to day to help us with issues of mental health and all kinds of health problems in the community the hiv health services planning council i'm very proud of them we're joining as angle inspire industry to make sure we get to zero infections in the city we are about to launch the opening of the wednesday center in the
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castro this is successful such a great state of the art to help us going get to zero in a short amount of time this year is a one hundred year celebration of our world fair it, of course, allows us to think back a hundred years ago the innovators in our city i mentioned that in a context of this historic preservation commission as part of they're great work to understand and make sure that our city's history is connected to us this building is part of that history but so many other buildings give us that link to the history so it shouldn't intries you one hundred years ago people were doing it and how we're doing it today is understood that by our kids that's what the historic preempt
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will do i told you earlier we're on the ground with making sure we end as much poverty and misery for people as possible we're challenging ourselves by oifsz the 5 hundred most impoverished families in the city and giving them the most intense support to end intergenerational poverty for them i can't do that without the wisdom and guidance of our human services commission and bay the appointee to this commission today george is now going to begin pious o his 40th year on the commission thank you, george for a lifetime worth ever work (clapping.) you know my passion important local business when we appoint local business enterprise committee we're making more
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local businesses to be start and successful to engage in this strong economy we have because for me, the local businesses is really what it is all about and yes we want to grow local businesses to international businesses as well long term care for the couldn't a vital to our ability to delivery services to people that are challenged in the city we need a functioning body to give us the populated considerations whether it's more nutrition and food or more sports for the staffing or the people of the industry that is helping us do long-term care retirement board r rent board wow. what a commission but the careful ability to balance between landlord and tenants very, very important to the city
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it is a sensitive position one we trust of those we appointed to make the right decisions sf that hopefully in most cases is a win-win we can't have strife within landlord and tenants more harmony in the city there is a housing crisis we are doing something about that we are making sure we were the good k345e78gsz going on our conservatism core they're being called up because we video a drought and a lot of open spaces to rehab and change to make sure their drought tolerant work is being done on the open spaces and we also need a conservatism core to help us do that our mta advisory committee we invested greatly last year and will continue to do that because the voters said, yes it's important
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to pass a $500 million bond for a transportation system a great museum is for pedestrian safety the sizing had will help the priorities that vision zero and all the others have as part of our great transportation and walking and bicycle riding city southeast community facilities commission they transition going on in the southeast part of our city i want to make sure the people that little there for generations arelved in the future development of that area that's what the southeast sector will do they themselves and their facilities are going on changes we need good leadership to make sure the community is directly involved in that that conversation wow. urban forestry council meeting we need to have admonish trees and we need to make sure that is clear who is responsible for them
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because those trees are commonplace and part of our investment we need to do better as a city we need a you have been talking about council to guide us in the potentially conflicting things we all care about we care when our common place trees your workforce investment in important nowadays people need to sustain for the future we don't want people victimized by the economy and the workforce is required their looking at around the corner and understanding the emerging industries making sure we have a workforce that is ready for the industry and finally the most
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unknown body today is called an oversight board it is kind of like a whistle blower investigator it is a body where former redevelopment agencies are own e organizing to make sure we get it right we're not violating our tax obligations or financial obligations to the public i'm sure that is sun shining something that carmen is interested in; right? carmen see i'm going to catch them all anyway, i went over bayshore's these because their incredibly important to the function of our city i again want to say too all he each of the appointees today thank you for your commitment and volunteering rhythm and the love of our city and with that
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i'd like to ask all off appointees to please stand up and raise your right hand as i say i, i would like each think one of you to say loudly this is the only time you can yell added me after you get sworn in people will yell at you and sigh loudly to the commission you're being appointed and we'll precede with the rest of the oath are you ready? i >> (repeated.) very good thank you loudly
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thank you
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>> i. >> do solemnly swear. >> ( repeated.) >> that i will support and defend. >> (repeated.) >> the constitution of the united states. >> (repeated.) >> and the constitution of the state of california. >> (repeated.) >> against all enemies. >> (repeated.) >> foreign and domestic. >> (repeated.) >> and that i will bear true faith and allegiance. >> (repeated.) >> to the constitution of the united states. >> (repeated.) >> and to the constitution of the state of california. >> (repeated.) >> that i take this obligation freely. >> (repeated.) >> without any mental reservation. >> (repeated.) >> or purpose of evasion. >>
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(repeated.) >> that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties. >> (repeated.) >> and during such time as i hold office. of. >> (repeated.) >> for the city and county of san francisco thank you very much congratulations everyone thank you (clapping) thank you all right.
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>> 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean and safe neighbor's park fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that public investment has transformed our neighborhood. >> the playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the other properties, it serves small children with the children's play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so there were a lot of people that came to the table that had their wish list and we did our best to make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features.
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>> the playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. >> we want kids to be here. we want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. >> we are given a real responsibility to insure that the public's money is used appropriately and that something really special comes of these projects. we generally have about an opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. and it is really really rewarding to see children and families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at
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each one of these properties >> and as a result of, what you see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before. we have more girls playing sports than we have ever had before. [ applause ] fp >> and we are sending a strong message that san francisco families are welcome and we want you to stay. >> this park is open. ♪ we're ready to begin
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good morning today is wednesday april 15, 2015, this is the regular meet of abatement appeals board i'd like to remind everyone to please turn off electronic device p&z roll call. >> commissioner clinch commissioner mccarthy commissioner mar commissioner walker commissioner mccray commissioner lee is compassed and supervisor scott wiener that expected we have quorum the next is the oath will all parties giving testimony please stand