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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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very candidly, for the am of money they get, they have done quite a bit for a very very city hall budget. it's been very impressive to see them growing in these 2 years. i'm going to bring them up to discuss their accomplishment. >> since they are calling this the top of broadway which i got a little confused because the top of broadway where i grew up was something else. is there a bottom of broadway? >> during the formation process broadway stretches to north beach and a china area. it was difficult for this community to just call it broadway. maybe it is the highest point
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along broadway and, i don't know, but it was the name that they chose for themselves moving forward. just as a side note, the community is considering greater north beach cbd. so this may all be fluid moving forward. >> okay. good afternoon, supervisors, thank you for the opportunity to introduce you to the top of broadway benefit. i think they consider the lower part of embarcadero and upwards toward top which was before my time here. thank you for the opportunity to introduce to you top of broadway in our first year of operations. you see the parcel map, the organization was formed in november 2013, officially. this is when we incorporated. we received our first
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assessment payment in march. due to the donation that was mentioned we were abe to start serves services earlier than that, $107,000 operating budget. our core services we provide five 5-day a week sidewalk cleaning and graffiti removal as well as weekend thursday through saturday safety and hospitality patrols. we have several acts of committees that represent the major service areas of the organization in marketing and finance and we have special committees that work on special project. we have a lot of partner organization and expanding this list all the time. of course the city
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organizations such as oewd and dpw work with public information officer and we do regular evaluations of the district conditions with and san francisco district attorney's office to work with the community to install community protocols to the clubs for how they operate and the san francisco police regularly attendance our meetings and the chinese community development center was sponsored before the organization was formed and the business association we've been working with closely and plan to do projects in the near future. of course representing the residents above broadway, the cultural association is what provided funding and other community organizations nearby. we have a $200,000 2-year
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pledge. this will extend in november. we are looking for ways to extend that or replace it. oewd gives us a grant to put together a board of directors and incorporate and we receiveden kind donations of $17,000 which include office rent, flower basket and additional services. some events that highlight the sobo, sidewalk operations beautification order. we conduct an rfp process and hired security companies in january 2014. we conducted a security camera and lighting audit and covered
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street furniture and provided landscaping services in the district. marketing identity, we conducted an rfp and hired a marketing firm and swat analysis and to see what their thoughts were about broadway and what came to mind and brand for the organization and for the district and developed our social media platforms. we did some streetscape projects to install flower baskets and installed decore tive tree lighting. we had a community meeting. we noticed everyone and took action and put to board together and filed for non-profit status which we received in july of 2014. we have a director hiring process and hired a director
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albeit part-time one and numerous policies and procedures to lay the groundwork to grow. with that i will turn it over to stephanie. >> as ben mentioned we did hire a professional cleaning organization and they provide 5 days a week street cleaning and additional washing and help us out with graffiti abatement and the like. here we have some metrics from february through june 2014. our team removed graffiti. there were 108 incidents. there were 381 graffiti incidents removed. 85 human and animal waste clean up. pressure washed the entire district 5 times and we have hot spots that we clean every month, for example weekly. and we had 169
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reports of illegal dumping. moving on to safety metrics. our safety met asterisks. we got in touch with security specialist. and provides security for us thursday through saturday evening. from february to june-february 14th. they hat hospitality services 131 instances that would include ambassador interactions. and merchant check ins. 554. sf p.d. interactions and loitering 244, alcohol and drug related 121, calls for city services and
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crowd control. >> we have challenges that do with illegal dumping and as public works mentioned we work very close with them and we are alsoing working with cbd numbers and we have blighted properties and vacancies and we are trying to come up with means to address those issues. lack of daytime activation. this has been the case for a very long time and has impacted the area. and we have a problem with chronic inebriates and drug use and dealing. it has the perception that the area is unsafe. we are working with security as well as with our sf p.d. and we have a very small budget and cover a very
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small area and this hinders our ability of what we would like to do we want to expand top of mine for all of us and we hope to do that in the near future and looking at ways to do that. as far as projects, we have several revitalization and rebranding projects under way that will serve to improve business vitality and rare vibrancy. we are working with public works as well as several community groups such as hotel neighbors in making that happen and this will help attract visitors to the area including during the daytime where we need them as well as create pride and place and we are looking to improve the aesthetics there and softening that area and
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improve aesthetics. we are starting our meeting process and looking at different locations to do the associated research. again, this will improve pride of place to make people proud of where they are and also increase visitors in the area. off broadway summer fest and other events will be august of this year. we are calling it off broadway. we think it would be great and we won't give up, but at this point it will be off kearney and pacific. we'll have music, food and vendors and all of our members will be able to participate m some fashion. we are planning retail development and hope to address some of our vacancies and inactive spaces. and also
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expansion, this is a top priority of ours, we are looking to a larger expansion project with the city and also talking to near property owners and we just welcomed our first members and we are very excited about that and she's already very active. we have three surface parking lots in a 2-block radius. and also activation of inactive spaces. we have a security camera pilot. one of our property owners has offered to pay for half of that project and we are hoping that will expand and improve the safety of the area and give people a feeling of safety in the area. partnerships with people who are moving to the district and we are hoping they
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will be able to help with cleaning when our team does not work and we support parks and programs. the board of directors did recently vote to support the saint frances plaza project and donated some money. so again, to wrap up, our mission is very important to us. we look to it often to guide us and as mentioned we formed the structure and developed the plan and committed. to make area around broadway a safe, beautiful diverse and enjoyable place to live, work and visit with a commitment to promoting economic vitality, improving live ability and advocating area. to remain a financial sustainable organization to
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ensure maximum possible cleanliness of the public place to create safe for locals and residents alike. to improve the area of the history and we did a lot of outreach there and the community by and large wanted us to celebrate our history to make sure people were aware of it. to bring locals back to the area through event to marketing and branding to increase traffic and to operate a well sound and non-profit organization. >> i want to congratulate. no questions, just heeps of praise. for those not familiar with that part of our district. i think i witnessed 30 years of discussion about what are we going to do about broadway. the forms of the cdb made all the
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difference in terms of the economic vitality of that area. your community could not be more grateful for what you have brought. we thank you for your dedication. it making a real deference. thank you. >> i was just curious, the crowd control, is that mostly in the daytime or evenings or when is that? >> night. >> friday and saturday night. >> there is a large club in particular in the first year that brings about 500-600 people. they operate until about 1:00 a.m.. the influx when they open and close down and we get people into taxis and service. >> i think people appreciate it because it's been a problem with that club. so i guess there is no other
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questions. is there any public comment on this issue? >> public speaker: [inaudible] i come to an event.
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>> any further comments? is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> colleagues, i have a motion with a positive recommendation. >> i move. >> no objection, motion passes. thank you very much. before we move to item no. 3. >> supervisor christensen would you like to excuse supervisor.
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supervisor breed, could you make a motion to excuse supervisor. with no objection, that item passes. madam clerk, item no. 3. >> city clerk: item no. 3, resolution and approving annual reports for the north of market tenderloin community benefit district for years 2010-2013. >> chair yee, president breed. to over see the community benefit district program. again, similar side. i'm going to skip the legislative overview as it was presented in the previous
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resolution. and also the review process for this particular cbd, the north of market tenderloin cbd we are going to be reviewing fiscal years 2010-2013. again just to ensure that the cbd is managing their districts appropriately. there was a correction from the memo submitted to supervisor kim. the memo indicated that the community ambassador program was active during all fiscal years in the review process. however this program was only active in the fiscal year 2010-2011 review period. the parcel map is in front of you. the nortsd of market tenderloin cbd supervisors 8 parcels and a property based district. it's current assessment, an assessment budget
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excuse me, sorry, another correction. it was prior to the 2010-2011 review period. in terms of formation of the was in established in 2005 and will expire june 30, 2020. we have two board members here with us today. in terms of service areas, there are three major ones, public right-of-way and sidewalk operations and district identity and streetscape improvement and management and operation. again the four benchmarks that we over see are whether or not the budget is comparable to the management plan within 10 percentage points, benchmark two whether or not
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the cbd fundraiser 5% of their budget, benchmark whether or not their actuals were and whether or not their benchmark indicated going to the following fiscal year. benchmark one, under fiscal year review the management plan, each year the cbd budgeted within 10% points. in terms of revenue and other income, you will see here in fiscal years 2011-12, 2013, the cbd did not meet this requirement. this is something that we have encouraged cbd to be particular about moving forward. in terms of budget to actuals, they met this requirement in all three of the fiscal
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years under review. in terms of carry over you will see for the years that fiscal year 12-13 that they did have a deficit moving to fiscal years 13-14. in terms of recommendation, the cbd and their annual report did not indicate their carry over and we have requested that information. in terms of their management plan, ensuring that it's indicating their plan for those items. again, in the previous slide, we noticed that there was a deficit and we encourage the cbd to be very focused on rectifying this issue moving forward. so oweb is going to be
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providing assistance to ensure this doesn't happen. in terms of our conclusion, the service plan indicated in the management plan was delivered. there was some organizational management issues that did come to light during this process. we do believe that there is a brapd new board of directors that has come on board to help execute steps in rectifying the issues that were outlined in their audit submitted to us. their executive director that is here now has helped to address many of those issues and is supported greatly by david stuart who is here today. in terms of where they have excelled they have leveraged funding quite a bit. they have levied a few grant dollars through the neighborhood throughout the city. their current board of
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directors has stepped up to the plate to ensure it's moving forward. i would like to bring up as soon susan. >> in regards to the issues they are trying to rectify, when do you hope to have another evaluation of that? >> you will see we did not take their 13-14 -fiscal year for review. we'll be doing that before the end of the fiscal year. the board has taken many steps to bring in new staff to the cbd. they are in the process looking for additional staffing for the program and entertaining consulting services. david stuart who is here today is cfo at uc
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hastings and partnership with a law program working to update their bylaws moving forward. >> okay, thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors, yee and breed. i'm the interim director of the tenderloin community benefit district known as the north of market tenderloin community benefit district. as mentioned here with me, i have two board members david stuart's of uc college of law and from the cadillac resident hotel. this displays a map of our district that serves the 29 blocks of the tenderloin our mission
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is to facilitate the neighborhood into a cleaner, safer more vibrant neighborhood. our three core objectives is to initiate support and develop extensive enhanced cleaning services, beautification projects. community development initiatives. i'm so sorry. the powerpoint doesn't seem to be working
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correctly. there we go. the core objective of our own going three 3 fiscal years are to keep the neighborhood clean. we have service provider by the name of san francisco clean city that provides systematic cleaning on a monthly weekly and daily basis. >> i'm sorry. you have it? okay. would
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you rather i just go through it? okay. sf govtv, overhead, please. i will go ahead and read through it, i'm sorry. included in these cleaning services are clean sweeping out of property frontages and twice a month
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sidewalk scrubbing. 10-20 hours a week of graffiti removal and abatement. hypodermic needle removal and power washing. >> included in our agreement with the serves provider is a sample of equipment that we purchase from year to year, sidewalk scrubers and cleaning equipment. you will see in the photo here this is a sidewalk scrubber we purchased for the fiscal year year 2012-2013. we wanted to take note that our service provider does more than just keep the sidewalk in the neighborhood clean. they also
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provide a terrific service to individuals that are employed with their program and they provide transitional employment opportunities to individuals that might otherwise have a hard time getting back into the workforce. every year they do a graduation program and they also partner with city agencies and non-profits that help identify individuals that can join this program and we hear from year to year testimonies from individuals that talk about how they have really had a great opportunity to be a part of this program and moving forward. and realizing new job opportunities. we also want to note that unlike many of the other cbd's throughout the city, our programs are provided systematically and not on a dispatch system. although not exactly a service
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we like to think of our committee structure as a great resource for the neighborhood for them to come and voice their concerns and interest for neighborhood improvement projects that the city might embark on. these are three committees that we have employed throughout these 3 years. prw, public right-of-ways and community advisory board. many times conversations that come from these community have initiated other community related town hall meetings and other initiatives that have worked to be really beneficial for everyone in the neighborhood. now i will move forward to talk about some of the unique special projects accomplished during these 3 fiscal years. for year 2010-11. partnered wi