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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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zation you reached out to. >> we talked to the next door businesses and as well as banks and we invited everybody that came to the meeting about 10 people came in and asked all kinds of questions. >> and in addition to the bank and businesses did you talk about to normal everyday people. >> yes. >> okay any other questions or comments? okay. i think we'll say thank you and move on to sfpd to have them discuss our operation with usyour operation with us >> good evening, commissioners forgive i found out about this yesterday but familiar with the establishment excited to see new owners coming
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in nevertheless to say i did not get a chance to meet with them i'm not sure well, besides what they're saying how they will continue to run the business i received a call from the gentleman but unfortunately, i was business i want to set up a meeting so i can find out more about how they're going to run the stuff so thank you. okay so just the place of entertainment we are fine with that with the adequate security or security if any weed like security this obviously will be a good neighbor policy and for a monthly calendar to be sent to me as bayview station the only well, we'll figure out that out later with the extended
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hours that's it. >> i have one question you said you're excited to see new owners taking over a business or issues in the past with this place. >> well when i worked nights in the bayview a few years ago i'm have famous with this with the late night and people leaving and stuff like this but the little fights and stabbings and things like that. >> just a little fight. >> nothing big (laughter). >> so a little bit ever both i didn't have contact with the last owner i reached when i took over this position tried to reach out and didn't receive
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anything there's never - i don't get calls from the community regarding this it slipped off radar but - >> you want a security company to touch everybody and getting involved with the patrons. >> cool security would be great. >> any other questions thank you very much okay. at this time is there public comment is closed. or any public comment on item this item for el tore like to move to the motion discussion. >> i don't feel comfortable and can we make a motion to approve without a security plan in place? >> i think we can condition
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that. >> no can we ask staff because i'm not sure you have to have a security plan i'm not sure. >> okay. >> you have to have a security plan i apologize there was a security included in the application validity of the security plan the removal of the primary provider of that security. >> okay. so that's not necessarily true that the validity of the security plan in question is the provider is eliminated so i went through this before the question was the same thing so this answered they're to have 4 security guards and they said you know one 2 door security
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guards depending on the day of the week and providing entertainment they can put into effect their security plan. >> right but opposed? we know about that company and their capacity to deliver on the plan. >> wait a minute is it true do we have to know what security company. >> the card didn't get that specific it says you need to approve with you consider an adequate security plan. >> that may not be necessary they've identified a provider that is no longer a provide. >> your discretion to determine if this is a security plan for the record make that clear and precede. >> thank you for your
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clarification. >> the security plan can be followed up but we need a security that has a ensured card and right now it is - >> it is not the question before they get the approval i mean someone can come to us, please correct me if i am wrong someone can come to us and apply for a permit before ever hiring any security guards they need to have a plan and once they hire the security guard they have to think trained and guard indicated with an outdoor company they have is to be licensed by the state if in house the venue has to be licensed by the state but the identity of the security guard don't know get me wrong i don't disagree with you i don't think they have to know who the
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security guard is is a factor we don't have to uphold that. >> does that speak to our concern that may or may not. >> it does we can approve this but they can't use it until they get a security company. >> that's the job of our inspectors to make sure the security guards have ensured cards and they will go there and checkout the guards. >> two months after getting this permit they get rid of one security company and hire another. >> exactly. >> we're not hold them to a security company. >> so we have a conditional poe and the condition of the extended hours is that the question any motions.
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>> yeah. i'll make a motion to approve. >> excuse me. to approve and then extend. >> to continue the extent hours okay. >> sorry. >> i'll second. >> any discussion? seeing none, >> okay. just to be clear is that motion to approve with the police conditions of the monthly calendar on the motion with the police conditions. >> commissioner caminong commissioner perez commissioner joseph commissioner lee commissioner frost commissioner moshoyannis. >> okay our last agenda item is j for one at 2801 leavenworth applying for a poe. >> commissioners that is the form parlor those new ownership
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the gentleman they took over a few months ago and operating under a transitional permit that exteriors on april 14th this is time sensitive anyway they originally at central station they've been working with the applicant and this morning sent us on approval with conditions so - let me give you jason. >> welcome please introduce yourselves. >> i'm jason i'm the owner of this this is my manager and partner brought him on a xhoulth because he's help me staff and basically the operations basically right now we have been
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operating on a temporary permit and with that we've been i've been doing community outreach met with the president of the cv d trod myself and let him know i want to be an asset to the community had multiple meetings with the place for a merchant of the area can come and entertainer clients i had an open house for neighbors in the area and had one person come by his name is dan he will a neighbor adjacent to the venue as well as that i have attended the police awareness meetings many the area for the fisherman's wharf association and introducing myself let them know the difference between the parlor and for the fort one is a
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mixed use venue from monday through wednesday we're doing the music and lessons afterward and thursday live cover band and rock cover bands and fridays and saturday dj entertainment from local or out of town djs we have a security license security company intervention security we've been working closely and i'm very comfortable with what their could go we havedcould go we haveocould go we haveicould go we
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havencould go we havegcould go we haveould go we haveuld go we haveld go we haved go we have go we havego we haveo we have we have a security plan plan is this the same security company that parlor is using. >> no. they're not. >> so parlor is completely gone. >> yes. they're completely gone. >> commissioner perez. >> on your list of programming i mentioned monday through saturday, i didn't hear anything for sunday. >> right now we don't have any questions for sunday we have a bar lounge with 5 tv these so we will use it for bar people come in and watch a sporting event downstairs we have 6 thousand square feet with the dj bother on stage okay. thank you. >> how jason i have a lot of questions for you first of all, you introduced this gentleman and said he was
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the your partner. >> sorry. >> if he was your partner he should be list on the application what you say matters. >> got you. >> so moving right on okay. so bear with me you say you have a full service bar with what kind of liquor license. >> type 48 great that wasn't in our operation either you have to fill out the entire application so it said type of food and beverage full service bar with light bar snacks and asked for the number of your liquor license you left it blank you can't have blank spaces just letting you know you said that have you done any ground testing you said, yes sound like levels are tested
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using a decimal motor what kind of a decimal motors. >> it was one we used to use. >> what kind of a meter do you use to use. >> i'm not sure exactly. >> okay. >> up to date, no problems with the sound like issues. >> i'm just going through your application and checking it so you said here your security company is cms is cms intervention. >> we're no longer working with them. >> that's incorrect so your working with intervention security group and they are licensed by the state of california and guard carted. >> that's correct. >> and trained. >> that's correct. all that is from the police department. >> that's great has this security company is the one you've been working with on is
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temporary. >> cms of i up to new years eve and we termed their contract and brought only interference. >> your pleased with interference. >> yes. there's been a bunch of incidents i wanted to during your operations and so i have to ask you what experience do you have in running a bar. >> i managed kokomo for seven years i'll i'm not bringing that on as my burgundy experience and good. >> one thing it is not correlate to the operations at fort one at all it was basically keeping in you know hiring people. >> okay. on february 14, 2015 there was an assault in front of your club 3 people were denied industry and attacked the
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doorman do you have a occupancy rate of 398 and put guards in at 3 hundred you have 3 doors and indicated our doors are covered one guard left over for the inside there's one ensured at the door denied industry to 3 people and attacked him with no back up. >> that's incorrect we hired staff for one hundred 50. >> but that's not what our application says a minimum ratio of one to one hundred is increased during entertainment and it depends on schedule but one per hundred is all i can assume that's what you wrote. >> i understand that was when i had submitted this application when i meet with the police department after that we agreed that one per 50 was the best plan of operation after that so
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since that after 2015 i've been doing one per 50 and after that incident a minimum of that 8 guards. >> nevertheless on april 14th your doorman was attacked how did that happy you want to aid that. >> i'd like to address that a group of gentlemen came up were drinking had beer in their hands when they walked up our security told them they can't come in they were intoxicated they had a proximate cause they through the beer in the security guards face and attacked him repeatedly. >> on the next day the 15 a glass was smashed on the head of a patron.
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>> so i address that credit the entertainment commission and the police department the dates were incorrect that was the same day unfortunately. >> one time after midnight. >> not it makes it better we don't have glass. >> that's my question. >> it was a statement that the patron made thinking it was glass. >> so on awe corrective cup was smashed on the head of a patron. >> yes. >> so that patron made a police report. >> yeah was because we were able to locate offender. >> so if someone is asked to leave a bar how do you separate them and put them outside.
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>> basically, if it's two groups we take them to oppose sides of the venue on the street if it is called for we call the police. >> but you take them outs at the same time. >> not one group out a different door luckily there's a lot of exists we have the fire exits on one side and take them up the stairs on the other side. >> okay. well according to a short synopsis you had 5 assaults and 1, 2, 3 months that's a lot so, i mean it gives me pause to ask the question to know what you're doing. >> that's fair we've also been dealing with rectify raft and other crowds from the parlor as
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transitioned and no new incidents. >> since february 15th. >> if you look at the records after january 1st no incidents that was our transitional since then only the one on february 17th century. >> february 8th that was something we initiated there was an intoxicated patron acting irrational so we activated that call with the police department and instructed us to be pro-active and that's what we're doing. >> so you have to understand from my prospective you'll taking over the parlor what used to be the parlor and coming with experience from the kokomo it makes me want to condition the
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hell out of your permit because it is okay. so - i'm done with my questions for new thank you very much. >> commissioner lee. >> the parlor used to use a lot of outdoors promoters is that your plan are you doing in house proemths. >> yeah. in house promotion we use them as always always control the door. >> you have a promoters rental are they known promoters from town or they come back by to want to promote our club. >> no local. >> we had a burgundy process on everyone. >> so you think 50 percent of your business is outdoor or 75 percent is in house. >> we're building it up hoping
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to be 80 or 90 percent in house this is a process it's a destination location not the easiest location from different parts of the city right now it is 50 percent. >> can you explain our process how you know what is is good promoter from a bad one. >> most the are promoters we're right now are people we've been working with in the past 8 years. >> at the parlor. >> no at different venues anywhere from east side west to fluid back in 2004 2005. >> all the promoters are used their circulate the boars from the fusion lounge they have
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credibility and reputable names that's very, very important to us. >> and all the marketing is in house like i said we're in control of the doors. >> commissioner perez. >> hello thanks for coming in on your circulation the neighborhood part you left blank. >> you spoke with the cv d can you expand an what you've done in contacting our direct neighbors and what's happening. >> so the location is very, very heavily business oriented only two residents in there and one is vacated since i've taken over one is dan he will gonzales i had an open house and submitted i put like a piece of paper underneath the door to
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come down to get to us he came down and from thereon i was put in concoct with the president of cv d and the fisherman's wharf association shows you know introduced me to a lot of merchants in the area and structural in guiding me around you know showed me the ropes for that area. >> if people have issues with the noise and who's phone number are they going to be comp. >> i have my phone on me all the time and we have zero complaints the commissions come back and no issues with our process the way our sound is and the side of our building is brick so. >> thank you. >> okay.
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>> any further questions seeing none thank you very much we are going to hear from sfpd now. >> commissioner moshoyannis and commissioners lieutenant day of from the police department so to say the least this is a bumpy start with this group we've engaged them in october we had expensive discusses about some of the shortcomings ever kokomo and role pointed out out to the applicants and his group we're going to monitor the place closely they assured us no problems and unfortunately in the gaining they've underestimate the crowd they down placed the rebranding they did which is where we're at today numerous meetings executive order cain sat in on some of them and this has been an
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exhaust effort to help for lack of a better term 0 rehabilitate this group i think this is not something i side we're at a point now the department is not going to oppose this application jason and i had numerous conversations i was talking about with the lieutenant about this application we've got a lot of protection in place with our gop obviously we have a lot of protections with the abc license the applicant knows there's a lot at stake here they've got notoriety one of the fidgets was activated by local moa so they're at a point they've done their rebranding knock on would do they're working well with their security so the police departments approach gorging we
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are going to look forward and continue to work with the operators and we're not going to oppose the application at this point. >> lieutenant is it true their liquor services there's no nor violate service. >> that was agreed upon by the applicant and us and that was a great thing to move this forward even prior to them taco over the prior operators were reckless with the bottles. >> is that a permanent thing no bottles service. >> it's permanent to the extent it's on their liquor license about 9 other conditions and they will be in a position down the road to petition to modify the license it is way two premature to talk about the
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outcome. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. now we're at the point of. if there's anyone from the public please come on up and introduce yourselves >> thank you please speak into the microphone. >> i am i work with the alice's restaurant i'm the director of public relations on the executive board of the affirming and the treasurer of the fisherman's wharf i know that jason reached out to the merchant association for the membership therefore i reached out to him to see exactly what kind of a business i suggested he come along with me and go to the luncheon and introduced him to the people in the
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neighborhood i tell him this is a in nuisance situation we want to embrace you so therefore if that's the case i wanted to hang out with him, i did go through to pop-in one evening where they had lived entertainment and i must say i tried to walk in and expressed with the security so get the management not to start but i was regressed with the security and he tell him that i also said i was going to come here to see exactly what was going on as a clue of board of association we kind of like look at our applications to see if this is someone we want to embrace and bring in the family i've been there thirty years my
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credibility is up there we're existed about embracing him they don't have informed but maybe a venue there maybe give him a good chance i'm excited okay. >> real quick question what did you go in. >> last saturday yes, sir. >> thank you. >> you're welcome okay seeing no more. >> i'd like to make a motion i'd like to move to approve this permit with the police conditions and those following conditions as well a mostly event calendar to be set back to sfpd inventing of each month at least one employee be able to assess security footage