tv [untitled] April 18, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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boxes across the city fleet. the initial motivation behind the study was to assess whether or not equipting the cities vehicles with black boxes improve the driving behavior of the city workers. the city paid out is a 76.9 million in settlement and judgment over the past 5 years because of vehicle collisions. the insulation of black boxes including efficient, better fleet management and increase ability to address unsafe driving practices. this technology is also proven cost savings to other cities that adopted similar problems. the city of sacramento reported scicktd thousand savings in the first month after smalling the
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system for 184 vehicles. in the eastern municipal district in riverside county the employees drove 165 thousand fewer miles and saved 354 thousand dollars in the first 6 months in few cost. our city has black boxes installed in 2332 vehicles with plans for another 776 more. however, there are 4700 more remaining vehicles in the fleet that currently don't require snaugz. therefore i'm scg the city attorney to work with my office to man date black boxes across the sate fleet and development a problem that offers data analysis for departments to maximize efficiency. this effort falls into 2 of the main
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issues i have been spear heading since taking office with some of the other colleagues including come visor kim, avalos and mar. vision zero is one of thim. the effort to increase pedestrian safety and eliminate deaths on our streets by 2024. to increase efficiency by using the sate fund in a smart effective manner to help in savings in the long run. i look forward to working with all city departments to make this a smooth and fast transition and look forered to discussing the program in the upcoming budget discussion. i also would like to-the second item i would like to introduce is a hearing request on the san francisco unified school district student crossing guard program. in district 7 we have
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many dairjs corridors which effects student getting to and from schools. we also have schools with very congested roads during trop drop off and pick up tinals which causes unsafe condition for pedestrians. i remember as a young student how proud i was to be a crossing guard at my scoobl. the experience and skill made the importance of traffic safety. as you can imagine i was disappointed the student crossess guard program ended several decades ago. to the vision zero work we realized education plays a crucial role in our 3 prong approach to ending pedestrian faytalities. to address the issue of pedestrian safety at school, it is important to engage young children as part of the solution. last year i was able to secure funding to
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launch a student crossing program in district 7. through a partnership with my office and school district and principles and police department we were able to engage dozens of student for crossing guards. today we have 3 programs at [inaudible] lake shore elementary school. at each of these schools principles, parents and student have commented how pick up and drop off improved because of the presence and visibility of the student crossing guards. since this program is so successful through the pilot phase we received re quests for student crossing gaurds in 2 dozen other schools. with this demand i would like taexplore spreading this plan city wide. i would like to see more
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student educated with pedestrian safety and hopefully they will become safer on the roads. i want to give a shout out to the giant, not because they won the world series last year, but because they step up to the plate. no punt intended. they invited all the student crossing guards to come to the game wednesday night to watch the giants game as they did last year so i feel very proud that we have a home team that support this program. the rest i submit >> thank you, supervisor year >> seeing no other naimgs on the roster that concludes the introduction of new business >> can you please read public comment. >> the public may comment for up to 2 minutes on items within the subject matter to includes the minutes and items. note
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public comment isn't allowed on items that are subject to public comment and pursuance to the board rules please direct your remark tooz the board as a whole and not individual supervisors or the odd jnss. speakers using translation assistance will be aloud twice the amount to testify and if you would like a document to be displayed on the ovhead state such and remove the document when you would like the screen to return to live curveerage of the meeting >> that you can, first speaking, please >> members of board of supervisors rea hearts, director of san francisco open government. no justice, no peace. what you see on the screen is march 19 i file ida disclosure equest with 10 of the 11 members of the board of supervisors and the sun shine
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ordinance requires a response by close of business march 20. supervisor tang, avalos and cohen responded as the law required. supervisors camp es, yee and wiener did respond. this is the third time i have come before thois board of supervisors specifically regarding this same idea so i wonder why board president breed and supervisor kim, mar and farrell have not responded in any way shape manner or form? they have replied with nothing. i don't think this lack of response is a sign of content, i think is general content for open government and transenchs pal. you and sth staff know dh laws judon't follow them. i say that because the same contempt the voters will see if they come
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here-if they clearly if they come here and take the time to attend a meeting of this board of supervisor squz observe the members do anything but listen to the public. half the time they get up and walk out, have conversationwise thestaff, do anything about bay attention to had people who put them in those chairs. i think they have for gotten who put them where they are. i think the voters of san francisco need to look at the facktd that you will do everything including homdsing comwant where someone thaz to take a entire afternoon off work or child care to come here and wait for your pleasure >> thank you, next speaker. excuse me, we have public comment so to make sure everyone has their time please do not nrtd rupt the speakers as they speak. thank you . next speaking, please >> good afternoon, i'mpeting
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warfield executive directors of library [inaudible] that also is something that the sun shineords nns should be provided 3 minutes for public comment. i want to give a bit of update on bib locommons, the libery is betraying not just the public, but you the supervisors who pay over 100 million dollars a year to this library and bib locommons is privacy of breaking-it has censorship for patron comments and other contributions and it enables information gathsering by the company that runs it as well as law enforcement agency. one of the worst thing is bibly commons in the contract claims the right to exclude anyone from using it. it would
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be-if the library were to decide you can't come in and you can't come in and we don't like you for any reason and there is no due process. the library also sntd doing basic wells. let's look at the robert sheer book that came out in february, they know everything about you. the libery recently said it had peer liberies which it kim paraed itself to and 9 of 10 of them have their book in their collection. one doesn't yet and of course the library doesn't either. let's talk about what the bib locommons functions is. in the past i talked about privacy and censorship, but the system isn't working crethly in a whole range of ways thmpt libery is doing very haphazard testing and put a gagordser on the staff so only 1 person may talk with me about bib
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locommons in detail. the reason is because it is just not doing its job right. if you >> thank you very much. next speaker, please >> president breed and their victim thofz cuball, my name is christopher doll and live at sicktth and howard. i rise to provide a solution pack frj the dire prediction of 50 feet of sea level rise in 50 years i laid out last week. the way to stop sea level rise is stop the global ice melt by reverses global warming. the human contribution to global warming can be stopped by balancing the amont of carbon dioxide that humans put in the at #34us fear with the increase of carbon dioxide plants pull out of the atmosphere. we need more plants. the fastest way to get
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that increased vegetation is to irrigate empty desert. we have lots of empty desert next to salty oceans. the way toget lost of fresh water on the desert is desalinate and pump the fresh walter on shore. desalination technology is expensive to fabicate and more expensive to power. this is changing. using carbon nano films will lower energy costs radically and harvesting the free energy already available in deep ocean hydrothermal vents will lower that cost more while providing a convenient alternative to burning anymore hydrocarbons. remember, all we need is free energy to provide fresh water to grew new tree. thank you president breed >> thank you, next speaking please. sir, next speaking
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please. oh. >> we'll take the next speaking so we can make sure it is ready. sir? >> i am coming here every week. america is fascist barbarian country. america made a big concentration camp from new york to san francisco homeless people. it isn't that-the people, you didn't make them people. they are animals like dogs. they eat from garj can and drink from
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garbage can and sleep on the street. they don't take medicine, the doctors dont see them and they don't see the doctor. the doctor sees them sometimes when they are dead on the street. maybe it is--how we can solve this problem, the homeless problem? i don't know. it is a few million people who are not people, something like this. i survived haul coast and ww 2. mr. wiener i'm jewish too and fight for your life and now i'm
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on the street. by the way, i have [inaudible] how many people do you know that [inaudible] san francisco in different times? i carried 4 olympic tochs for the united states and after this i am on the streets because you made the law. who has the law? you people should go >> thank you, sir. mrs. brown, are you ready? >> [inaudible] it is one thing to anticipate a death- >> there you go. >> madam clerk can you kart the time from the beginning?
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>> since 2004 san francisco experienced a unprecedent number of homicides. >> need to do something about these unsolved homicides. my sons case is still not solved. he was murdered august 14, 2006. >> homicize victims are people of color. their loved one >> me standing over my son. >> must deal with their porenl tragieds while at the same time face the crime and violence or the unsafe neighborhood that surrounds them every day.
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>> my son was shot with a sem iautomatic done. 30 rounds of bullets went into the gun while saving someone elses life. >> thauj mrs. brown. next speaking, please. >> my name is sola huqueea chandler and my son was murdards in a quadruple homicide jan 9 this year. his name was yawny [inaudible] he is a union man of 19 years of age that was trying to cash his check, working at benny haunas japanese restaurant. his words were my goals and career aspirations are being a music artist, a proud father and [inaudible] of my own business and elrenowned mind. his
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student achievement award given from the san francisco gate way college program was on 12-12-14 when he was branded a gangster, yet he was working as a host at benny haunas japanese restaurant and also with willy brown under the mentor program and this was him 6 weeks before he died. that is your gangster. that is your minority boys. this is willy browns daurth. 6 weeks before he died. he says the ability to understand a mind is a key life skill. he was a artist. he was a writer. this is from the family of bena haunas
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japanese restaurant, their deepest condolances and this is his art work before he died of a warrior shield with the ancient tetrogramten. his art work that he did. arts and chafts with children before he died. the case is still unsolved 4 months later. abc reporter came and did a story on him yesterday at 6 p.m. on the 13th of april. i'm asking for the city of san francisco and the law enforcement to find the killers of my sonia lawny [inaudible] it means by mighty born and the other 3 that was murdered with him >> thank you. next speaker,
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please. >> today supervisors, all of you are put on notice and we saw cowered leave the chambers and adjourn the meeting. let me remind you that today some seeds were planted for a movement. not a one time event, a movement and some of y'all we are monitoring you very very carefully. you are put on notice. i heard deliberations about housing and i challenge you to read the 3 housing elements that are before the courts. the planning department doesn't have the ability to do justice. the academy of art university has derived the city of thousands of rental units. what have you done about it?
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nothing. i heard your deliberations and there is one word to describe it, boring. now, come november there are some of y'all trying to represent and some will let us down. you are on your way out. i admire the young people today, the young leaders. you support eloquently on the steps of city hall, but you came in here to the cham bers and shot this boring meeting down. we will come again and again and shut you down. thank you very much >> thank you, next speaker, please
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>> we know you the shaurt heard around the world is april 191775 the year berf we declared indupendence. i got through the alex jones show and what he and you fail to graphic is when we talk about oklahoma city in 1995 that was the very last year of the times of the gentiles and the times of the gentiles is apeerds of 2520 years from the destruction of jerusalem and that is when the time of the end begins. the woe know the spring of 1995 and the spring of 1996 was the last year of the 2520 because we are given the actual year jesus was baptized and because we are given the year he was baptized and know thereat was the end of
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the 69th noub noub since we know that happened in the [inaudible] we can project the end of the prophecy so the 490th year is in the year 36 because 29 plus 7 is 36. if we know that the year 36 ended the 490th year and king sierous started this provacy off at the ends och the exile then we know the temple was destroyed 560 years before i if we know the temple was destroyed 560 erios we know 1995 and 6 ended 2520 and we are very near the end of the world. it is really sad that a lot of people don't realize that, but what will happen is jesus will raise the dead and he will come back and everyone will see him and he f
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you haven't been born again >> thank you. next speaker police >> good evening [inaudible] i recall that [inaudible] student have served [inaudible] and that loyalty will not offend ones superior. one will not go offending superiors, also would definitely not conduct disorder. gentlemen works on 2 way principles [inaudible] holyness does pr veil forever. we ought to work hard to bring back a unity of politics.
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my name is ruburta guise and the cochair of public policy of [inaudible] earlier in the afternoon we had the great honor of hosting the supervisors in a press conference that was to commemerate equal pay which is today. now i want to thank you president breed for recognizing auw for the effort in the fight for equal pay and to for visor campus for authorizing the equal pay ordinance and [inaudible] for championing and approving the resolution delairing today equal pay day in san francisco. so, auw conducted quite a bit of resuch on equal pay and after factoring for all kind of personal choices they discovered there is still a big pay gap. women are still
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nation wide only earning 78 percent of what men earn and in san francisco it is just slothly more an 81 percentism in the african american community is 64 percent and hispanic wumen earn 56 percent on average. those numbers are even worse. just to illustrate the pay gap, so you can see that the green line illustrates if this were a straight line from around 1960 to 2013 we have a pretty steady state of closing the pay gap. we would be seeing pay equity around 2058. if you look that red line that starts around 2003 the pay gap has pretty much stalled kw if we keep up that
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pace we will have pay equitay by the year twin throw 9 >> thank you very much. thank you for being here today. next speaker, please. >> greetings. i'm a forth generation bay view hunters point resident and don't think anyone on the board of have visors can say that. that is a rare thing. my great grand parent came here like many other of the black people in the great migration to build this city and cities like this one such as oakland. more than half of san franciscos black population is displaced san francisco has the fastest out migration since katrina post new orlen. that is delorable and we are here today and here on the step oz sft ahall to hold city afissions accountable for their action and silence.
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when you are silent that means you don't care about black lives. you can complaceants in your racism. it is important fortuse demand you to take action. we demand you stop profiling targeting stopping frisking and killing black families. we demand our community review board are effective and have jurisdiction over the san francisco police department. we want a educational system that encourages currents and historical [inaudible] and want barriers to learn to be dealt with professional and compassionately. we demand you in the name of public service give up 80 percent of the department budget to refund school libe rarz, arts program and education and after school enrichment program. we demand a over hall of the police bill of rights.
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