tv [untitled] April 19, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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ontainment examples inquiry the justification for operation costs increases over the cost inflation and mid year for current and next fiscal year the general manager will consider the costs associated with the recites and for support of admission assumption during the two years the commission is provided a summary check list for each policy and the next formal report will be provided in january 2016 control of city as many auditor managements the puc's policy through a accomplished scorecard from the sfpuc for the portfolio of over one hundred metrics and the metrics are selected from
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the utility model and organized the policy model scorecard highlights the areas of high performance and those requiring improvement and to date the scorecards has been present to working groups and other meeting and published in the sfpuc website this scorecard valid dates the sfpuc management of financial anal resources this is exemplified through our awards and other acknowledgement as the rate policy insurance policy and card are new opportunity to refine the metrics to create a mess for the reader and audience future things revisiting the insurance
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company area to make sure their applicable to the current missions of the institutes and taking the opportunity to reflect the new prior and policy in advance of 2 year cycle the scorecard is from a cumulative puc and controller's office to develop the annual scorecard oath option for the scorecard metric some considerations maybe whether the metrics are adequate and effective for future considerations offered for you today don't require your immediate consideration but we need to further work with you to define those policy thank you. >> yes. commissioner. >> thank you and thank you couple of comments the your
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verbal presentation i think hit a lot of the points that i think need to be covered i think i have issue with the scorecard and that it is a fine scorecard but not relates to the ratepayer insurance policy or only thinly i want to give a little bit of background the ratepayer insurance company is something i wrote with the help of todd and 2, 3, 4 response to a specific concern i have that goes book to the last century (laughter) when the voters and their wi678 imposed a 6 year rate freeze on the water enterprise i was under the belief we were going to stop
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the extend i'm concerned that while the circumstances are different today and our relationship with the community is much different than today, i'm concerned at some point in the future as we condition to have substantial rate increases that someone will choose to make police a on the fact that our rates have impound up and the accusation our spending is high so that policy was drafted specifically to he would e deal with that issue it starts there's a lot of stuff we don't control our spending we don't control wages those are determined by mous that are negotiated by the city on our above there's a whole lot of stuff we don't control accident policy
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focuses on those relatively few things we control specifically on the decision process that management has in place that effects cost structures and it has in there some specific statements of policy that i think we should have a report on each one of those and one of those we will put the capital plan together you know using life cycle costing it is not simple that is the kind of thing that there are cases that are not appropriate we should have a discussion very specific language in there about how we fund our growth in terms of positions that we try to take advantage of productivity and
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swop out old positions for new positions i think it is going well but have a review and the statements how is it going and what the impedes are additional specifically address the elements that are constituent in the commissions policy i, go on there are policies that in their nature is general this is specific and some of those things may be wrong maybe we have rides them but the report on the commissions policy your comments the score accord doesn't and i'd like to see paper and presentation come to the commission desk. >> can you ask you a question about that i mean, i was having a little bit of a hard time connecting the dots starting
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with the policies that were listed because many of them recommended to race and i was like i guess that kind of relates to rats and money. >> before the scorecard. >> yeah. before the scorecard the commission management and personnel management and then to the scorecard that is really what's being scored on a miss match of not only the scorecards related to rates and money you you know like the environmental stewardship stuff i'd like to have a scorecard on the 127b9 plan but this is specific to the rate parades and this scorecard and maybe an update specific to
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issues that effect rates very gnarling. >> i don't know if the scorecard is the right mechanism the scorecard is designed to measure output measures and if you're policy is a set of output measures that's fine this policy didn't have it this policy size you have a decision-making process within the bureaucracy and the decisions you make effects costs independent of 09 decisions that effect right side but specifically on costs so those policies relate to process not to outcomes >> right. >> i don't know if that presents itself very well for a scorecard approach i think scorecards are good for high-level output measures you that are recipient active
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enterprise the one that struck me was the discharges from the wastewater system uptick that's an important measure but it is not part of decision process that effects costs so it has its place but not as a report on this particular policy if we have i think we have utilized the scorecard on documents i think there was the simplified engaged report we put out i think that is fine it is a nice way of presenting the data this is more specific to the data. >> we can definitely put something together i can work with the controller's office and the independent bodies to develop something that will address this possibly for future
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discussions. >> in this case i don't think we were asking the controller to develop anything the commission develops something i was hoping that the controller's office would be helping staff report on how it is going that's different than what they appeared to be done how should we measure i that was not a fine question not one i asked a different question to a different answer we're going to have more of this reports on like the technology policy there's stuff in there that is good stuff to do i know we haven't done it i have a pretty good idea this is a good thing we should do and if there's something to get it moving what is it if it's a bad idea let's
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change our mind but there ought to be that kind of reporting and the commission hadn't done to the policy to invent something new. >> we can work on this and your comments are helpful we're looking this information and we know zero in a little bit better on what you want to see so this is helpful because we're bringing all the policies to you over the year to have the discussion to rise them and strengthen them i think this is really important for staff we're trying to follow. >> good thank you. >> well, that was the idea visually when you 1ugd this it is work. >> president i have a question sort of a general question getting counsel into the
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scorecard is this done internally and k30ir8 for the residents the responsiveness what's the manufacture for this the question that cca has implemented let's see the rates and the outreach is an important part of that does some of the customer serve capture that in terms of i need to make a decision or satisfied with my policy is that withincustomer service and i think we can get there can you follow-up and people want to the know what the customer service is and the last time i saw the scorecard the metric was
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the percentage of answers. >> that's correct. >> not a good measure. >> that's a call center measure. >> in fact, you can call and put them on hold the satisfaction was a much better picture and okay. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> so the next item we have is recognize of emile cruz their outdoor drumming up a storm so we should get on with the before they come forward i have a resolution to read into the record it whereas the public utilities commission recognizes and mr. cruz as a management in cooperating the efforts of construction and engineering management and contract administration and whereas emphasis tenure under cruz has
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skillfully overseen the water and power and sewer some of the largest capital improvements in san francisco and whereas mr. cruz has the award-winning system including the first tunnel under the san francisco bay area and this is the seismic water system and the overall successful program and whereas mr. yours sincerely has created a substantial w50ir78 structure that benefits us for days to come and whereas the san francisco public utilities commission mr. cruz as served as a mentor for engineers and labor interims and guided construction workers to full-time position in the san francisco public utilities commission and whereas mr. cruz is a good neighbor and
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collaborative helper in the capital improvement community and whereas, his challenges and exercise mr. cruz did a marshall arts with the puck and buying he came in often and whereas, his 25 years of dynamic experience mr. cruz has dated a better san francisco's therefore, be it resolved that the sfukts recognizes and thanks mr. cruz to the contributions to the san francisco public utilities commission mr. cruz (clapping). >> thank you madam president members of the commission emile cruz my last day of the jgsd of the public utilities commission thank you for the resolution i'm going to use that to negotiate
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my next job (laughter) but i want to thank you for the opportunity to say a few words it's been two short years it's an, an honor and privilege to serve the puc and the rate pays and the city as a whole my concerns coming in i was coming into a well idle machine is it fair to say under control i want to make sure i could add value to something i knew was in great condition i thought i brought the influence the private sector spend 12 years in the private sector and moving toward the decision processes and metrics that are more prevalent in the public than private sectors i thought i influenced the
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organization like to think i put my stamp on it and acknowledge mr. kelly but it helped that i was coming in a transition time we were 70 percent into the water policeman program and starting up the sewer system i want to highlight a couple of accomplishment that are not mine under mr. kelly and a as gm and the general manager the puc was 507b8d by an our agency two years ago because of our effort to take underemployed and employed people and put them through a construction training program and put them only for the truth of the matter asserted living wage salaries 3 hundred and 45 employees in the bay area
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loan got full-time employment not because we funded the project but we funded the nonprofits to reach out to the community to put them in training getting them read for the project it was a pro-active program by the puc and very important in addition to that we recognize small business and in the voices of the program 80 percent of contradiction over thirty percent of all the construction work was done by lbes we've helping to help them pull up busy the boat straps for long term jobs in addition under the professional services we went to our primes when i came on board it was not a provision in the contract i asked the primes to please pay your small lbes
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within thirty days of their invoices of we haven't paid you so along you approve their invoice you can bank on we'll approve it and we got voluntary because our prime partners agreed this is a way we invested as we move forward we're looking at created a program to create important opportunity for small businesses to not only have access to work but access to growth by learning if bigger companies how to invest and how to take risks and move from a small business to a larger business sooipd i tried to bring smaller sectors making good timely decisions don't decision is not
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good if it's though the timely and timely decision didn't mean its good but putting them together it motivated people when i came on board the rfp was moving through the organization within 60 days we are got the contractions in our consultant said it takes 18 months to do the aa are we said no. >> they said puc didn't make decisions we said no. we'll could it in telephone months we had it completed to within the puc we've moved into an organization with higher accountability and more single authority so people can take risks and move forward i've told my staff if you don't make
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mistakes you don't do me any good you won't grow so i need you to take risks and make mistakes and learn from the mistakes and not make the same mistake twice i've supported that and staff has grown and we're a better organization for it as an organization we've received a surprisingly number of award for our work on the with his up program like the tomb i'm going to the point we literally i said we need to build a cadillac in the building to show case those awards we're being recognized whether by the public works association or the civil engineers we're recognized for the quality of work because of the staff we have because of the motivation and the commitment to quality
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the things we do outside of our industry like hiring 12 hundred kids over the summer so they had real work with the real paycheck to have alternatives this is something that is quell motivated i believe the puc should receive act cladz for it i building this notion that a floating a rising tide floats all boats is wrong if you're boat has a hole it, it, it sinks feast we need to make sure their boots are sail ready they have the train that they have access that when the economy goupdz they share in that growth and one of the things that makes me very proud last week someone
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said i was in a meeting with one of our engineers and we were talking about the work and delivery and the engineer said what are we doing about job training because emile said if we don't create local jobs we're going to fail so that message to premeditate through did organization it is very important this is where the change happens if it didn't happy in this meeting that happens day to day it turns your message into realty with that, i'll end by saying thank you to you for supporting me for two years thank you to harlan and other gms it is a could dynamic group we don't ago we do get along
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(laughter) but we disagree respectfully and that is what makes the final decision that much more valuable it is a very interesting and dynamic place my final thank you to my staff await them nothing happens for pushing the issues on our above for 24r0r7b9 me when i'm pushing two hard for accommodating me when i change my mind because as i said good decisions are important and maybe we should change the districts and staff was willing to do that you have an awesome staff as commissioners you hear a lot of things and have people come to the podium and exercise
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their right to talk about issues and complain about issues that's they're right i would simply suggest important every one complaint i hear at the commission meetings i hear hundreds of complaints from people that don't have the time or effort or capacity to say it perp but say it when i'm at the southeast community at various meetings so you'll hear complaints that's itself nature and maybe the purpose of those meetings but know your staff is such and know you give them direction and they balance the needs that when someone come forward with one issue the people behind me are the ones balancing the issues against the other issues and bring the work
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to the quality you want the puc to be delivering i've not slept very good this week it is not because i've worried about where i'm 0 going i'm going to be okay. i'm going to miss the people i work with i'm going to miss this place and what it does and thank you. (clapping.) >> emile when i become president last october i never thought i'd be saying goodbye to you so soon you're the shining light of the family of the san francisco public utilities
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commission and i have a farther quote from a light rail or light rails or are longshoreman that same side some people understands life that are lumpy in talent and you're certainly one of them you've brought to us all the attribute of our dynamic career i'd like to read them for the public and for our television audience as well which you have accomplished before you came to us not to mention once you were with us 50i78g italian-american i'm going to start out with your civil engineering degree from stanford i have to read those so many of them your pragmatic capital improvement program and director of the operations for the ports and explosive of staff to the
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mayor and the private sector you're the vice president of the u s for the economic development and ceo of the hispanic scholarship foundation and president of the education san francisco program manager transbay tjpa and vice president and partner of the puc consultant and co-chair of spur i probably left out some in the word of infrastructure in water and power and sewer all the capital programs and plus the management of the environment and construction and engineering and the contract administration you give us you're all your expertise and lastly all our lumps of talent. >> thank you very much
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some of the stuff we've been talking about recently is dealing with some of what we consider to be social justice issues as i sit here i don't want to say i'm happy i'm not happy we've got to have you it's expressive your roster but truly believe this stuff instead of thirty thousand feet it is actually dealing directly with the city and county contractors make sure this is critically important to pay those intoidz in thirty days our minority contractor is having problems making things moot and the com passion you have for floating a
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boot you can't put that on a resume it is what comes from the heart it is blood and i know at some point in your life you've having had three or four jobs i'm disappointed i come out of organized labor and certainly with the construction industry i have no idea to move forward without you i'm sure we'll do it hits us and the landmarks and the building trades and our industry it is really, really hits us hard that is a 257b8d web it's not just anyone that can come in i'm going to miss spend time with you and learning from you i appreciate everything we've managed to get you wanted to celebrate that and thank you for
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