tv [untitled] April 19, 2015 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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oner hiland >> i have a question for mr. sucray on the size of the window and what your thoughts or staffs thoughts are. >> the department think the window is a little larger than it should be. we think we prefer the smaller option that is provided and shown minimal expansion so it is very clear the new window is different than the existing ones and it reduced in size compared to the larger scale windows. we'll defer to the commission recommendation. in the conversation with the arc they were not opposed to the wrindo in support tof o thf project as proposed by the sponsor >> i have a preference and i may not have expressed it specifically in the arc but i prefer the larger window. i
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think the contemporary proportion of it disting wishes it away from the original build{the shortened window looks proportioninately out of scale. >> commissioner proman >> i want to say one thing about there were many comment about the crurgz building have a impact. it isn't in the purview of this commission but buildings get built everywhere and they make noise and dust and dirt and if you are living next to one that is a issue but it isn't the puby of the commission nor is it something you can legislate because wildings wouldn't get built if we said you can't build because it makes dust >> just to follow up on the window mr. sucray, the window we are talking about is the one above the bushes there
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>> correct, >> knhaut is the purpsh >> it provides exposure for the lower unit >> light in or people getting out? >> light and air in >> i have just one comment and i would like to thank the member thofz public to come and speak today and we are appreciative of neighbors in the a historic district being concerned. our purview is look at the project in the context of the liberty hill historic district to make sure it is compatible and that is when viewed from the street addition or modification, the garage anduct of a addition vud from the street. it is clear in the packet there is aarial photograph that shows the house and the size of the houses surrounding and the changing made from the streetd i feel
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are compatible to the district and fact the house is larger is consist wnt the size of the properties athat are consisting on the street that ist existed historical so i think that is why the xhickz is moving forward with approval. wait frg a motion. >> just as a point of clarification rkts i want to make sure the condition adoptathize condition of aprovel that [inaudible] in the draft motion because there was disparity on my part. >> can you tell us what the kiferances were? >> the ones in the draft motion are incorrect. basically it dealwise the brick sample, the materials and the >> commissioner the conditions ooutlined in the case report are the correct chigz cigzs. the ones in the motion are from the previous
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>> got it. >> i would thrike make a motion >> student aprove this project with the conditions as just outlined >> the condition in the case report. >> in the case report >> i second. >> i have a compant or frentdly amendment. i would motion or propose a amendment that we accept the larger window. >> that is in the project. >> the department didn't add a condition for a smaller window, it includes the larger window on the front >> we have a motion to second >> on that motion commissioner to approve this matter with condition as amended by staff that replace conditions regarding providing material sample, a window schedule and reusing the retaining wall
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bricks. commissioner hawse, yes, commissioner [inaudible] commissioner [inaudible] so move commissioners motion passes unanimously 7 to 0. >> commissioner that will place you on item 8. case number 2013.[inaudible] 901 tennessee street. this is a certificate of appropriateness. >> good afternoon rich sucray department staif. the project is a certificate appropriateness which is a one story non historic weir house. the project entails demolition orphone story weir house which is a non contributor and new construction of a new 4 story residential building with 44 dwelling units and 33 off street parking. the project
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incorporates private and common open space. on the exterior the project features painted wood siding, cement plaster siding, [inaudible] black finish and custom metal cornice with a black [inaudible] finish. the proposes work requires authrisition from the planning commission. includes new construction in excess of troiv thousand scrair feet in the eastern neighborhood plan. august 13, 2014 [inaudible] the project sponsor responded to the the comment kw revised their design by refining a fenestration pattern on the street facade to be more regial. [inaudible] along the streets futod saud to be more regular space and consistent in character and extends thd
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ground floor camopy. refining the nob naib from a specialized to painted wood siding and incorporating a cornice el: in addition the project sponsor provided a alternative for [inaudible] windows across the 20t street facade. the department finds these address the arc comment. the department would like the commission to consider the alternative for the industrial windows as part of the project and request consideration for adoption. the department receivered public correspondence for the project all of which express support for the projeblth. allall department staff recommends approval with condition squz find the project to be compatible construction that is cristant with the character of the dog patch land mark district and rirementds of article 10. to insure the work
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is taken [inaudible] staff recommends the follow condition. one, prior to apruchbl of the building permit the project sponsor shall pride material sample including wood siding to insure compatible. the material sample demonstrate the ruler and finish [inaudible] mat pore painted finish and consist wnt the buildsings ovall character. the project sponsor is present and prepared a short presentation and i'm available if questions and this conclude my presentation >> i have a questionber you go. my understanding is this is kboeing for a large project aurtization at the planning commission? >> correct >> i have been to those before i they made design changes so what happened if they modify the design? >> my understanding the planning commission has to take a supermajority vote to modify a aspect. i think 6 out of
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saesk commissioners have to approve a design revision for them to supersede something the hcp approves >> thank you. >> does the project sponsor want to come forward? you have 10 minutes see plan your time accordingly >> how do i get the >> it will go on when you start speaking. >> thank you. good afternoon commissioners. thank you for the opportunity to show you may project for the second time [inaudible] architects and developers for this site. the intersection of twent and tennessee dog patch. prior to
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starting the project we attended dog patch neighborhood association meetings to get a flavor for the area and understood it to be a heated environment. a lot of projects are proposed there now. ouricize the first one and as far as i know the ochbl current application in the historic district within the boundaries even though dog patch is broader than that. we took a very proactive approach to understand the historic district and legislation require frd the compatibility and the relationship to adjacent property jz other contributetory buildsings in the district. i'll walk you through some of those. what yoi see is the current iteration. it is different than the last time i presented and that the wood siding and curb rendering is painted. i brought a sample of the wood siding that is kept as a natural finish and i'll show
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what that looks like as well. in the current nob nub this is project as seen as the intersection of twenth and tennessee street. on the left side is the 20th street elevation that goes down 6 feet from the corner and on the right side is the tennessee nob nub the residential but could-they could have a accessry business or commercial use and those are treated with awning entry doors and gaurderallys. above are standard apartments. behind the build toogz the left you see the american industrial center. also behind it what you don't see it is a [inaudible] which isly unoccupied. there was a fire there about a year ago and to to right of the project is a historic fire station that is
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now privately owned. this is our location in orange. third street is draecktly to the right and our project is along tennessee street which is spying for this disrbt cht the program is a 4 story building that is 40 feet in height. 44 residences and 6 are bmr which is the required percentage. 26 studio and plainly one bedroom and 15 family units that are twro and 3 bedroom. on the ground level we have the 5 flexible oxpancy unit, one is on the corning and wraps along 20th street. basement parking 33 cars and 88 bike squz thereat is the lower part of the site so the ramp is kept at
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minimum distance. this is the buildings we looked at initially. most are contributetory industrial but the 3 at the tom are not industrial, but they are historic buildsings. the one on the left is the urfbing school which has a horizontal siding thmpt one to the right in the middle is a residential apartment building that is the-it is called the kentucky hotel and now it is a apartment building which is the oonly residential in the area and historic. to therectomy of that is the engine house. below are 3 buildings that we drew inspiration from. we looked a the arcade and pattern at ground level and you'll see that reflected in the tennessee street facade. to the right is
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a similar large? dusteral opening with cement plaster vunene which helps inform the material alt and to taright is the industrial building which is retail manufacturing for [inaudible] what we were drawn to is the large industrial opening thoot leads to a retail and commercial space and that influenced our breeze way entry on 20th street. materialalty on the far left thmpt buildsing has 2 materials, one is cement plaster siding which would be finished the way you see with a matcheral concrete look. in the middle is just a ship lap pained wood siding. we show 4 and 8 inch and to the right is a alternate material i brought today and you will see what that looks like. elevation along 20 you can see here the
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pilaster and arcade we have 25 foot wide inkriment which is a common lot in the district so we immolate td that looking at the 2 building at the top right of the slide. in particular we looked at the next door neighbor which is the engine house at the propotion orphthe base metal top which influenced our base, middle and top with the exact percentage. our top floor instead of doing cornice we set it back 3 feet to distinguish that and give a opportunity to give a desk space and give a residential look to the building. along 20 street facade the side walk dips 6 feet to the far left is gauj entry anden long the right half is one ground level unit with the [inaudible] and a set back stoop. in the the middle
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of the building is a breeze way 14 feet tall and opens to the courth yard which is the same width so you get light and landscaping going through to the court yard and side walk. this was the first iteration in november 2013 we showed and we got lot of comment and took the comment to heart and came around and went back to iteration 2. iteration 3 you see the strong incorporation of the element oon the tennessee street side. on the right side of the image to where we are today. this is a alternate version that has the stained wood siding. the stained wood siding would be on the main volume and at the arcades between the first and second floor on the tennessee street side on the right side thoof image. the top floor and the
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wood siding gives a painted finish allowing to be consistants on those exposures. i want to talk about that today. couple other rendering. this is the engine house to the right. this is standing in front of the side of the police station looking at the blind wall which looks into had rear yard of the police station and now it is a over grown mess of asphalt. the idea is to put windows on the facade with a over lay of a landscaping material and allow a avine to grow up the window puncherated by windows of light thatope toon the corridor buildings. my perspective a appropriate way to look at this as a
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backdrop thopolice station, it waents a piece of contemporary architecture, but a green wall, a landscape element to soften the contrast between the dwo. this is a shot looking that breeze way entry that open tooz the cort yard landscaped and set back. the top of the image is 20t street and left is tennessee. this is the landscape design done by fletcher studio you can see the court yard that opens to the 20 street side walk. along the tennessee street side walk a lot of landscaping. we propose a [inaudible] french seating and bike parking and lands scaping on both sides of the side walk. the common open space up on the roof deck. just on the north and east side of the building. this is the
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alternative design rich spoke about where we would apply the industrial grided windows to the left side of the buildsing along 20th street elevation. here it is as we presented it today. >> thank you. >> if you want to see the wood siding i have it here that i can hand around >> sure. >> okay. thank you. >> anybody oles in the sponsor have any presentation? >> before we go to public comment are there any questions? we'll open for public comment. anyone in the public wish to speak on this item? if so please comefer frward and say your name >> if i may clarify that request you made to the-mr.
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sucray regarding the planning commission over turning your decision. the code says 2/3 vote so it is only 5 of the commissioners that have to rule in a supermajority u to modify your decision >> thank you >> qu can only speak strong ly in favor of 9010 tennessee street. it is a cu-mindment example. i think there are lot of lessen tooz be learned. it surpasses design quality of all the other projects proposed in the dog patch and i'm very excited about it. to add to that i want to add that i'm sure that you like me are probably tired of seeing lot of the same old south of market housing recycled over and over in the recent project built and i'm tired of those that do so
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with gratuitous details reflecting the [inaudible] you can have this or download it on it to the data. that is what i also handed out there so it is for your files. this is for the prior. sorry, i--i was very disappointed with san francisco planning imposed details like this. in this case, the cornice int & painted wood instead of stained wood and the [inaudible] on the windows. they add nuth toog the quality of the design. work shop one architects are first class designs who know how to make lemon aid with lemons and i know they will find a way [inaudible] i think the planning department has more to do than to micromanage good design and serve up lemons. where will close that
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i sat in on the meeting at the dog patch neighborhood association which approved this unanimously without any of the details that were later proposed. >> thank you. any other member of the public wish to speak on this item? seeing none we'll close paublic comment. if i can get a clarification, the wood siding, is it proposed as painted siding and this is a alturninate proposed [inaudible] >> by the sponsor >> to do stained >> i thought it was the other way around >> i thought they wanted the stained wood about the department is scg for the side >> the [inaudible] asked for by there department. i want you to consider >> can you speak the mike rr >> i wanted for consideration today of the use of stain siding in certain areas
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>> the application has painted-you prefer stained. >> you certain areas-- >> if we can go back to the slide , the powerpoint. the entire volume on the left side. the 3 story wood volume is stained. the area between the second and third floor above the awning on tennessee street at the arcades would be stained and the top floon on tennessee street that wraps arounds the 2 other facades would get painted. the idea is those have a little more solar exposure south and east and west orientations and easier to maintain and they are also adjacent to district where the new volume that is more of the
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gate way along 20th street could get stained-it is a example of what the true quality of the material is. we paint this wood, but the wood itself has a bulft texture. the sample i look at isn't a ordinary wood, it is a specialty project. they cook the wood in a steamed environment to cook out all the sthuger and petrify it so it doesn't rot, it doesn't stain or deteriorate and it requires little maintenance which to me is a unique quality, otherwise i wouldn't do a stained wood. that is what it would look like in time >> thank you. commissioner jaunk >> i think this is a stunning project i'm impress td with the evolution of the development of this site and how close to attention you paid to had character of the neighborhood
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and the necessary standard. i'm in favor of it and in favor of the stained wood unless the department has some argument against it. >> just to clarify the departments position on the stained vus ts vuss painted, we are looking at the characters provided in article 10 and what the district has and [audio cut out] the horizontal wood siding
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because it looks like you have a concrete build wg steel industrial window, and a light wait material hold tg all up. my comment to him was, i like the cornice at the top and that is a very fine finished metal that perhaps that panel could also be the same metal with the same colored finish so that-you match the color of the window frames because that would then achieve what you want to achieve with thevert caelt as well as then be a material that is appropriate to it portion of the building thampt is my only design comment. i'm very in spoert of this. think it is a very well done project >> any other comment? i would say in response to your comment i'm reluctant hch that sounds like a big design change
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to change the material and since we have a packet of drawings that shows it the way it is you all the decision to vote on the packet as proposed and not revise so substantially. do yehave a motion >> i move that we approve this design with the conditions suggested >> second. just as point of clarification is the commission apluvthg painted wood as the department proposed and fenestration thaz sponsor proposed with the double hung and [inaudible] >> correct. >> i second that. >> thank you for that clarification so on that motion to approve this sitem with condition with the painted siding and fenestration
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proposed by the sponsor comeersions hawse, yes, [inaudible] xhrgzs hiland, yes. president [inaudible] so move commissioner passes 7 to 0. case 2015-004228 def at 235 vulensia street, land mark designation work program as well as 9 b for 2015 [inaudible] 45 on an doga avenue. also marked designation work program >> i would like tapoint out that the person who is submitted the on an daga project isn't able to attend the hearing and asked for a continuous of that item so he can present the findings so we may want to consider that >> if you look commissioner beca
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