tv [untitled] April 19, 2015 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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opposed? minutes are approved. >> item 3, public comment and executive session. >> any public comment on executive session? seeing none, public comment is closed. item 4, executive session. >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor, aye. opposed? we'll now move into pars3 executive session existing litigation matters. >> is there a motion to. >> i move to reconvene in open session. >> so moved. >> and not disclose? all in favor, aye. >> i move not to disclose anything discussed in closed session. >> second. >> all in favor, aye. next item. >> item 6, pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic
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for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. >> please be adviced that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices is prohibited at these meeting. please be advised the chair may order the removal from the meeting room any person responsible for the ringing of a cell phone, pager or other similar electronic device. please be advised a member of the public has 3 minutes to make pertinent public comments on each agenda item unless the chairman orders a shorter time. open for public comment. anyone wishes to comment please come forward. seeing none, public comment is now closed. >> item 9 a, executive
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director's report. >> good afternoon, commissioners, port staff, members of the public, thank you for joining us here today. it's a beautiful day and hopefully a wonderful giant's game this evening. i have a few items to report. the first is that on march 26, just last month, the port, together with the iwu and a number of beloved friends and family of the late james herman, were able to dedicate the new pier 27 cruz ship terminal in james herman's name. so it is officially the james r. herman cruise ship terminal at pier 27. that was made possible by an entity known as the james h. herman memorial fund committee chaired primarily by sean faerl, who is the president of the local 34 ship's clerk association with great assistance by mayor art
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agnos and our own commissioner willy adams and veronica sanchez. they worked tirelessly with mr. herman's family and friends to create a very significant tribute in commissioner herman's honor. as far as we know this is the only cruise ship terminal named after a labor leader in the entire world and we're very proud of that. as you know, james herman was president of the port commission, alsoment of the international long shore man warehouse union and he left quite a legacy here. the event on march 26 was fantastic, commissioner adams was the mc and he was joined on stage by dr. mimi silver who knew commissioner herman very well. mayor art agnos, who gave a wonderful tribute to commissioner herman, the president of the iawu now
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following in commissioner herman's foot steps and sean farly, the president of the local. the tribute is hung right at the base of the escalator so as passengers and guests come into the facility and they go to make the turn up the escalator they can come within a distance close nufr to the tribute that it can voice activate and the words of jimmy herman can be heard. the tribute is arranged in a steel wave form and the artists tell us that one of the reasons it is arranged in that way is not only to fit into the sculpture, if you will, of the cruise terminal but also to mimic the ocean and the freedom and the movement of the ocean that they felt best reflected james herman's qualities. they found through all of the interviews that they did they described him as being someone who went with the flow and was
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a peacemaker, but also someone who was a powerful force of change and they felt that the movement of the waves best symbolized that. within the interactive exhibit as you walk close to it there is a touch screen that allows the voices to come on. there's a voice over by belva davis who we all know and love from krontv, but also jimmy's voice comes on from some of his speeches and there's 6 different themes to choose from. one is labor, economic justice, affordable justice, civil rights and international solidarity. and one of the quoelts heard from jimmy himself is thus: people are hungry and homeless because of arrangements made by others more powerful human beings, arrangements which are certainly within our capacity to khaifrpb. so it gives the visitor a feeling of who jimmy was and the era in which he served all of us, not just at
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the port but the broader region *. the sculpture is called tides of change, an art collective in brooklyn, new york. they were aided in auto desk, which is an tenant here at the port. the artists are jack kalish and they are graduates of new york university's interactive telecommunications program. i want to give tremendous thanks to sean farly who really took this on in addition to his day job. it's not something i think he had ever done before but he really embraced it whole heartedly and to willie adams who gave him a lot of guidance and support and of course to mayor agnos. it was an important moment for all of us and it was a wonderful celebration and i want to thank president p katz for being there as well. i wish
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commissioner adams was here today to say a few words but i hope when we get to the commissioners report you will say a few words, commissioner katz. at the same night at another spot in san francisco, the cruise ship terminal won a an award in the category of best infrastructure project and that was a really great recognition. i don't think that while there have been port projects that have won awards as best real estate deals of the port, we were honored to receive the award on behalf of all our partners and particularly on behalf of the port commission, all of the port staff, our partners at the san francisco public works department, but also turner construction, catherine mclaughlin, architects and of course
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numerous other parties including our community advisory committee. march 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of bode gravel which notably got its start in san francisco in concert with the 1915 ex position, which i find really fascinating. concrete was around a hundred years or more before, but they did a number of very large projects right off the bat including some of the significant tunnels arbd the city. and bode gravel has been a partner and a tenant of the port for quite a long time. they were founded by morris bode gravel by henry bode in 1915 and then in 1923 they changed their name to bode gravel. they operated 3 plants
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which created tunnels in twin peaks and the bose area for streetcar operation and they have been operating first in mission bay and then as a port tenant, i want to say, for about 15 years, i think. in october 2012 they were merged with central concrete whose name they now use and they have earned numerous awards over the years so we are very pleased to congratulate them on their hundred00th anniversary. april 18 marks the annual san francisco heritage soiree at the mark hopkins hotel, a renouned san francisco hotel. this is the san francisco heritage's annual soiree and fund raiser and it looks like it will be another memorable event so i hope all of you who can attend, will and help them celebrate all their great
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accomplishments in the year. now for some sad news. at our last commission meeting, commissioners, you will recall we had before us a lease maebldment with bae shipyard for a pier 70 site. one of the members of the public who came to speak was paul nixon and i'm sure you remember him. he typically has one pant leg rolled up and a biking helmet strapped on him somewhere and he came in, who knows where he had rid dts den from that particular day to come in to see us but a couple days later he continued to not be feeling too well and he checked himself into the hospital and unfortunately exactly a week later he passed away. so unfortunately april 1st we lost a very good friend in paul nixon, a tireless advocate. he has done more than anyone that i know to advocate for manpower boating in san francisco bay and to convince all of us that
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man-powered boats can coexist with the largest of vessels that are motor powered and he was so very proud of the work that he was able to accomplish working with bae systems to be able to see a future for pier 70 with crank hope park and a manpowered boating launch side by side with a major ship repair yard, hence his desire to be at the last port commission meeting to support the amendment of the bae lease. paul was born in iowa in the 1930's and interestingly enough, he moved to arizona with his family for health reasons. and he eventually found his way to san francisco in the late 1950's aboard a navy submarine. i find that interesting that eventually he found himself back at sea again in an even smaller vessel, dependent on his own capabilities, a kayak. he apparently really loved the
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beat poets and the social revolution of the 1960's and decided to make san francisco home, although he did do a stint in the peace corps in venezuela teaching english. he earned a degree at san francisco university and worked as a english second language teacher in the san francisco community colleges. as you know, he was deeply involved in the sanctuary movement, the san francisco bicycle coalition and the san francisco bay area water trail program. he served tirelessly in the mission and he served for many years as an organizer and board member of the jameston community center as a guide mentor and guide to the youth. we offer our condolences to his wife of 37 years, pat and children and grandchildren. we will miss him dearly and look forward to seeing many of his generation and his grandchildren's out kayaking in the central basin
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with the park is finished. karin wanted me to mention on saturday the 16th the bayview boat club is going to be hosting with karin and a number of paul's friends a farewell moepl morial gathering as well as a paddle for polyvent. so please come out for paul and if you are terrified of that like i am, just come out and enjoy the bay from the safety of the shore on paul's behalf. so with that, if i may request that we adjourn our meeting today in memory of paul nixon, commissioners, that concludes my report. >> thank you. public comment on the executive director's report? karin
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>> good afternoon, commissioners, my name is karin woods. i served with paul on the central waterfront advisory group from the beginning. even before that we worked together on getting a human powered boat launch in mission creek as part of the mission bay plan. he helped a lot getting the fir 52 boat launch built, although monique really got it done. he was instrumental in helping kayaks unlimited have headquarters at islais creek. he, as monique said, was very active in ensuring that human-powered boats could be part of the cove park experience. he's already persuaded the giants to include human-powered boating at pier 48 as part of their project. he persuaded simon snellgrove
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to do a boat dock at pier 1 1/2 35. so paul has had a tremendous influence on the entire waterfront and we will miss him so much and we do encourage you if you like to paddle to come to islais creek about noon on may 16th, we'll get you in a kayak and you can kayak up to the boat club and then we'll have a party at the bayview boat club in paul's memory. thank you. >> thank you. any other public comment on the executive director's report? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item. >> item 9b, port commissioners' report. >> you want to go first? >> i just wanted to comment, bill, i think executive director may have mentioned in one of her executive drktor report but they just sent us
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commissioner the press release on the fish ratings on the port revenue bonds and since i'm a banker i have to say something that we affirmed our rating a, outlook stable. just to note for the public record that that's a very strong rating and i think we are very proud of that and we should celebrate that. most of the rating key components of the rating were positive in terms of revenue, infrastructure renewal, debt structure, strong financial profile. and our one pier that they did compare us to san diego is a plus, we are a, so we still have something to strive for. but i also want to note the negative side, which is something we are clearly aware of that the public should also continue to be aware of is our capital plan and the fact we have a huge funding gap in terms of the capital improvements needed just to maintain the port, not talking
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about new development, just to maintain the infrastructure at the port as it is today. it is something we have to keep in mind going forward to make sure we continue to sustain the financial capability to maintain the beautiful water front that we have here in san francisco. so i want to applaud the staff for all the hard work that they do in the day-to-day management, financial management, of the port, and just wanted to note it here in our commissioner's report today. thank you. >> i, too, was going to say the same thing (laughter) being a banker. >> i showed my politics by looking left. congratulations to the staff. really, i know it's a hard fought and long process and just we're all very proud, proud of that. commissioner brandage, do you have any --. >> i don't think i have anything to add. >> i wore my orange to remind everyone that one of our
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largest tenants started yesterday, should have been a victory yesterday but at least they are back playing in the city. and i did also want to comment on the dedication of the jimmy herman memorial at our cruise ship terminal. i think really sends such a statement that the city and county of san francisco has chosen to name our cruise ship terminal after a leader of the ilwu and that was certainly not lost on the people that attended and supported the unveiling of the installation. it really is quite a beautiful, beautiful piece and the nature of it is dynamic so that it will continue to change and be updated as issues and movements arise. so i love that component of it. but one of the things that also came out and i think is so important, certainly jimmy was also a member of this port
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commission. he lived at delancy street for years but really most important, everyone emphasized this that support about jimy and everyone knew he had a knack for bringing everyone together, seeing the best in everyone and seeing that no one was left behind. it bears pointing out and remembering that and i'm so proud of the port of san francisco for having a tribute to jimmy and naming our terminal after a man who was so dedicated to ensuring that everyone is pulled together, brought together, listened to and no one really is left behind and that, in this day and age, really bears remembering and repeating. i'm just delighted that that's who we have chosen to honor by our cruise ship terminal and that it's named after jimmy herman. it was a beautiful beautiful ceremony. commissioner adams i know wishes he could have been there to report back on it but he had to be out of the country
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for work. but he did a masterful job as master of ceremonies. in addition to his comments, foamer mayor agnos gave a beautiful speech, really inspiring, i asked for a copy of it. mimi selbert who we have honored ourselves and continue to honor, art agnos said it how important it is to try to honor people when they are around so they can participate. i know we will do something to conclude our honoring of mimi in the future. she also spoke, funny stories about jimmy including how he was able to get his driver's license back after she and art and others tried to get it taken away from him. he was a force of nature and he was able to go to the dmv and got it back again. so a few light moments there as well but it was really a beautiful unveiling of the sculpture so i
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hope everyone will please go see it and take a moment to read it and hear jimmy's words which are inspiring. i know commissioner adams will also want to comment next commission meeting about what transpired at the program that he attended on behalf of the port with some of our staff in china so that will be at our next meeting, but i did want to mention that that will be coming up and he will bring that up. lastly i wanted to ask that we also adjourn in memory of former city attorney george wong who recently passed away. those of us that have been involved in the city family in different iterations over the years have known and worked with george i'm sure in different capacities and couldn't ask for a more thoughtful, stellar member of the city attorney family and he will definitely be missed. so if we can add him to that. that concludes my report. >> item on the consent calendar, request authorization
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to accept and expend $1,44 authority,337 in 2014 infrastructure protection program port security grant program funds from the u.s. department of home land security for security improvements at the port of san francisco and to advertise for competitive s for the pier 50 security measures project. >> so moved. >> second. >> is there public comment? seeing none, all in favor? opposed? item carries. >> item 11 a, information presentation on the port's report on contracting ak 50 for the first and second quarters of fiscal year 2014-15. >> good afternoon, commissioners, boris stelpeepb with the finance division. the following is an information item on the pert's contracting activity from july 1 to
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december 31, 2014. i will be going over the ilb ordinance very quickly and then discussing new contracts and payments made during the reporting period rg as well as plot q purchases, purchases under $10,000, we'll talk about local hire quickly and then review some of the new lbe ordinance reforms that passed at the board of supervisors last december. the local business enterprise ordinance was adopted in 2006. it's a race and gender neutral public contracting program that replaces its predecessor, the mebe-webe program. the ordinance is designed to level the playing field for small local businesses. the board of supervisors found that small local businesses experience higher costs and competitive disadvantages when competing for publicly awarded contracts against large businesses or businesses located outside of the city.
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these competitive disadvantages faced by small local businesses are reduced by the ordinance through discounts, subcontracting goals and microsatisfied contracts. the contract monitoring division certifies firms as lbe's as small and local firms and also further classify he is them as either minority business enter pries, women business enterprises or other business enterprises. currently there are over 1300 actively certified lbe firms. prior to 2006 during the mebewebe program the chart on the left was comprised of only minority own end and women owned firms. today minority firms make up 30 percent of the total firm of lbe's, women-owned firms make up 20 percent and the remainder is comprised of other business enterprises. specifically those are firms owned by bhiet males. 50 percent of the firm's registered today of the mbe firms are
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