tv [untitled] April 19, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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back on may 26 and seek return and seek approval for requests for authorized issuance of an rfp for the referenced parking lots. the overall goal of this process was to achieve greater flexibility and diversity in the port's parking lot operations. we believe the request for proposal process as compared to the process traditionally utilized by the port will provide greater flexibility to select an operator that meets the port's objectives as outlined in the report. we also believe through the use of an innovative joint venture partnership that the port will achieve greater diversity and help building future local business enterprises who would operate independently. so just to summarize the objectives of the project,
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first we've improved the overall performance of parking lots through a net increase in revenue. second, enhance the overall visitor experience, expand the port's diversity in parking lot operators and explore opportunities to expand the port's parking capacity as recpbtly brought up. i'd like to have bob come up and i'll get into the more details of the proposal but i'd like to have bob discuss the outreach efforts and the potential partnership structures as well as the industry best practices. . >> president katz, commissioners, director moyer, thank you. i think in terms of the overall outreach that we provided there were some
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consistent themes that the commission has reported back to us. one is fiscal responsibility as an enterprise department so that the revenue stream continues and grows and the second is a diverse operation that mirrors what our city looks like. and to that end the first part of my outreach was just to get a census, who's out there? who's operating both big and small, whether they be on a list that the port has, the mta, or the mayor's office. so we went out, reviewed all of the companies, invited them in, i went to minority contractor's association meetings, i went to chamber of commerce meetings both with the asian chamber of commerce, the latino chamber of commerce and the african american chamber of commerce and then to go out after we've identified the groups to go out and see their operation, how are they
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operating? to look at whether or not they are utilizing best practices and what are those best practices? these things that we can incorporate. i also looked at minority contractors that were local that have grown and they are no longer small businesses. how do they do that? one of the things we're looking at is can we incubate small businesses so they are successful. we want them to go out of that one category so they are just large striving businesses. so those are the things that we looked at in our approach to outreach. we're going to continue that through the process but i have gone out, met with the operators, had them come into the office and we've done a lot of saturday walking and looking and counting cars and looking at the operation. most of our operations now are self-park
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and we want to enhance the experience which also will enhance our potential for revenue. so the outreach looked at what the mta is doing, which is slightly different from some of the things that we have practiced in the past, but it does incorporate all of the new techniques that both the puc and the mayor's office is looking for in terms of mergers, joint ventures, ways to grow local businesses. so we think there are some good mopblgdses there and there are some good, best practices we can gain and incorporate into our overall program. i looked at again minorities that had grown. how did they grow, did they grow in the city, are they operating in oakland, can we bring them back to the city? so i looked at oakland, i looked at berkley, san jose, what are we doing at the airport, things of that
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nature, and i think we have a good snapshot how we can meet your goals and continue to enhance our revenue stream and with that if there are no questions i'll turn it back to jay. >> thanks, bob. outlined in the report is the, the process we're going to go through and the minimum requirements and rather than get into all the details here, i think it is pretty well defined. but really our goal is to implement this program for the north oo*eft waterfront, the two lots identified here as well as three parking sheds, the interim parking sheds. there is a little (inaudible) on this so the reason we've packaged this as it is, if you will, this is what we have now. we have an operator that is operating these lots and these
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sheds. in effect we're looking to go out and take an existing facility and diversify or portfolio and come up with a very innovative hurdle to take this forward and to do so it really took a different approach and that's through a request for proposal versus, as i said initially, the process. i think with that we'll just open it up for questions in terms of what we're proposing here and step back here for a second. thank you. >> public comment? >> no public. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> you guys scared everybody away. >> thank you for such a great presentation. and thank you for doing such expanded outreach and trying to find more local business enterprises that could possibly participate
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in this opportunity. and i know that generally with our parking lots when we put them out to we usually just select the highest bidder. so how is this operator going to be selected? >> yes, commissioner, you are correct. it is a complete change from what we've traditionally done. what we are proposing is a panel and a scoring, a scoring system, if you will, with certain categories. and the categories that we are envisioning would be the qualification experience is one category, we would have the the operational capability in the plan, the partnership structure as a third category, marketing and visitor experience as a fourth
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category, and then the fifth category would be how does the proposal meet the overall project objectives. so 5 categories, scoring panel, points awarded to each category. >> 20 percent each? 10/30? >> we haven't quite fine tuned that. >> i think what we're looking at is in the management and operational skill some of the, you know, how if they worked in a joint venture, how is the joint venture structured. is it equal, are they sharing the responsibilities, is the small business going to also share risk? so the way that they structure their proposal will have some weight and i think we're still toying with and looking at some of the models that mta and the puc have in terms of how we would actually
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break those things out. but it's close to that, yes. >> so before you guys issue the rfp you are going to have those weightings in the document? >> it would be in the upcoming staff report. >> so when you come back i will see it. >> absolutely. >> customer experience? >> okay, qualifications and experience, operational capabilities and plan, partnership structure, marketing and visitor experience, and meeting the overall project objectives. >> okay. so can i just mention something that i think that you sort of mention it in the report and i wanted to take it even a step further. maybe this sort of is implied but i
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wanted to pull it out a little bit more. since we talk about trying to be innovative, and i think we're trying to be innovative in the way we're going about the process as well as in terms of encouraging the partnership structure which i think is great, in terms of jv, but in terms of the operational side, can we encourage people because it's an rfp and you want to spend some time explaining, how are they going to incorporate new technology? you mentioned in the report but i would like to, for instance we talk about traffic congestion. i threw out that idea of getting rid of all the parking on the streets but the other idea which i thought was very interesting when we were talking about the arena when it was a live project, people could be maybe preassigned a space. instead of people trying to drive around and find out where they have a parking
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space, this operator can tell people through an app or something, punch here and we're going to have a parking space for you so you don't have to guess where you are going to go park. that will reduce congestion because i think one of the things they say about traffic it's a lot of people spending time trying to find a parking space and you can reduce congestion at the same time in an area that we know is highly congested for that reason. so if we could incorporate something like that, where are you going to use the technology to be more innovative to parking and how can you relate it to traffic. i had really not a very good experience, i guess, trying to go to the cruise ship terminal and i think in terms of how they can think of their parking and how that affects the traffic in front of the lot and how they can do a better job, in and out. i would like to see some ideas that they can
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incorporate depending on the way they want to operate that parking lot. we have these other issues and we're trying to integrate how can this operator think about some of the other issues we're facing. of course it's not going to solve anything but every little bit helps here and there. i'd like to noi how you can incorporate something in the rfp that makes them think out of the box, what you just mentioned. lastly i mentioned it already in the earlier session on the waterfront land use plan, but only because i am becoming more aware that there is this modular stacking parking kind of and it's not as capital prohibitive as you think it would be and probably could pay for itself. so how can we figure out using less space but the same amount of parking and this may solve some other problems so we can free up space for something else. as i said, maybe we can free up the
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space on the street so we can have more lanes for traffic, whether it's bicyclists or cars. but you can figure out how to make parking a lot more effective without having to build a huge structure. but there is this modular stacking technology that's now available. >> yes, those are great suggestions, commissioner. >> if you are interested in that mod drar stuff i know somebody -- i'm just interested because i thought of it as a great thing, showcase how that particular ability works. >> we hope that can be addressed also in the partnership structure. those are great ideas. they are cornerstones of our objectives as well decreasing port capacity is in one of our objectives so we will incorporate these into more detail as you have requested. thank you. >> okay, thank you. >> again, i just want to thank
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you for working on this. it's something that we've paid quite a bit of attention to trying to figure out again going to the theme of how do we do things better and taking a different approach to use what little power you might have to try and make a difference in our community here and susan, you started the ball rolling with what you did with reaching out to try and find tenants in a space that was ideal for reaching out to those tenants. it might never have had a chance of getting on park property and if we're trying to do something similar with this approach to looking at the parking lot operators that we have and finding those that are willing to, and i guess the term i look at is really men tore others. so i don't know if there's a way of adding in points at the end of the rfp for a good republic ship
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proposal. there might be an element that would give them some extra plants in there and their response to the rfp that shows how they mentor others and thaipb others because that's really how we're trying to give it to the highest bidder. so if there's some way when it comes back for us that would allow for that? >> i think that's certainly something we have in mind and something you looked at in other areas. it is important and one of the reasons i looked at some of the larger local companies that started small was to understand how they got there and mentorship is certainly prom meant in their growth. so we would be looking at that in there are proposal and how they addressed it and certainly also how they addressed technology. we have seen some people who utilize
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technology to give dedicated spaces and we both about, khai and i have experience with the losts, when i hit the parking authority i said we use lists. there are people out there that do have that technology and we're hoping to draw them in and certainly structure further our rfp so that it reflects that and rewards that. >> thank you. >> another sort of piece i would add to that would be sort of in the vein of looking at a joint venture, whatever, would be the conventional birdy structures so perhaps having metrics that would show it's not just in name only. we hear too often that with all the
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best intentions on our part as agencies of the city often entities will just skirt around the intent of our requirements by adding heme and not really including them in the process. so if there's a way that we can have something included, today it should come to us, that you will have to genuine -- roll that into the rfp >> commissioner, we thought about this a lot and we see exactly what you are pointing out. how do you do this? part of that is really to have a robust partnership. partners have defined responsibilities. they can be held accountable or they can be we know what each partner is providing and we
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think that's really essential, that it's clear defined responsibilities by each partner, putting something to the table and hopefully an overall stronger partnership because of that. because there are skills that complement each other. that's other. that's our vision . >> again use this as an example for other city departments as we try to be innovative in ways of approaching the community and opportunities that are presented before it. thank you very much. >> you are welcome. >> item 14 new business. >> is there any new business? >> commissioners, the only thing i've taken note of so far today is to come back and report on the waterfront
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working group format including the subgroups, which i believe woo ho had suggested. i think all of you had suggested. so anything else? >> you know what has come up recpbtly is the fact that we have all of this new open space and we have all of this property but we only have two gardeners. >> what will we do? >> elaine? no, you can't -- new business, it's not angendized. i was teasing. would you like us to report on that, commissioner? >> yes, i really would. >> it has not escaped our notice, especially our director of maintenance, who is responsible for the gardens. the biggest problem is water, of course. our timing of new lawns has not been great. any other new business, commissioners, before i get us
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>> good morning, today is april 14th, 2015. welcome to the finance committee of the san francisco transportation authority. i am john avalos joined by david campos maliha cohen and we will be joined by other colleagues. mr. clerk. do we have any announcements? >> there are no announcements. let's go on to our next item. roll taken. >> we have quorum. >> next item is part of our consent calendar.
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items two to three comprise the consent calendar. staff is not going to present. >> colleagues changes to the amendments. comments on item 3 of the consent calendar. we will go to public comment. any member that would like to speak come forward. we will close public comment. may we have a motion to approve. >> move to approve. >> seconded by commissioner cohen. >> we need a roll call vote for the first one. okay. on the consent calendar. commissioner avalos.
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aye. >> kim, abcent. maher, absent. >> four, state and federal legislative update. this is an action item. >> good morning, chair and members, mark wats representing sacramento. two items of interest. on the matrix we added constitutional amendment number 5 and relates to the voter threshold for local special taxes, not designating a purpose for the tax, but under any tax approved by the voters reduce the threshold to 35%. we are recommending support for that measure. another measure that was brought to my attention by staff to relay to you and ask for your
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action on is to reconsider ab 779, found on page 7 of the matrix. this measure has been a watch and we're asking for you to reconsider and recategorize it has opposition. essentially, it pertains to the metrics used to measure traffic and greenhouse gas emissions in transportation priority areas. and on further reflection and collaboration with local agencies we find it's too flexible and a step backwards from where the city has been moving and recommend oppose. >> we had a discussion about the other items last time. questions or comments? we can go to public comment. public comment is open.
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>> additional -- >> i was going to give a quick update on the federal transportion project. >> the current bill expires at the end of may and the federal trust fund will be bankrupt by july. so just a little better than the may prediction they had before but still we're looking at deficit and no real way to fund it since no one is talking about that. and the president introduced the grow america tax. this would be paid by a tax on earnings in addition to the gas tax. it increases transit programs more than doubles the discretionary tiger grant program, which is very over subscribed at the federal level
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and increase an $18 billion freight program. we're watching but unfortunately, it would be great for transportation and he introducing he's every year and usually congress doesn't go anywhere. we're looking at another short term >> thank you. bad congress. >> good morning, chair avalos. i was proud to join with agencies around the region to rally and call on congress to pass a long-term bill. our delegation in california is fantastic. it's the other folks in the nation that need to come toward. what we heard interestingly from the director of cal trans, malcolm dougherty, in other parts of nation where we don't
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have voter approved bill. both at the local and state level, they are really facing tough choices. they can't enter into construction projects. that i need to demobilize once there's a federal long-term bill. this is so disruptive and we are fortunate to be cushioned from that or protected from that because of our ability for self help at the local level as well as state level. >> thank you. okay. and no comments from the committee here. thank you for the presentation and the updates. this is open for public comment. any member of the public who would like to comment? seeing none, we will close public comment and can we do the same inhouse call. >> we need to amend the item first. >> so colleagues we need to make an amendment to move from watch to oppose for ab 77 and can we have a motion. >> so moved. >> second.
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>> and we will take that without objection. and on the item underlying item we can take the same inhouse >> okay. gavel. >> we will approve that. next item please. item number five, recommend awarding an 18 month contract for planning and environmental at a-280 at balboa park and negotiate terms and conditions. >> good morning i am liz rutman. i am senior engineer for capitol projects transportation authority. as you may recall last june we came to the plan and program committees for the adoption of the balboa park study we completed in the spring.
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at that time the board adopted the staff-recommended petition for bicycle safety and minimize traffic going from i-280. out of the study came recommendations for several project elements. element one is to close the northbound on ramp from geneva avenue. element two is reassign the southbound lane and the third is a potential kiss and rider access. this past february we came before the board for an appropriation of $750,000 to advance the next steps in the study and that would found the transportation staff and the
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interagency agreements with cal-trans and a consultance report. i am here asking for an amount not to exceed $450,000. the consultant scope of work for the next steps include a traffic analysis for both ramp modifications and the precurser to the subscent project approvals. this analysis would be presented to fhwa for approval since it changes access for an interstate highway. the southbound off ramp realignment to ocean avenue we hope to have completed for next year and the consultant would support our community outreach in helping with a funding and implementation plan for the projects. we released the proposals in every february. we set an
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