tv [untitled] April 20, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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us how to make super healthy, refresh chapino from the farmers market on the budget, that for the whole family. that is outstanding. >> thank you peter i am glad that you like it. i think anybody can do it. >> if you like the recipe for this dish, you can e-mail us at or reach out to us on facebook or twitter and we
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>> that good afternoon i'd like to call the order of regular meeting of san francisco public utilities commission tuesday, april 14, 2015 roll call please. commissioner president caen commissioner vietor commissioner courtney commissioner moran and we have quorum. >> thank you, commissioners before you you have the minutes of march 24th 2015 any corrections or additions. >> i'll move approval. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. i opposed the motion carries and i'm not calling for public comment so i don't have to put any money in the jar now i'd like to call for public comment for those items that are not on today's agenda i don't have any
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speaker cards seeing none, next item. >> item 57 communications. >> yes. commissioner. >> thank you on the advanced calendar several items the commissioners asked for information from the staff this have been there no notice as to what the status is not a delivery date and nothing you up a summary in the process let me ask staff for a report a memo that should be sufficient basically saying for those that have not been responded to yet where are they in the process the prognosis. >> may i clarify that's the outstanding question summary. >> yes. okay. >> that's a good point i noticed that two any other comments or communications? any commission business to be
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discussed? seeing none, we'll move on to the report of general manager >> thank you, ma'am mr. kellys out of town in the nation capital doing business for the city we'll start with the usual round update of the snowpack. >> snowpack steve richie the assistant manager can we have the slides go through a number of items many of which you've seen reserving but a lot of the new because we have a executive order first on the reservoir storage level those numbers have not shifted a lot we've continued to have above normal storage on hetch hetchy the water supply and water bank is decreasing that allows us to
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capture the water is it will normally belong to the district at this time so hetch hetchy is 69 full 2 hundred acre on the water bank this is a dropped down on the cumulative - in terms of of perspiration up at hetch hetchy that's a good thing we're certainly above 1977 by trailing last year and the year before not a lot of perspiration notice pack this number looks at bad at the same time we got the precipitation we got melting as a result of the downturn the water available to the city is still on 50 thousand acre feet a small number than normally expected to get
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precipitation xaurtsz some accomodation in up in the north country 50 powers normal for the most this is not a bad thing the bay area front is but that the 85 inches less than 50 percent on the local front we've done descently because of the big december both the reservoirs are benefiting from it our deliveries they've been going up that means the triangles are the increases in the water due to the 4re78d was having more water earlier in the year they've backed off on the number of water because of their reserves this is the triangle that drops down back to where we
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are on the saving can i ever that's a good thing we're about on top of the savings curb to try to receive 10 percent of targeted we've been seeking the number summary of where we're another now the policy issues that have been presented by the state board and the governor's exclusive board on the state board the ongoing actions to limit outdoor watering to make sure that the drinking water upon request the hotels offering options on a daily basis and get involved in the notification program so the implementation is coming technique for consideration as item 2 the rugs for san francisco be applied to our
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retail customers another activities we've engaged in we sent a letter to the contributoryy for the 5 thousand acre feet and more discussion technique there authority meeting the west side recycle draft dir is on april 23rd we up to the present time e expect to be hundred percent design for the construction in 2016 if everything going goes well, we don't anticipate any problems we're evaluating the ground water project we say 4 wells under construction and now the construction contract has been to see if water da can be brought on with a augmentation
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of our supply. >> when will that be. >> i'm hopeful we can have a well online in 2016 and another well is going to be under construction in a few weeks it called for all 4 wells to be done kwurl and maybe two faster and have that online sooner. >> which well. >> the two wells that we're looking at is the pump station a well by itself which is water into the lake and the pumps station into the sunset reservoir and the other one is the west side pump station that water goes in there to help the reservoir the reason that's important that's where the
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treatment equipment is for ground water and the to two windshields one in dwrp and sunset has to go there for the system for the drinking water that's united states priority of 3. >> thank you. >> now moving to april 1st there was not april fools day the governor had a new executive order on new 24 items in order first, the effect i use quotes that is a executive order the state water board to achieve a statewide 20 percent for urban water usage through february 2016 compared to the amount in 2015 there will be establishing baseline of 2013 and called for upper water users
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for 25 percent reduction statewide also called for collectively replacing 20 feet of tooufr landscapes that is a big number but gg park is 45 million square feet it is the size of gg park people to water their lawn restrictions for the institutional proposals in the golf cowards and cemeteries targeting outdoor irrigation all the governors actions on this is asking the state water board to target the our irrigation for california next one is pro bono irrigation for tooufr and other mediums already dph has stopped watering
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mediums so we're ahead and the water our newly constructed building that is good for mick space systems and our irrigation next item there are permitting agencies that move along faster employing may faster like surface and stormwater capturing and basically the governor said if anyone amazing has planned to develop a water source they want it to be processed with a 90 day turn around time for the applications and a few other things in the order as well that may affect us but those are the ones that are the most significant to the regulatory framework how they'll achieve the 25 percent reduction we're basically to take all the
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agencies in california have more than 3 thousand connections and rate them all accordingly to the residential per person use per day for that agency so i'm showing you a few things in san francisco writing to gallons per person per day so they then took the holistically and said those are users only have to pay 10 percent but higher than 25 or thirty percent for the big users so in san francisco we would be in the 10 percent category and most of schoerl customers are 10 and 20 percent and bosco submitted a letter we think we should be a 15 percent category and change the use because some of the bosco members are a small amount and should be regarded so
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we said we'll support their recommendations on that because we can't achieve the whole writing to percent but changed the line albeit this state requirement is independent of the 2009 agreement so normally about this time of year we tell the customers not to plan for the coming year this is the result of as that proposed noted finalized until mayor 5 or 6 and 25 percent resurrects so we'll be sending a letter to the customers saying the state is mandating that for all the individual and that is something we support and go forward with the exception this will occur rather than the puc mandatory separately that's united states way that will be used going
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forward and sooipd the state should adapt this for june 1st so the anticipated actions we've got for san francisco for the commission is require that all retail customers needs to reduce by 10 percent pea residential has achieved 8 percent and last year relative to 2000 to people need to keep doing what they're doing but that's not going to get the real results we expect to look at the irrigation consumers to reduce by a higher amount in the order of 25 percent with the expose uses of non-compliance we think we should bump of number up we expect to target a subset for the water use universities and
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other big users especially, if they that haven't take advantage of our reservoir and we can give you or i can use the best practices for reduction we've started the identification for the pair program we're doing it in two ways from the ami data and another in the system we use devices to find leaks throughout our distribution system and targeted around june 1st we've talked about at the next meeting but the detection front if you have a meter and gotten one in the mail the information you may have a leak we suggest you read it carefully and look at the automatic data for 3 days the consumption does go to zero this
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is a leak it is a continuance consumption nobody leaves water running all the time so that is probable a leak we've been sending them out to computers and you should do something on your side of the meter so in summary the snowpack is pathetic there's no snow up there and needless that is a dry year we anticipate hetch hetchy will be around 80 percent i saw maybe 78 percent we've been doing this and we'll issue the estimate to the wholesales customers but the system with the anticipated state requirements will be increasing the retail protection of public outreach efforts and the message
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is clear we all in this together even though we have individual systems to make sure we get through this drought i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> i've two questions one you know you may have a leak postcard i'm thinking of all the junk mail and wonder if they got it and pit it in the garbage maybe another way to reach out to people. >> this is the simple i'd say way to do large numbers particularly if one persists we'll call them directly or we've thought about putting into place a reverse call system you'll be called to feel died
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you'll pick up the phone and the earlier versions you said the data might be wrongs this is the lease way but hopefully see our logo and see this is real here but likes always we're trying to communicate to our customers in a way to get the message and we'll recheck that. >> even though you see something that has a leak maybe the follow-up will help you snail mail is hard you get so much i have one more question about what happens to our revenue stream for the conservation when we'll have a stunt to talk about that it is already an initial with the governors executive order and other actions we might take but with that ordinance. >> we send a letter to our talked
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to them in february this is what you'll apply for next year we sent last thursday the official notice for the hearing in may and that will be the 28 percent increase or something like that we looked at if the regulatory framework numbers went into effect the state water board that will be a 17 percent in demand that will amount to a revenue hit of about (1) 800-0000 we k4ruk9d that this is the action they've concluded that is something with the proven use of our reserves and the following year to overcome the deficit that was an acceptable risk that would occur to we'll e so we'll know we'd
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under collected there and not to bum up the numbers this year that will stretch it so we make sure our customers have thought about that i don't know if a copy of that letter is in our packet but that hearing is coming up the first meeting in may. >> yeah. the public hearing. >> mr. richie is talking about the wholesale rates the wholesale rates for san francisco retail rates you adapted a 4-year in your package we'll live within the rate increases right now given the fact that we can draw down some of the reserves we're kind of projecting on the retail side and to let me know on the wholesale side is it depends on how much water our wholesale
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customers bought in the previous year and what their bowing so part of 28 percent they've bought less water because of the suft program and the 24/7 system we have to make up the difference and we're able to do that it sounds like a lot this year only projected next year is 10 percent. >> it seems like from a communication prospective it will be important with the 20 or 28 percent rate increase and sort of the facade how to communicate those numbers and i mean the press has been on it but it is a complicated thing to explain to the public both residential and public and private commercial that in order to see the rate increases they relate to many may and continue to
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retail to the streamline i don't know how to describe it. >> on the retail side the commission adapted that sties in effect exactly what they were told a i don't know we see no reason to change that. >> i have a question commissioner comment if residents is there a rate increase how do you smooth out those becomes we're not seeing a wild fluctuation. >> that is a more in depth question you'll have to ask finance to have a smooth transition whatever we're reaching. >> every year we do you want a 10 year financial plan we looked at adjusting the financial plan and the cash flow as quickly as possible given the operational
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needs part of the budget process we'll get in debiting depth this fall when we are talking about water rates the thing on the wastewater side based on those water rates usage we're seeing the doctored revenue but currently using reserves for the operational costs mr. richie our 10 percent volunteer that we've been looking will be 10 percent mandate that's correct. >> the mandate requirement by the state is that we the puc reduce the amount of water by 10 percent so we have a mandate on us we'll be passing on to the
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customers. >> right so what's the base from what base are they going to take the 10 percent. >> the base year is 2013 what we accepting expect to do the best way to 0 communicate is take advantage of the my accountant for the water meter we've modify that to currently if you look at your data there there is a green barren above or below the green bar it the level we're to be at this of the the line for the 2013 communication and show a line 10 percent below this is is the 2014 level. >> that's in the statement. >> no, it is we're going to put it on the web portal and try to push as many people to the web
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portal so more than just statements. >> i see thank you. >> statement is not a aboard idea either you confused me a little bit on the may or may not volunteer part of it we've mandatory programs a lot of bureaucracy and computer time on that are we we're so close for the retail customers are we improving something like that or is it a strong volunteer. >> we met on that last week one of the ways to approach this as you described we did in the 19987 through 2000 drought heavy bureaucracy and heavy
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burdensome. >> and lots of equities. >> so a lot of burden for people involved what we identified we'll be informing people i recommend we are required to do this but no go into the details that is putting 90 percent of the effort into 10 percent of the solution the best way to spend our time on the irrigation users and the other users we're going to identify folks that haven't take advantage of the conservation program the irrigation numbers can be absolutely something we'll do that not only for the irrigation accounts but for the decreased flow factor accounts where folks if they show their irrigating they'll are lower sewer rates cut it by 25 percent
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and it will cost you if you go over that we think we'll have those in place obviously we have to wait for the final version but it's the 35th we're going down. >> thanking that's correct. >> we are fortunate that beverly hills is not here. >> on that note. >> any other comments for mr. richie. >> i have a report on the insurance policy. >> good afternoon, president and commissioners nancy are the business serviced and the chief financial officer this is a commission policy that was requested and i'm sure you're aware of the puc management is by the adapted policies to insure the rate resources and
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rate go for a little bit the commission adopted this for the environmental justice and the community benefits and the land use framework the beneficial projects are funded balanced reserves in january and february do you mean in october 2012 the rate insurance company policy was a further commitment to apply the practices to provide cost effective and other practices to maintain the trust of the repairs and increases our trust ability for the resources and lastly for the transparent through an independent performance report since this enhancement it is the combines that reflect on policy areas for management of
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admission, personnel, ass acid management and cost containment for example, personnel management all equipment to insure hiring is appropriate for in addition personal resources are requested before new authorization and in the prior years the satisfaction for the employees for a acid management a person any acknowledge it is for business purposes only it has applied the a long time maintenance requirement and to minimize the costs as well as maximizing the dynamics and finally for the cost containment examples inquiry the justification for operation costs increases over the cost
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inflation and mid year for current and next fiscal year the general manager will consider the costs associated with the recites and for support of admission assumption during the two years the commission is provided a summary check list for each policy and the next formal report will be provided in january 2016 control of city as many auditor managements the puc's policy through a accomplished scorecard from the sfpuc for the portfolio of over one hundred metrics and the metrics are selected from the utility model and organized the
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