tv [untitled] April 20, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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nd partnerships are the fire department and the tenants themselves can attest to how phonetic those are to the people coming from the fire department so those are informational and necessary to include in hearing when it up >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi good afternoon i'm also with the mission of the collaborative and resident of strict 10 here in san francisco so we have seen not only through my work but personally i've seen friends and coworkers last year a coworker of ours was adopted three children and a single mom we see the fire was not caused by itself code violation it can happen it can be a hot plate or
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cigarette i want to suppressing stress it is important to fire preservation and get landlords involved as well not only the tenants we started a working group together with dbi and the sfr san francisco fire department and the agencies here 90 in san francisco to address even though fires in sro's it good to include out collaboratives that support tenants in other builds as well and accountable also the landlord education and hold them accountable are they doing their pat as well you know oftentimes we see they're very focused on the profit and not as much on the well-being of the tenants thank you
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thank you very much>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> bobby san francisco tenant unions we've haven't heard in the hearing i'm concerned about tenant safety we're alarmed about the affairs this year spiking and the context in which it happened but we have not heard from the rent board or the affordability issues for the tenants the property owners can expense those improvements but we've seen through capital and other operating expenses the tenants canes bat the problem we're in a affordability crisis at this time it would be go to hear from the rent board and other agrees secondly i've looked at the enforcement provision and for example, specifically section 109 of the for code which needs
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to be nailed down in terms of of the par active of passing it through a notice of violation as opposed to not a violation there are things on enforcement that can be tightened up third issue and this is a hot bottom issue i'll be happy to you know discuss it with the mayor and mr. conway of airbnb but the short-term rentals obviously neighbors and tenants are very concerned about people using airbnb and other so-called shire platforms but they find egregious with an opportunity to get out which a ridiculous he is probation of a problem we're trying to address that way. >> thank you very much.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi good afternoon, board of supervisors members i'm jan the director of the san francisco apartment association i wanted to make a couple of comments having sat through and listening to the testimony from the department i really building we should set up a city task force to look the fire safety and bring in the departments and as one of the sro representatives mentioned the sro's the rental housing owners first two things to differentiate the housing stock is different from long term housing the clientele is differently a transient population in long term residential buildings a way to train do fire safety checks within builds do like for drills in multi unit buildings that help the long term tenants
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and none of the tenants are not going to be not relocated if there is construction to find another place to live is emotionally disturbing and there will be passed there is no to the tenants we need to look at this very careful and weigh life safety and comfortable and enjoyment of the tenants against the sprirm that will help thank you very much >> thank you>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors burk with the coalition of better housing a couple of things obviously our industry the rental property owners want to do everything to
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protect our tenants including fire safety to help maintain a safe and habitable building we're concerned, however there's been a problem within buildings where enforcement of current fire issues like batteries being taken out of smoke alarms, and as was suggested earlier people piling up materials and clustering has been a real problem for us to enforce people not to make a circumstance that could create fires so that's one thing we can do better on top of any alternatives that may come up let's do everything to enforce what is necessary right now and we have a lot of incidents like that and an example of the cost i guess it's
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the biggest concern for property owners who would implement any kind of sprinkler system anecdotal i ask other than about people that do sprinkler work recently a gentleman that did a 14 unit building and sprishlg into the unit themselves that cost was that hundred and $50,000 14 units $25,000 a unit with the past through to tenants it's a $12,500 to the tenant to pay for they're half it is substantial we'll only ask for a task force we address a number of issues including the costs but that we be cognizant of the major costs - >> thank you very much any other speakers that point to
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speak on this item. >> steve chief complum inspector i reminder me of something people talked about saving lives and damages my father owned a business on stockton street there was a fire in a sro above the business there's no sprirnldz that fire jumped from one sro to other sro to another sro all on top the fire station is literally 6 bloekz blocks away from that location they got driver's license and by the time they got there the blaze jumped so many times from a 3 to 5 alarm they turned around and said if the first year of the ceiling didn't holed up the debris on the water that was coming down the whole block what would have collapsed the
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fire department said if you guys had sprirnldz in the building in the sro alone the whole block would have had businesses opened in a matter of weeks not months they lost 3 sro's that was a big cost to repay everyone just food for thought. >> thank you very much supervisor kim. >> i want to appreciate everybody being on board and working with our office in preparing for this business thank you ivy there is to legislation being proposed that's why we haven't reached out the rent board we wanted to get the information there's a lot of confusion what was required and not required and what's making a difference and not this hearing was to get the
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information and for the members of the public to digest this your office will pursue this information we'll work with supervisor cohen as well as the fire department and dbi i want to recognize as was mentioned we have not 50u79 or updated our code for the vast majority of codes since 1969 this is the time to reexamine the code for upgrades and a and this came up in the 1950s and 60s the fire a fire that we saw in that video would take 15 minutes and today under 3 this topic certainly deserved a conversation it is 86 percent of our housing stock there are a
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number of complications wee bit we'll did you whether the location and the cost to property owners what we can do to mitigate that costs and versus the how rent buildings did you ultimately the stories i think about are stories mentioned how for in a single unit can take out a whole block and $20,000 a unit didn't sound that much or, of course, our resident we have a fire in an sro hotel they didn't put in the sprinkler and none of the tenants were able to return to their units it was a rent control unit it was right across the street from a park we relocated them to 6th street to other units that had increased rent and the worse was when you
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know in treasure island we had a family where a 6-year-old daughter lost her life was the parent were not sober enough to call the fire department but it is all a balance and will be a continued conversation i know that supervisor campos ask calling for a task force tomorrow with a report book in 6 months and we'll engage the sprinklers and we'll include the stakeholder and the property owners and the experts federal and state this is a wonderful conversation thank you for all the work and thank you to all the colleagues for hearing this as the land use committee. >> at this time public comment is closed is there a particular you want to foil it item
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co-chair. >> happy to continue this to the call of the chair. >> okay motion by supervisor kim to the call of the chair and seconded by supervisor wiener. >> unanimously >> madam clerk, any other business before this committee? there's no further business. >> this committee is adjourned thank you, everyone nology for our first responders. there is a management that will better serve san francisco. public safety personnel better equip and the cutting edge of public safety is [inaudible] >> helly over wn and thank you for being here on this very
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special occasion. today we mark a new beginning for public safety and earthquake preparedness our r in our great city of san francisco. each of us here will stand witness to had beginning of a new great civic jewel. we in front of the years of planning and coordination that brought this magnificent facility to life, equip with modern tools and prepared to serve. from the architect and? gen earring design devtop tooz the first shoves in the ground and to the installation of the solar panels and art work, this massive project stands here ready to serve the peep olof san francisco beginning this weekend and serving for decades to come. this building is a step forward in technology for our first responders. there is
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a change management transitioning happening here that will better serve the resident of san francisco. public safety person elare better equipped and the cutting edge puplic safety is with the kait of the art facility. less paper, less cabinetess, more electronics, more security and communication. this is a major step forward prime uving on first response and onse we are fortunate to have the support of the voters by approvaling bonds measures that fundsing the project and fortunate to live and work here reaping the benefit of this new post-. it is a honor to be here in front of you and recognize the opening of the new police department head quarter squz public safety campus. this morning we will hear from fire and police departments and we'll acknowledge all the hard work that went into the
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delivering this project and what it means to the city public safety personal el. i would like to thank you all for coming and point out a few of the special guests we have here with us. former mayor willy brown is here. former mayor frank jordan is here. former police chief an tonio revirs is here. quite a number of supervisors, i see [inaudible] i christensen. [inaudible] cohen is here. so the s the president of the board of supervisors london breed is here. [inaudible] is here. that is the real boss. from the police commission, we have victor wong, thomas mu zokeo
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and sonia malara here. from the arts commission, jd [inaudible] are here. from fire [inaudible] steve nucaujo and markal hardman are all here. i see quite a number of department heads, ed riscon, debbie raffial is here, our da [inaudible] recognize him from a police chief. and then many many people it to thank you and and as i go through the event i will thank if i have for gotten you or didn't call your name to be recognized. our partners from hok paul woodferred, the
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architects. and working with him [inaudible] carba narrow and associates. and of course our builders, [inaudible] builders 2 very important people, frank murray who is superintend thochbt project and [inaudible] sfaubl for working with all the engineers and architects and making sure we are here today. [inaudible] builders. not to forget all the neighbors from mu drone and [inaudible] housing complex who are neighbors of the project. a big hand for them too, please. we are grateful for your atejd ance to maurk the moment in the cities history. firs up it is a pleasure to introduce someone who is the champion leadership in making sure our first responders have the tools to serve the city.
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when it comes to working to identify needs i garner the support for plan for capital improvements, mayor lee gets it done. pub luckwer works has the responsibility of design and construction for 24 projdwreckt jecktd. mayor lee helped shape the capital plan and knows first hand how complex and challenging it can be to deliver the projects. we thank you for your support and please welcome honorable mayor lee to say a few words. >> thaupg [inaudible] this was managed by public works. he and charles [inaudible] and all the engineers and project
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managers kept the promise for all of us. let me begin by saying i just did a tour, to a wond rbful place, a complicated project. i'm here briefly this morning because i'm here to replace [inaudible] as i was told. anyway, to our former chiefs, to our former mayors, to our protocol office, by the way you can't get into this building unless tom [inaudible] says yes. our art director and director of emergency management is here rightly so. the office of civic investment is infruc sureture is here. we are all here and welcome everyone to mission day san francisco. . this was a very carefully chosen site for the
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very reason we had to assemble a number of different functions on the site. a complicated project from the start. fire station, arson station, police station, police headquarters. a very historically refurbished community room for all the residence to cherish. supervisor kim played a great part and want to thank her office for being here joining all our supervisors and president breed, we all worked together to make sure when we promised the entire public of san francisco that we would begin by making sure our first respondsers were out of unsafe buildings and in, i remember when chief gasstone was in on the design of the building and may great contribution to this.
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now he is in another building challenging us to do something else and that is good because we'll get it done. we have to. we have to, dont we? yeah. just because it is inch a different world doesn't make the story go away. when you look at all o of the effort put into this and of course very serious financial couldn't pugzs and contribution and particularly the approval of the voters they said yes and make sure our first responders are there for us. i begin with a they think for the men and women in the police department, fire department, in the commissions and on the city and county of san francisco to say thank you thank you thank you for what you do every day for the city and as we hear the statistics about the next 25
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years the big one may be coming, we have what the voters asked us to do is say let's get the first responders in so they can can help save us and this is what we have done in the complex build{division for first respond aers for the sit a. it is a tribute to the role in the city that we do this today. i want to congrtulation the police and fire commission and department of emergency management for pets this together and having dpw play a great role managing the role of [inaudible] i want to give a special thank tooz willy brown because his vision way back then on a old railroad site called mission bay and said we can do something with that. i said you are taking away my
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dribeing arrange and he said yes, but i'll give you the pgatour in exchange. so i accepted that. that vision carried out then by gaven nuse nl with stem cell research and now with my administration and all the people that work for us, today is great celebration of thatd vision now put into the implementation getting it done for the public. all of you got to see this incredible building and i begin by saying thank you to the arts commission. tom, and the artist and commission, i want to say thank you because you wrauck in and are immediately presented with a incredible honor of the spiral dedication and then the wall. before you get there you have the first responders applausee aand
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plaza and i know chief [inaudible] is proud of a big bell. she is hanging that bell over [inaudible] as much as she can, but we are all together here and we are all saying this is of course a place everyone will really feel good about working and it is what i know it to be that it is a safe building, it is is one that is equip with the finest epiidated equipment. whenia see the fire station here that has the latest not just doors but the type of change out rooms president breed that when you are on the fire commission you demanded it have because we know and have learned with our fire unions leadship and the fireman you have geet all this poisonous stuff off their
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clothes and have the moden station represent that. hopefully that is the standsered for every fire station in the city going forward chblt for the chief of police i know he is honored because he gets to see the water and great ball park while he responds and e-mails me back. but i know he is personally honored with this because i think he understand too that thish is a a tribute not to just him and the haufs but the entire police force that by the way we will get the full force in the next couple years, so you won't be denied that full force. we also did not demolish this building. a lot of people said why is that in the way? today? t isn't in the way, it is comp lmentary to the history of this city.
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thank tooz ocii and the fire department, this used to be station 30 and we kept it as part of history and kept and refleshed it for community based use. i know this is going tobe a extremely important part of it because the community wants to be engaged with our police and fire department. every neighborhood wants to be engaged with the police and fire department. not that we work in isolated roles. it is the purpose of the city to engage all the residence in the best way quee and when we have great designers like our designers here, great contractors like [inaudible] working with cap narrow and his folks, we dephrineed appropriate ly everything we need to get done here so we can reassure when we place the bonds before the public, not only do they get what they
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wanted, but the high quality it derv d serves. this continues as mohammed said a promise we made to the public. by the way, do you know this is all done without raising property taxes in san francisco and that is a great tribute to the 10 year capital plan that naomi continues and all the administrators continue to do. it is part of the easter bond and earthquake seft and maerns response bunds, but thauls capital plan. we do this professionally and get it done on time so we can show case public money investment so it is a better place to work and public to engage in and more services are done for this brand new arena of mission bay, but the entire city as well. we'll continue honoring our city with more bonds in the future, with more investments whether they be through ocii or
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housing going up to the the incredible innovation of uc san francisco and also a stones through away is the development next door on [inaudible] and of course the nba champions, the warriors will be here soon. so, all of this is to say that if we work together and we make sure that we collaborate as much as we can in the city, we'll have a better result and not only greater buildings, but places for people are honored for the roll they have in the city and where they work and i i hope every fire and police station will recognize this. every neighborhood will be touched by this because this center will be the center here not only for next 50 years, as soon as repair the [inaudible] it will be another 7 5 years to be here and make sure we
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have this building as a tribute so george can know we have our eyes on the rest of the building. around the corner is the medical examiner is next. the courts we have to deal with that tofemerary jail cell squz da's office has to have a place so the hall of justice isn't a threatening place to be, it is a place justice can be conducted. a special thank tooz all the member thofz board of supervisors to working collaborative and all the advantageous aejss and to the the public i say thank youism thong for having the hope in our administration and government and carry forward with the chief. the story will continue and carry out these promise squz make sure we honor the men and women who serve on a every day basis. thank you everyone for celebrating [inaudible] >> thank you mayor lee.
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