tv [untitled] April 21, 2015 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT
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it typically in an arena any reason has a house direction system it singularly is a large occur at an pocketed up their moveable excuse me. i'm sorry and then you basically, you cut the house in half or a quarter you do that to consultant the events the problem is taking the music performance you - it creates a sense your performing in a smaller venue it is not comfortable they have that with the wake field theatre with the curtains they've had success bus little answer to do something that looks at and feels for permanent we're using some walls for example, as as opposed to instead of curtains we're working with an consultant that
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has done it successfully internationally but in this country all the pieces you're looking at with exception to the stage we've done pocketing work to make sure it is required to support those kinds of events your essentially dropping those pieces down whether the side walls, the piece or the had a a lot port part of the scoreboard and urging a hydraulic system to float over so you press a bottom it moves an whales and you have your lighting a lot of your sound cluster and prornlz it brings the ceiling down at one point we're putting a lid on this this halo piece down to the acidity the lights are situated you have it. >> are the screen walls awe
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enthusiastically treated and the sound in your halo system. >> yes. they will be alive enthusiastically treated but we want to make sure we're optimizing the sound and in a theater there will be a house sound system i'm going to turn it over to many shows travel with their own sounds depending on what we are hosting we're hosting come down all we expect is a stool and microphone if you have a band that comes in they'll bring their olsen lee own sound equipment. >> if you get a larger crowd with many seats. >> we'll use the regular arena configuration. >> and this halo will be able
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to consultant everything in the middle of the room just curious. >> the halo plays two functions when you have a warriors event as part of scoreboard it has statistics or marketing for the arena treat that same is led is used for the fillmore how they decide to use it as apple environmental enhancement to the show and the halo is used to support as i mention lighting and sound a means for rigging the equipment. >> looks at awesome thank you. >> commissioner perez and commissioner lee. >> thanks so much for your preshgs presentation i heard you guys started our community outreach i was wondering can you telling us that's about your process and what's coming in way of the response from the
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community. >> there are a variety of issues that are relevant to the community stakeholder. >> that would be arena sound mitigation and countryside control and traffic and community as far as bringing people 8 house people to the community. >> i object to address that as you can imagine a matter matter of interest from the community of what we're doctoring we've had extensive discussions with the city with the cracking with the you felt with track pickup after events for several months that's been studied and addressed as part of supplemental eir but we've made process with the applicable
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codes. >> do you have outreach meeting in the future. >> the cac meeting on the 30th that relates specifically to one of the issues that you were referring to what happens whether there's an event in at&t one thing worth noting it is up to 18 to us attire the regular warriors game like 8 to 10 percent no shows a sold-out on stage concert 14 thousand you don't typically sell the seats behind the stage if you look at the average it is 9 thousand 10 for events we stress the difference between 9 thousand and 14 is a stress on
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the grid is different from thirty or 40 thousand at&t clearly there's a challenge with appropriate manufacture i measures it is not the same impact when a giants game that large population so we have that cac meeting set up i don't know if we have boxed after the 30th but continue the conversation with the cac and the other folks that are interested. >> pardon me. >> what. >> when april 30th. >> and that's a mission bay. >> mission bay yeah. >> commissioner lee. >> so i'm happy you guys are down there i was involved with the watching of the stadium by the bridge are you planning to have the design is improved in
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two years do you have that rooftop before they were able to walk on the roof are you planning on implementing that things change and the other things given 9 hundred parking spaces is enough i can there is 6 giant games there will be worrying games are you planning on contracting some of the parking lots in the area that the hospital is there or some of the biotech embarrasses are utilized you know that is i'm curious public transportation is a lot better there it is great i'm curious about the parking situation 6 games at the warriors and giants are going on how are you going to manage that. >> it is one to two games a year between the warriors and
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giants we carefully studied all the parking or we're looking at shuttle programs to look at we've based on the attendees for the arena event and i alluded to the dual fact scenario that will be address in the eir itself to answer your other questions a couple of things in the rendering i flipped through here the market hall will have a radioactively think of that as a beer garden out to the bay you'll see the bridge and the park in the for grount ground we're looking incorporating some kind of restaurant or bar if you look at the curved piece directly above the wall it looks
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out to the old navy. >> allows you to see the skyline this is part of plans we view that as likely aspirated by third party tenant and so we'll learner more as we go forward on what kind of tenants whether that is. >> do they have to go to the stadium to get to it. >> no discrete elevators and go directly up to the platform. >> great any other comments from commissioners no all right. well i know this is a required presentation so thank you we deal with the mom and pop owners that runs a night bar this is like audry said in the venue that is throwing a inch
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that is needed we don't want to go to oakland colosseum so thank you for bring all that here i think this is something we'll look forward to you know you guys are going to be presenting again to get our permit i don't see any problems but get regular updates whether formally it will be very much appreciated. >> i think that developing an with the office buildings and making this a total lifetime will be moving to a greater success and benefit to the city. >> thank you thanks for your time. >> opening it up for public comment i have two speaker cards i'll call those folks first please if anyone else come up to the microphone.
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>> (calling names). >> good evening my name is vanessa and i'm a narrative self-control i'm here lived in dog patch for 11 years over 11 years i'm a member of the dog patch neighborhood association since 2004 we in adaptive truly care about our neighborhood i'm sure you're aware of we have a strong community and support warriors development in mission bay is virtually i'm excited to have them as our neighbor and we see opportunity we see new businesses to our neighborhood improvements in the community entertainment and cultural venues thank you. >> thank you is a beverage and anyone else anyone raising their
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hands wants to speak on this no? hi, everyone i'm sebastian i'm going to be reading a letter on better off of the tonic night life dear commissioners as the owners of 7 bars in san francisco the co-chairs the cultural association and the founder of the sf bar alliance we're writing this letter for the enthusiastic support for the warriors and in all the roles we promote san francisco night life it is hard for us to understand how positive and significant the warriors will be in our night life as san francisco's first mile multi purpose arena we have have santa fe from sporting
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events the 18 seat venue will attract many people that will sternd spend their time and money awhile here the state offers one hundred and 25 square feet of usually storefront for bars and restaurants and further bolstering our night life economy in ways of which the c mc and others find escalating we have to show our authenticates support and thank you for your vision >> we don't have a decision to make tonight i see one more. >> stefanone i want to add that
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elaborate open commissioner joseph's good point some viewpoints are two small and some two big this is for people like dionne that without the possibility of parole come here we'll attract many entertainers that people don't have to travel to go see it's good to have them in san francisco. >> any final public comment seeing none, public comment is closed i will be stepping out of the month to month for now and passing open the gavel to our vice chair we'll move on with the agenda the next item is the report from the executive director report. >> i just want to thank the warriors and added for coming tonight like i said, i want to stay revolved in this process we don't typically get to hear about big development even though we are part of progress
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so thank you, very much. and if there's some informal way to keep updating those guys that would be great thanks. >> good evening i'm going to be quick i wanted to just update the commission on the night life what i'm calling night life protection legislation that is called the breeze legislation or sound ordnance whatever that protection legislation went in front of land use yesterday and it was unanimously support i moved out of the economy and, in fact, that achieved two more sponsors in the process so we're to the full board and expect to to be on the first reading and on to the mayor for signature so
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for his prelims it is coming at us we'll have to be prepared for that so that's all good news and finally the outdoor events economic impact was published this morning it - the draft has a date of 23rd but actual the 21st today so it is exciting it is obviously important i'm not going to go through all the data points but it is over a billion dollars of economic activity in san francisco, of course you all know and the intention made clear today by supervisor wiener at the full board was to hold a hearing when we expect to be on the fourth of may at the land
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use commission again to go over the outcomes for the controller to talk about that report and talk about what we do from there we don't do reports i don't work on reports that sit on stheflz i think you know that we have ever intention without the vice president to attend that hearing and talk about larger what the things we want to see improved with respect to outdoor events in san francisco a lot more to come in san francisco also wanted to thank everyone that attended the april 11th minnie training retreat held in hayes valley and i hope we learned something about the process why we do what we do here and although the president had to leave i know he intends
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to find time later in the summer or early fall to do more extravagant planning retreat that everyone will be asked to attend so keep our eyes pealed did other date for our annual summit is june 8th so if you're available that is the date we'll moving forward with the bans variability of the chief and speakers and invokes we typically asked to come not required for you as commissioners but if you're interested just write that down that's all for me i'm going to turn it over to my inspectors to be as brief as possible as well. >> thank you, director cain and
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hello commissioners one thing to mention we had one incident over this past weekend at squiggle 5 61 geary 239 in the police report i saw the officer made mention the footage was not available to the police department because the no one at the business knew how to operate the equipment i'm waiting on a call back if the establishment to change their policy i'm sure they do have someone always on site to be able to assess that equipment we had two successful outdoor events over the past weekend and the cherry blossom festival in japantown and the groves on the road that happened on 24th street between. myths and van ness both were successful in
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terms of countryside and sound we had one containment about the cherry blossom festival but they were resolved quickly and if there is no questions i'll pass the microphone over to inspector pauley and good evening, commissioners a couple of things to report performed open suspicion on fulsome they have a performance are a couple of members from the wolfgang it was pretty busy but there wasn't any issues i observed got a chance to talk to melissa a neighbor clanld about a street event with temporary occupancy with the permits and i talked to melissa about even though i went on the website for the department had
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hands those permits they don't require any public notice to so i told melissa you should still imagination to the neighborhoods that will cut down on trying to involve my agency she'll be doing that i performed a sound test and scoreboard and kitchen they were here trying to get a permit they had issues with the sound as far as the piano and acoustic guitar they should be fine i set a level and so that should be fine i don't expect any further problems one issue at the pine diner i observed someone getting knocked out so i called the management and talked to management about the issue i
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wasn't sure if they had security he said they employ security i tell him they need to maybe put a fire under their security to make sure they can prevent that from happening i'll be happy to answer any questions i'll be happy to answer and go from there. >> thank you, very much. >> other public comment comments. >> oh, are there questions do you have questions. >> i have questions to the executive director buyout report on the vir so thank you very much i'm so existed to see this about the event that are listed is this a partial list or all of it. >> that was the list.
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>> with the big vents. >> that was the list that was put together by a group of people including the controller and myself and ben as the enclosure list as well rec and park and the concussion conclusion to choose one over others to which ones were bringing people to the city there are many more events in san francisco than listed but their summation were around the environmental review that wouldn't happen anyway does that make sense so that's the kind of economic event version people that live here will spend their money in a restaurant or bar
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anyway does that make sense they're looking for career if, in fact, they're looking at for things that are missing osgood things can be revised certainly but this is our best attempted. >> i noticed the veterans' parade is not here and the serving is not here again there was an analysis of what was an exhaust list some were kicked out for size of estimated attendance and who comes to the event if outside the city. >> okay. thank you if you do feel there is events missing feel free to for the record forwarding 24 to jocelyn at this time any other questions we're open up for public comment for the staff reports any public comment on staff report seeing
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none we'll move on to item of police department questions or comments. >> sfpd. >> good evening. >> i think that maybe that one much better. >> steve from the central station in addition to the battery at squiggle there was a theft at ruby sky i nonfiction for the but hut on broadway i'll reader the narrative real quickly quick after several warnings bamboo for the microscopic contained with the establishment keep turning the music up after being warned i estimated 50 feet standing across the street there are two
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parking lanes between the bam but with each lane approximately 10 to 12 feet and complaints by the neighbors that is happening for calls for service so captain and i brought the owner and manager of the became but it was very good meeting we went over our concerns and did problem solve from adjusting the volume so it can't go over a certain level and brought in sound abstractions a couple of days later i didn't see any complaints over the last weekend other note that was a large-scale fight at the seller on sutter street about 12347 a large fight went from inside the club out to the street according
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to the cab there were upwards of 20 feet blocking the traffic the police were called and patrons fled the area 4 days later a patron filed a report he'd been attacked by security i contacted the owner and she sent me a detailed security report and in the security report 9 statement from workers from the management or bar staff or security and so looking at this from the security report as far as the statement it seems like they did the best they could with the patron being attacked several of the workers were attacked one of the things i saw the fight oriented go in the vip area that's a concern we've had for a
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while i have a method or e-mail out to the management there as far as if those 3 areas have bottle services we're noticing when people have the bottle services they take three or four hundred dollars from the bottle there's a certain entitlement that's my bottle i'm going to finish it one person might have several drinks my questions were did all of them have bottle service and did a hostess pour the alcohol i sent off that e-mail today with no answers yet. >> any questions or comments? quick one commissioner lee i drove by sell arrest a couple of times they have to keep the people in the line outside it is a basement it
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is a small place >> when i've done inspecting i don't have overcrowding there's issues on sidewalks but quite a few contestants they've made an effort putting it close to the building it's been better before there was staff holding at the building that was a mess it was dark now open you can see much better and the time i've gone there they've done a much better job of keeping them off the sidewalk that are a lot of people there. >> sometime they bump into each and alteration start that way. >> this particular fight started inside and when people were evicted people came out felt woodwork and free-for-all.
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>> the security as ejecting a party from the bottle service area so the fight was between the security and the patrons that didn't want to be removed nevertheless it wasn't a major incident. >> thank you very much i have a question and jordan what the security fighting with the patrons. >> the patrons attacked the security from what they told me. >> okay. >> so it was that kind of thing. >> okay. any additional sfpd comments okay hearing none we'll move on to to item 7 regarding playgrounds white rain production for amplified outdoor sound permits. >>
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