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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2015 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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33%, confluct with action, -- and here is listed all of the rest. the findings we made of the allegations we received last year which came from the 729 cases we received, 2024 and [inaudible] allegations and 507 officers received complaints and of the complaints we received the allegations or the findings that we made not sustained were 64%. that means we couldn't prove or disproof the allegations. improper conduct 19%. 6% of the allegations we found misconduct or neglect of duty and those -- that 6%
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allegations comprise 8% of the cases we received. unfounded 3%, no finding 4% and in the complaint choose to withdraw 4% of the cases. in terms our sustained allegations 50% of the sustained allegations were near neglect of duty. another 35 for unwarranted action. conduct 9%. unnecessary force 3% of the sustained allegations that came from two cases. one involved one involve and the other case involved three officers. discourtesy and sexual slur 1%. some of our complainants made claims of bias in 2014 and involved 79 cases, a little more than -- well, 11% of the case load for all bias claims. 74 of the cases were for racial bias
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and two for gender and three of the cases were a combination of racial and gender bias. we didn't make a finding of sustained in any of the these cases but it is a national phenomenon that is very difficult for investigating agencies to prove or disprove claims of bias. the occ is a legal unit includes four full time equivalentings and two are trial attorneys and in addition to prosecuting cases before the police commission or defending at chief level hearings and provide sustainability reviews and sustained reports meaning that when the occ fine finds there is neglect or misconduct of duty and reports have to be written and some are in excess of 50 pages and forwarded either to the chief for chief's level discipline which is discipline
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which is 10 days suspension or less or to the next level and up to and including termination but in addition to the two attorneys there is an additional attorney that does policy work for the occ and .75 position that handles the mediations and outreach. the occ conducts policy work and makes policy recommendations to the san francisco police department. last year the policy attorney completed the training video with the department on detecting and overcoming language barriers and wrote the script and worked on the production of this training video as well as another training video for on the department general order of
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children of arrested parents and involves looking nationally for best practices as well as working with the police department and with community groups on these issues. policy recommendations that arose from the occ last year to the department included revision to department general order 6.0 nine to require police to interview domestic violence victims in private and provide translated -- emergency protective orders and domestic violence referral cards. another area that we determined there were issues that needed department bulletin had to do with complaints we received from drivers who had been ticketed by police -- san francisco police
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officers and their licenses were revoked through an officer initiated incapacity proceeding and we determined through our investigation that there needs to be clarity for the officers as to when they could do the revocation and that it should be supersized by a sergeant and chief suhr adopt bulletin and dissemmated and we are proud of this area and while discipline is important a strong message goes out in the area of mediation and we do have an award winning mediation program want last year 50 cases were medyaitded by pro bono mediators and other agencies that have programs used paid mediators
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and in san francisco we are lucky to have the san francisco bar association and a community of mediators that volunteer to do this for the occ. the cases that were mediated represent more than one investigateon case closers and result in a cost and time savings. they are concluded quicker than an investigation and a greater satisfaction on the part of the complainants and officers and we determined that through a customer satisfaction survey. in addition the occ engages in outreach to inform the community about the occ's work about the availability of the complaint process and we have been told that we were the first civilian oversight agency in the nation to develop a strategic plan which is posted on our website and outreach includes community
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presentations and meet with community groups to collaborate on matters that would enhance delivery of services by the police department, and meeting with the groups and with the police department. we also make presentations at the national association for civilian oversight of law agency which is an umbrella agency, a civilian oversight agency throughout the country and the world. we conduct training including training at the police academy and at schools and to community groups and we provide our materials to various locations and we also inform through our website, and in the area of information technology and that is one of the asks the occ only has one information technology staff person, and last year he
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completed the online complaint filing project with an outside vendor but in addition to that on a daily basis he maintains and enhances the occ's data base. we have internet at the occ and supervisors are able to look at the progress of any investigator's case by pulling up the work summary as well as digital evidence that has been filed in the case. in addition to that this one person compiles data for our quarterly and annual reports and also provides information to the police department for its early intervention system. that concludes my remarks. thank you. >> thank you director hicks. supervisor mar. >> yes thank you so much ms. mics. i wanted to first ask you about there is quite a bit that the officer does and you
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said the f.t.e.s and the unit and you mentioned the racist homophobic texts report reported to your office and do you have suggestion on what type of training is needed for unconious bias and of the racism and built into that and it's an open ended question. >> yes thank you supervisor mar. it's the occ's strong recommendation that the san francisco police department all officers engage in training that involves learning about the science of implicit bias as well as and it is my understanding from chief suhr that they're going to begin that training in may, but i think it's important that the training also (paused)
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>> >> and that facilitator felt it was important to get viewpoints not just from the department that is caused the community distress but to also include members of that community who have been aggrieved and some outside persons. as a matter of fact at that training which was in palo alto some members of the san francisco police department were invited to attend the training as well so there was a broad diversity. >> okay. thank you for those suggestions. my other question is more on your staffing so my understanding is that the city
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charter guarantees minimum staffing for the of cc and it's at one investigator for every 150 police officers and i know that there are significant challenges based on the huge number of complaints and the 728 cases but i'm wondering if you could talk about your -- especially the investigators challenges. i think supervisor campos brought up the question whether we have enough adequate investigators within your department but if you could talk about those challenges? >> yes, the charter does set a floor, and the number of sworn officers is divided by 150 and that floor at this time i think yields about 14 investigators, but the control's report in 2007 said that may not be the end of
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the story so to speak that best practices is 16 cases per investigator so those are the challenges. the challenges is that the floor doesn't satisfy the occ's need for a manageable case load. additionally because of the formula that is used with the budget give eghtd and takeeth away and in regard to attrition and step adjustments. that also frustrates the occ's ability to have a reasonable number of investigators, and so those have been our challenges. as i said earlier the case load is about 24 cases per investigator, but again when an investigator has a high profile case what we do with that investigator we remove a lot of their cases from them so they have a case load of 10 or 11 cases and that means that the
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other cases go to other investigator additionally they not only interview witnesses and going out in the field et cetera but they do what is called intake so that means that complainants can walk into the occ during regular business hours and they are interviewed. they can also phone in for their interviews, and so the investigators who have the officer involved shootings or another high profile case they are relieved from intake so that means the remaining 10 or so investigators or 12 investigators are having to do intake once a week or so because there is intake and back up or every other week so it's like squeezing a balloon. >> seems like administrative support i am just wondering if
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some of the bar bers of the lack of -- barriers of lack of administrative support and other support for your office. >> well, the occ has a small clerical support staff and that clerical support staff the service that they provide is sending out disposition letters to complainants and to officers, and some other functions that aren't specific to a particular investigator, so investigators are not assigned a clerical person to assist them with things like faxing information to the police department, notices of interviews, et cetera. this is something that the investigators are having to do so they're spending a
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significant amount of their time on this work. they type their own sustained reports, and same with the attorneys. there are 3.75 attorneys on staff. they don't have clerical support either. the other support that the occ was never provided in its budget was money to contract with the department of human resources for personnel services and i am reminded of that that we don't have that support in our budget, nor do we have a budget staff person at the occ and so it's performed by staff other than designated budget staff. >> this is by last question. i know supervisor tang and yee and i are all engaged in improving our language access ordinance, and ensuring that there's language abilities in
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departments. i notice that on slide 14 the case intakes by language there's very few by chinese, spanish speaking russian and koreanian and i am wondering about the language capacity and how you address that? i guess if there is more language capacity we might see case intakes that reflect more of the language diversity of the city because it's my understanding over 40 to 50% of the population speak a language other than english in the home. >> well, supervisor mar we do have two investigators on staff who are native spanish speakers, and they might argue with you that they do have a robust case load in addition of course to
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the spanish speaking complaintants that they interview that they conduct their investigations -- they conduct english language investigations as well, but i think the question maybe more about outreach and if we could engage in additional outreach, in particular when i look at our language access around mandarin or cantonese we only have one investigator who speaks the dialect of cantonese but and we have other staff but it's not -- who are fluent in mandarin and cantonese and berm ease and it's not the same as having an investigator. >> >> and if we do receive a complaint in a language that an
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investigator doesn't speak of course we use language line and the entire staff just went through training on language line use just last week, and they have done so before. >> thank you so much ms. hicks. >> you're welcome. >> thank you director hicks. colleagues any further questions? thank you for your presentation. >> thank you. >> up next -- apologies chief hayes white and the fire department. thank you for being here. >> thank you chair farrell. good afternoon members. committee. joanne hayes white and assisted by mark corso. you will have the presentation provided to you in hard copy and then we're going to set up it but i would like to get started first of all by thanking for
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the opportunity recognizing our analyst from the mayor's office of budget and kate howard. we're working closely with the mayor's budget office on this year's budget and have an opportunity to restore and rebuild some of the department that we had to reduce in sort of the lean economic years. we will go ahead and get started. today i wanted to talk about -- i have 14 slides for you. what i am going to talk about the overall operational trends and you can see on the slide that is before you. those are some of the areas we will highlight and i am happy to answer questions at the conclusion or during the presentation. so starting off with the operational trends as you know san francisco is in a growth period and we're currently at our highest day time work force population and night time resident population in the city's history which is a good thing but it presents
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challenges for all of us. it manifested in increased call volume for the department. this shows over the course of the last decade calls look like. the major driver is our increase in medical calls. if we project out the remainder of 2015 at current levels we would see a 9% over 2014. we have been busy in the first quarter of the year and 15% increase in the last five years and means that our ems system has been strained both on the ambulance side and the suppression side and it's not just an ambulance showing up but a team approach and a fire truck is dispatched to start the triage and the symptoms the patient is having. i would like to talk about our work group. i believe all are aware of it and
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in support of it and born out of the mayor's office. would like to credit kate howard for that. we received partial funding last year and we knew with the population growth and calls we would be strained. there is now empirical data that we need additional resources and through collaboration and great work from the mayor's budget office president breed participated. our fire commission has been supportive. members of the department as well as the controller's office and how to sustain the growth. >> >> as you know we provide ems service. in addition there are two private ones and king american and american medical response and did better work through this concept in making sure their resources work well
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with ours in terms of peak periods and staffing and we had a huge issue last summer and increase the call volume and the guidelines we would like to provide to the residents and the visitors as well of the city but i think the work group has gotten off to a great start and i am happy to provide more information on that because we are seeing a reduction in those ambulance response times. there's basically and i will get into it further there are basically three thresholds we try to adhere to and i will talk about that in another slide so there is work to continue on the system. (paused).
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. >> >> and the blue line representos average whereas the red line is the ninth percentile in terms when we -- ninetieth percentile and we have more fire engines than ambulances and we looking at a four and a half minute response time and when the trained dispatchers hit -- enter the call for us to respond to. >> >> so generally speaking we have been able to meet in the ninetieth percentile about five minutes -- that goal. four
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minutes and 30 seconds has been challenging for us and discussions we will look at revisiting that. we know in most of the state that first responder time frame is five minutes which we would be in very good shape and due to increased population and more people and cars on the streets and we want to get there as safely as we can during our emergency response. the next interval we look at is the seven minute threshold and for als response interval. the clock responds when you have a paramedic trained person so scene and generally we have met that over the last 10 years. we have a spike last summer but it's coming down again and a
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paramedic on als or life support engine or a riewfing in an ambulance and just to give the difference of the terms bls is what most of the san francisco firefighters are trained at and basic life support. i have a basic life support skill. i'm an emt and we can do medical interventions and primarily what we respond to any given day. als is for advanceed life support and it's paramedic license the by the state and we're able to perform more difficulty emergency interventions and starting an intravenous line or inbaiting someone and doing something invasive in the field before going to the hospital and this next slide received a lot of
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attention over the last 10 months rightfully so when we saw the up tick that we didn't want to see and the ambulances arriving at the scene and we were in the six minute range and then got up to eight minutes on average and in the ninetieth percentile we went from 11 minutes and in june and july about 14 minutes in that area. i am happy to report with the good work of the work group in terms of the data analysis that the controller's office is helps out and we getting help on that and the fact that we hired 35 emts and hit the streets and our fleet is performing better because it's less time for maintenance and repair. all of that is heading in the right direction. in this fiscal year we were able to add 40 new emts and in training and graduate
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next month on may 22 and assist with getting us back to the numbers we're comfortable with and in terms of having an ambulance on scene to transport. this slide depicts our hiring and staffing. for the last decade the department incorporated more time in the staffing model and for efficiency during the budget years that were difficult. the practice allowed us to have reductions while meeting our minimum staffing requirements and relies on overtime is fiscally -- [inaudible] it's difficult for us and meant mandatory overtime -- chair farrell did you have a question? >> i'm sorry. i am going bato the other slide and if you do think you adding quat staffing
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levels to keep it where it is? >> i think we will get better. we have submitted our baseline budget and just to cut to the chase we asked for $11.6 million in enhancements which i can go over that and a portion is to become more efficient so just as a quick example to have a logistical support division out with the ems system and opposed to having the pair medrics -- paramedics responsible for stocking and we have a store keeper to do those functions and they can get on the streets faster to the work they need to do. >> okay. thanks. >> so when the good news is like chief suhr did we're staffing back up as well so the overtime model mod work wld we needed do
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but we are hiring for people that retire and we will see an increase and see 250 and 300 members retire soon and so we want a staffing plan thal meet that and the mayor has prioritized public safety and established a hiring plan soon after becoming mayor but he's actually lengthened hiring plan and similar to the police department. we don't have as many classes coming in but between now and 2020 there is a class of 54 members come in once every august. recently a class was addinged for next year and we have seen 30 and 40 retirements and it might double in the next years so we want to be ready for that. the other
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thing on this slide in 2005 we had approximately 1618 uniform the f.t.e. and currently we're at 1521 and we're building back up but we had a low of 1348 so good work is getting the firefighters and emts and paramedics back on the streets. regarding our fleet i mentioned we did take delivery of 19 ambulances recently. we have now more ambulances in our fleet than i can recall since i think since the emf division was brought up from the department of public health in 1997 and taken delivery of 10 imagines and six -- 10 engines and six trucks. >> >> and this is something we talked to the mayor about. it's a huge investment. it's not like buying a