tv [untitled] April 23, 2015 3:30am-4:01am PDT
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executing we're listening to the community one clear example when we applied for two different types of permit we have a number of news where the community that was clear their preference was noted implosion so ultimate we withdraw that request weren't to the communities position and other hemsz e recommendations provided by others so we're in the process of implementing some of those i'llize those we're currently additionally some of the - in the slide it shows including additional monitor and
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rising our dial inspection about the self-righteous at the bottom as well as the things like whether something is directly witnesses or verified directly we're working directly with dpw and our consultants to make sure all our inspections and monitoring reporting is to their satisfaction. >> thank you for that presentation. >> thank you. >> is there any additional public comment no more presentations madam president. >> is there a public comment on the item. >> 3 minutes each for public comment. >> dr. thompson to him kins i
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which is prepared to give you 3 minutes i appreciate if you would respect that i'd greatly appreciate that. >> one is mrs. moore stated earlier we want to thank the board to stand up and having staff work with the contingency another institutions in the city has not done this they're missing in action ocii we view them as nothing more than it was novice to learn they're in journalist venture with lamar research working in the interest of the citizens that pay their salaries we don't reap the benefits we want to point out we want the permit pulled this is a wait of our time we - you have a
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nice presentation you have wonderful slides the fact is that we've wasted three weeks their tearing that stadium down at the top level right now this morning as i drove in i inspected it myself the fact they've only had we'll talked repeatedly over dust controls i'm not an engineer one gentleman on a crane on the cherry picker spraying over there prior to that before the rain two individuals with a hose and water coming out mrs. moore and other residents on the hill have dust in their house i've driver's license there and their within glasses are coded with one - you have to look at relatives not another
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rhetoric lab and i submitted into you earlier a file of their work and somehow or another they were able to get around the combhpt and adding in under four minutes or less 5 or less no where in the reports was it shown improper installation of monitor we had k pi news really looking at this is not crazy old doctors looking at it i'm not senile we asked in the last meeting and one of our officers from the alliance asked the signs we put. you up in chinese characters so everyone can read that the problem is this is thin if you're driving but we asked that
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that can put in spanish and the website in an easy read work format for accomodation by the general public comment that didn't have a scientific background i was told this was impossible and argued and holder 59 thank you representatives from health department i taught a class teaching middle rate students audience i respect the fact you have a lot to is and 3 minutes is national enough but i appreciate the note we have other people up to speak thank you doctor. >> i hope you understood we want a pole to enter into a serious discussion to get those problems revolved. >> thank you>> thank you.
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next speaker, please. >> 3 minutes. >> i heard you thank you very much this is so important that 3 minutes won't do the job i have material here i brought because this is ongoing and it is for you're reading so you'll understand and know what we have gone through and it hurts me that fact you've given u.s.s. 3 minutes ocii i asked for the minutes when all of this occurred they couldn't give me notes when we were talking about agent orange number one alice griffith was built in 1960 it was built on landfill the groups have not been tested people have
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liquidated and dying over there and mothers having stillborn babies the dust and wind when it blows it don't blow one way or two what did you say i live on ingels the only reason they stopped the work i called a friend of mine i don't know if you read his blogs it is francisco all that dust coming into my house i live 3 blocks away interest where they are i go after let me say this to you there is no state and federal compliance officer in the entire city of san francisco other than the unified school district
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her guidelines section 3 are not being approved we don't hear anything the hunt that material you have as you can see what occurred back in 2011 between the health department and the other department in co-hostile together is all about money not about our lives out there at bayview hunters point i've been in bishop since 1948 i know the community my mom came in here in 19423 i was 10 yvendz i'm 82 now they don't know the area every time i go to a meeting i brought to you do you think they read it no they don't care i hope you listen this needs to
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stop, in fact, the rigor act needs to be enforced in san francisco thank you for your comments. >> yolanda louis again san francisco is become known as as city i can see the eric garden symptom on a daily basis we can't breathe when we say we can't brothel our complaints go ignored when we sigh we can't breathe we're the culture many this city to continue the human rights violations killing the black community and i asked you a question can we breath when this was stated they started doing the mechanic after the community complained the community asked it was not
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allowable they tried to sneak one that dr. espanola jackson provided the doctor has experience for decades in this community is not qualified is a joke over the decade we don't see anything around our people dying if you had a dog to send to a boarding place for 90 days would you give them the same conditions you put the black people at hunters point under knowing you had to leave our dog there 90 days with the daily dust inspection report is being monitored mostly and they're looking at previous data to this where the put the monitoring dpiedz but not the one they have to find they're in progress trying to identify where to put
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the signages we're almost at the end of the project they're talking about identifying it 31 they have a plan they've been doing planning for that a long time but friends would you let our dog be monitored once a month and knew what was in the air killing other dogs and those dogs were getting asthma and other aunts and uncles dying would you leave our dog there i wouldn't but i see that people are loefg the black people in those inhumane conditions that my parents ran from it and my father lived in a rat invested area in bayview dr. espanola jackson is 82-year-old she's been fighting for almost three-quarters of a century i'm
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asking you to please consider us higher than the dogs i pray you do that thank you. >> thank you is there any additional public comment on that item. >> nope no further public comment we'll go to item 7 director's report 7 a. >> right now we've discussed that so we'll after the discussion we can't take action i want to acknowledge that commissioner melgar as stepped up to the plate away. >> commissioner walker please. thank you for coming and presenting about the program thank you to the public for coming and hoping that we hear you
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i hear you question that we all need to ask who are given the responsibility of doing those projects needs to think of how we would feel if we lived next door to those projects we don't point taken health issues in blighting especially in hunters point around this sis they occur at a higher rate than any work or where in the city this is not just you know blowing smoke this is real so i feel like even though we're not going to be doing i guess necessities agendized to take action is it the report? i feel like what i would like to
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say we need to hear the community and be responsive to the community we need to do more than we that is necessary for the people living around this project i feel like listening to the fact there is dust obviously there is dust everywhere in the city i live havlz street the dust that comes in conveyance questionable materials that's the reign we're out there monitoring the air doing it more frequently than required and more locations than is required i would rather see us doing more than we need to research less so i appreciate that we've respond
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by adding asbestos monitor at alice griffith i believe that was what you said i feel like we need to really on a daily based look at this material and look at the way the wind is blowing and to be on top of that this effects people that are living there and i you know this is has this is a huge issue with the whole hunters point shipyard project and now they're tearing down something subsequent there is a lot of parcels in the air we need to do overkill if i can use a phrase rather than what is required so - >> commissioner mar please. yeah. when this issue came before us a couple ofometers back a lot of us similar to
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other city departments had to run from it the gut level relaxed because it was very easy to say hey dust go to the hunt or go to you know the air quality control we didn't do that because we understood that this was very big project this was a very controversial project as i recall that had to guess before the board of supervisors everybody jumped in so we felt that with that, i want to say that we were not willing to say pass that on to someone else so i want to thank our staff frail for going out there everyday and camping out there you know i know deputy lourey we've been camping out there
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everyday we don't have staff either sorry we don't have enough stand-off to camp out everyday i feel like because that is such a big project and political project because this is take place in an under served community that has taken lots of hits in the past not served well by the city in the past we can't just is we're doing everything we're supposed to do with a construction project it is awkward to deal with it here actually, i feel liquor it should be up at the board of supervisors everyone in this city took a position the contractor doing it so we don't get off the hock now to say they agreed to all those are things
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when they got the job the air monitoring you know, i could mention other things liquor local hiring they agreed to a lot of things now it is up to the city to say yes. you can do this thing to make sure they can do it i feel like dbi can do our thing but this is a bigger again, it is a city problem because you know our local government low love of us feel liquor gee do we have to you know why does dbi have to be the enforceers here everyone else said they can deal with that sorry you don't have enough staff deal with that anyway i
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feel like a big project the contractors agreed to a lot of things now you have to do the work, yes maybe there's a lot of people watching this project that's what you signed up for this is a big project so you've got to make sure those monitors you can't send in inu unsigned report or partial reports you can't send in - meetings where you don't know where you are this goes to all departments not just dbi all departments in the city are responsible the contractors are responsible we're all responsibly so i think we have to step it up a little bit i i know we can't take action today but i know the community has been waiting a long time for someone to deal with this we
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can't keep on psa it not someone else i'm very concerned about that i wanted to say that. >> commissioner please. as i've listened to the reports i want to thank you all for coming in we had it in the packet who this is where the community is bringing to us who's going to take responsibility? for doing what we said we are going to do we're in a situation today by all of us being here that clearly indicates something is not being done right everyone is saying we don't have enough staff but the sister is saying people are dying and being sick awhile we're failing to take responsibility are we asking
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lamar to take the responsibility fine but we understand la nefarious constraint that's why we're here and this health department to insure that lamar does what they say how long to tear down the rest of the building we can't wait for the rest of the building to be torn down before people are being dealt with in a healthy way i want to keep this on the agenda for next month's fiat month to month for action opening that lamar and everyone has said we're doing all those steps and going to be mr. in place by next month we want to see clear indications what is supposed to happen it happening if not we need to take our responsibility to insure the health issues of
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our community >> yep. >> sorry we have to keep - so commissioners. >> i'll you know i'm going to not pretend to understand we you'll understand i hope your actions i wore all work everyone is in this otherwise we're proven guilt ♪ building ms. jackson i've been seeing you since the early 80s it is exhausting and that's one of the reasons i haven't put much fact on numbers i know the ones that are committed have sentencesism to be the watchdog attitude there is not many people to keep on top of that and it is tough the history of bad health issues and the development with that said, i
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think we're all here i think i'm going to we're all trying to put our best to the forward i believe that everyone is telling us the truth but the doctor now we have a clean slate we should capitalize and reinforce the fact that dbis concerns are addressed quickly i agree we'll have this invocation e.r. next month and the doctor has been communicating with me i want to throw it out there i don't want to get in the middle of that but love to see the monitor i understand a little bit about this this is a good step forward in transparency so i can continue to get to my commissioners we're using each other's expertise for the communication, however, that said we're all on notice it's a failure there will be
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accountability i understand dpw are limited resources but at the same time an organization within the city that are expanded so fast with different policies but not the personnel that's a concern and i'm worried about that a fact there will be failures in that area so if we can go give help to the air quality control they're an an organization with that obviously we have this back next week and the action not quite sure and keep it in the maybe >> with respect to action i hope over the next two weeks you and your people will be determine what that action needs to be on the base of the
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information. >> the action will be done as called out and the deviation we'll find out and explained to why that has happened for example,ful if there's a monitor not working why is that themes are my concerns. >> commissioner walker. >> yes. i think that the action that can be taken is in the hands of our director who sees concerns about what has been agreed on he has the authority to pull a permits or take some action i think that none of us sitting here well, certainly i have no expertise on being able to know where they're doing it correct our department does there's an a policy and an procedure we hear
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i and the commission p is supporting our director and making sure all of what is happening is happening we again i mean not to push it off we're not responsible for all the air quality issues and monitoring we have to make sure it is happening so if it's not happening it's a concern not working it's a concern i think all of us agree to that and our director is combfrd to intervention so i'll suggest you continue to let people know and call the director all our department and call those numbers if there is an issue not resolved we need to you know support our director and taking
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action around that. >> when you put it in that complexities we have the ability to pull a permit in a e he wishes violation no question about that director. >> good afternoon. seems evening now i'm from department of building inspection it is helpful in the last two meetings we have the department and public we'll continue to conduct those meetings instead of waiting for the next commissioner month to month we'll try to steady we're not an expert in the reports we'll rely on the health department and ask, you know, their resolution bay area pollution to make sure that everything go right and work with the you know
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contractor you know lamar and everyone to conduct those meetings and report to you the invocation commissioner month to month. >> those meetings are helpful the public needs to have a place to go and really talk introduce the issues they're having so people that are out there experiencing things. >> in the meantime we'll have the inspector dust - >> i don't believe there is any more comments from the commissioners. >> all right. on item 7. >> item 7 thank you for coming out and your presentation today. >> thank you oar and item 7 director's report an dbi
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finances. >> so let's longtime the united. >> are we supposed to be out of here and commissioners there is a permit tracking system updating the study we've got quite a few agendas commissioners do you want to discuss this study there are not. >> we'll move the study to the meeting. >> can we do a quick update on the schedule the 10 minutes mark. >> i move we postpone the
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director's report. >> okay. >> hopefully. >> okay. so we'll move. >> got any money in the bank. >> (laughter). >> yeah. yeah holed up we are trying to adjust an agenda commissioner mar. >> is there are we okay to move the director's report and not hear to this commission. >> i'd like to if i can to amend that i wanted to add some things to code enforcement so very briefing. >> okay sorry. >> please. so we want to what's on the floor the director's report you want to hear it at that commission or no. >> i have two maybe 3 that one is well director will be at the next month to month and the discussion on the project tracking system do we want to hear
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