tv [untitled] April 23, 2015 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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4101 third street that will likely be wrought before the commission is costs related are reinforced by public defender's. >> next is the south of market project area this project area expires in 2012 c us i has several loan agreement that were executed under the program those loan agreements are still needing staff time this work is paid for ocii mosaic active cost allowance next the shore view park and is hunters point area this fiscal year staff will extend $17 million ordinary person is shore park more is
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management contract and implementing the strategy once approved the staff time and property management a paid for in addition their carrying forward and budgeting a further 3 hundred and 8 thousand for capital and deferred maintenance and shore park the source of funds is community block grant program income generated from parcels at the ocii owns on williams this is occupied by food co-ocii anticipates transferring this pursuant to the t m t and may transfer other sources at the same time and including the legal fees the d cf will be approving and they'll be through
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property tax increment that concludes my portion of the project we'll be back to finish it off. >> thank you ceo's 8110 wrapping with the next steps on may 5th accident full budget will be coming before you for adoption and submission to is mayor's office at the board of supervisors and as we mentioned another chance to review our work plantar the second half of the year which is due for submission on october 1st so workshops in september with that i'm available to answer any questions. >> is commission has questions but we have card. >> i have (calling names). >> i'm trying not to be emotionalal i'm appalled even
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though i come up here and give you the credit one we know know we ask for may filthy building the time is now you got up here and talked about is problems in is western edition you are on is surface you care but how don't give a damn all the money that is going on in the western edition the records show you in go back in history since you start to be ocii truly i've been coming to tell you the problems now this refuge developer michael johnson if you continue to let him going come into the community you're just as visual as he is what i'm saying this is a block away from the edition
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some of his re-election office i'm talking about today i'm appalled you all know what the hell is going on well damn it for the record i had an open-door policy are ms. regularly e reynolds christen i told you yesterday i was coming whatever money you've got in the western edition we want to know give me the money i'm the ambassador of the fillmore the feeling no more no jack frost in the field every black business i had closed down so, now you're going to tell me you've got money in the western edition just not talk what the refuge
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developers do because the route on that building the of him heritage where ref co-messed up they don't want to hire nobody out there i had to close them down then you came and changed the locks on is doors it's illegal i found out you guys are responsible you savant changed those damn lock i want to get my stuff i'm going to file an illegal claim we've been in there seven months ms. reynolds came out there and you're going to use insurance you feel obligated you better get our lawyers in there slow down ace i'll respectfully requesting number one we 3 things that you set up a meeting with michael johnson we need to know
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what the hell it is doing immediately immediately and then i'll be saying the next thing we i want to have someone and let me know i'll open the door and get my stuff if you don't do that we're going to file a lawsuit and is last request is community center it that you call an area a common area we - i'm going to have open mike's every monday until you coupling come out there from 6 to 8 talk about the problems in of him you tried to lock the doors i had is only negatively grow in town i'm paying for my salary they can't afford it that that is your garage is cars is ours everything in the garage is
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outrage are ours. >> mr. washington. >> i'm hoping to get some respectfully i'm hoping from the of executive director we don't knows who is doing what michael johnson you guys are responsible. >> you still got money for your budget. >> you know ever since this office was created and we would get the law statement i followed is process and i believe there's somebody here from the state i don't know what department she works for but if she works for the department is finance this is state - we would send them a
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reminder we tenant what meeting what we found missing in the robs report and also inform them of the announces time is meetings were cancelled because you didn't do due diligence now simply put in 3 minutes i can't go deeply into that if you give me 3 hours i could go deeply into it and give us is right type of information about the field but in the first spot of the presentation of the administration is best thing all those employees used to work for you all you got our benefits and used commissioner cohen you went to the board of supervisors all of them got their benefits for most of them for doing a lousy
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job okay other woman came and talked about the real estate and all part of it it illegal because the community should have is same information you have it it's is brown act there's an attorney over there never said a word the same information you get we should get it to be on is sage we're on the same planet not one person on is planet earth and the other on whatever that's what is happening and finally you know, i came and requested you that the grace tabernacle church, i told the bishop and met the director active i didn't bohe and
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requested her come on water has really destroyed the foundation and some minimum repairs can be done to this day no erroneous erroneous /* response shame on you. >> excuse me, sir. >> review the model. >> oh remove it i don't know. i wasn't quite sure what was request was sorry. >> okay. so we can take a pause
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dr. espanola jackson again you know it hurts me to my heart just you talk about we were edition then you talked about bayview hunters point, western edition came first then my community hunters point but in this report here at d i see where you have here hunters point and bayview and industrial triangle discussion that have never never been a bayview industrial triangle i want that removed i'm tired of people adding things without coming to the community hold hearings and putting in statement and you believe it then that means i'm in trouble my house is in trouble i listen to all the reports and they have
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never been now the hunters point shipyard all of that fine and good but they have never been in bayview my community is bayview hunters point that was first hunters point i can give you history but you all don't want to know the history of hunters point that was brought on is east side of third street that's where all the blacks will they built temporary housing for us bayview came later too the immigration law awe was and what occurred when our community moved out the people that sold is hours they came and move a black in and it left we became 7
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percent of the homeowners in bayview in the 60s you could buy a house for 9 thousand or 14 thousand i didn't buy one until 1968 at $26,000 no homes in san francisco 7-eleven's over $36,000 those were where the rich folks with respect now my house is worth a million dollars and most of the homes they sell them in the latinos addresses they couldn't read english they took the proposals uaw from them they have the latinos what happened then to them at least i can read but take out industrial triangle please and i'm glad that this came up about the hearing you all going
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to have bug the olsen lee is mayor's office of housing those folks when they coming back come co-pay. to the city came to bayview all of those funds their needs to be an investigation of what is going on their needs to be a recall it is sad how this city has turned into it didn't has nothing to do with to do with you i know one thing you can't do morning what you're told to do you sanity say anything it saddened me i want you to write down this quickly wwws a n
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f r a n m a g. come and look at september is 6 september 2006 now that magazine came out 2006 in september i'm in it and a lot of other people guess what when you read that is your question you're seeing the same thing going on today please because our staff can't go out they've been watched and found who you talk to its a shame what you do to the staff i know you can't do nothing about it they can't go on is computer outside this is a crime and all the city departments not just here they don't want you to know they gave
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us 3 minutes to talk they don't want you to learn or know anything thank you. >> okay any other speaker cards. >> there are no speaker cards. >> okay. just as a poisoning and i i may need to take a break and give the gavel to commissioner mondejar that's what i need to do momentary do we have any questions. >> certainly. >> absolutely. >> i have a couple of questions not - first one on page 23. >> uh-huh. >> an investigation.
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>> 523. >> yes. >> on 9 had and $64,000 source of funds and you have that page with you? >> yes. i do. >> i see the money $450000 that is is property 80 thousand and totally 9 hundred and 65 thousand. >> that's is most endangering thing to point out that there be corrected before the final budget i'm sorry, i don't have the line item to know exactly what is correct and that - but
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my guess there maybe well, i better not guess. >> okay. we have an avenue for 4 hundred and 50 thousand and expenses is 4 hundred and especially 15 thousands and garage is another $600,000 and why we have why lease somebody why not make some money it is almost a million dollars. >> why is it you know. >> the expenses is 4 hundred and 50 are expenses by is revenue and is potential for more expenses. >> yeah. but the people that use that should pay for that you know - >> this is given what happened then in is neighboring center with the bankruptcy and is
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closure is night life club this garage has been operating at a loss we're not going to close that is one approach but that's not one considered given the impact on trying to revitalize it area but i know there is an effort to try to work on this entire area to get. >> better okay for the future it is had reserve nooiblg a elevator problem we have is asset to keep in good condition monopoly wants to keep it a long time this is not a sustainable operations to maintain this parenthesis. >> how many total ground spaces. >> christen.
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>> our records are one hundred and 12. >> ace is telling me one hundred and 66. >> we just lost 50 percent. >> how many spaces for parking. >> as far as i know one hundred and 12. >> one hundred and 5. >> one hundred and 12. >> someone will be more happy we're getting half a million dollars we'll open it. >> yeah. as is gentleman said right now we are is agreement we have to operate the garage ocii will cover the deficit so some point in time our options to continue to do that or if we want to explore closings the garage that's at&t's an option but ultimate to get that project
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stabilized and ultimately has part of the p and p to sell that garbage this is a short term based on what is happening with the fillmore heritage that is hopefully, a short time problem. >> i've never seen in san francisco losing money on a garage. >> are- as and commissioner we had 22 garages and everybody making million dollars plus. >> i think before the closure of the addition and is problems it was about break even and once the edition closed revenues started to fall off. >> so this you i don't know what is going on. >> i'll speak - this is relevant i know you can't get
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this open is record but some point in time we need to have a closed session if those matters are in litigation if there are braeshz of agreements and running significant you gifts we asked for this i don't know we mentions it in a couple commission meetings ago the attorneys were talking about, etc., etc. but the attorney needs to stop talking in closed session perhaps the next commission meeting because commissioner singh makes on excellent point this is a parking facility. >> i can't especially park in civic serve without being offered evaluate there is noticing something not right cannot be returning in the red this of. >> that's for -
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>> sure. >> and is next page 24 do we pay $308,000 every year for improvement. >> for shore park no, we pay for a project manager contract and get 3 hundred you thousand dollars of city income from food co-we're storing up those is unanimous amount of $300,000 to be used for capital improvement so we'll get $308,000. >> 3 hundred plus every year. >> from food co-yes, in is past things were done without money but we're storing that money up
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for the money at shore park that is to cost - we hope to transfer the asset this fiscal year and transfer those funds is capital improvement fund so is work can get done. >> every lived bit helps. >> yes. it does. >> and $200,000 dispost-office box o population costs. >> assuming our rp a. and p gets approved there is a lot of work into those assets we're prop e e pealing portfolios a lot of title and legal costs those sorts of things assuming the p and p is approved this year. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> i might have to take a break so - since we're talking about
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attorneys let's talk about the legal budget yes and commissioner singh needs to leave. >> i have to go. >> right now. >> so we have a quorum - >> so that when my staff arrives for we'll have to take a break it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes okay. thank you. >> okay. so i think what he wanted to ask the question on is deputy general council position just more than more of a procedural point how are we're going to go about hiring i guess it is an employee of our agency employing do we go through i don't know with when it comes to hiring lawyers as an employee do
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we go through a procurement process or more of a handpicked process because we need people in quickly. >> certainly commissioners we have a position we have a classification and former agency one hundred clarification for various work we don't utility them a little bit less than 50 so is job description for dope general council is consistent with that level of senior attorney and experience and expertise that is consistent were how local 21 and initially there is an internal posting for ocii employees and time period of one and then any internal
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commitment has an opportunity to apply it is not required to close the pool only internal employee has time to apply and an external posting in pool specific recruiting because of the level of expertise whether it's a technical era or professional in this case an attorney there are particular channels for recruitment specific channels where attorneys would typically look and we work with our h.r. team we have on line we're pagan for interim human resources services to help us in this period h.r. support staff analysts on staff we've hired up in terms of additional support in our budget we have at administrative
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services and h.r. manager always in a period of active recruitment there's turnover over the course of time and other activities one that process is complete typically there's a review there's a panel process it is led by our h.r. team there's a panel review of the candidates typically they meet is executive staff and a second round reference chaekz checks there's a specific procedure that is implemented not only for the deputy general council by other positions. >> great so i'm going to my staff is here i need to sign something i want to participate so can i think dimensional everyone i h
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okay. so let's thank you we're back on is record 3:44 p.m. after a short break i thank everyone so we're continuing with questions of staff is any of my fellow commissioners have questions they want to bring up? i have one awhile folks are thinking in our existing budget we have 8 point something million dollars, $8.25 million and tax exempt housing bonds that are not can be used for serviced anywhere in the city i want to make sure that we don't need to take any specific action to have those funds which we haven't transferred carried over
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in this new budget >> no. those funds were placed in a project continuing fund that allows for is appropriation to carry forward in future years. >> great that's good and if anyone has a question jump in i can look for the ones i have which i don't think are many yes. i had a question mainly i don't think i've ever heard ordinary about this property which is on page 18 townsend site maybe 19 72 townsend go i don't know if i know that about this would that
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