tv [untitled] April 23, 2015 8:00am-8:31am PDT
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ells you your plan for sbe compliance and for permanent workforce and we saw the competitors bring the opening teem sbe slash workforce diversity as part of that team so i want to make sure we're 7-eleven vision zero it across the board. >> for seven hundred square feet commercial projects. >> yeah. across the board green again mission bay and transbay i'm stuck with this vision in the last quarter it really was a hunters point lamar project that stood heads and shoulder in my opinion in compliance with our sbe policy and any chance we have in the other project areas
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to bring ultimatum up you, if you will. >> incentivize. >> is only other question i read in the memo my first thinking where the referrals b will come this is not i mean, i see it make sense it comes from is city's human services agency and other referral survivors in terms of the occupant. >> for the 50 units are a number of citywide access points i know there are access points in the bayview just offhand i know if jeff i have further information where the citywide access points are. >> yeah. >> maybe i could come to the podium. >> how do folks know go to the
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veterans administration where's is referring that i'm for candidates? >> during the stakeholder meetings we had with the va and is human services agency is h s a is going to be is providing is referrals for they're basically their clients in collaboration with the va so, i mean then for our other 50 family units we'll implement our typical marketing process we'll have outreach and do a lottery. >> we'll do that. >> we would do that. >> yeah. >> okay. >> make sure we have enough money in the budget yep. >> thank you. >> okay okay. >> next. >> is the next order of business is item 9 commissioners
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questions or comments and matters madam chair. >> so you have a question i'd like to bring back up. >> the workshop i want to do a workshop within the next two months where anybody interested many loren about certificates who have a certificate of preference can come and maybe we can do a partnership with like consumer credit services of san francisco to get people in the pipeline on how to rebuild their credit to get people ready to fill some of the units that are going to be coming up going book it is going to be a great thing to share with people we care and want to do the right thing and it gets people prepared it may not be next
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month or a year but show people those are the units coming up on is market address you have a certificate of preference you may not be ready for the financier coming up but we'll try to help get you ready a number of great nonprofits that do k0u7b8 services we can partner with in one room hold one type of workshop but show how we can be he helpful to folks for a lot of folks this is 40 years in the making so you know maybe a good touch point and maybe teach us 80 how to do outreach; right? maybe talking about thinking outside the box and maybe a different way i know that people or talk so they'll tell tyler friends ocii is hold this workshop they want to help
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us learner more and figure out what we can do i ask we do that you know in the next few months would be great i know you guys have a lot on our plate but i think that will help in the long run it will strengthen the people with certificates so that they are better prepared and ready to be able to hopefully get into one of the unit as they come on is market and is other workshop that i i would ask i've asked this before about you know and commissioner mondejar brought it up today, i know we discussed it that we have a great rendering that come in on those buildings with a lot of art and you know we've been pushing a lot for local people getting the opportunities to really, really you know be a
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part of creation of those incredible buildings and incredible communities you know my dad was a construction worker he took us around friday enemies to show us the building he had a sense of pride with a 6th grade education it's no different for people that are artists you know we talked about maybe the possibility of doing a workshop where we invite local artist and organizations especially in the healthy we're so rich with art in this city you know have them come in and present what we do and have all our development partners who are buildings have them come in and taking into account what those artists over they may say i like our artist
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our sculpture let's talk or i like this your style of murals we want to do a measure california can we talk we're only making the connections for the vendors as well as the local artist i think we provide value to the community by helping to make those connections and then is last thing i would like to add again we talked about having the meeting at the western edition i'd like to have us i know we've talked about that for a while and you know, i think one of the things we should do i know you probably thought about that staff is working hard on this stuff how can we san francisco is such an incredible place where everyone wants to be you look at the rent
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and is cost of housing do - how do we work with the office of economic workforce development and i really you know the western edition had a history of the harlem of the west historically the music and is jazz and just the life that coyote of that area if there is something we can do to incentivize or help think outside the box on how to bring businesses to that area 13 hundred you you know she's trying her best to make that work i think when she come on board when i was a redevelopment commissioner we were very, very existed she was bring the taste to is western edition and i
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think we owe it to her as well as the community around to really go out of our way to think of what we can do to again help this is a city that everyone wants to come to not any area if something is for rent or sale everyone wants it that's my guns but how can we think outside the box engage other whether their city partners or other partners to find businesses that can fill those spaces we're not running at the deficit in the garage people will want to go and those businesses are thriving and maybe because i'm a recent may be graduating grad let's look at the business options that's is last item. >> i agree we need is meeting
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in the western edition soon we need to have the attorneys advise us on what's happening probably not at this meeting but have the attorneys advise us first and go to the meeting so that needs to be at the top of the program is the distress to see a vibrant area historically yeah. my dad played jazz on that street before deploy was born my older cousins remember it street we need to do weaver we can i'll echo that sentiment and i'd like is idea one of our speakers brought up sort of a report i might say audit maybe that's two strong of a word for the community benefits programs
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i'd like to know all the community benefits program that this agency obviously the one that is done and complete but that's history but the ones in place in some fashion get a comprehensive report too much to retain in one city it would be interesting to see you'll see were the outcomes achieved are they being achieved we're alexander and adding and adding all those other projects and community benefits we're seeing those benefits come to fruition but from a community impact stand up social judicious imare we making a difference to be with interesting read yes. >> i want to write on what
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commissioner said about is preferences of certificates because my understanding this was one of the projects that is mayor's office of housing was going to work on there are 65 hundred certificates issued out there and we don't know who they are there are seven hundred and 50 on file i'd like that workshop you're talking about maybe then accelerate and found spread the word is good work this commission this ociis is doing and so i support that because i think maybe mined there was supposed to come up with a report in the next meeting or in the next this second quarter is process of fund we made on that software they're working on to kind of found out where the web permanently we've been talking about is about a year almost a year if i'm not mistaken yes. i
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think that would be great to coincide the workshop that commissioner bustos is proposing and hopefully that web portal is done so people can sign and also the outreach found how they quality and how to get into the promissory note program or list i did you know again was mentioned by sxhorlz it is in conjunction with the open spaces i've requested that before where are the contingency benefits program what are those spaces that are available to the public who is utilizing them where are they i know a couple of nonprofit organizations that received the benefits which was given by the
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enter continental hotel developer were they able to take advantage of the benefits that were given to them or one of the well those two organizations were is beneficiaries of that program when the enter con and is bloomingdale facility was including but not limited to built i echo what the individual who raised this is again part of what commissioner moore's and commissioner bustos were saying where are those benefits community program is is great way to report on is good work by all the staff that you know there is a housing crisis but this is what also has done for the exultant by is vendors that partnered with our agency so,
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yes hopefully i know we're overworked and we have 5 openings that hopefully one at least will do some of those i know that claudia is ri78 me she's working on is open spaces i know there is one other request i had i can't remember right now so thank you. >> okay next item and the the next order of business is item 10 closed session there is number one, the the next order of business is adjournment particular. >> thank you. do is he have a budget item thank you for your work no, no, no the cities department of technology has been around to congratulations
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you've done a wonderful job. >> new york created a chief technology officers by the mayor and a friend of mine was appointed so one of the things they've not had. >> a critical position is city. >> is executive officer is coming from el paso. >> and was interesting to find out that new york didn't have a position to get the city connected of all of the you know boroughs of the city you know friend of mine was appointed by the mayor. >> we're is 21st century okay (laughter) that's on is record it is on is record thank you congratulations yes, we're adjourned at.
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clerk call the announcements please. yes please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones planning code are prohibited at this meeting. . >> thank you. let's go to the fir item rrlt. >> on that call of the role supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor chiu's supervisor mar is alice griffith absent mr. chair you have quorum. >> approval the lafco minutes regular meeting cultivation have you had a chance to review the minutes questions or comments going on to public comment seeing we'll close picking up public comment
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and rrlt vote. >> first and second. >> motion from commissioner cruz and second by commissioner linda commissioner linda is an additional sxherld and item 3 consideration of the lafco budget for 2015-2016 thank you we have clerk of board. >> good afternoon supervisor avalos and members of the lafco the clerk of board i'm here today with andy our administration and finance deputy to answer questions that surfaced during the lafco review of the proposed 2015-2016 budget as the commission is aware in
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1963 the state legislation created the lafco in all county the responsibility stepped from the 19985 local government reorganization act sxhaenl in san francisco the coincidesed with the san francisco lafco being activate the lafco locally the lafco established their mission bay and created a work plan for the adaptation of a conceptually model of gfrnsz for the future of san francisco including among other things a straight utilities strict within the framework of the city and services at the pleasure of board in 2007 when i became clerk of board the economy was in
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recession he determined at this point that lafco had a massing one million dollars carried forward i worked with lafco they've agreed agreed and the board of supervisors agreed that the lafco instead of proofing more dollars would conduct a general lafco business under this agreement lafco retired the reporter for primaries in the future if approved by the board fast forward the chair is reaching it's end life in 2007 the board requested that lafco take on additional roles of the project so do to they asked for clerking assistance when the board of
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supervisors authorize via motion and memorandum of understanding was created between the puc and the lafco for the ability to utilize costs not to exceed $2.1 million for a virus role for the puc implementation of cca provide are 7 slides i don't intend to review only the first 4 for the clerking support the remain 3 slides provide the current general fund carried forward and the puc carried forward on slide 2 the versus actual in 2008 the board approved the motion authorizing the clerk for additional administrative assistance for the additional support in corneas with the agreement my
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office charges lafco a $27 million support of costs and half time clerk is about $72,000 a logical and the board agreed to the arrangement that was the exception for the advisors role the frequency of the lafco meetings and the workload due to the sires will increase 3r5ish8 instead of him or her new staff they absorbed the duty and fin they moved the friendly benefits cost from the general fund to the logical carried forward-looking back we understand it never materialize as you can see on table on slide 2 through the clerking services will lower the actual costs of the services are much higher
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than 20 thousand and supervisor breed you've identified a structural issue that needs correcting it currently charges more staff time to lafco than is utilized or needed so since lafco general fund carried forward will be decompleted we'll recommend did half time clerk will be moved back to the general fund. >> supervisor breed. >> can you explain that because i think that i'm a little bit confused by the statement. >> the statement that it is paying for more than it is using. >> thank you, madam president the halftime salary the entire salary oozed used to be paid for by the general fund when the cca
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advisors fund lafco for clerking services ramp containing new staff we absorbed those staff and rather than continuing to have ism of them pick up the lafco and board allowed them to pay for the other halftime similarly for that staff you started did conversation and appreciate you're asking the important questions if no other questions i'll move to the staff and clerking services provided by the office through the chair. >> oh, sorry linda there's a difference of 61 thousand dollars for actual to the budget for the halftime per year. >> that's correct as far as the information that is on the slide i will be a little bit more
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forthcoming we engaged in a conversation with the lafco clerk that indicated it is actually more than that in terms of the the hours utilizes. >> the follow-up question is mined is lafco paid the $71,000 anticipating halftime employee who has that money. >> in terms of the staff who are currently hired in my office. >> i was wondering it went through a certain budget line item. >> the lafco is a line item in our budget so it is in the budget for the board of supervisors lafco - and the board. >> in the clerk of the boards budget that's correct so it is
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currently a line item in our budget. >> understood okay. >> hi the lafco carried forward is off budget it was bucked in the prior fiscal year the funds are in the reflected in the we are talking about the clerk of the board has a division within the board of supervisors the hours clerk of the board the logical has it's on separate index soda code those are not coming into our office we charge those expenditures separately and it is throughout the year to cover the costs. >> basically move the expenditures from the side to lafco kinder forward because the clerks funds are supporting the
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sore the assistant clerk we moved those expenditures quarterly. >> from the clerk to the lafco carried forward. >> yes. >> if i may i first time to say the clerk work is good but the difference i'm wondering i guess to put to blueprintly are we anticipating to get that back? >> i think that is a lafco question the answer is no when we bring the budget every year this predates mr. frooedz time although he was hired in 2009 we authorized two positions to lafco we'll give back to the general fund our entire budget we don't get that back that's a
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conscious decision we made during we had a surplus figuring out what our budget needs were and glen eagle golf course back to the general fund that came from the general fund originally so it wasn't as if it was anything not known so to speak so once now our surplus with y we don't have the available fund now we're staurl a partial general fund charge and so i think that is the question now we're dealing with what should be our budget going forward. >> so i'd like to ask a followup question so monies have not been because in this current budget what's going to happen the rest of the reserve will be used and request to ask inform
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additional general fund dollars which has to identified in terms of where those monies low come from in order to support of the budget federal or state for the entire year that's my understanding so we have a make a determination the question is where do we anticipate those money coming from. >> well, my understanding is that there is a certain amount of that is overhead dedicated to the clerk of the board and the fund that go to zero fund come from many, many sources we're requesting at the board that the clerk is allocated a number of funding to cover the diets of the clerk that includes lafco. >> thank you chair and going forward we as the individual that will
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