tv [untitled] April 24, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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. >> motion. >> second. >> future discussion all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the motion carries. >> item 33 do you want a resolution for the general manager to request the mayor and board of supervisors have a separate appropriation for the water enterprise. >> i'm sorry watering enterprise. >> from the city attorney's office i wanted to ask for the commission to move to recould you say chairperson wu u kucht because the fund that is being requested for claims and litigation matters and his employer has a claim for property damage that would be covered by the supplemental so in the expose of caution we would respectfully request
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authorizes him to be recused. >> i move to recuse commissioner courtney. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries. >> i'd like to move the item and second. >> further decision. public comment is closed. all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the motion carries. >> is there any other new business from the commissioners. >> seeing none the meeting is adjourned at
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test. >> and parking authority director brinkman director borden director heinecke is present director nolan droomentz director rubke will be absent please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices. the board respectfully ask develops to be turned off prevail of minutes. >> motion to approve.
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>> future decision all in favor, say i. opposed? communications. >> yes. members of the board and ladies and gentlemen, as you read in the paper the death about a gentleman that's been on the board for quite a while. >> excuse me. i ask we adjourn the meeting in memory of peter he served with great decision i d decision intention with our consent we'll adjourn in memory of him and . >> you were going to talk about the order of business today. >> after the advisory committee report we're going to ask to
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have general public comment after this supervisor wiener will be introducing the late night report so he wants to do that so in courtesy of him . >> director there is another item in closed session that will be heard item 6 introduction of new and unfinished business. >> colleagues i'm aware since our unanimous vote it on the motion regarding bringing back plans for extending the cycling track within a year there's an concern expressed in the community a year will in the be adequate time for staff to analyze the data and seek public comment i share that the defendant must be the sfmtas possible priority to give staff
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the time they need you want to go on record if it takes longer than approved in the motion. >> any questions or comments. >> thank you. >> we have going forward the 12 months. >> pardon me not on the agenda this is just. >> new and inunfinished a lot of the members of the public were concerned we were not going to have the accurate process plus the changes suggested i think that is important we have a chap to do do analysis that is asked for by the community in moving forward so thank you. >> this one thing for i guess it will be for next year but given where you live i suspect you've heard comments yesterday
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nevertheless to say the folks in the richmond were subject to transit delays because of parks we know this is going to happen every year and next year we can there were some announcements but maybe next year to the extent that rec and park is enjoying the streets golden gate park maybe let our riders and others know about the event i wasn't there from what i understand people driving in and around the park that rsz was a mess and evaluation for alternate route and certainly advanced notice to the public and hopefully that is something
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we can plan for i know we have plans for event in the parks for outdoor lands maybe that makes sense to have this on april 20th of next year. >> i'd like to calling your attention to a fine article in the chronicle this morning about bart and - (inaudible) moving forward and congratulations. >> thank you, mr. chair item 7 director's report. >> nothing to report arrest 8 advisory committee recorded mr. chair and chairman weaver is not here in report as requested i'll call the consent calendar be enacted by one resolution in the form or forms listed below. if discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. mr. chairman i've received no requests from the public or a member of the board.
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>> (inaudible). >> it is the consent calendar calendar, sir so which item. >> item b (inaudible). >> 10 point. >> sorry 104 yes. >> 4 this entire list. >> okay so mr. chairman item 10.4 has been certified consent calendar. >> motion on the remaining calendar. >> discussion all in favor, say i. >> i. >> the i's have it. >> i'm. >> can you stayed our name. >> i other people ted live in the hate ashbury this parking removal has nothing to support
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any public observation to this matter of removing parking from the various parts of city that they're giving it to a so-called car sharing businesses say routing without any public input or public discussion is not routine it is going to cause environmental review and cause change in people's habit and i think that is a travesty you would try to pan this off as routine i ask for a full eir for the environmental review of the spots and what that dodos for people in parking because of it i've wanted to see a full hearing on this matter where people are free to object to any of the locations that are effected them and second thing
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classroom i'm distressed it you, your microphone can't be heard i had no idea on item 6 that is not a public meeting if the members of the panel can't be heard that's the purpose of a public hearing and i want to establish that is something that needs to be fixed in our future and current meeting thank you. >> members of the board questions or comments. >> i'm listing to approve there are a number of car sharing spots it's been certified so motion to approve. >> second. >> any future discussion. >> the i's have it mr. chairman the questions and possible action for the san francisco late night plan. >> supervisor wiener is with us to introduce it to say board
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good afternoon supervisor. >> thank you mr. chairman for having me today and directors thank you so and also thank you for hearing this item in terms of the work we have been doing with the broad coalition to try to improve late night transportation in san francisco you may went are a few years ago shortly after i took office i requested our environmentalist prepare a 9 to 5 economy in san francisco all too often night life has been treated as a problem to be managed we know about the currently significance of night life and dancing and all the entertainment in the city the culturally in san francisco but what this report
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shows what is significant economic driver a $4.2 billion industry employing more than 50 thousand people and contributing over $50 million a year in tax revenue we not to shift the narrative to a problem to be managed this is culturally and economically part of destroy about a year ago we held a hearing at the economic development about late night transportation and really taking into account the status of our late night transportation system and directors i mean, the picture that was pained was not particularly a positive one we really the picture we saw was of a system not just muni but late night transportation in general an assumption i don't know how
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to developed by 6 or 8 o'clock at night people are at home watching the evening news some of us may do it i certainly age out some late night endeavors it is not how san francisco operates we have a lot of people that go out at night and people that work at night and earlier in the morning we're not meeting their needs both overnight and you know once past 7 or 8 o'clock at night it seems like muni service dwindled dramatic to we held a hearing and it was very, very forgive what it focuses us on in addition to the in addition need of partners to get to and from the major strain
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on workers people that are getting off at 1, 2, 3, 4 clock in the morning who don't feel safe getting home from work if they're waiting for a buses with tips or driving to the mission for an early morning bakery job not been able to get bart because bart doesn't start as early as it shed we heard about another challenges of taxis and so on so after that hearing we can be i authored legislation to create a task force to look at this we put together a wonderful group of stakeholders from business community and late night communicated and workers and labor unions and the sfmta and several other transit agencies we we our county to my
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right provided staffing support in terms of transportation expertise and the office of economic workforce development and the worker group recently troilsdz it's recommendations their encouraging to keep them in mind as a blue print how people get around late at night i want to commend sfmta for step forward with plans to improve and expand the service later this year this is terrific the agencies a moderating martin transit implemented and new bus line and so those are good things there is more work to be done in reliability and safety and dissemination of information and the holy grail getting to
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transbay for the benefits that will bring for twous bart service thank you for hearing this and thank you to everyone that was involved. >> thank you for your leadership this comprehensive report thank you. i building some people are going to - the staff is? sorry >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon and thank you for hearing this benefit van hypothetical from the office of economic workforce development one of the xheernz of the transportation working group from the commission is here today to echo briefly as supervisor wiener said we'll get into the meat of the report we're proud of that 9 months effort to bring up a diversity of stakeholders to the table from small business owners to industry groups to all the
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transit agencies involved and given the range of experiences and expertise at the table i'm pleased how collaborative the process it's been including all the mta staff we've been in contact with half a dozen folks from sfmta that appropriated information and continued support it very much appreciated i think this report represents our first milestones we've got into it is not the end of this initiative it is actually, only the beginning we look forward to continued collaboration with mta and all the other stakeholder moving forward so this is yucca vision for the late night and early transportation this is what we aspire towards which is informed by stakeholder perspectives as well as the involvement of the public we distributed a survey
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online and in print had over 28 hundred responses speaking to the needs for approved late night i'll not belabor this i'm going to turn it over to liz to talk about the recommendations. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon thanks for the opportunity to present my role as articulated was to play the transportation expert we followed a pretty typical planning process starting with this vision statement trying to identify needs and using data to better characteristic this and interning to come up with solutions and document them in the final report i'm not going to do cover them all but in whole we came up with 15 recommendations 4 next steps to
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the recommendations move forward and then a little bit more time to clarify how the next stems move forward with the roles and robots with the players that need to be involved starting with accountant of the data we have existing needs first how many people make late night trips from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. and other 9 to 4 and use the survey to understand who is making those trips so one frame is that we know of those trips happen between 9:00 p.m. and midnight 80 percent and the rest happened from 9 to 5:00 a.m. if i again focus on the red versus the blue as you can see we get to the midnight to 5:00 a.m. time period the at least overall amount of transit
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that's the least demand for trips in the bay area region in whole this amounts to two hundred and $50000 trips that is 3 times the trips generated by - 7 percent of total daily trip making we also interested in the mode of travel and how it refers to daytime it is would think particularly interesting despite the less provision of transit service at night we see dmvnt 20 percent of trips by transit that is important in terms of the lifetime services that our transportation provide sometimes it is the only critical part of cycle so ben mentioned the early
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phase we distributed online and in print in spanish and english and chinese some of the questions one of the ones shown here to find out which issues most effect the choices people make between midnight and 5:00 a.m. and the colors indicate the number one most negatively effected issue recorded was the lack of bart service and as you can see there are others more than half of the reporters said their choices we were interested in how the income of commuters commuted at night if you in fact on the red and blue and yellow 25 percent
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of daytime commuter and 50 percent of night time commuter we think about people that are needing to get to and from their jobs earlier in the morning and late nights there's an concentration bans the survey through our stakeholder processes we grouped the needs into 5 main categories itself first with availability in particular about the transit choices that exist locally and regional one speed and reliability capturing accident realties that bus service and late night services is less reliable than bart and safety and security captured the traffic safety and the equivalent that the cyclists feel as well as the crime and
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violence partner around that the awareness and comfort we don't do a great job about the incidents at night and cost and equality thinking about the choices that are available to them late night this slide focuses on that speed area of availability and conform we maxed out this over time and the top is san francisco and the bottom region the less 8:00 a.m. and the middle midnight and the bottom 3:00 a.m. this is a snapshot of the times of day the only service available during those hours obviously that is less than two and this is one thing i've learned through this work i wasn't aware of the local and regional it is true that
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people would always more service late at night but mifrn runs at a thirty minute frequency covers the city within a quarter of a mile compared to the region one a transit line that connects to others that runs ones an hour thirty minutes in the weekend and there's one trans line that is an interesting finding in the local versus regional the supervisor mentioned this is exciting to see transit and bart to roll out the service as well as the lifetime funds that is going into effect this year on the left become a picture of field trips that the late night working group did perhaps we'll do the same thing with the muni
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system and perhaps some of the board members wants to contribute to that so we've grouped our recommendations into sort of 5 overarching next steps shown here the first one is really the one i consider to be some of the lowest low hanging fruit this is the muni bus provisions late at night i leader through this work the original all nighter network was put together in 2004 because of the region mark 2 that was approved by voters it's been a decade we've not taken a comprehensive look at late night services and in the last 10 years it's changed in population and trends so it maybe their
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things to provide for effective services with existing sources maybe an - getting a solution in place to find it and put a cost estimate around that another one of the recommendation has to do with the needs we identified that were specific to the specific corridor and examples are looking for places where better lighting make sense and the better realtime or the presence of realtime information things like bike racks, etc. and the idea is to put together a graft program where a group of stakeholder want to get together and work with the city to identify what might be feasible third category has to do with an
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information campaign to get out the information and putting together a monitoring practice the idea to be there's some need areas we identified with not great recommendations we didn't have time to do tons and tons of analysis to understand the reliability of the bus services late at night and future recommendations and the fifth one continue the networking group see to move forward with those next steps and another aspect of the recommendations were things more specific directed at one or more agencies those with sfmta specific one it is desire it exists we in many stakeholders would like either longer rail hours or all night rail hours
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there's a challenge of meeting the maintenance on the tracks every night and the idea was to request a production of a plan that lays out the operation constraint and recommends longer rail hours at some point in the future the second anything that could be done to approve the security at light rail and bus stops we didn't want to do this ourselves it effects our infrastructure and then the final one that is brought up by one of our members that is a taxicab driver which is something that is authored in the transportation code
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that that concludes my presentation. i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you very much excellent presentation members of the board. >> i have a question about the ride share it was mentioned i know in the final app are they looking i don't know if anyone's maybe someone can talk about that like in the other transportation sharing companies i know that no one likes to talk about them they have in mile-an-hour capacity for ride share i don't know if that is something moving forward. >> i don't have an answer. >> we understand there is a company in new york city that is had not been partnering with the new york city cab and the vision is incorporate within the existing fly whole app there's technical details it needs to be
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sorted out. >> as she said this board authorized the concept of share ryder of san francisco taxis based on the recommendation from the support of developing how we would implement that and how thenapp we'll work with the taxi industry and keep you, you up to date. >> we'll develop the firearm first. >> correct then the technology will follow quickly. >> thank you for the presentation. >> thank you to supervisor wiener for bringing this important matter to hand i can tell you that i've been with supervisor wiener sometimes on the platform late at night that is a definitely noticeable
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