tv [untitled] April 24, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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or the bay view ymca, they are all touched so no family and choild who registers and i encourage them to get on line or call 311 and register themselves and fmlies to these wonderful high quality summer programs that are great for kids, great for skill setting and additional learning, great to prevent summer loss, but also more as a wonderful tune to engage ort kids throughout the summer in very good programs that reck and park and our school district working together it with the knhunty placed agency that had years of experience in this. i think that they can't wait to join our library and all our other programs to not only have the good programs that we had, but to say there is no waiting list. that is a incredible
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announcement. it is all most as exciting as telling a department that you won't be cut this year. people smile at that because they know they can get their kids into these wundserful programs whether it is swimming or learning a new skill or additional language classes or skill sets, they will all happen at the wonderful community based centers. they happen in atifep wment the library and school districts and happen in our hope sf sites. they happen all over the city because we are committed to making sure our kids are healthy and strong and ready and there are no gaps in the way they learn. by the way, this happens also to be a great contribution to our parents as well because when the parents are struggling with their 2 or 3 scheduled working throughout the summer to make
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ends meet, they can have affordable programs in the city particularly low income kids can [inaudible] all summer to all these prms and have places that are safe, inviting and endorsed by our school district and that is why we have school members here too and they are directly engaged in qualifying these programs that we have. programs for the parents to make sure that when they are busy going to work they have wonderful programs their kids can be involved in. i'm excited about this because i love seeing kids active whether it is on a recreation field or learning center, a incredible array of different things that this ymca produces. our own boys and girls clubs do the same thing as well as community centers around the city. i know there is excitement about this because this is what sth
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city does and in a time where we can say not only yes, we have great prms, bullet there is no waiting list makes everything wn happy and know our superintendent feels happier. i know sewer at cyc is happy to hear this as well. there are so many great thing tooz do in the summer and don't want our kids idle. that causes so many other issues of chlgs for the city. have all the kids from bay view and mission and xhinea town and japan down to sunset, rich-mind, aench neighborhood is touched by this and each supervisor, supervisor christian schb come to me and said can we make sure these programs don't have interruption so today i encourage parents to enroll their kids right away. even
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though there won't be a waiting list, don't be relaxed about it. go to the website and call 311 and they will help you navigate all the enrollments and programs we want to have. i want to give a good shout again not only to supervisors but marine sue you have done a wonderful job and working with superintendent cunaunz a and school board members working with the community based agency reflected right here have done a incredible job to make us proud so that i can make these announcements and say shared prosperity is a reflection of our commitment that when we have those additional revenues we plow them into helping the quality of life for everyone in the city. you can't dismiss it that quality of life when we say that we will involve our
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parents and families. that is the i think really the essence that our city can do to enrich the lives of the kids and families and this is universal in many ways and when i use that word i also use it with the commitment that we will do more universal policemans for the city. this is just the beginning. when the budget is as strong as it is, we can then negotiate with our supervisors because they have lists of needs that they have penetrated with the constituents of the city and we'll work together to make sure universal pree school is done, universal after school programs, summer camps and skill setting and a recreation are corbed while we work on better transporpation, safer
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streets and parks, open recreation centers. they are all toucheded by this prosperity our city is enjoying. we cannot do these type of things unless we are all together committed to having a strong economy and that means everyone has to work. we have to find had links and glad the people standing behind me are part of that incredible link whether it is the libraries, school district, public housing that is here, centers like this, school district is incredible. they are all here to provide you information about how we have been able to link this all together and the collaboration going on with all our city departments whether they hear there is no cutss, they are collaborating more because they enjoy this feeling. i told them that they'll be able to sustain more when they collaborate all the different programs together. this is about our parents and our families today. 1.8 million
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doesn't sound like a lot, when you get rid of waitest list that is a huge huge difference and we experienced those waitest lings lists in the past with a high degree of anxiety where the kids say i want to get there and don't woe knoe if i will get in and they have to wait and wait and wait. no waiting on this and then again we get to say enroll into these programs quickly. all the people here behind me are to be thanked because they are massing that collaboration we need and they can advise me where to put the resource squz this will refleblth in a better summer. this also doesn't take away there are other age groups focused on as well. we just launched the jobs plus program. i wasn't there because i was
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celebrating my moms 90 thd birth day so missed the tie tying contest. i'm usually there with the youngest kid. we had 1 thousand kids aurlds applying for jobs. we are going to do a huge job effort all summer. i get to work with the corporations and the city departments to do that in the next few weeks to make that announcement as the kids get ready. the resumeerize already out there. a wonderful time in the city and reflection our strong economy affords the opportunity to do this. with the library, i can't wait to have the team media center open at civic center and have that join and all the array of services we are providing. inschool district is on fire. let me tell you, the performance is already showing a dramatic improvement. the
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investments that philanth ropist make whether foundation or new companies they are making those imprunge. s and it is year round learning t. never ends with classroom or technology t is all about how to link it up. with the recreation and park, bob is here and he is smiling because you 3 thrie nigh parks and people can use those as classrooms as well as recreation and park as well as the extended hours we have for thousands of kids because of the additional tougher we put in. theo you got to be smiling as well because we never left the public housing site. sun a dael. alish [inaudible] if london breed was here, left side court, they are all going to be enhanced as well and have summer programs coming out of the hope sf sites. our
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children youth and family coordination can be din because we with the voters passed this wonderful proposition c last year to enhance for the next 28 years a dedicated budget for family youth and children. that is our commitment and we are glad oo do it. the advisory committee is already being set up, but we are not waiting for their advice, we are going full force ahead because we know they don't want waiting list. they want more program jz have to enhance all the areas of the city. school boards got to be happy because not only do we have good colleagues to work with, but my personal commitment that the school dist rth will not be isolated from the city and we'll enjoy these years. as long as i'm there i'll talk to everyone about talent talent
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talent. that is what we get to talk about from small age kids to when they are ready to work full time, we are creating the talent louckally so no company here successful will have to go off shore to find that tal nlt and they can home grow it here with exciting programs we have for our kids. my first summer job when i was a young kid was pounding bricks and getting the mortar off bricks and i wished that we had a program in our city-i had to study hard and over come the mortars on the bricks or washing dishes in the back of a restaurant. i think our kids are lucky today to be in san francisco and if we can model more of these programs and have it reflected as parbt of a successful city, we will do well when the 450 mayors from across the country come and ask how doo you do it.
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how do you create a kindergarten to college account with a bank with nothing there and then create this account where families and kids start talking about college when they enroll their kids in n to kindergarten and public school in san francisco. this is amazing. when we look at back at the years we will smile and say we contribute thood the dream city of there country because no where else are these programs being done with the level of support and enthusiasm so i'm excited for our kids. i'll be joining some of the programs. i got to get intheseiastic about this because i have spend a half day in sackumenty qu is you know what a downer that is. thank you every wherein for being clab tchb and thank you again for all being here and if i might invite supervisor christensen up because i know
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you will be very busa this summer with all these wonderful frams. supervisor christensen >> thank you mr. mayor. i'm supervisor christensen and represent china town, north beach and others in district 3. i'm excited bis this. i was at a panel discussion laest week and people talked about what we can do for chaung straunker neighborhoods andmunities. there were suggestions and committees and fund raising and someone got up and said the best you can do to have a strong chunty is soze vo et. it is free and easy and makes a difference. today we see as some of thereprop jigz see funds available for the community what a difference those votes made last november in providing services for the community so i'm grateful to the mares office and department and association and aejss
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represented today for banning together to make that money that we voter uzs aprove lost fall count. as a advocet for the last 20 years i worked to get better facilities and programs and as a supervisor that is my job t. is great to see the advantages this program wim bring. in working on parks and libraries, i worked with a lot of families in the district and what do paincht want? their want their chaern to be safe and well educated and hap squewant them to have opportunities. working parents want to know during the summer they are children have a same productive place to be. kids in addition to a safe and loving home and good schools, they need opportunities for recreation and outside learning. these praments will provide that to over 1 thousand children . we are grateful for
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the leadership of all the people who made it happen and happy to bing this home to my cuj stituents and the head line is summer is #c34ing and it is going to be fun e. we hope to see you there. >> and the king of eliminating all waiting list is superintendened richards collagea >> i'm concern when he says that in enrollment season. you know something i don't know mr. mayor? iment to thank everyone here, our board president and [inaudible] all department heads here. it is hard following the mayor because you can hear in his voice the passion he has for the families and the children in san francisco. we really appreciate that because we also know that it is not just the school district in any city that can have a impact on the
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families of a city, it does take a entire city and departments and reck and park department and it takes our liberies and everyone pulling together to make sure we create a fabric and create a framework so no student does not have a opportunity to experience this wonderful city. when you have a mayor like mayor lee that unscripted and without prodding at every occasion talks about that weaving of children and families in the city to make a strong city, it is very powerful for us in the school district. we committed in the school district 3 departments, the office of extend said learning and early education and learning and office of after school time to really ramp up what we are doing in terms of offerer opportunities to enrichment activities. we know and resourch brought out that student with enrichment activities, not just remedial,
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what is important is what are they reading and writing about and how are they applying those standards and the new common core math standards and how do they go and see and interact with the most buft classroom in the world, san francisco. that is what this opportunity does for our children. what i'm particularly and i would speak more fr my board, particularly happy about is this investment for this summer learning provides the opportunity in the school district to provide busing from 4 hope sf community centers so student don't see transportation as a barrier to engage in the broad rb classroom. that is equity in action so i want to thank the city for allowing us to dothality. with that we committed our self and the san francisco unified school district to steam and that is
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science, tech knowledge, engineering art and mathematic. if you think about steam and apply it to the stity we live in, this beautiful oasis of steam in san francisco it makes sense why student show up on a std and interview for summer jobs because they will apply that wurn learning. it makes sense why stuntd want to be part of a after school program to get language skills. it makes sones why student go to enrichment field trip jz interact with nature and go to the prusidio or go to the beautiful parks and team media centers and do research about what interests them. as we think about moving from a agrarian society where the school calendar made sense to 21 century global economy and division 2525 our district talked about imagining what we do in education it makes
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learning should be year jound enriching and contextualize in the most beautiful classroom in the world san francisco. i want to thank the voters of san francisco for entrusting in us for a quarter century the abilities to create this type of classroom so thank you to the voters of san francisco and policy makers, thank you for giving the early start of enriching the lives of the student in san francisco. i also would be remisthat other commissioner is here, mendoza is here. thank you mr. mayor. >> wow, what a wonder-it is a beautiful day, sunny, bright and it is perfect day to be announcing this expension. i hope that the sun osgeths the
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press release of the summer expansion so the sun will make guess appearances during the summer month when the kids are out having fun and learning different things. continuing the theme of steam, let's make sure we are going full steam ahead. come on! i want to thank the mayor for his dedication and commitment and insistence that every step we take in the city and every department whatever we produce has to be of quality and not only of quality, but it has to. it has to be for all. it snut just for sum and he made it clear in the state of the city address around shared prosperity. he made it clear in all the meetings we had that whatever projects and initiatives we produce has to be for everyone so thank you
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mr. mayor for your leadership on that. i also want to recognize and thank superintendened [inaudible] leadership and partnership. his willingness to open his schools for our cbo to come in and provide high squault after school and summer program is amazing. he has broken down barriers that have been historical for many years. he made the commitment of equity and of quality and that is amazing so thank you for that. also, thank you to all our elected official because they also share our vision and they share the mont ruof quality programs for all. everywhere they are going they are talking about enroll in summer school, enroll in after school program, participate because you are participate at every levlt
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within the city, within the big classroom of ours. thank you to all the elected officials. most-importantly we cant make this work without key community based part nrbship. partners that have been with us thick and in the through the good and bad times and they hung with us to make sure we get to this day where we can say if you have a kid on your wait list we are committed to allow that kid a slot that. that is 6 years in the making because we have never been able to say that in the past. we have never been able tosay a too a parent or family, if you want this after school program, the summer program slot we'll find you a slot. we'll make sure the prm you want to go to will be available. if it isn't at this program or agency we'll find a
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agency that works for you and the fmly so thank you to all the cbeau's in the room now and all the other cbo's [inaudible] community youth center back there. the bay view y and the china town y. tell high neighborhood center, north beach beacon center and a number of ouf community based programs. another key partner in making sure this works are all the city departments because not only do we want to make sure we have high quality programs run by community based agency, community based agency have limited capacity so we partner with other folks that have facilities shuch such as reck and park and the liberies and other departments that not only contribute resources and
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facilities but time and energy and commitment such as the department of public work and mta for helping with the stranz portation passes. the man i mentioned within another couple-next month will have over 400 mayors coming to the city to learn about all the great program thofz city. we have been connected by citys throughout the cuntsry about how can we in san francisco are able to come together and partner between the school district and city departments and community based agency and create and sustain a summer learning initiative for such a long time. but not only that, the programs that are of quality that would really stem the learning loss that we know the research is showing. we won't accept that research. we believe that our kids and families deserve better and because of that, we invest not only in making sure there are slots for the families but also
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want into invest and make sure the slots are quality and things the families deserve and want. once again t is for everyone. for the all the the families not signed frup the summer program yet, please list toon what the mayor said, go to the website, www.dcys dautd oreg or sf oreg or call 311. there are no excuses out there. make sure you call, make sure you enroll and have a wonderful summer this year. thank you. with that we conclude, but i will be around for any further questions. thank you.
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purchased by the city for $27,000. in the 1950s, the sen consider was expanded by then mayor robinson and the old gym was built. thanks to the passage of the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood parks bond, the sunset playground has undergone extensive renovation to its four acres of fields, courts, play grounds, community rooms, and historic gymnasium. >> here we are. 60 years and $14 million later, and we have got this beautiful, brand-new rec center completely accessible to the entire neighborhood. >> the new rec center houses multi-purpose rooms for all kinds of activities including basketball, line dancing, playing ping-pong and arts can crafts. >> you can use it for whatever you want to do, you can do it here. >> on friday, november 16, the dedication and ribbon cutting took place at the sunset
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