tv [untitled] April 24, 2015 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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the site that will environment the head house and serve the neighbors it will present an overview of the final design with that i'm going to turn it over to the central program director john thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is is john i'm also accompanied by jan wang we'll be providing you with a short briefing of the chinatown design. >> the future chinatown station sites located on a price of property it certainly didn't look like that today if you're on stockton and washington street the chinatown station is under construction it is in
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construction over a year and a half the actual status of chinatown station construction is 25 percent complete just stepping back and talking about the central subway if the offer 50 percent complete we declared it 50 percent complete behind us and ahead of us is the finishing of the stations themselves the project remains on budget and schedule from its original budget established in 2008, a bit of good news with a precedent towards the end of the month. >> in 2013 sfmta was given the opportunity and perhaps the challenge of trying to incorporate public open space over the top of muni station
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i've not seen that done and certainly ♪ san francisco it is the first and we started with the process of having 3 community outreach workshops to get a feeling of what it will take to complete the remaining parcels of the station so we bought the old hogan site and used 75 percent for the construction of future chinatown station and the remaining parcel requires programming from those workshops we received an overwhelming support for public open space over the station and on the plazas adjacent to it what you're seeing here is the top view of the actual plaza in open space as i mentioned it was a collaborative effort of 4 community workshops and it
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received most of its well, all it's conditional approval and tuesday with the help of commissioner moore we received design 23 that further moved it was done in part with a number of both community organizations and city staff staff departments primarily the chinatown community development center and the community for better parks and recreation in chinatown the mayor's office the planning department, rec and park department staff all have contributed and joined at the hip for this as we present this project to you some of the current elements that stand out on the roof and plaza of the future chinatown station is in sculptured metal
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the roof the bamboo planter and fixed and flexible seat for the use of the plaza itself and also particular notes the plazas itself is designed to operate individually from the actual sfmta subway station it has the ability to have separate facilities and have with a role down gate the ability to close separate itself out from the public intrau subway station that offers an opportunity for activation of that space during off hours here's a view of the station probably if you happen to be at the mandarin four looking back
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you'll see on the right hand side of the station itself is the future entrance the chinatown station and you'll notice the plazas towards the lower left the entrance to the plazas and mid-level entrance and this on the top of the future chinatown station this is a showdown showing you as you enter into the chinatown station there is as incorporated as part of this open space is the actual prelims of 3 concession stands two at plaza level and another concession stand at the level chinatown station >> this is a view of stockton street looking up the staircase a and this is a view from the
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mid plaza looking north and the red feature on the left is cup let's that's yet the i believe the surrendering out of my comfort zone the cup let's will be part of the community - developed with the community process yet to be developed and this is the and that completes our presentation thank you very much. >> thank you. >> i'm sure there are questions opening it up for public comment if there's any. >> okay public comment is closed. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i just had a few questions about the design i think that is extremely well done but you you know it is not
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contextual there is no open space this is exactly why we're putting it in there but i don't know if there is any man to work on the edge of this building it needs more defined finished lines i see the glass barrier the frames the plazas itself part of plaza it just i think that is an important thing to do whatever we can to tie it into the surrounding neighborhood not a staircase difference without changing the design so often it and the other thing i want to
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ask that is a large station with a large open space it doesn't mean any future stations one in north beach at washington scarce has to have a large fingertip that is not setting a thank you for your comments on the first in terms of integrating the station with the ffb of the neighborhood we'll take into account that and see if we can so often the elements and we'll present to that commission some of the comments i've received here today on the second question of whether it sets a persistent
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personality /* pianist with the central project it has 4 entrances to the subway line and only one of the 3 has the open space park element this site i believe was the actual result open space is probably the biproduct of a unique situation we purchased a parcel of land and unable to fully utilize the entire parcel a remnant and that kind of triggered community meetings and because chinatown vary differently than north beach has a lack of public open space the
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community inship yearned for public open space and the project we're presenting to you today i don't believe that each future station design would incorporate any features with the site and location that it requires. >> thank you. yeah that answers my question i can see in reference to north beach and other place where it the con restricted i have to have your entrance and get to the subway but another person you can have other elements or businesses or housing above that if it is deemed appropriate in the area. >> correct a good example the union square market street tradition we have two distinct sites incorporated in the existing features and the existing park station. >> thank you. >> commissioner moore. >> what actually is quite react
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it is community driven that is where the strength lies we do need to remember it sits on the east side of a very large public housing project any excursion on that site will be a problem for people that relies an light and air i think the project is designed with a great sensitive with the hospital nearby and a phenomenal amount of people that don't have a balcony and a lot of living quarters in an ear that put an emphasis on walkability so having the ability to rise above the bustle of jackson street i have to put a plug in here for the pacific arts commission it is commodity of architect and
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artists and i think they bring together a racket skill of creating the push back and challenge to the detail not to the parcel it's the project has shaped itself quite well under that guidance. >> commissioner moore i absolutely agree with you on chinatown street this is a way to get above it and enjoy the livelyness and it is a very interesting and a lot of fun and actually want to commend you, sir for and our team this is an incredibly complex project and watching the photos of people pushing thingsunderground keep up the good work. >> hope to see you in 20th
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century 19. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further item 10 the west side recycle wait this is the environmental impact report monday may fourth will be the cut off for applications and good afternoon, tim with the environmental planning with the planning department on the report for this for the sfmta west side recycled water project it is one of several that compromise the sfmta water system improvement project or w s i p as barbara the project manager for this project should the commission wish the
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colleague will present a brief description of the project elements for the proposed project otherwise we can skip to other comments okay now i'd like to state this is a hearing to receive the environmental impact report comments which assesses the commitment from the result of implementation from the west side cycle water project this was delivered to you staff is not here to respond to comments on the environmental analysis they'll be transcribed and in writing and responses to documents which will respond during the public comment period and may include provisions to the draft eir this is not for
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approval or disapproval of the project that will be held in the financial eir meeting comments if the public should be directed i directed towards the accuracy and commensurate are asked to speak slowly and accurately for the court reporter after comment from the general public comment we take comments from the draft environmental impact report and the public comment began on march 18 since this is a local san francisco project that is the only hearing on the draft eir being held unless the commissioners have comments i recommend the hamburger be
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opened. >> opening it up for public comment i have two speaker cards richard and katherine howard. >> if your name has been called feel free to approach the podium. >> good afternoon, commissioners katherine golden gate portion all to talk about the statement they have reconstruct the city of site within golden gate park this proposed plant will place a 40 square feet high at the end of the ocean park beach an area designated in the golden gate master plan eir further states following the
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scope period it was held a public workshop to get feedback on the potential project sites we want to state that is an adequate description we want to thank you for talking about the protection of golden gate park did the puc licensed and estates in the eir they moved the project out of golden gate park the represent department wanted to place this in golden gate park and stated a 40 thesis square feet factory was appropriate and the charter requirement of the recreation use because it provides water for the park following this bizarre reasoning one could install oil wells or
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factories to measures those gardens perhaps the vision of an income stream from the motivation for this position of non-stvpd of our major parks we're here to voucher for the accuracy. >> thank you to the puc for following an open process and listening to the people of san francisco and protecting golden gate park thank you. >> is there any additional public comment. >> good job commissioners chair rodney aim richard fong i
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live here locally my interest in particular project whether or not the zoo is going to be environmental review whether in the zoo this large project over 8 hundred thousand gallons in the lot area when they did that they brought in three or four hundred hours power fortes motors in the parking lot area would then drift all around the plans and the animals of the zoo when i looked that thoroughly i didn't like that too much at all we have animals in our zoo that are rare and ensdargsdz species not
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necessarily of the red-legged frog or bats but we have our own animals environmentally this leaves a shock when you have 1 on standby motors ready to pump this water all the way to the presidio and the golden gate park and other places it will cause a lot of the disturbances to retained and people around the area i don't have the ability to try to explain what kind of impact with the animals at the zoo everything is about the cost of piping i'd like to see this deferred to a later time specifically when the look at the alternatives there one big part missing they don't want to do anything the water i want to
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bring forward they have a decelebration at san diego county it is somewhere around 15 million gallons a day i look at this project may 5 million gallons a day we have here in san francisco of 25 million gallons a day it is simple math we have to find a better source of generating water we have a large area you'll it will be puc trying to take the land that the california reservoirs s are using a training area it is going to be a lousy environmental review open the zoo if they put that below i'd like to see the alternative thank you.
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>> is there any additional public comment okay public comment is closed. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. my only comments have to do what is not analyzed here about the the of exclusion of the analysis for the plan that was before the voters 20 years ago maybe arbitrate more a bond measure that had to do with irrigation of golden gate park at this time it didn't uses the recycled water part of the bond measure was the storage facilities in sunset heights has a advantage of a drop in elevation for irrigation in golden gate park one of the lower areas of the city and might make less pumping necessary because, of course once you've got the water into the reservoir probably gravity
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will allow to do a better job than the irrigation i notice you're going up to the presidio with a separate pump station but the idea of mentioning the analysis should also look as an alternative to using the heights we have particle the sunset high area is extremely high and perhaps minimize the amount of energy especially, when the years of drought we could restore water as we move through the years this is my comments on what is not in the report what i can see. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much i also don't have as much comment on the technical aspects of the analysis i feel this is
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inadequate analysis i'll add on the project description both in the synopsis and across the document great to understand the potential for this project after further increases in captivity particularly residential gray water i did not see a lot about that that may have - i don't know what further impacts the increases 90 in captivity so i mentioned the potential for the sites being used thank you. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further move on to item 11 alternates to the planning for the castro street commercial
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district on 24th street noah valley the upper market transit district and parcels zoned nc t on market street west of octavia boulevard those are code amendments. >> good afternoon diego san i'll be presenting an owners for the medical uses and financial uses as those mentioned, however, prior to my presentation i'd like to provide a time for ask supervisor wieners. >> i need to recuse myself. >> motion to recuse commissioner richards. >> on that motion to recuse commissioner richards sorry i'm making notes on the wrong item
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number. >> commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes commissioner richards you are hereby recused. >> good afternoon, commissioners andy deceased power with supervisor wiener thank you for this opportunity this legislation i'll speak briefly included projects along the octavia boulevard the castro street and 18 nc d and noah valley nc d and the owners is geared towards our retail corridors remain actively 86 it tweaks the information for the corridor on market street from octavia boulevard west it makes
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legislation interim controls that were put in place last year to insure that new ground floor retails that's been put in along market street doesn't turnover to you know don't you'll turn offer 0 real estate and insurance brokers that's the trend the controls along market street we envision require a cu for the ground floor but we're not requiring a cu if they were to go into ground floor or second-story and the goal to sensitive vices the floors other than the ground floor and then for 24th street in addition to that jeopardy idea we're including medical use and current controls permit- when
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the hardware store on 24th street transmissions without a public process to the intent of the controls to incentivize we aim to do this by incentive vision zero ground floor and incentive vision zero less actually uses than the greater we work closely with our small business partners and are in strong support and at the to derlg. >> as stayed the ordinance requires confuse for business professional used located on the first floor the noah valley and long upper market as well as it requires medical services
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located on the 24th street noah valley mc d and requires for limited financial services locating on the first story in the along market street west of octavia departments is in support of this ordinance for the following reasons the neighborhood commercial allow the controls for particular concerns it addresses the mixed use on the first floor and the various activity two one of the goals controlled to strike a balance between the different types of mixed use it includes floors above the frfr in addition to the street level and it supports it the public process for derrick among other things whether their appropriately
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located and they will have those types of ground floor uses and in some locations they'll remain economically viable commissioners between the time of publication and for today and this hamburger i've received one letter of support i'm providing this to you now this that concludes my presentation. and i'm available to answer any questions thank you. >> opening it up for public comment comment. >> i saw permitted second-story and in the context of the article in the chronicle
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