tv [untitled] April 25, 2015 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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and we have stanford cases and penn state cases and stiewbenville cases and all going against the women and it's of like we put the boys out but we have to train them and we need a better name for the male athletes. we need to do something as males rather than throwing it on the women and thank you guys and jane kim and commissioner fewer and if you need anything let us know. >> thank you for your work and we look forward to working with you and supporting you. [applause] >> [calling speaker names] >> i am shanea brown and the public associate for the
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california coalition against sexual assault and we serve the programs that represent all counties in california. california rape crisis centers serves over 30,000 victims in 2014 and we oversee a national project sponsored by the centers for disease control. we provide web conferences, training and online resources and programs on sexual assault and domestic violence throughout the country. rape crisis centers are the community based organizations that provide crisis intervention services to victims ranging from accompaniment and friends during examinations and support groups and legal advocacy and we are the vital partner providing training to schools and law enforcement and others and prevention needs to start with without. over 25% of victims experience the first rape between 11 and 18 and one in eight experiencelet first rape
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10 or younger. with sexual violence and victimization and this behavior is common in middle schools and prevention efforts need to start early and matters for the healthy development of children and youth and will shape an adolescent and the individual's life and necessary education start before high school or college. by beginning prevention early we can shape the beliefs and attitudes and behaviors that they never prerp trait sexual violence. we believe it should be comprehensive and layered and throughout the student's career. study shows that a simple one workshop isn't enough to create lasting change and prevent sexual violence and it's not limited to classroom teaching but integrated into school policies and response protocols and trainings and parentses. this can create laster cultural and climate change for the
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learning environment of each student. a consent standard was adopted for colleges and the notion of affirmative consent moves the responsibility from the victim to the accused and dubbed yes means yes and it's not the absence of resistance or the word "no" and both partners must have permission to engage in sexual activity. >> go ahead. your time is up but if you want to summarize the rest of your points. >> i think it's important you heard from sf war and part of our organization and we been providing services to the schools with the current programming. i think what you hit on is the funding component and that can help sustain the efforts and they're a community partner used by the city and the school district. >> since you represent the state wide coalition have you seen jurisdictions that do this well in california that we can
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model after? >> i would have to look into the prevention programming that is specific but it was cut by a million dollars in the last year in california so many programs have cut staff and have limited the number of presentations they're giving in middle schools and high schools so i think we will see ramifications over that during the next funding cycle which is three years. >> thank you so much. thank you for being here today. >> thank you. >> we have the legal outreach staff and then i will call stephanie nyugen from the status of women after. >> thank you supervisor kim for having us here. i am a staff attorney at api, asian pacific islander outreach and work with the domestic violence violence outreach project in san francisco. provide providing legal services we provide education as well as benefits in immigration and advocacy. a lot of my clients are mono lingual
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and a lot of the challenges coming forward and telling their stories it's not that calling a rape outline hot line or shelter that's the last resort. even communicating with the police and a domestic violence incident occurred and having the idea to call the police there is a huge barrier with the cultural hindrances as well as the language barrier and a separate issue we're addressing at this time. in terms of the youth that we work with it's important for them that they don't necessarily turn to adult figures or authorities and have them be peer advocates for one another and the person that leads our youth advisory council has done work with students who are leaders at the san francisco
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high school so i would like to turn to denise. >> good afternoon. i am the youth outreach coordinator for asian pacific islander and the primary duty of coordinating these services we are a non-profit community based agency that provide services to the asian pacific islander and other communities in the bay area for the last 40 years. the advisory committee which i supervisor is from our legal work and youth leaders from the area do work around teen dating and sexual abuse and using a model we conduct training for other youths and youth serving organizations that define teen violence and the different forms including sexual abuse, understanding cycle of balance and different options and resources available for survive
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offers -- survivors and we lead discussions in the community and all other youth and lgbt or other undocumented teens may experience these issues and we have not taken an official position on the existing health education curriculum i have compiled the recommendations from the anecdotal evaluation from the youth leaders and what we believe that a successful curriculum program should address and review time frame minimums and in high school they're not required to take a health class and one of of the leaders is a junior and not have taken it and students go through years of high school before understanding of consent and healthy relationships and we would like to recommend they include rights and protections
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for any student experiencing these things. i heard sexual harassment is an issue in high schools and teachers harassing students and making inappropriate comments to them and students may know how to report the behavior but don't because they don't think they will be taken seriously and make the rights under title nine as well as the disciplinary process for [inaudible]. our peer to peer model shows the -- since we have found that youth are mostly tell others about this we believe they should be armed with options to protect themselves and others. [inaudible] students are empowered and safe enough to report the incidents when they occur. thank you for working on this critical issue today. >> thank you. i just apologize. i didn't realize that the department of status
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of woman was presenting and even though it's public comment. stephanie nyugen and followed by melissa and kate from futures without violence. >> thank you. good afternoon. i am representing the department on the status of women. as a woman's policy advocate i would like to say it's heartening to join us with our partners to hear all of the steps that san francisco is taken to make sure that young people are supported in navigating the first relationships especially given how widespread he's issues are. >> >> these issues are. (paused) .
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youth risk behavior survey found 10% of students experience violence and 20% for les bee gay or transsexual students and up to 30% for transgender students and it is clear from all of the data the need for the work exists. schools have a duty to provide a safe learning environment for all to learn and grow and play a key role in changing the attitudes and changing this and while there are gaps how this is delivered san francisco is so proactive to ensure there are policies in
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place to recognize and respond to incidents of teen dating violence and has age curriculum beginning in elementary school. and san francisco has community based organizations and programs that work in schools to provide support to students, many of whom feel more comfortable disclosing incidents of abuse and teen dating violence and sexual assault to community partners. furthermore san francisco even signed on to senate bill 592 the healthy relationship and safe schools act if passed would ensure that other districts in california are able to provide guidance to administrators and students alike and promote healthier relationships in school. i would like to thank you for your time and effort and inclusion in this needed work and look forward to san francisco continuing this dialogue in the future. thank you. >> thank you and we recognize
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that much of the important funding for many of the organizations here today come from this department. i want to thank you for the work on that making that work possible. i will call the next speakers and call the rest of the cards. [calling speaker names] . >> hello. my name is marisa and i am the childrens program manager for the riley center and work with survivors of domestic violence and their children. thank you all for having us here today. we're are grateful to be part of this conversation as this is very important for us. in our shelter we run a weekly support group for our children and an issue that we talk about is healthy relationships and setting boundaries with children and for children to know how to set boundaries for themselves and also respect boundaries and for us why it's so important to
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be part of the curriculum in school is because we want to ensure that all the skills and the different things we're teaching the children and the youth are supported outside of the shelter so when they're using the skills with us they use them with classmates who also have the language and the capacity to do the same thing with them and for us it's important to be a trauma informed approach because we work with children who have experienced domestic violence, who experience sexual assault, who have experienced physical violence so that's one reason this issue is very important to us and i have my colleague with me who will be speaking in a moment and i want to speak to the response that we get from the children that we work with and children and youth and we work with kids -- we use age appropriate services and from 0-17 and do healthy education with the six and older group and the response that we get is
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some children say -- this is the first time that others feel the way i do and been through what i have been through and really wanted -- a big question is how do i start a healthy relationship and maintain it but how do i begin it in the first place? >> thank you. >> hello. i am a childrens case manager for the center for both the emergency shelter and transitional shelter at [inaudible] and to reiterate what marisa said a lot of the children that come to the group this is the first time they feel safe to express anything. they witnessed violence and it's something that normalized to them and from what we hear we know there's a lot of talk about bullying and stuff, but some of them don't identify this as bullying as normally would call for the younger children but the
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teensz don't see it as sexual assault and that sounds extreme they never identify it and never seen it. similar to the families that we have here many of the adults don't identify with domestic violence so i could only imagine why so many cases go unreported with sexual assault as well. it is something that is often stigmaized and don't want to be identified as a victim because of the shame attached so just to summarize we are happy to be part of that conversation and move forward and be able to support our communities. thank you. >> thank you so much. next speaker. just come up. okay. >> hi. hello. my name is kate -- [inaudible] -- >> you can raise the mic. >> futures without violence is
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a national violence prevention agency that does work around healthy relationships, sexual assault and dating violence as well as domestic violence. i want to say thank you to all my colleagues that work at local san francisco community based organizations for all their amazing work they're doing. i will be brief and wanted to say and announce we're doing a learning institute this summer for schools in the bay area to come together with amazing community based organizations like those doing amazing work around bullying, socialize laigz and dating violence that are related and i want under score what my colleagues said and sexual assault doesn't happen with youth in a vacuum. it's totally connected with bullying and dating violence and community violence and within a culture that supports unhealthy
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masculinity and homophobia and racism so i am excited to hear other folks are taking what on as part of the solution and thank you for the dialogue and i am happy to be here with you today. >> thank you so much. next speakers. >> hello. good afternoon. my name is helen sang and i am currently a senior at lowell high school, a peer leader from young asian women against violence and a program community center. before joining this program i had no idea what rape culture was and what affirmative consent is so i have to say that from what i remember in middle school and high school sucks in health education. topics related like this were never mentioned. i remember always being taught how to protect
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myself and also being taught how to help my partner put on a condom before having sex and i feel because of these focus -- these issues and a lot of female students feel victimized and at fault. it was mentioned earlier that most calls to the confidential hot line are made by adults and i believe one of the reasons that the current health curriculum focuses on too much of accepting rape culture instead of fixing these issues in society. instead of teaching our youth not to get raped why not teach them not to rape and hurt others and i suggest we should focus on targeting the root issues of sexual harassment and teach them about these issues as early as possible. i first learned about sex in fourth grade and i believe that students should be able to learn about these issues right from
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the start. thank you. >> thank you so much for being here. [applause] >> my name is sally and a sophomore and high school and a peer leader from young asian women against violence and i am not happy with the curriculum of health class and it's very academic like an english or math class. i feel like i took it just because i wanted to keep my grade up in the class i learned about things i am able to get out of a science or pe textbook and instead of just learning about putting on condoms, production organs or the process why don't we learn more about more issues and consent because
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i think it's very important to actually know about the difference between sex and sexual assault and health class just shouldn't be about physical health and should be also about mental health. [applause] >> thank you. is there any other members of the public that would like to speak on this item? >> hi. i am jamal perkins and first i want to say in looking at the audience i have been doing this work for 35 years in domestic violence and see young people that come up and speak about an issue they are passionate about makes someone my age feel very good so thank you for showing up today. i represent the private sector and the past president of partners against abuse and president of the san francisco education fund and serve on the mayor's task force against human trafficking.
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i have dealt in the world of domestic violence and i know the cycle of violence and to me all of the work and research shows the sooner you break that cycle of violence and deal with prevention then we can deal with this whole issue more holistically so i want to back up any prevention work the district can provide. thank you. >> thank you. thank you so much for being here. seeing no other members of the the public and no cards i will close public comment at this time. i want to say this is the first hearing at the city and school district select committee. clearly there is so much to delve into it and we thought this was going to be an hour and we clearly went over that timeframe but good to see what the organizations are doing and the status of women and the school district are partnering with them and hear from the youth that are initiating so much that some of the members of the school board didn't know
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about the projects that young people are initiating in their school so it's important for us to hear about this and i just want to say i didn't understand what consent curriculum was until a year ago as an adult and shows how much we have to go and prioritize this type of education in our schools. this is just to highlight the need. it's not an opportunity just to criticize. we want support a more robust health curriculum that incorporates many of the young people have articulated in the room what we want to learn in the schools and creating the culture and how important that and i appreciate all of the comments made today. are there any members of the committee that would like to make some brief closing comments? commissioner nyugen.
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i -- commissioner wynns. >> i want to thank everyone for being here and i want to appreciate everybody's work and dedication in this area. it's so important as we know but i also think our job -- a lot of questions have been raised here that are thoughtful questions about the health curriculum and that we i hope from this committee will refer this to the curriculum committee of the board of education so that we can pursue some of these exact questions about the nature of the curriculum, the nature of the professional development that we do and the appropriateness of and comprehensiveness of the curriculum so again i want to thank everybody and we rarely have the opportunity to make such -- excuse me, such a direct recommendation from this committee to a committee at the board of education and we
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should do that in this case. >> thank you commissioner. commissioner fewer. >> yes, i would like to thank you supervisor jane kim for bringing this topic forward. i learned a lot and i think my colleagues did and how we're partnering with our cbos and deepen our relationship and supervisor kim we look forward to working with your office around this issue and discussing next steps and how we can further the education for the students also encompassing what we heard from many speakers today and in particular i echo commissioner wynns our students. >> thank you commissioners. i look forward on working on this dialogue. it looks like there is a need for resources and funding and we need to institutionalize the programs and curriculum so it's consistently done throughout the schools and not an ad hoc way
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and i want to appreciate that the school district identified the gaps and it's easy to cover up and say everyone is getting some curriculum but i want to appreciate addressing the shortcomings and a starting point to get to the next place and i look forward to bringing this back to the committee and working with the board of education so if i can take a motion to continue this to the call of the chair we can do that without any objection. [gavel] mr. clerk can we please call number two and thank you to everyone who came today on this item. >> item two is a hearing to receive update on the community based partnerships and financial support and rapid re-housing and eviction prevention strategies for homeless families. >> this is the second item today and we have two heavy items and i want to thank the members of the public for this
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item. i know we're 30 minutes over. colleagues as you know addressing homelessness is a top priority in the city and one of the top priorities from my office since i represent this district. when i was on the school board i was struck by the stories from students and the impact on education; the education of which is an important tool to get out of poverty. i know we have teachers and principals in the chambers today and have the heart break of teaching students dealing with anxiety, depression and other outcomes of not having a stable home outside of the school and we know a home is a place of refuge and students learn and discuss with families, working on homework assignments, doing play and other types of activities. since 2007 the
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number of homeless and marginal house housed students have increased by over 90% and we're hearing this number continues to grow as the housing crisis worsens and families in particular struggle to find two and three bedroom units. the three decades of research on homeless children alone concur. many outcomes that we would expect that children in homeless families are sick four times as often as others and likely to have emotional and behavioral consequences that it can lead to chronic stress, inconsistent relationship and the damage is long lasting. homeless children are five times more likely to be homeless as adults. the effect on education is dramatic and we will hear from sfusd on some of the data points. only 51% of
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kids that don't have homes reach reading standards and 40% reach standards in math. because of the ongoing issue or the publicity of this issue over time from a lot of our community based advocates here in the city private entities have taken notice of this issue two years ago we had funds devoted for services and google committed $2 million to three organizations doing work to help reduce the wait list for homeless families in it is shelter system and also funding for transitional college age programs and preparatory programs and an organization to direct giving application program that our office used to fund raise for families that lost homes in the tenderloin due
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to fire. this is a positive step in addressing the great need of the homeless families in san francisco and this hearing is meant to continue the dialogue on this important issue. we want to understand what we can do as a comprehensive long-term strategy to address service gaps for our students that are unstably housed in san francisco. i don't need to talk about the wealth gap we're seeing here in the city. often a point that we hear at the board board of supervisors. we know at a time of success there are folks struggling in the city and an important issue for all of us to take up so we have a number of presenters here today again on this issue. i want to recognize first we will have joyce crum and staff from the division and kevin truit and staff from sfusd too talk about the data and
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sfusd. we have staff here from the mayor's office of housing and community development but they're not presenting officially and i want to recognize the hamilton family center present wg the coalition of homeless and rebecca is here on behalf of google that provided this grant to kick start the initiative in our schools so before i have presenters come forward would any members of committee like to make any opening comments? seeing none we will have ms. crum and commissioner you're welcoming to join us at the dais . >> good afternoon. i am from the homeless and housing program and manager of family and prevention services. i think you have a handout that describe the programs that we h
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