tv [untitled] April 26, 2015 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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there if you don't offer that people go into you call the light green and never switch into the carbon green i'm why i'm asking more people president obama for the dark green. >> i'm showing mathematically what the share of right side at various levels of participation in the dark green from zero to thirty percent i'm not saying we'll got to thirty percent but the rate of range from the different scenarios. >> not years. >> no not years percentages of participation. >> i'm sorry if i wasn't clear on that. >> and one of the things we've discussed i don't know if it is changed there would be phased in marketing and enrollment. >> i've. >> based on i don't know if
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that is surveyed data but certain 0 pockets in san francisco that are more inclined to sign up for don't work green one hundred percent ru7b8 products straeven what categories to go after you know customer bans was there be more apt to enroll in don't work green have we had this confusion. >> we've begun to have those communications again now we're offering both the standard you know light green product as well as the dark green product we might want to rethink who we introduce the light green product to first and who we market the dark green product to we motive want to choose to take
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those mathematics out again and say this was a neighborhood that was authentic and maybe market 9 dark green premium and see how many want to opt out into the premium. >> do you think it would be helpful for a can comparison and the uptick over the years into whether they started at one percent now, it's a 10 percent and how along that intoxicate and people are - is there a way to encourage them to opt up into the better product how do that go. >> soulgd good. >> my next question on slide 11 you talk about projected green tariff now it was my understanding that
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that is going to be in increments so there is not one number. >> there's one number for the sense per kilowatt hour but the customer my understanding pg&e is proposing to allow a customer to say they want 50 percent of the product at their house or 75 or a hundred but the cost the cents per killing w59 hour it set mined their allowing the customer to includes the scale ability of the renewal content they're taking from pg&e. >> i think beyond that. >> okay. let me try again. >> the same cost no matter what percentage they includes. >> that's right whether
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purchase 5 was the of one hundred percent renewal or the cents per kilowatt hour is the same the rate that is applied that will be the same. >> what we're proposing to offer for a consumer that opts into the premium product is a set rate for one hundred percent of the power they consume. >> how do we determine that the projected rate is? >> so impede filed at the cpu c they anticipated the rate that's how we roichd at the premium they'll have to summit compliance documents to the california puc i believe it is in may and that will be the actual rate they'll offer that's where we're
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going to hear for sure their rate. >> my last question have we run any test studies about can we really have greener on less money. >> what we're doing at this point, we're looking at what the prides are in the market and seeing the renewal costs have come down substantially since we last developed the cc a program concept you know solar prides are way down it is just more cost effective to offer a rum content product so what we're looking at it data that is available in the electrical market to build a portfolio and cost that shows those numbers you're looking at today. >> one last comment
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sort of comprehension i'm a chicago curb to curb planning fan that is the year. >> this is the year (laughter). >> so i offer this as a comment if there are things you require our support on to ask us to make sure this is the year so ask us. >> thank you it goupdz. >> thanks very much. >> good now i'm going to - i have speaker cards here mr. brooks. >> good afternoon again commissioner i have been brooks the local part from new york city and other entities that i'll mention those 23 two and spent a lot of time living no illinois and wait every year for
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the cubs to win so, anyway so, yeah i'll agree with the commissioner we should make sure we do meet this for the rest of the year the presentation we got that on the eight this looks at predator i want to commend staff and the city family for finally getting but us to this point our advocates are getting what we were aim for in this program pretty outstanding colonel stuff one thing that we raised some of us raised at the stakeholder meeting last week, i think is still missing we need the local build out plan and especially the behind the motor like solar on roof tapes it should be
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substantial it was not spelled out not enough data analysis to deliver that part of it so what i'm getting at with this we need to make sure that the planning the finalizing of the plan begins right away and the stakeholders are involved in the process like we were every month we talked about the build out plan that's the one pedestrians that is missing we want it so we we launch this program at the beginning of next year we have a plan where and how we think we're going to build and all the resources are identified like the big solar and the hydro etc. that planning process and the
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stakeholder process is not in a timeline we need that to come in so we're ready to do morning use the pg&e energy efficiency fund we need to make it so the revenues from the 33 to 50 percent green folks and one hundred percent green folks can't be used to build energy solar and other meter facilities that is part of an integrated plan but what the department of the investment should because of their expertise be able to flush out really well behind the motor side we need a plan all integrated together to start that planning process right now so thank you >> thank you jed hypothesis man.
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>> sorry for the delay thank you. i'm jed on the board of 350 bay area as a nonprofit i want to commend staff for this report as we did the other day it is great to see this stuff we've not seen this since 2013 that is pretty much better in every way i said to point out that the dark green not to exceed rate we're seeing today 3r07b8d around 10.7 is well, what we were seeing that is unbundled certificates we've seen the discussion at that commission this go around this dark green is coming in lower than the not to exceed rate so it program
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rate can come in cheaper i want to agree with eric i i you know in order to get the installation efficiency we need more the city climate goals we need way for robust energy efficiency than by the pg&e having seen presentations about energy watch it was unclear whether the programs are going to get us where we need to go i hope the pg&e and the department worked together to develop new novel programs that push through those rates let's see i would like to accelerate the generation as quickly as possible so we see in here it is looking like those things will come online in years
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two or three that's a good timeline but we need to have a plan ready to implement in years two to three so if we wait to start looking at the holistic eights we'll be waiting too long i don't know if the power schedule will have the power plant coordination but to have the resources to have a stable power mix which is one of the main problems with the new energy it is less stable that combustion the last thing i want to point out the customer roll out timeline it is unclear whether the customer mix will be high margin medium to high marginal
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low customers that division and how quickly it is ramped up to find the program in a major way thank you. >> thank you lisa help me with it i'm trying to remember my french. >> i'm lisa a 17 year-old high school student that the sierra club every year of my life i've went through hotter than life experience i've never experiences normal temperatures because global is a reality it is not going to happen in the future i'll have to deal with it for the rest of my life we're the first jartsz that are aware this is a problem and one of the last that is able to mitigate those climate changes that is example i want to ask you to
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implement the clean power sf program with the generation as policy and as quickly as possible we need green house gas recreation everyday by the time i'm in your position i'll be able to work against the effects of globally and not handling the backlash. >> thank you that was very meaningful. >> ruth. >> hi commissioners thank you for putting it this throw i'm a citizen and ratepayer i've been waiting and waiting and waiting for this program to go through i'm thrilled it is so thank you very
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much. >> thank you. next speaker ann marie. >> yeah. i'm ann marie i'm with 350 sf you can see me as a volunteer marketer for clean sf we you know i've been following the program as it develops and am existed with everyone else in coming we really want to get out there and make people aware of the program as much as possible so i have one clarifying yes for the assistant general manager hale i'll concerned with how we're enrolling the people so you know how are we're going to choose the people and how is it relating to the president obama out issue if you're looking for
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people to join it sound like an opt in and opt out again, just that sign up process so i'm talking to people about the program sometimes, people want to know how to sign up and others do i have to do it so thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments. >> jess hackman. >> good afternoon. i'm jess ackerman the conservation primaries for the sierra club just a couple of comments one commissioner president caen thank you for your comments we would like to speak about the skweld schedule we hope you'll say that. >> this is the time of the
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year. >> great excellent and also we're excited to see that the official notice is out in case you decided to approve the raised at our next meeting instead of the next meeting you're scheduled for . >> thank you enterprise staff for doing that and making that possible to move that part of the schedule up and then also i wanted to speak a little bit to the folks president obama up to the green option after you initially enrolled it in the program that's something we've worked on in the past they and last year did a program they worked with community-based nonprofits and had a confusion to see how much people to have on their e-mail list to opt up and offer a cash prides for
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nonprofits the sierra club didn't take money from government agencies we do a lot of political work so it is a way to give back to further advocate for community choices it allows us to get more folks to opt up the community choices is about climate action the more people that opt up the better in addition to our staff and amazing agencies and sf e that does amazing outreach you have a ton of folks that are committed to making this program work so we'll work with you in that program when it is launched and that will be in january 2016 thanks. >> jason. >> hi jason freed the exclusive
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officer for glasco you're talking about the marin program and the stuff open the presented side first of all, the staff g did a job to launch the program various people if the room wasn't the usual suspect a lot of information was shared i've talked about with the staff and they won't do one discussion but drill down into the specific issues where this the flow chart to making sure we're hitting the items so the staff can have a good discussion and everyone can't be included it is important i'm looking forward to those meetings as far as what their presenting it is a good program it follows the nexus study and to try to get to the green issue stuff and if i expletives more than
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what a g l held but hopefully, this will be useful and helpful i've had a lot of discussion about the green tariff and how many people go into it once launched a lot of people wanted to be included they found more power to bring the people in it is not as wildly but one they see more people when they are marketing it and when not martha you don't see people move up so one the key things a consistent marketing plan and another thing to look at perhaps a thirty megawatt program to toward the city you can opt up citywide for the first customers you'll ended up with a higher percentage of the deep green that will be citywide and a lot of people in
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the city that point the hundred percent renewal when you look at a thirty percent megawatt if you're going citywide you will have more i don't recommend that you want the opt out for the city it is a smart move but set aside a large portion of money for getting it out that much more quicker you want to make sure you're not over buying four that amount but ways to mitigate risks and once you figure out hey, we've sold-out going back to the market and getting more people so increase the percentage of that deep green over time that percentage will go down you'll reflected all the people to get into the program you've got to be realistic what our options are and i guess i'll
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end my comments there. >> thank you. >> are there any other speakers for this item? commissioners any additional comments >> i additional jason is there was there anything additional i actually wanted to hear. >> i hit the major parts making sure we're really concentrating and focusing on the marketing program for the 2k50e7 green that's a lesson we've learned from marin the more marketing it is a double-edged sword the more marketing reminds the people that don't want to be in the program want to on the out you actually is in newspapers an opt out but getting the people that want the deep green going into that there is a trade off how do you do that credible not
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necessarily hurting the overhead goal awhile you're also trying to get people into the deep green product so who was suggested this the sierra club made about 2k3w0u9 and having you know doing contest how many individual groups donate money you have to take the money from some place bus that's a good way and also the city you don't know i don't think you've hired the presentation glasco presented a presentation and worked with city to get people into the the solar project the solar share program to get people more solar a lot of people were outside the city and wanting to get solar on the rooftops there is a way to
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use the program to figure out ways to merge and get the ideas and merger for the best product the advocates and your staff and all of us will come up with a way to get people into the deep green to stay within the other products as much as possible same prissy like to say we'll have the megawatts we want the pg&e they will be the first one to opt out i assume a lot of the people in the city will come out but get as many as we can this is marketing once you get past the best wishes the procurement signed we know exactly how much
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the power will cost we'll at this point know the administrative costs this is what we're looking for a firm price to launch and going out and marketing you'll see me saying all the stuff neatest to be done as quickly as possible. >> the only 09 question so on the build out does glasco have an opinion about the need for clarity in the build out. >> when you look at the nexus report i hammered the folks they basically said you need to get our rates known and get our procurement prices and your administrative costs all things in place then go out and do an
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estimate for a price until you know exactly was our product looks like and with what type of program are you offering a go solar 24 to 20 percent rebeats some up to 60 percent that diagrams how much jobs and clearly the more private sector and the less rebate you can stretch our dollars that creates more jobs but if you don't it too much you end up not having a product for it is too expensive you need to get to that point that is another reason we push for power procurement to dope dive into it i courage us let's have the discusses looking at
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the promises but until we get that enter next san francisco feel we should do it but getting the bigger picture is easier to price anti. >> for barbara. >> all the information your collecting on the dark green can you get information on the question of opt up versus opt in and whether it is more strategic to do an opt up program than an opt into the higher program. >> oh, barbara hale i'll explore that issue i want to be clear the state of california cca program is an opt out. >> i'm talking about for that the dark green. >> we can't includes between the two but. >> but the opt in.
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>> yeah. opt up and opt in is the same either way the state requires a customer to be allowed to opt out of the program opt out is the nature of the program program. >> for - that's for the default product. >> i'm saying that is dark green is the opt out it is the big revenue generate our in mile-an-hour run for a dark green i losses some of the light green customers they say oh, my gosh i want to be in other program so be sure to opt into the dark green or strategic go after the people that are already enrolled they care about the program and target those people straeven and say we have
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a better product for you does that make sense. >> we'll get for information. >> we so to move on we have other things to do already next item loophole. >> item 9 the consent calendar be enacted by one resolution in the form or forms listed below. if discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 9 a perusal of the amendment increasing the amendment by 6 thousand for a termination of six months we incorporated the s o a award agreement number c s plus and authorized the
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professional in the amount not to exceed 2 hundred 5 thousand dollars an award contract in the amount of $513,000 plus for the will responsive bidder and d contract number 54 in the amount not to exceed one million dollars to the lowest qualified responsible engineering for a total amount 63 million dollar plus of which $2 million plus is opportunity by the wastewater enterprise a total expiration of 4 hundred days as approved an award contract number in the amount of $6 million plus to the lowest
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