tv [untitled] April 27, 2015 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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80 corridor in san francisco. one of the focuses of the effort is the free way ramp vision zero safety assessment. we have a smau amount of money that allows us to focus on this part of the free way network, the ramps and we'll look at what is needed at that state and local interface where wl it is banners , design treatments like signage or striping or signal improvements to reduce collision. we are focus on 6-12 intersections and will identify those intersections. if the program works out, we would be working with mtc to create a funding program potentially to support this type of effort. we are also working on the geary and geneva best rapid transit project focusing on the high injury
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corridor and transit project through the len of safety and safety for bikes and peds that go together with all of the modes for the improvements oon the street. we are also doing china down neighborhood transportation planning. this is under the planning side. i vd have gave my qualification. this focuses on spot recommend for safety improvement on kearny and broadway including traffic [inaudible] strategies and other pedestrian improvement. then we have inneighborhood transportation improvement program, which was nish taiate nishiated last fall. we have several projects which are funded. one is the almany project and this is for a potential project in district 9 to focus improving the
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[inaudible] on nob the funding side, when the board adopted the 5 year plan for prop k last summer, the process was really created to give the highest priority to safety of all across of the prop k categories and this is also transened to ininother programs. there is vehicle registration fee that sets aside proiv percent 25 percent of the fund as well as one bay area grant and many projects we funded were funded on toms slides and will go to construction and some will finish construction in fiscal year 15, 16 including-we funded just recently a 1 million dollar prop k allocation to
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walk first, phase one improvement and those locations are included on the website and we'll follow up to make sure the committee has those locations as well. second street. [inaudible] we just funded polk street stiginals and have other allocation request that are in my inbox that are vision zero support was. we are thrilled to see those projects advancing. on the federal state and regional levels the funding legislative advocacy we kick off the lang range transportation plan. it will be hard to get new noney in the plan, but we'll work to get vision zero and safety as a priority within the existing fund and carving out where possible new safety programs kwr possibly new money
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potentially with new money coming down the pike. then we are work wg partners at mta on legislative advocase and bringing education on the finance committee and will continue to advocate for the at mated speed enforcement and various other traffic [inaudible] and speed reduction effort particularly near school squz throughout city wide. >> before you move to had next slide i-this is within mta's budget, but they had also mentioned that 400 thousand of prop k dollars are going to follow the paving budget. is this the max nm dollars that could be committed to the the funding need? >> i have just seen the presentation this afternoon. i know that there is significantly more than 400
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thousand that is available for vision zero sporeltive effort and it depends how you classify follow the paving thrmpt is a programming between prop a and prop k for signal work and ped and bike improvements as well >> okay. so this is a dollar amount that was put in to the category >> it looks low to me, but i'll fleed to follow up with mta to see what projects are being [inaudible] >> okay, great. >> then on the deliver side, there are different aspects to deliver in termoffs projects we actually lead and the projects we help to support deliver of. on the lead side we are working with cal trans as in
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partnership for prusidio park way. this eliminates the possibility of head on collision but it will also enhance pud safety and bike safety. it provides well defined bike and ped routes and it also incorporate safety zone jz well delineated bike lines. the for the yurba brena ilbd ramp it brings the structure into modern day safety and traffic standards. furthering the effort of vision zero. [inaudible] this is a project that is a new off ramp at the t intersection as you exist the free way and enter neighborhood streets or city streets and it will allow for [inaudible] of intersection and signal that will allow a continuous side walk and provide a class 2 bike
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lane on the east side of freemont. on the ta lead projects and development we are currentsly working on bal bowa park i 280, geneva ocean avenue project and this enhances bike and ped safety by reducing conflicts at the ramps. for the 19th avenue projects, we are helping to shepherd this project through cal tran approval process for the 19th avenue [inaudible] and also assisted with planning efforts for m line. on the ta project deliverry support, this helps sceer project funding and working with cal trans mtc and
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pral for high way to make sure funds are available and used in a timely way. that is my presentation and here to answer questions. >> just want to thank ta for being able to present in how they can support the budget as well. it is also good to hear that one of the assumptions in mta's budget for prop k dollars for follow the paving may be more of a minimum and i look forward as we talk about how to contribute to the funding gap that we are able to work with transportation authority and help toog identify potential funding that can be used to fill in the gaps with for of the priorities that thit xhisy would like it to see move forward. colleagues comment or questions? i'm see none, can we open up for public comment at this time on this item?
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>> are there members of the public? great >> thank you for being here mrs. [inaudible] glad to be mere. good afternoon commissioners my name is cata ludel and involved in pud safety for long time and proud member of the vision zero coalition. i would like to emphasis the importance of education. i waents planning to speak today, but i heard can dist see, i think she has a great background. also engineer is one thing we need that, enforcement is somewhat education because somebody gets a ticket and they are educated, don't do that again. not that many people are part of the enforcement thing. the education is so important because we have to change
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behavior. it is also not just san franciscan, it is all the other people that come into the city during the week. the workers and on the weekend for entertainment, we have to change their attitudes. please support education. definitely we need different messages for age groups for different cultures, but i think that is where we need to spend a lot of time now. thank you >> thank you for the work on our education campaign in south of market. >> good afternoon supervisors. thank you for having this hearing and inviting us here. [inaudible] policy director at san francisco bike coalition and member of the vision zero coalition representing over 40 community based organizations in san francisco whos job is to support the city and your leadership in helping reach the
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vision zero goal. i encourage all of us to do a little more. i want to take a moment today after the education presentation and put it in the big picture. i think one thing that is important and note worthy about the education strategy presented today, it is the first [inaudible] we have seen come out of the vision zero subcommittee and working group and think that is a great achievement in and of itself. it is a clear plan that is identifying what the city want tooz do to meet the goals and addressing here is the funding we have and here tr r the funding need. we are exciting to see that cub submity put out a plan and now that they have it working to tweak it and make it as good as it can be and help find funding and look forward with the other committee >> we would love your feed back what you see what works in
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other cities because i know the bike coalition does research on national and international research >> we are happy to provide that at a later point >> thank you. >> thank you. >> [inaudible] thank you foring have [inaudible] the thing we are hoping to highlight is the [inaudible] in the [inaudible] so many fatalities are to the elders we know that children and seniors are the most vulnerable [inaudible] if we have programs [inaudible] it is logical to extend the program for seniors, but also around having a target approach for where the programs are rolled out. i dont think there is enough done. senior centers and [inaudible] the ways our seniors use the cities
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jathat can open up a [inaudible] in regards to age appropriate curriculum, i'm excited to share this we have been doing cool interactive [inaudible] brodeway street and what we drew out is the program based actiffinties that get children out and about to stud athe streets and get them to look at ways to improve it and safety tips. it is the culture shift we are look frg so we hope there is [inaudible] >> thank you mrs. hew. >> good afternoon commissioners my name is john [inaudible] you approved me to serve on for another 2 year term representing the pedestrian safety needs of seniors and
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people with disabilities. i also serve on the boardf fdr democratic club representing political needs orphseniors and beepal with disabilities. one point that i share from both of my constituents is the need of expanded expenses or funding for pedestrian and vision zero safety for seniors. there is in the planning point now a senior center being cruthed at the intersection of 3 supervisor districts. 5, 6 and 8. we have gay seniors who will be living at 55 and 95 laguna at the intersection of human, market, gurarey, [inaudible] where is effective planning being carried out there in the walk first campaign, which i strongly
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love? how will it be addressed in the 200 thousand dollars? the coming residence in the complex of 55 and 95 laguna. we need to insure the pu edestrians moving in the facility [inaudible] safety as they travel in car, foot and bicycle. please, consider that in your budget review. >> thank you mr. [inaudible] thank you for also attending our state meeting ing 2 weeks ago to advocase for a resident in the san francisco bay area. is there any other public comment at this time? seeing none public comment is closed. i donlt see closing comment. mr. clerk are there other items? >> iteal 4 >> any new items to be introduced? >> at this time i'll take public comment on item 4?
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seeing none public comment is closed. mr. clerk any other items? >> item 5 >> at this time we'll open up 2350 for general publiccoctant. seeing none close thank you to everyone who presented and. we'll hold our regular meeting in may but appreciate we had a quick update on the budget before we move through the budget season. meeting is adjourned. you.
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>> as a voter you have a choice on how you can vote you might cast your vote by mail or vote earlier in city hall if you choose to vote earlier you'll go to our powell plays might be a church or in regards garage they'll make the voting as uncomplicated as possible yes what does 3 take to be a poll working and what exactly does a poll work working do letting meet some. >> aim jack.
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>> i'm co-author la. >> i'm tiffany and charles and my name is elizabeth i'm jeff i'm bruce hi, i'm karin a full-time student addressed city college i've been a pole working for 10 years. >> for 13 years your 10 or the 9 or 10 years. >> those poll workers and thousands are an essential part of election day 31 they provide the safeguarding of democratic processed there's a feeling in the poll place you're a feeling of something that has a special place in the world the democratic process in the united states is model to the rest of the world. >> it's a relay sequence e sense you're part of that history and being able to keep that going and it is really does
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feel good. >> i feel overhead this is a great civil dude and get a different idea. >> in my residential area i dale feel i'm transbay joint powers authority to the community as a wloel in the community community. >> so san francisco poll workers have a service based mission the first to protect the voter rights we make sure they understand the rights on the ballot and the right to an essential polling place and many languages around english. >> it's like someone that didn't know how to read i'm more happy to help you like i'll help you. >> the second part to serve the voters like workers and language
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they respect the voter and finally the last myths is offsets the which i see to come to the polling place. >> this takes a lot of pole working for each election they higher 26 hundred pole workers to staff over 5 hundred polling places this chose 6 senate victories and thousand clerks and high school students. >> look at the address of our polling place on line or visit it a day beforehand. >> every pole worker has been trained the election department holds for one hundred hundred clads a month before the election they vary into one and a half to 3 hours and classes focus on the right to voters including language and other access right for voter and step
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up polling place and equipment and procedures for voting and vote and mail. >> the election office is constantly streamlining the process so there the good of the training in order to tap into the continuing better process in their creating. >> pole workers learner about clothing procures like completing the posted ballets and transferring the memory packs and others materials for the traffic officers or deputy sheriff. >> i like how the training every year improves. >> so as the inspector the first is all introduce user to the collect and assign them their job cards. >> a polling place nodes someone to supervisor and that pole working is called an
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inspector and responsible for that four or five clerks they get hands on experience. >> you're also going to be doing other things at 12 o'clock and 3 o'clock to the inspector needs to hang into this. >> the inspector makes sure that the polling is smooth and greets people in a way with respect to make sure they're going to the procedures so not only in the step of that but in the actual process during the day and the process of breaking the equipment down and tab latino making sure all the numbers gets to the sheriff's deputy and to the city and county. >> they're a key holder on election day they wear a i can rove that hat audience this is the voting machine. >> after the training inspections pickup bottles and
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other supplies their polling places need on election day. >> this is for the briefing. >> inspectors are responsible for the chain of custody of ballot they sign for the battles and have you ever had your deposition taken transfer it to a deputy sheriff's at the end of the day. >> that's one of the things i thought attracted to this to learner about the voting process and knowing that at the end of all this we take great pains to make sure that the routes are secure and save and delivered back to the ballet department. >> their seals rewe having to put occupy the equipment and make sure that carry the key it secures the ballot machine so we have to be keen you know i'd say and areas open on dale what was going on election die when the voter voted if they
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messed up we've got to void that we have to keep track and get for every step as well as the procedural exponent to transfer the battles at the end of the nicest to the sheriff's detective and the memory card and data make sure those don't get tampa everyday with. >> each inspectors manual excludes the cards that lifts different pole workers dudes. >> there's one person that sets up the booth and others that set up equipment and again, we follow it step by step. >> we willfully with such culture diversities san francisco has many languages spoken everyday to meet of diverse challenge the department of election assigned chinese pole workers spanish speakers to
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2 hundred and 17 predicts and filipino to one hundred and thirty predictability and vietnamese and japanese to 7 priblts and there's a lot of chinese speaking people so there's been at least 2 people on staff that speak chinese and really comes in handy. >> they choose that pen. >> i'd like to say that 70 percent of powell workers come back election after election that's inspiring they're returning. >> many people are glad to see us we know we're in the predict we are there in the election before. >> i know people expect to see me now it is a regular occurrence so oh, you're working this one yeah. >> there's a sense of trust
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they believe in us and they'll be protected. >> working as a precinct worker learners about the process. >> once you see the process you gain a new respect so i'll encourage 80 anyone to get the experience. >> the department of elections needs new workers they're looking for new powell its go to sf
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