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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2015 7:00am-7:31am PDT

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they're close to i think 350 to 4 hundred of those businesses that existed; right? so thooerp just for that industry the first year we could be looking at hundred requests for the legacy businesses to come forward to the commission by looking at this if the commission were to review 2 hundred applications within a year that would be 17 per month and if you average about 15 minutes per registration we're looking at anywhere from 4 i and a half to 6 hours additional time during the week so i'd like to do is have you give consideration as to whether we extend our time or we conduct a special meeting time of which
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the commission only deals with register businesses we don't have to answer that tonight it is something to think about the official program in september we've be presenting to the board of supervisors so we'll need to have that sort of rearranged and schedule and if we have a russia of requests and businesses that the prifrdz and the mire and or you would like to get into the register program there may be a capacity issue in terms of the office and your ability to be able to here and facilitate the progress to maybe like to open that up topic for a little bit of feedback discussion >> where are we on the legacy
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business criteria define it. >> where we are i need to get started getting you documents to read and review to start developing that criteria so as you know take into account what's in the - u - how will we define a cultural business i'd like to line up presentations because the historic premise - historic preservation commission they're looking at cultural legacies designates in a broad sense but some of the things they're looking may not be to provide definitions to what makes up historical legacy business what's a community benefit are there certain you know what are some of the criteria that you
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are going to be looking at to have the business submit to be able to make the recommendation go that is meetings the standards of a legacy business. >> as you recall there are no other such programs in the united states for us to look at. >> there is of information to take into account from london. >> okay. >> so i need to page that for you to give some consideration. >> where is the call to action coming from where does this start. >> around the preservation of businesses that the leases were not being renewed prominent in supervisor campos district so we have the commission heard it and in addition supervisor campos a couple of other things he's looking at develop financial
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incentives again as you recall it had tax rebeats so in the next couple of weeks we'll be able to provide you with information and the direction that supervisor campos wants to to do a more substantive financial incentive also tomorrow there's a meeting commissioner adams and it will be part of this looking at how we can what's involved in dealing with the ability to do i want to say commercial condos for lack of a better term so that businesses may be able to buy their commercial spaces in a mixed use building without buying the entire building i think offer he seen the pro legacy businesses we think of city lights or variety or
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mattress they oppose they're the building that they operate in. >> it is raising represents. >> sure so anticipate the next step we also need to do and this will again took place on the commission secretary need to start and i'm working also with the ucsf school of management to do surveys with legacy businesses with other problematic things we'll need so i'd like to take into account sort of the well established businesses let's say like ancestor and maybe take into account small legacy businesses and r are there any business assistance programs we need to develop or develop a partnership are businesses that are going to
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be doing family legacy transitioned so we have a direct tragedy to the school of management there are businesses like green apple books employees want to buy the business we're able to help facility their ability to do that. >> great that's a project for our new legislation active assistant. >> we are going to set up the agenda and activity and so as the legacy about say o that can and it's under - i just printout the elective digest for our previous it will be nominee by the board of supervisors the mayor and the smacking it is a
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small business commission that does the official final determination to whether they moot the standards of which you'll be creating to be a legacy business but this is in a little bit more detail in the bulletins that are spelled out in the legislation so i will also be month to month with the supervisors to get a sense ever their understanding of what they like to see the legacy businesses if preferences for categories what to them - what is the legacy business it has a cultural relevance i'd like to get their feedback to provide to you. >> and after we have all that in place and we then we will
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accept eventually in the program applications and the applications you're suggesting they'll be considered openly by this body during the two weeks. >> it is specified in the legislation a hearing you're the body conducting the hearing and doing the final approval. >> in that process there will be testimony people coming and supporting the application it may take more than 15 minutes per application. >> the planning commission hamburger for the conditional use (laughter). >> i don't know i'm - i'll be interested to see what i have research one is it really compelling i don't know from the market ability you can write on our letterhead since 11809
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promote our long guilty have mixed feeling about one being is authorized body that prldz of this status i'm concerned if it is going to be mushy what constitutes a legacy business especially in today's day is it's like defining what's antic it's hundreds years old okay it's just syringe; right? so what is the definition of logo it will be especially difficult in the financial reward are coming peel; right? whether there's loans available or assistance available or protection in real estate
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transactions then they'll become financial incentives it will that will be at od's with the definition being kind of mushy; right? >> the definition can't be mushy it has to be very specific and, of course, if we don't and on the other hand, there's a financial gain you can have a battle. >> cultural it will not think quantify active but qualify active. >> so this i anticipate and so if you - you know as we get into this and like to have presentations from other entities to help you. >> shape. >> and by definition i mean let's cut to the chase by definition legacy means
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longevity how many employees what's our revenue you mention everything else is irrelevant it will streamline boil down to how long you've been in business let's say an interesting premise on which to base financial protection i can anticipate all kinds of controversy because basically you're going to hang you it is like conditional use you can't get it whatever 23 one half years so or if i - it will be like sinbad's los angeles on one more year they won't be able to kick us out if we violate our lease it's an interesting. >> an interesting debate there
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maybe things to consider in establishing criteria around those are both property owners and or business because the incentive is not just for the business i think what we're looking at for property owners incentives you know there will need to be some sort of rigorous - i don't know or specific sort of standards it insures that there is a certain amount of quality insurance in those considered an eligible for any of the financial incentives. >> i want to be sure we don't set ourselves up we're ref 2 hundred in a year, and, secondly, getting involved in the merits of legacy businesses above and beyond if it's been in business for an x amount of
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times there will be some relevance even businesses we'll consider somehowhelping apprehensive i want to go in eyes wide open we have to be careful how much time. >> and the more. >> if the supervisor wants to spend a lot of times on this and come with a presentation we'll do more analysis i'll be more in favor. >> right we shouldn't have to be doing the work. >> beyond a certain. >> there's a specific sort of check box and this meets the standards but, yes so just. >> also i'll say because we're bedrooms we are then presented with potential conflict of interest as would be as if we
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are on the planning commission you know making decision been land use and for property owners to be subjected to oath level of security new who can occupy so today, we're not approving or disapproving of anything per say so i think we don't typically get ourselves into a position in a conflict of interest. >> as a small business commission and we're business owners we have a potential of conflict of interest. >> right and and just you know the commission g did hear and recommended approval for the legacy business program to be assigned under you and yes
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there maybe times with certain commissioners noted to recuse themselves but as with most legislation in some sort of means of fashion you're making recommendations on things that effect our business but from a specific global. >> yes. we approved it be sort of be the preceding body the caveat that subject to the ultimate determination whether this is is manageable and frankly you know i mean is this in the best interest of the city to have such a thing. >> right there that will definitely you know as the commission look at it and ongoing dialog between the commissioners and the board of supervisors. >> director's report. >> all right. so we'll move on
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we need to call for public comment iuoe on that. >> any public comment on this item? item 7 legacy business program? seeing none, public is closed item 8 director's report >> so director's report i have a few things so i nodded that the commission secretary will be starting at our next meeting and that your commission secretary his name a bryan pool. >> awesome congratulations. >> yes. congratulations to him and he currently works in the tax and treasurers office by monday may 11 at the commission month to month is his first meeting that is like although. >> trial by fire picture i give you an update open the web award we explicit get the people's choice. >> what do they know.
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>> i'll say the prize was the him city got the prize it appealed to a lot of people so us just recollect the brooklyn park bridge and the london and the ed anyone sites their site specific that it didn't have you know i don't consider it a loss but there is this week the official judge award so which actually probably has much mower status in terms of f of if we're able to be recognized there will be is better. >> it's a great site matters what. >> we're in the 5 top it is great for the work that's been
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can you think so and then i just a couple of other things i have reached out to the firm that designed the website to redesign our starting business website so our business outreach materials have a similar look and feel so we will be updating that and then i'm also working to do some sairts amazed surveys with the businesses that came in with the short term and long term engagement with them and then, of course doing some simplified modification of don't let information so that simple things like when you type in the address the supervisor feels things we can move it long and make it easier for the business counsels and also, we have a
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post out for the last business counselor position and that one is going through with the permitted exempt we'll complete that process a little bit more quickly so those are the most significant updates i wanted tobrought to your attention. >> any questions. >> i'll move on to 9 president's report. >> sf may week is next week week an opening part on tuesday they'll be print t-shirts and that will be fun and the amounting up party on thursday called the harmonic brooerg in
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the dog patch across from the mattress over at the epic center in the dog patch it's fun let me know i'm a support with tickets but sf made week is a great celebration and two weeks after san francisco small business owner woke we've been make preemption we've got sponsorship and working out well straus is going job. >> how about commentary to flavors. >> i've not received that yet. >> so that's going well. >> we're waiting for that one. >> that's all i have to report. >> and then commissioners it is helpful for four flavors to know
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if you'll are attend and also wednesday night the vip representation so i have an idea in terms of if we need to post anything. >> we actually have a number of events that is novice if some of us appear recognition for small business here; right? >> there is the board of supervisors. >> board of supervisors. >> and so and late meeting i passed out the skrerld and i can call - and go through it again. >> okay awesome vice president report. >> item 10 vice president report. >> i have nothing to report. >> item 11 is commissioners report. >> commissioners? >> seeing none item number 12 is new business. >> anyone want to present any
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new business on the agenda no? okay and item 13 is adjournment >> i move to adjourn. >> second. >> second, that. >> all right. so the meeting is adjourned at 429. >> yeah. >> got to use it finally .
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>> welcome to the one hundred and 9 to the earthquake and fire it the 445 i'm one by one a native san franciscan. >> yeah. >> once again you hearty crazy folks came together on that you
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think gold hour to talk about the people that were tossed under beds one hundred and 9 years ago one hundred and 9 years powerful something to the effect waivers roar across san francisco it was 7.9 on the modern scale do i hear 9 thank you very much by the end of the first day the city by the bay suffered 26 aftershocks it has month mercy four 74 hours i want to give you a moment by moment description to what happened one hundred and 9 years ago this was real and
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also happened in many places in the world it can and will happen again later i'll introduce the as follows that work not only on april 18th to make sure we are all survivors of the unvegetable big one wednesday that april 18, 1906512 a.m. a great shock was felt in the st. mary and some sessions later san franciscans were met before a tremor first causalities from the massive earthquake outdoor with buildings collapses and the liquor if i did ground swallowed their home and many caught fire tragic the fire chief that
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facility wound during the earthquake and died 4 days later when the hotel collapsed on it fire station due to the fire damage communication is improbable a few messages are sent around by cable 6:00 a.m. san francisco the chief is unaware of the earthquake until the city officials arrive and heads downtown to see the nervous scale and 6:30 all were required to report to the mire and many shoulder were surrounded 814 many of the damaged buildings collapsed throughout the day the city suffered 26 after shocks
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fires rage and spread throughout the city and not stopped until 74 hours later firefighters begin define mit buildings and at 1 handsomely p.m. even though injured are forced to evacuate obtain to the paperwork at the edge of town and loeft in the industry the mayor odors shot to kill he wasn't screwing around hopes are dashed as a new fire brouk broke out 9:00 p.m. firefighters make a stand on uc street. >> the fire goes up knob hill 2 handsomely california george
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arrived to assess the damage and 3 main newspapers are called and they borrow oakland newspapers and 6:00 p.m. the u.s. s chicago arrived in the bay to help the great fires reach venus avenue facing the decision to watch the citywide burden the mayor created a magnificent fire brake to stop the fire it means dozens of city blocks to the spectators are watching the fire finally regardless they homes won't be saved the fire at van ness finally hold and mayor commissioner white's makes an announcement and from the u.s.
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chicago rescued fire refugees and saturday april 26th after all the flarmdz are xashd the fire it over and sunday 1906 cable cars with running our market street now toy april 18, 2015 no one knows when the next earthquake about come but to the 1906 san francisco earthquake the it may strike tomorrow but it might strike the city as it sleeps tonight thank you very much (clapping). >> thank you thank you how we doing time wise i'd like to introduce some of the great people of san francisco that take care of us