tv [untitled] April 28, 2015 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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not receive it. >> within 90 days. >> correct. >> if i may for everybody's benefit. >> sure. >> upon request they've submittal i'm reading from the amnesty program under the determination of the will accessibility does the anyone else establishment submit to the planning department everything for the finding under subsection b on behalf of that's the is what. >> the requirements in the bulletin. >> the upper part. >> correct. >> so the planning department would check again, whether the dpw requirements are met correct. >> they will check to make sure for instance, in their functioning before january 19th that the business license was received from january 19th, etc. the planning department is
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checking using those documents to make sure their complying with the amnesty program. >> so the clearance of the dpw as of those conditions may not be acceptable to the planning department potentially because they've gone through the dpw and successfully gone through that process. >> in terms of the - >> the compliance with those conditions probably can you have a turn out down from the planning department and if they don't comply with the requirements potentially. >> okay. the these compliance that you mentioning are they additional to what is set up in sex d with conditions what's the
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conditions i'm a little bit confused. >> not a problem so the documents they're asking for for instance the rental or lease agreements, etc. those are used to make sure that their complying with those 5 requirements so you can use a rental or lease agreement to show our functioning before january 19th. >> those requirements are not submitted in your opinion to the dpw already. >> no to planning so they can determine they're operating before they're all of their employees are certified just so they can then be folded in and are approved for the amnesty program and the 90 program the politician requires to fellowship not include the summation for the planning
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department and for the amnesty program. >> yes. >> correct. >> and this simple application and all the sub television station is submitted planning department so, now duplication. >> correct. >> one i want to thank everyone for coming out, i will probably agree with i've heard today which is everyone wants more time and i'll agree with the fellow commissioner commissioner ortiz-cartagena i don't know if i'm in support of cu u just requesting you requesting you because it is brought upon this particular industry to stop a problem i don't think that is the case lastly i've heard the anyone
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else they were industry wants to be recognized as within the health and i know this is may not be the time for it now what is it we can do to help to change that is there a process? at the state level not at the local level >> no. >> that's my comments. >> commissioner. >> i also want to thank supervisor tang for doing the amnesty program i can't see the progress of people going into to definitely growing business with the cu process i don't think that is going to accomplish what it is set out to do and you know it is very hard right now ♪ town to earn a living to survive
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as a small business owner i can't support something that makes it that much harder on so many people. >> okay commissioners any 0 other comments. >> regina where are we another. >> so commissioners supervisor tang is going to be introducing the amended legislation tomorrow so which should spell out the language of the amnesty program and also include the original language of the requesting you citywide; right? so there's two elements to the particular planning code legislation and that is the amnesty program which you haven't seen in the official written form of the legislation
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and then there is the moving forward of the conditional use and the various perm television stations how the conditional use is implied you have different options you can provide recommendation of what is put before you today and to the board of supervisors you you know to the board of supervisors discretion ask to hear it again or you may take the amnesty and then the exist and make sort of separate comments and recommendations to each of of those components. >> okay. >> did i provide you with enough. >> our next official month to month is may 11 i have no problem with putting this on the
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agenda important that meeting to again, access where we are it clearly the supervisor in crafting that legislation is driven by deadline it is important that this is tomorrow the deadline for this presented the designations to land use and presumably that will explicit requests questions and there's time to comment from bra this goes before the board of supervisors and one additional time is may 11 at the next meeting in the meantime we'll continue to dialog our reading of the legislation and recommendations for changes or notifications or whatever we've been getting a lot of e-mails from you all we appreciate that and reading them and going through them in detail to try to
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make our recommendations to the supervisors office and the other organizations involved in this process there are a couple of things just to recap what we've been hearing first and foremost the need for additional time this process is unfold we've talked about the additional time we'll keep at it, all right. i think we all are in support of the cu exemption for sole practitioner establishment i realize that is a good but not sufficient condition for some of you we'll take one at that time that's the positive step in the right direction and we're all in favor of the notation notion of a grandfathering and amnesty program again, a step in the right direction whether fine
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tuning or clarification we'll keep on top of the language and see if we have questions like today we have talked about having that year review of this process and some other discussions i have heard kind of a requester inform a realtime tracking how so this effecting the establishment especially, as we go through the phase of people getting open the radar screen filing for permit and amnesty and naich and understanding whether this is having the intended effects we're prepared to make a request to the supervisors office and commissions that are involved in this we set up some kind of ongoing process for knowing where we're at in terms of the effect of the legislation and
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not waiting for a summary and finally had a lot of discussion about recognizing c m ts as professionals this is something that is a broader issue one that needs to be address both at the state level and the local level my understanding is that even though massage is recognized in what i guess is called a fair practitioners under the california professional business codes their acknowledged but not recognized as health care professionals yet if i understand it properly maintained is that their needs to be additional lobbying at the state level and we'll work at harmonizing san francisco at the state level this is not great constellation in the short time but it is clear that health care
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the massage have been lumped into this historic kind of interpretation it is important that the profession elevates itself to the public i think in doing so we can go around and address some of the specific areas in the city where we have restricted massage therapy it is not consolation but we're all in this for the long term and all of you know no matter what business that's a notable cause for you at the local and s we have had comments and others about no support we'll have diagonal about that with the land use and department of public health and the supervisors office not support
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for abolishing the cu process we can recommend but ultimately the decision is out of our hands so commissioner do you have additional comments. >> i don't want to make a recommendation or add things in case we don't see this again, that's on the record says yes, we approve is there a question where we go vote yes or no and make some recommendations. >> i don't think we're in any way required or at a point we'll approve or disapprove of the legislation we've having had several hours to look at it is more important we look at the
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constituents questions i'll reserve any final disfor hearing again both through e-mails before may 11 also on may 11th having another sessions about this and being able to channel our comments on into the record so you're on the record for changes you might like to see when it ultimate comes to a votes at the board of supervisors. >> want in terms of timeline as it's been state by currently by supervisor tang's officer so the amended legislation will be introduced tomorrow the plan is scheduled for land use commission on may 4th it con essential could pass or not pass out of land use commission but con essentially it could pass and it will be heard at the full
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board the following week that is may 12th the day after our commission meetings that's the deduction to have in terms of the schedule that was presented in the presentation just understand our next commission meeting in relationship to provide any sort of professional comment or direction to the board of supervisors whether you take formal action to recommend or not recommend providing direction is still important in terms of of the getting that to the board of supervisors as they start really now, once the substitute legislation is introduced it will trigger to the board of supervisors okay. now we're really ready to engage and start working with each the side offices. >> we'll have a strong
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recommendation and resolution that the board of supervisors not act on this legislation open the 12 that is too soon especially, since our next opportunity to hear this is may 11 and commissioners would you prefer to ask the land use commission wait until after the commission even for the land use commission because this is where the life imprisonment is where public comment happens happens it explicit happen at the fovrdz and correct me if i am wrong it is useful to vet those comments before we go before ludicrously so the small business community can have a discussion without perhaps doing that with this level of tediousness in front of the ludicrously because here a lot of things get revolved and cholesterol listed to be more
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effective in front of the land use we meaning the professional massage establishment this is useful if it requires that we make a strong recommendation and defer hearing this legislation at land use then i am all for making the recommendation. >> i'll make the motion. >> i'm not sure i made a formal motion. >> i want to they want to have time i want to hear where they say that's influences how i vote i want to say and give a lot of kudos to katie tang they did a lot of outreach so i really, really appreciate the outreach but i'd like to make a motion that the supervisor wait until after our may 8th meeting.
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>> may 11. >> may 11th meeting to hear one more time those individuals once thankful had a chance to look at the amnesty program and then vote on that. >> yeah. >> make our recommendations because as i said we have what we have goes to ludicrously that means a lot. >> if i may make a comment our objective not to be obstruct finding no way, shape or form it is civilized over the last week everybody the community here is extraordinarily responsive considering all of us have day jobs this is not our day job
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it is completely reasonable to review the legislation that was not fully drafted and vetted may not be fully vested until today 3 hours ago it is instills faith in the process to allow people that are diligently working on a process to work through that process and short circuit that expires so without further discussion it is an effort an exception of good faith and if we can delay this for a amount of time it might be one week or thirty days we'll have to see with the legislation calendar looks like it needs to be deferred after the meeting
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before us you have a motion can we second it. >> that's before we seconded it mates my concern the director said if we say now threatening then we'll hear it again or the land use will recommend this. >> that's why we're asking for land use to wait. >> but if it didn't that's and are r request as also known as if it goes the commissioner. >> we're not supporting or expressing our supported one way or the other it's clear we have serious issues with the legislation but that the community needs a chance to further understand the implications of newly added components and some that maybe modified heretofore so i think
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the motion to request that land use not hear this and open may fourth meeting but whatever the next meeting two weeks or whatever their schedule. >> do you know what land use commission. >> they meet ever monday they'll meet the monday following the 11th which would be may 18th the beginning of small business week. >> oh, so we can request a minimum of one week delay it's reasonable. >> it would be a two week delay and from the fourth. >> yeah. >> from the fourth to the 20th. >> 18th. >> 18th. >> okay but not to hear it. >> that's my motion if we wait
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until the 18th. >> so we have a motion to request the land use defer their. >> supervisor tang. >> defer scheduling the legislation to be in land use only may fourth and schedule it to be heard on may 18th to allow for small business commission hearing on may 11th. >> correct. >> so anyone want to second that. >> that's mined basically the intent of your motion do we have to second. >> i second that. >> and i think i second that because we should give time for the process legislation is not needs clarification and it is better for the legislation to get the february it makes it stronger so we ought
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to - that's why i second. >> okay let's have roll call. >> roll call. >> commissioner adams commissioner dooley commissioner dwight commissioner ortiz-cartagena commissioner l. riley commissioner tour-sarkissian and commissioner white so mr. vice president that is the motion 7 zero to recommend to commissioner chan to extended land use hearing from may 4th to the 18 allowing the land use commission to have one more hearing on may 11th. >> correct thank you. >> thank you and thank you for everybody to coming out this amnesty wouldn't have happened if you didn't come out you know two weeks ago to listen to this you should be commended for our advocacy on this so thank you all right. everybody thank you
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very much. we'll are hearing more from you and vs. >> mr. president, shall we move on to or shall we take 80 a moment. >> we'll take a breatherer recharge our water or glass. >> recharge >> i didn't have speaker cards to be with great if you signed up. >> mr. president, item number 4 discussion and possible action
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to make recommendations to the board of supervisors on file number 150017 planning code the castro street commercial district 24th street noah valley neighborhood and commercial and the upper market commercial transit district this is an ordinance amending the planning codes to require certain uses and get noah valley district and itself you want and today we have andreas powers. >> not much of a turnout i'm with supervisor wiener's office thank you for the opportunity to speak on this important item today, this legislation includes pharmacies or parcels from octavia boulevard to castro and the castro street mcdonald and
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the innovating mcd is for the coordinators or corridors are kept active and vibrant this tweaks the zoning district tables and each one of those market street it crows the upper market nc t a broader zoning district district that extends beyond the district they need to be paralleled for those key corridors the legislation go the upper market first it makes permanent interim controls making sure that as we build as they've been quite a bit of new sdrement the retailer spaces go towards the active uses to encourage people to walk and the
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exit that makes commercial corridors great places this legislation makes that time controls that requires a cu payroll that requires cruz for more office type officers for the title companies and rattling agents and other agencies insurance companies, we have encouraging them through the zoning control tables on the second-story and in many cases the sub sacrifice matt has a few of those of you want to go to the ground floor you need a cu there's options the legislation for 24th is similar additional it adds an additional control for medical uses many people noah valley the beloved hardware
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story closed and medical office opened without thought in that context for the noah valley it requires a cu so this legislation is geared towards incentivizing those types of uses around other than the ground floor making them permitted and if they want a ground floor they need a cu. >> i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> commissioner adams. >> thank you and supervisor wiener for this legislation i'm in noah valley at the castro district a lot i know you guys did extensive outreach to the merchants and neighborhood i support this it was tug easy there were there one hundred and 9 years now one medical i have
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nothing against one medical and professional services on the ground floor, however, there's a lot of vacant second-story space they can go into and that makes it just as good in my opinion because we're starting to lose a lot of the retail space in those neighborhoods i support this one hundred and 10 percent and i thank you for and supervisor wiener for coming up with this because especially with the new development in upper market we're seeing businesses it is dead at night and we're not seeing the foot traffic and part of it is a safety issue so i know the spaces you did allow new bars and restaurants to go in those blocks all of a sudden have popped like sanchez and 15th street i like this. >> thank you
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any other comments commissioners do we have a motion. >> we need to call for public comment. >> sorry is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak seeing none, public comment is closed marry now any further discussion xhifrgz houb a motion. >> i'll move to approve that legislation as is. >> roll call. >> on that motion commissioner adams commissioner dooley commissioner white commissioner ortiz-cartagena commissioner l. riley commissioner tour-sarkissian commissioner white that motion passes 7 zero thank you thank you. >> thank you. >> all right. commissioners we've moving on to item 6 we have a presentation to you on bay bucks for the currency that helps local businesses thrive
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and building community wealth of bay bucks and did you - do you have a flash drive you want to put in? sure >> we work pretty quick around here we just met a week ago i thought if this was an interesting topic i hope my fellow commissioners find it interesting and item 5 did we skip over discussion and possible action on health care restaurant week? i'm happy to take them in reserve order if the commissioners agree >> yes. supervisors excuse me. so may we please move up it
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