tv [untitled] April 30, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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monica and mr. chin thank you please join me of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all tonight we have a very full agenda and the board has a closed session meeting following the full board meeting i'm going to limit the public comment to no more than 10 minutes total and each individual speaker no more than one anyone minute per persons for 10 persons to address the agenda items and for the issue of teach for america i'd like to allocate 10 minutes
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per side with one minute per person i apologize to those who are not compromised to public comment you've welcome to provide our written statements to the clerk and i want to remind members of the public if you wish to speak tonight you are asked to complete a speaker card prior to when the item is called and provide to the executive assistant speaker cards will not be accepted think an item before the board a couple of changes the authors in the district e equity assignment it will be held at a future meeting and we have an agenda item renaming the wing of sunny elementary to ruby bell i
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understand shows in the audience if in objection i'd like to move that agenda item up following the instructor speech seeing no objections so the first item on the agenda is approval the boards minutes none together and item b presentations to the board of education mr. instructor. >> superintendent thank you commissioner president murase couple of thoughts i'd like to recognize two new members the san francisco unified school district family who are with us first and foremost recognize the new chief information office we stole from boston and very glade melissa welcome to san francisco
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(clapping) >> we had melissa give a note welcome to san francisco i'd like to recognize one of the our senior staff members who will be leaving san francisco he's been appointed the new alley quirk superintendent so dr. valentine he may give up a seat but on behalf of everyone in the school district and thank you for serving public school education of our students in new mexico so congratulations dr. valentine (clapping) i'm happy to report that phillip burton high school has 3
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creative writing clubs for the potato we say in our school district they take time to read, write, and explore poetry and the english teachers helped to guide the slam team the young writers club and the friday writers club i'm proud that 3 burton students nora, and with two others will be reading original poems under the doom event at city hall this wednesday from 5:30 to 8:30 and at the place to congratulations to the students and fabulous teachers that coached them and i'd like to announce this thursday washington high school
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well-being programs that is the best title for a club the bully me not club are having a lot of day they'll shed light on the lgbt and mental health problems that follow as an adult to cast light on those issues and be playing a loblt lgbt trivia so congratulations to washington high school and the wonderful events i'm very, very proud to announce this past wednesday the 22 of april i had the definition pleasure to bebe in the fourth grade k run that took place in golden gate park now, i'm not smarter than a fifth gardener or
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fast than a fourth grader but we had a whole lot of fun and thank you mission bay it is fitting we annunciation it we're to be considering a new wngs policy an entire middle-income this friday will 234r5r789 a 5 k run r.n. on christie field the entire middle school will run a 5 k parents and teachers and staff members and invited yours truly so i'll get laps by a middle school schooler and thank you for demonstrating and modeling what lifelong physical education look like i look forward to being out this and lastly i'd like to
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recognize this evening the last official board meeting our chief general council our general council don davis will be retiring from the san francisco unified school district and he's served this district with distinction for the past 2 and a half years he comes down with a longs legal career he's looking forward to having no agenda. >> i think indicative of don's spirit when i asked him what is it like he said i'm looking to do high leverage pro bono work we thank you don for your advise and most popular don't smile too much when you think of us every tuesday night and your by the policy in la thank you, don for your service and being
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here (clapping). >> thank you, mr. instructor the next agenda item recognized and oh, i'm sorry we're moving to item one item under h superintendent proposal in support of naming the sunny side middle school the ruby bell where i know moved and seconded and may i have a report from the buildings and grounds committee policemen's is not here so any members of the community that want to report. >> commissioner walton.
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>> good evening, everyone and thank you grumbling drumming at the granddaughters or grounds committee we were in support of naming the middle school after ruby bell wing and wanted to bring this to the board. >> thank you very much commissioner shamann walton let's see may we have a reading of the resolution by the superintendent. >> thank you commissioner president murase i'd like to ask david golden to please came forward. >> good evening superintendent and commissioner president murase it's mites pleasure to read the superintendents proposal 14414 s p one in support of naming the sunny side middle school second wing the
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ruby bell wing if you'll indulge me, i'm read the whole resolution whereas ruby bela dedicated public education professional served sunny side elementary school as stunt liaison counselor an sgrarg integral communicated leader having served under 9 promises and watched any sunny side alumni to bring their children to sunny side and whereas ms. bell carried a large bell with her to show the kids p to be patient with each other and safe and whereas ms. bell as part of her work she encouraged the students she followed upith the students with issues with
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regards to their behavior and academics by organizing and participating the students success team meetings and whereas ms. bell as part of our work was an excellent learned also dependable and to recognize the needs of students and supportive of development of her students in the time of our program guided to build healthy riderships with her students and students families to put into practice the meds e methods she was taught austin at sfusd and whereas ms. bell shared their witness with us in go times and bad and whereas ms. bells efforts sunny side has a waiting list of students and rising test scores and honored as the 2014
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california distinguished school and whereas she showed her dedication of four decades with students facing academic issues and whereas ms. bell was a beloved member of the entire school community and retired from sfusd at the end of the 2013-2014 year and whereas school community bureaucrat and approval the naming the sunny side newly finished where i know wing of the school after ruby bell and therefore, be it resolved the board of education of the unified school district honors and commends ruby bell with her dedication to the sunny side elementary school and it is so bend the students of our
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district and fobd that the sunny side elementary school newly completed wing of the school i help to build should henceforth be known as the ruby bell wing a plague should be responding and be it resolved this this resolution suspends the policy of the board of education to allow the name of this school to a living person due to the honorable attributes of ms. ruby bell thank you (clapping). >> thank you very much mr. golden i understand ms. bell is with us here not audience please stand and be recognized
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(clapping) i have (clapping) - - i have two public comment cards the principle of sunny. (the following proceedings were held in open court, outside the presence of the jury:) i have to limit public comment to one minute please. good evening board members and truth and others i'm the principle at sunny side i wanted to law a few minutes for the people resolution to stand at at sunny side and honored to have ms.
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bell if you're here from sunny side in support of this resolution if you could please stand yeah stand stand oh, they're standing just raise your hand i forgot there's a lot of people standing and thanks again we'll be celebrating the new building on sunday may 3rd for the community sort of honor ms. bell in a more private way at the spring festive you're welcome to join us and thank you. i want to say thank you ms. bell for your service as a new privilege i didn't work with you at sunny side and got to see your dedication to do what's right so it is my privilege to help with this so thank you.
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>> (clapping.) thank you, ms. martin. >> commissioner president murase. >> could i audio that event is on may 3rd at noon if they can drop by susan suleman and ask ms. bell. >> i'm ms. solomon the united vice president and i think the only thing i need to add what an amazing and incredible colleague many bell very supportive certificate people she was active open the building committee and another friend that is named bell who will be seeing you on sunday so sfusd wants to thank you ms. bell for all the work for our students and staff thank you.
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(clapping.) i don't think i need to go to the podium. >> ms. bell withhold to record our remark. >> oh, i'm sorry on behalf of all the board members the instructor and secretaries and teachers and principles it is an honor as well as a privilege to work with the san francisco unified school district which i was hired and my anniversary will be still coming up i still count administrative review as part of the unified school district an april 30th no, today april 28th was my hired date 40 years ago
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april 28th so i'm so happy and pleased and thank you for everyone that participated and the ones that put this through an my on behalf of i thank you and love you and anything that i can continue to do for the unified school district i'm available so thank you very much (clapping) are there comments from the colleagues on the board. >> thank you on behalf of the san francisco unified school district. >> very good thank you so much on behalf of the board. >> ms. bell thank you for your service to the students and continue to serve as to be routine by the planning commission, and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote example fornix the schools and for the public this is the first facility or piece of a facility that is named for one of our
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perspire could educators it very historic and quite an honor for you. >> (clapping.) ms. casco railroad simulating mr. chin ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton parklet ms. wynns drumming that's unanimous congratulations (clapping) we have running to item c recognized and resolutions maximizations. >> i'd like to call to the podium our supervisor the physical to give the service award. >> evening superintendent it's
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my great pleasure to announce this special service award recipient christen was nominated been a coworker for positive support of colleagues and christine spent hours working with the middle school supporting 55 classroom teachers and knows each one by names and knows their children's names and the schools and dedicated to supporting them her expertise and sense of humor have brauth brought departments together to implement the 15 education programs i'd like to take this moment to recognize the teachers that have come here today to honor christen i offer my congratulations.
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>> thank you, kristin for all you do for the district our students and families (clapping). >> i'm truly humbled by this award i get do work with thrilled physical educators members of the department tea their passion for physical education and desire to be the best teachers they can be it makes it fun to come to work everyday he work with a terrific group of folks but my curriculum department they push us everyday to be better and better thank you very
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much for this award (clapping). >> thank you at this time, i'd like to call to the podium our chief go affordability officer to present the special award to sarah good evening everyone i'm here to present the award to sarah even in constitution at bryant elementary school a highly valued member within our network that he deeply appreciate her professionalism stronger knowledge base and focus on student learning she is well-represented by the colleagues and shares practices and guides them as part of our leadership team she holds an entity lens and has
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expertise in analyzing data facilitating grade level collaborations and coaching teachers over and over on practices i'm going to cite two codes have teachers of how she's helped teachers and another one how she helped students a quote from a teacher she works tirelessly with teachers with monitoring and modeling high leverage structural practices also to useful and informative data in meeting she is focuses on student data and provides i think so i get and respect for teachers ideas and another example that a teacher gave how she helps students awhile attend one of the do not classes a classes and
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saw below level reading students she wants to start a reading club 10 students in the room reading out loud and writing in the log simple we ran the corroborate for almost four months and other kids joined and this is the exchange between two students you'll get better another reading when you read in the club that is intervention and in summary i want to appreciate sars work and recognize her for being student centered and having a good respect point teachers and she respect the craft and at the same time looking to expand beyond her learning for all
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her principle couldn't be here because of an emergency has sent a rave poem for her r shows rfblth and responsive a astute and e entity focused sar we're they've for the hard work you've provided the bryant community thank you. (clapping.) >> thank you so much not very often i get a poem written about you just a couple of quick thanks for the board funding our coaching position it is a integral part of our schools,
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and, secondly, deep thanks to all the colleagues another brilliant that make my work powering possibly and continue to support our kids in the district so thank you very much. >> dr. murase i'd like to innovative our lisp from the unit administrators of san francisco to come down with a special recognition of the association of the region 5 administrators of the year. >> hello, everybody my name is jean robertson the president of the united administrator of san francisco and i'm thrilled to be here tonight to celebrate some
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ever our members and some bigwigs here in the district so i'm not alone i travel in a posse so i have replenishing or richard and sheryl the executive directors and our new vice president bill my partner in crime and allen lee is the past president of actions to region 5 and good ole linda she's the president of elect and carolyn and we had a party last night and got to dress up and wear our pretty church clothes and honor some folks i want to give some shout outs len an are you in the house shows the principle at alice k a extraordinaire and
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happy for you and ink i don't think if hose he's here he is the best of the best and he really had a lovely little speech last night it was wonderful and donna was chosen by her peers if the personnel department and mayor ed lee young lee just a class act he's the classiest guy and, of course the big toe we call you the big toe and richard carr san francisco district attorney we pick you like from our peers that's the nicest award of you'll when our people are
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recognizing you this is a feature in your cap to let our aunts and uncles know you one this award is there anything else i have to say this is a big agenda and in the end congratulations open being amazing and making our district wonderful. >> it concludes item c now d student delegate report we'll hear in the set the record straight student delegate report. >> question collaborated with commissioners sandra fewer and had discussion about the first reading we'll do today for the cpr we want
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