tv [untitled] April 30, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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. >> call our meeting to order commissioner president katz commissioner brandon commissioner woo ho approval of the minutes for the april. >> all in favor? opposed? oh. seeing none, public is closed okay item public comment on exclusive session public comment? seeing none, public is closed. >> exclusive session. >> so moved second all in favor we'll move into executive session important the the real property negotiator.
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>> not to disclosure anything in closed session. >> second. >> second. >> all in favor>> i. >> nephews we have a motion and a second we'll reconvene in open session. >> okay pledge of allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones of and use of cell phones pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. are prohibited at this meeting.
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the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices. please be advised mubd item 8 public comment on items under the circumstances not listed on the agenda. >> i'll begin public comment the first person is shawn. >> good afternoon, commissioners thank you for gemg a moment to speak recently, we do a fantastic event about the port i wanted to make sure there was a acknowledgment for all but wonderful things you guys did for the jimmy herpes ami i've gotten a number of compliments so thank you commissioner president katz and commissioner adams and thank you to the fantastic executive director thank you very much so the next
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time you guys need center work on a million let me know. >> (laughter). >> thank you for everything you did 0 make it happen it was really wonderful is there any additional public comment seeing none public comment is closed. arrest next item. >> item 9 executive report. >> good afternoon, commissioners members of the public and port staff and city staff thank you for being here we have an exciting; right? beacon hill executive report today but first i want to acknowledge and add my thanks to shawn and all of local 34 for the great work we talked about is it at a previous meeting thank you for the james right direction herman million but the contribute the actual artwork is out of this world and inspiring thank you for your vision and
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our incredible over time because it is outside of your day job i don't think you were here verna but i had an acknowledgment and renee and all the port staff and commissioner president katz you're leadership and commissioners commissioner adams you've mentioned several times about the growing presence of homeless on the ports warrant on the promenade we thought it will be good to notify booefb the director of the housing stunt partnership and engagement office which is called hope the great acronym for the work beacon hill doesn't see he kindly will talk about the effort beacon hill i mean has served as the city supervisor
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and serviced two terms representing district 8 on the board of supervisors which was a wonderful fast 8 years as well as worked in the mayor's office heading up the neighborhood services office that was a very good prelude for a city supervise and beseeching you bummed up that scope in a way that benefited all of us beacon hill has been with the city 18 years oh 22 years time does fly he's been dedicated to resolving a lot of issues for the city which all came back to the quality of life for all of us as sense and visitors it's a great honor so, please welcome beacon hill. >> thank you so much i thank you, commissioners and mr. president i saw brad he had a lot of things he had to help me
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figure out how to vote he was definitely in my office you sure you want to vote that way (laughter) that is my first time ever at the port commission i'm excited to see many colleagues who work with the port or or involved with the efforts there are 3 thousand 36 homeless people for the last count in 2013 we did our count this year and added what interviews and in-debt work those numbers will not be realized until summer 34 hundred individuals are living on the street and 11 hundred in shelters and others in jails and doesn't have a home of the 34
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homeless their chronically homeless and living on a street it is debilitating to our heartbeat and end up having connections with the police over the past 5 years we've brought the number down by 50 percent but 34 hundred individual on the street is way too many i am grateful to the mayor and push to try 0 innovative certain status quo is not acceptable and more recently the mayor went out and approached the stakeholders and said the city by itself can't solve homelessness so one individual gave $3 million to the city and this door has been twice to the center and coming
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coming back to meet the first people housed and we hope it door will make a contribution and continue the work google gave a $2 million towards ending homelessness many to the hampton city's to our public schools that are homeless or marginally housed and 500000 to larkin street at one hundred 34 golden state r golden gate so we've seen twitter in july will be opening up something across 2, 3, 4 the twitter office to go and get support and do after school work i hope we felt the economy changing in san francisco and technology being the driving force in san
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francisco and being identifying the prepares in san francisco and seeing how this is so expensive and things are changing and people at the end of the bottom of the rung are effected i say something as a person of jewish i thought i'd not be admirable of utah they build two thousand unit of housing no waiting list and people not qualifying for the program homeless people have been failed by systems maybe the family did didn't work or school in workout the way or the community they might be lgbt and not welcome in their homes or community people have failed you don't want to get people homeless another opportunity to e fail but in utah their land
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situation is a lot different. >> they connect people to benefits and that's a driving force and again, i wouldn't know i am so a.d. miranda of the mormon church but hopefully the $3 million donation is a sign that the formations in san francisco know we can't move forward alone so to take a moment to talk about the in addition center again, we have 11 hundred plus shelter beds no way to say the shelters will solve the problems the people visiting the embarcadero strerlts don't work for everybody and what we've seen between south of market and the mission and the design district
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a huge concentration of people living in endisplacements and people in tents and the reality is captain lazzaro our standing captain in the district the police officers talked with someone they offer someone a one necessity bed even a one night bed and the next day they have to go on a waiting list two or three weeks and i but who is going do give up their sleeping bag or tent their partnering when an opposite sex partner can't stay and dog in a crate the thing is shelters don't work for everyone there's not storage and pets can't stay with their owner we've seen a concentration of the people the design center
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will be everything that didn't work we had a woman she brought 24 large bags of possessions at one time 7 shopping carts take it all couples the first group 3 couples within the group and the first day when we opened the navigation center people pushing their cots next to each other this had been a site for many, many years vacant since 2006 with that money we've done the innovations and now go out brenda and kcata will speak in a moment last monday mayor ed lee went out with us in the mission 16th and other street we saw the people coming together those 9 people are people on the street those 09 people are extend
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families and looked at it for others possessions if someone had a doctors appointment take their bags if a street cleaner or police forced them to leave so why would we allow 12 or 14 people to stay in a bundle low those are the things that a magnificent i worried about having a dog run for dogs the joke he the people never let the dogs leave their side they don't need a dog run it is unbelievable we keep our cafe open all nights people are up at night and sleep during the day when you turn lights off in the shelter it is not possible to let people go to sleep guess
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what 9 people not bunk beds we don't have bunk beds so we're so excited about the in addition center to be truthful if you have we wanted a pole but it is coming soon because we've gotten contact about the individual and do sepsz there is significant mental health i want to say the hot team added 25 staff people and resources and supervisor farrell don't care a lot of leadership in saying we need a street medical team so we have social workers and nurses practitioners and psych nurses and others and this is a very important thing for people that are very sick and the hot team is the robust team and frankly their staff members are very excited they have a tool in the
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navigation center that is very relevant right now we have 50 people staying and is donation of $300 million to ramp up the sro's this is a huge housing force i saw what was going well in filled and they integrate the housing services and this outreach and support people but the reality less than 10 we have a lot of here and i know that many of you have life experiences hotels that have 60, 70, 80 vacated rooms whether individual lawyers or regulatory work they're not being met and are there problems in sro's absolutely but it is a long lead time inform he said homeless
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i believe thousands of sro's not utilized we're in a legal lawsuit we had a meet at city hall to help people and one off the things an volunteering hotel we moving in one hundred and 25 homeless residents in a buff renovated sro hotel those are the thoughtful things were we w we're in the business of doing captain lazzaro is involved in a initiative for the past 7 and a half years we encounter someone on the street with an outreach worker police can say do you have family or siblings or friends to take you in and over 7 and a half years 9 thousand people return home and to those
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families and friends and over those 7 and a half years only 24 of the 9 thousand people came back to the shelters this is a clear sign that problem is working we're on extraordinary if someone want to say have a home they don't say have to get in line justin just come to isn't that correct he and sleep and night and get on a trolley bus i'm pleased captain usc discharge is working with others station this is appropriate being reconnected to family is a step to take i mentioned some of the ground floor great work audio by the homeless team if i can welcome the director brenda her colleagues one the team leaders
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scott they have direct experience on embarcadero and one more thing i don't often get to talk to enterprise departments i want to say there are strategic things the port can do in union square the business improvement district fund a can say manager and in recognition of that the mayor hass has directed 5 stabilization beds are available in our discussion coming here you want 0 level two because of the amount of mental health problems here we can talk about that having a partnership where you have a death outreach working for the embarcadero i believe that telling the steroids i've had the ability to work with and reynolds innovative us when champion redman was the captain we talked
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with the managers about the situations and several told a story about a italian young woman threw things at tourist and we looked at each other and talking about the same woman houch choose in front of the of the ferry building we saw her and ran out and the captain and i approached her and she 2k5r9d out in front of the traffic and very feral she looked like sophia laparorun i said this is what can i do i thought about this act we have more foreign consultants than any stiff other than new york you know what i'm going to call the general council i had this occasion and
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saw that woman maybe alien is an italian tourist and he said oh, that's this lady and i stopped oh, yeah, she visits with her family and couldn't find here her and sheets been out in the street for 23 years we got a group of 11 officers and closed in and many officers asked to audio tape her to the shelter she he was hospitalization for two weeks and received medication a different person i never losses thoughts there's an amazing potential no steroids with that i'd like to welcome brenda and scott to say some things. >> thank you for being here i'm
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brenda. >> i'm scott the program corridor. >> so beacon hill mentioned we have increased our outreach team we now have a street medication component that has been role we've been graced we have a doctor that comes out and noursz practitioners and so the outreach can come out and do the initial assessments on people and as we see the need we can call the medical team out and deepening what it is that the clients need we able to do medical on the street that is new we have also beven mentioned we have a union square and castro
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the b.i.d.s have put in money we're doing an additional outreach in the districts for union square union square and the castro what else. >> gone out and checked out the population. >> the hot team wears a lot of hats we do a lot of things besides case management we do outreach 7 days a week and emergency transportation for hospitals and clinics and the as brenda mentioned a street outreach line that operates 7 days a week from 6:30 in the morning until 7:00 p.m. and they are outreaching could he areas of the city we know largest areas of homeless people
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district 3 the tenderloin and other areas the district 689d our outreach workers started in those areas to the embarcadero and outreach as well we do our castro care partners outreach and outreach in golden gate park we're making more and more new contracts and united airlines with the police department and fire department anyone that wants to work with us we try to connect the people and reconnected with the services if they've dropped off from using them we do a lot we're morning willing to come out and engage people in this area. >> so there's the twenty-four hour dispatch line and i do want to say the port
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director texted me and i've communicated to the hot team we actively share information and i think the only other thing we're learning as the navigation center and one of the things within the encampment you can't say if people will move we have the campus broken up plus the more advanced notice we'll talk to the folks we are strategic but i think we've been telegraph hill talking about wanted to coming this area. >> we've had strongest success with the navigation center and so it itself fine our team is doing it and they get to see the results very fast and this is nice it is easier to get people
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off the streets and all those people are large-scale canvases it is easier to get them off the street we're positively received by the staff in the past two weeks. >> we- we welcome the opportunity to come and in the evening or daytime whatever works. >> thank you very much commissioners did you have - >> well, i want to thank you for coming commissioner adams and to you for bringing this to our commission meeting and supervisor i made notes and in the literally within the 5 seconds you've answered those i'm going to repeat questions it is saying a little bit so i used
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to run around with the cats on any speed dial wherever i saw someone in distress and their requirements to be a danger to themselves or outs to out that has changed so the dispatch line you 4157142233 that's the number that the members of the public can call if they see someone that might benefit. >> they can call 311 and speak to the hot team and still get there. >> and the other bigger question unify started to when you touched on it at one level how could did port partner with our effort and you mentioned bid district are there other things we could would do or do that you
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think would be helpful even if it is should we designate one of the staff members to an a liaison you don't have to answer now but think about those things. >> we've designated staff one example with the hot team and actually, the last we're on to a two year budget this is not our budget year for the last budget we tried to get a dedicated person it sound like you're really ready it is good we've we've shopped maybe megan can help me that is really good to know about the enar commandments the same community of people coming to the same spots strangers here and there are and i didn't royals the shelter
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sheltered is so full we're seeing the community in this area someone's on park property or across the street but all the way to burn heights commissioner adams. >> one thing i'll the offer mr. president there is an app u.s. and it actually part of google's granted was 5 hundred thousand to hand out information for people that needs to a you can't gentleman lost his teeth and couldn't get a job because of lack of teeth he wanted to raise fund if there recent someone visible maybe someone they talk to everyday get a profile and you'll be amazed you know that the chest games took place
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across from nordstrom's but it was breakdown because of drug dealers infiltrating that a portfolio was wrinkling written about a gentleman he had been homeless for 10 years this was his community and two days later two classmates contacted him and 6 weeks later their 40 high school reunion they graced over $3,000 and he went to his renoon it is power someone if in our community you consider doing something with that is important if you're part of the coalition of homelessness. >> once again you went where i
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was going humanity the people you don't knows i have a friend of homeless people they have touch stories and going back something you stated about the number of people that returned to families friends and loved ones we often hear complaint oh nothing is done all it the same but the reality is the numbers would be rising if we didn't do something i'm sure you have a better way of articulating percentage given the fact so much is given or being done especially with the howard's costs being going up people that found shelters and living together and it is bears repeating those
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