tv [untitled] April 30, 2015 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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new topics one this it is timely pier 96 rfp a lot of interest in the bulk terminal you authorized the rfp so we talked about that and ideas on how they can help to support us what that initiative on that side after china sf as peter mentioned we met with the california trade offs an initiative with the governors office this year a new executive director he had a lot of interesting ideas and, in fact he has a home in san francisco and offered to come and speak to the port commission and other trade groups in the areas we're going to try to set him up ken was a former executive from
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wells fargo he was the more of a china exerted they noted somebody that was a california expert that is what the chinese were looking for anyway very interesting gentleman and then this modern chamber of commerce a map month to month lead to a meeting of the chairman of the board of the american chamber of commerce in shanghai about sort of a force of nature we had a very long month to month. >> he has a house in san francisco. >> he has a house in san francisco laughter he had leave excellent ideas how to you put us in touch with high-level people to help us without u out with the cargo issues i'll leave it with that we've continuing to
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develop relationship we're continually to do that in the future. >> thanks jim after the month to month living breathing with the filipinos and the port of shanghai we got communication from the port of shapg hi bringing a delegation of their folks to locate the waterfront and marina developed they're taking this relationship seriously and it is about relationships and this last thing the meeting with bob i think we all were invirthd and had new ideas he is a faivent defy so that's a quick vision of trip and commissioner adams thank you for lending our support to go to month to month having a commissioner there
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leans a lot so thank you. >> thank you peefrt and gym one of the things we've learned going to quencher is okay. but you've got to get down to the nitty-gritty that's building relationship you can't go to within once a year but build when you have a name the port of oakland how do you market our name people want to do business in san francisco we kind of lender how to do a better job of martha san francisco our port there's love opportunity tint i notified jim and bob is going to come to a meeting and former wells fargo dbi bob worked the
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united kingdom and international trade and finance they want u.s. to help us to bring business to the port of san francisco and both are existed by maritime and existed about places in san francisco they've lived here at one time and help us rise the profile the port of san francisco back to what passport said they opened their cruise term in initial and want to have 2 point plus million passengers by 2014 they'll are 4.2 million tourist take crowds in choip with the bill you i'd like to take this opportunity balcony in china unless you go think a counterclockwise to japan they want to smoke and bring and have
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a good time it's a good thing it helps you to live longer than and also want to get into the fellow commissioners what identify been doing april 8th friend united states senator of delaware he called me and said she was or he was coming out he's a 5 time congress and governor of delaware and joe biden became vice president he thought the senior person a lead demon homeland security wanted to tour the port we gave them a tour porter and jim and siberia it is good to have him here back in wondering we know we have
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executive officer and cindy we're talking about cyber security he cares about infrastructure and the port one thing about the u.s. senate you have to be hundreds on with the u.s. senators to build those riderships i'll fly to london and it was an accident i wounded up going to a cruise line stakeholders month to month i was there on a union issue but met did ceo of the caravel cruise lines i would love to give him a tougher tour of the james r. herman we talked about things i was basically in london for the i attended the stakeholders meeting it is the largest third largest mining company in the world we had to
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speak at that meeting and my unions around the world we have a b h p network we deal what the my wife and i companies they have their power so the units need power we spoke about seaming ceo roy 10 to we addressed board of directors and sat next to one of the stakeholder thirty percent of stock roy tent to talked about the issues how they deal with unions there were several native tribes and again i put on my commission act we know that gym and peter came about pier 96 and roy tent to b h p they have a market in iron ore and just a little bit about this i'll make
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it brief what they've done last year they made over $25 billion in iron ore 12.4 in aluminum and copper they ramp up the supply of the iron ore and drive the prices down so tipped of the meeting we talked and jane kim was talking to a company in nevada about iron ore the big players like bio at the present time to aid estrada they control iron ore throughout the world and doing it in matt gas car and the congresswoman go they're not looking at places in the united states and they're going to india roy tent to say paying their 2keb9 down to a tune of $5 million a month and
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so i was wearing both hats as a union leader and talking to the ceo and the board of directors and the stakeholder about understanding the port of san francisco we want to get into the iron ore business so all that was a good education that's kind of my report i wanted to have the other commissioners to know what i've been doing and trying to stay on top of was happened ♪ global world we live in >> thank you may i having ask a question. >> thank you obviously you've been very busy we haven't seen you here that's why you mentioned on the china front we know some of the things on the table so as it related to the philippines in manila you said they wanted it it to be a
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detainment relationship what's some of the thupgdz we could put down on the table from the ports prospective. >> well did poendz their role a in a developing stages they're ten. >> excuse me. commissioners we didn't have this stem schedule as a agendized item maybe agendize it for the next meeting. >> oh, okay. >> just generally do a report on the sister reports. >> a brief one. >> okay that will take care of it thank you. >> any public comment on this item? i think i have shawn if hose still here there he is.
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>> yeah. >> and then after sharon i have mel vin and monthly that wishes to speak. >> and wungs you don't have to submittal your name more public comment. >> hi thank you for letting me speak again one the things that thought touched on as far as the commissioners report reaching out and partnering with the port and us i know the port is working hard they're trying to market themselves out of on a regional basis to get all kinds of different cargos coming out our port areas so we've had an opportunity to partner with peter daily and jim mahoney we are going to continue to outreach on those opportunities it is our hope that if there's any you kind of cargo we'll be
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able to bring it broad we were lucky to go with them and perhaps bring that opportunity if possible so not everything fits together in a perfect way but you know we're having a great opportunity with the port trying to figure out how that his fit together thank you very much. >> hi mel vin local 10 i had an opportunity to go to san diego the last time i spoke we spoke about the being dormant i'd like to see a p m a company come into powering 80 with the iou but
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they do love you are talking about in la and grandniece homework harbor and talking with the gentleman you don't know i don't think they want to be a pier member company they'll not conducive to the iou as as explained to them we have to work with the contract we negotiated we were bargaining for 10 months and it would be vaejsz to get 0 people to open up the port to work here as a result stands right now know i hope you guys continue to look for someone to rent this property so it can open up and be fruitful for all i appreciate that thank you. >> is there any additional public comment seeing none call the next item.
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>> item 10 it possible go presentation on a proposed an amendment to the 2013 building code to move the property to require a permit work permit item two and stands over 6 feet high for the crowd control barriers for special event. >> that says is it all good afternoon commissioner president katz and commissioners mom and dad's is noel freed ma'am the chief building inspector for the port the informational item is at the proposal to eliminate exemptions from the port blood stain the coincidence for special event don't require a permit those fends are installed and as a result staff don't have the
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opportunity to check for conflict that accessibility and fire department requirement due to a lack of review fences have been installed at random locations which is instances where fence replacement have blocked access to fire hydrants and walkways staff want to make sure those safety situation with voided by eliminate this fence exception prior to approval by the port commission staff will be insured that public t is given notice with the opportunity to provide public notices places in san francisco examiner newspapers and this chronicle for other second 6 months and also the website and payrolling will have the same information this information is available for a period of 24
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days from april 29th to may 23rd and i believe may 26th is the date we've ask for a resolution on this after the public noticed no compelling justification not to move forward staff will present the final draft at the may 26, 2015 board commission moot and if approved file it with the states standard commission thank you. >> thank you. is that public comment seeing none, public comment is closed colleagues >> i just ask that as we explore with the recollection sit posting perhaps we asking ask our department of real estate that if the post to send
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out the nos vision zero them the proposed changes. >> we can do that. >> thank you very much thank you. >> next. >> tempt 10 authorization to 9 contract peer 49 under pier replacement project to have construction incorporated in one million dollars busing plus for the contingency fund for 10 percent of contract amount for an unanticipated not to exceed one million dollars plus. >> good afternoon commissioner president katz and commissioners executive director port staff i'm david who the port engineer on december 16th, 2014, the port commission authorized to
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advertise the pier 9 replacement project today, i come to you requesting authorizations to award the construction contract purpose of this project is it place the sewer system at pier 49 area by james weldon johnson street and pier 45 the system is over 60 year-olds with minor modifications it as used up it's life and has been experiencing leaks due to the system deterioration this system serves 6 operating rounded or restaurant during the design the environment of that project cooperated on a regular basis
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with the owners operators of the restaurant staff met open site and attended those meetings ports representative rick has also been helping to coordinate with the owners and operators staffer incorporate requirement open the planned specs and coordination table for the contractor to work with each restaurant for any requirement which has been schedule for over 9 times during the hours of non-operations if it is required the contractor must work with the tenant to determine as acceptable window
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of time during the big environment phase staff worked with butler enterprise to increase that community of the bayview neighborhood mr. butler will provide an overview of the performance for this project 6 beats were received on march 12 2015 their lowest responsive and responsibly bit was appropriated provided by the construction incorporation big 792 percent bleb preceded the karaoke monitoring divisions 25 percent
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summonthe summary indicates the scope and breakdown of the 6 bits received project is fully funded by the port harbor fund capital capital fund to the projects anticipated completion of this project is march 2016 so staff recommends awarding this contract to the lowest roman numeral and responsible off the record and assembly construction incorporation for the amount of $1 million plus an additional temple percent one hundred $4,000 for an anticipated contingencies a total of $1 million 1 hundred
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and 49 thousand 5 hundred thank you i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> so moved. >> second. >> any public comment on this item? >> i thought he was going to speak the reason we didn't put this on consent to hostile our efforts we're late on time my apologies. >> thank you very much and please introduce yourselves. >> we specialize in small business commission management a part is outreach we work with the team an outreach 124 and 134 the blighting we can list a plumbing contractors specially in the area 38 companies we were a bit sproipt and did a outreach and met them one-on-one networking to engage them in the
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process of port and basically envision them there is or are true opportunity for plumbing and anyhow on this project we worked with a number of companies one e-mail blasting out we actually assigned a staff member to inform them the opportunity to make sure they're aware of the timeline and engage them no time with the port staff but come to the motto potentially partner with larger firms going after the work wisp pleased with the number of companies that showed up and substantially we feel followed up after that to make sure we engaged those companies after the completion of the outreach i thought it was successful we took it that on outdoors to do a survey of the all the companies not just the plumbing companies
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in the bay area to work with the port we had 70 companies respond to the surveyed and 95 percent are interested in working with the port i know what it really boils adopt to we work on central subway and a lot of projects in mission bay and working with the doyle drive we were finding in the industry of with the small lbe and others firms it is a competitive environment a lot of the agencies are automotive creating programs to entice those companies to bid work and work with those agencies i think the port is doing a good job because there are a lot of successful companies growing in the boicht due to the hunters point shipyard project we're working
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and developing a contractors assistance center and implement it we're existing about being involved in the process and love to see the outreach and in the elementary long term with the investment of the relationship and partnering with those companies you're going to see a return of companies operating on your project. >> thank you, commissioners for allowing this little extra time a mandate we've heard loud and clear and with the new avenue it was extremely successful we wanted to make sure you knew about it kudos to the gentleman and all who helped us. >> i said to mention why cap as well any public comment on
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this item? seeped. >> commissioner brandon. >> thank you so much for to report i want to thank everyone for the extended outreach and the report i'm glad that was so successful i'm wondering have we worked this in contractor before. >> we've not worked with this firm before that i'm aware 6 but they've worked at the airport and i know the city's bidding project or policy explicit allows to we asked about them and they got go reviews the city is comfortable with our recommendations thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioner brandon has asked the question i appreciate and add my comment the outreach
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seemed to be effective and has met our objective not just to do outreach but find a qualified contractor to mooted to requirement and it is good we have a situation and get our work done as well so be able to help the community in terms of what we're trying to achieve here in san francisco so that's my only comment. >> again i want to thank the staff and thank you david and eugene and mr. butler and why katie appreciate it it and there's a lot of work and colleagues this is something we've thrilled and wanted to see how to expand our effort and opportunity and it looked like it came back to us many times offer in showing positive results thank you, everyone that was involved thank you.
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>> so time for a vote all in favor. >> i. >> opposed? motion - resolution carries. >> item 11 to award a contract for implementation of the ports youth will employment program in the amount not to exceed $640,000 notifying $420,000 each with terms of two years with an option to extend and not to exceed one million dollar $60,000. >> good afternoon forest with the finance administration division this item is a request to award the youth port employment to the san francisco conservation and the hunters point family this is a continuation of march 10 and since then we've worked closely
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to present the proposal to you today. >> baptism background this provides employment for at risk youth and providing support is to the ports effort the item is a request are for authorization to award two contract one to the conservation korea and the hunters point for $140,000 each has a extension of two years it mroidz at historic and disengaged youth and they'll be performing various takes like loiter and graph removal along the waterfront in addition it they've received pretraining and
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the program excludes the inspection of work performed to various reporting requirement march 10 we came to ensure into this contract you've provided direction and asked us to come back with changed you wanted to see the participant increased and asked about the youth hourly wangdz and had concerned about the 20 twoif award and finally you asked about the geographic representation of paternity since march 10 we've worked to craft a proposal that is fair and equitable and worked with for the intaushthd but we wanted to find a solution that puts youth mr. reporter first, we're not proposing a
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