tv [untitled] April 30, 2015 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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as well as not only the agricultural building but the platform that was built in association with that and in the power upish color the entire area of the back land that had been build a pile structure for the expansion the promenade area plaza areas that will be used not only inform ferry passengers but other transportation and critical aspect of the development has been this issue of sea level rise we're currently at gate e-11.8 and organization da addendum for the height that matches the ferry building but the ferry terminal is a 50-year facility so through 2070 we're anticipating a 3 to
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the elevation in safely rise so we're mandatory at as essential fat by bcdc to build to that level so our elevation will be 14 and a half we're also building all the public access areas and the plazas areas to meet the future sea level roadways and having adapt active measures to 20 one hundred a basic requirement of the area and so we've expanded the arrive area next to the ternld and we're contemplating on rebuilding gate e to meet the sea level rise requirement a careful consideration is, of course whatever we do, we professor the opportunity in the future to the ad building
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inspection or building is not part of it but the historic preservation the building and i am reintroducing to be compatible with all the building that the port is looking at the the ferry area that is jointly leases with golden gate and bart and the partners in that area if you can see this one is a little bit out of focus for some reason but anyway look at- you know what this section shouz shows you i'm sorry it is small but you have it in hardcopy it shows the existing seawall and the improvements and one of the things that we have done we've kept back of the seawall been
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the backside the sea level one of the aspects we're working with our staff on is what kind of a movement within the sea level in a major seismic event to be able to not disrupt the facilities it shows the way we relate in a better way to the ashen building as it is today at its current elevation and damentd in the future when it's elevated would to meet sea level roadways as well this shows the potential the approach use that's part of the agricultural building in a symbolic relationship to the promenade that is part of the project which by the way matches the promenade on the bay side of the
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effectual and meets each of one gietsz to create an area that provides limited protection awhile people cue and wait for the ferries but serve other public access outdoors for each one of the gates those two shelters their how contemplated to include choifb elements to generate electrical and be more sustainable and two views ever what they could be like in showing that during the spring fall broadway time there's quite a bit sun in the area and when the public violation is they'll
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have basketball da football shade and by the user the ferry system is one of the most critical forks to provide weather location while they wait for the ferries in the evening thank you i'm available to answer any questions. >> we talk about the city family we refer to other city agencies a or as sister agrees to think of you as a cousin agency thank you uncle micro and boris. >> under the leadership micro is a project manager and tha and the review team is great to work
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with we've developed a strong partner i'm sure it will continue there the operations it goes well, for the future of this project and in terms of the next steps as noted in on the staff report port and staff are finalizing a memorandum of understanding that serves as a conceptual foundation for noshlg a lease development and disposition agreement and new lease or lessons we haven't determined the form but both of those documents will require steven review and input by the port commission and the oewd district attorney board and requests our approval we hope to bring those documents in the next 9 to 12
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months as we get closer to a final design with that we're all here to answer our questions. >> is there any public comment vera can? >> places, dates, and times veronica sanchez for the master made pilot actually andy was here partially he had to go hose on the 615 out of south is a let's he left me some of the notes what he wanted to say first of all, let you know he has been a captain for 2 of years and responded to various emergencies in the bay like the 1989 earth and the bart strike those ferries were executed up 3
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doctors we need capacity and this project right now the two betters we have are totally in adequate to respond to emergencies so you know the clock is ticking and so he role urges the oewd district attorney and san francisco hoping negotiations will go smothering and quickly this is long over do you and finally i wanted to say thank you to oewd don't executive director many remodels architecture team they've given our captains an opportunity to provide input in the design phase and every step of the woo it's been positive with a lot of go responds and provided the opportunity for the new ferries being built write have a very
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good partnering and wanted to let the commission know the captains have great input we look forward to a quick delivery of the system. >> there is no more public comment off sorry go ahead. >> good evening reynolds the executive director of mta thank you for having us here hello cousin i know the time is late it's been a long month to month thank you for the opportunity to talk about our project and we've forged a terrific participate and look forward to moving forward in the future thank you. >> any more public comment go ahead the mike is open okay. no more public comment is closed.
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commissioners comments. >> commissioner brandon. >> thank you very much for the presentation i'm happy that is finally moving forward there's funding and it's really novice design so i think this is going to be beneficial for us in the future so thank you very much and actually appreciate all the effort. >> commissioner. >> thank you also for the presentation and glad to know i think many of you know i'm centered in improving motor transportation in the north-south so this looks like this is going to give us expansion you mentioned right now we actually have about 10 million i guess xhoufrtd and tourist u tourists or whatever what's the maximum capacity is there a sense of how many more
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people you can be serving that's one question and you mentioned the route you have that are highly traveled in oakland and vallejo i'm assuming another route maybe that is i'm not sure you mentioned merlin but under the new defamates can you tell us when traffic routes are served to understand a little bit more i think inch got 3 questions so we'll go the first one the first one is the most difficult so with the maximum number of people we can serve today for frame of reference. >> for the new gates. >> oh we have two gates were 2
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million passengers but this alzheimer's disease 2 new dpatsz so at a minimum we'll double our services so this is not intoxicating the likelihood so have larger vehicles those numbers could be more but we'll double the regular roirld during the course of the year the second question for the golden gate services those are the two services on the bay that are not under our jurisdiction they continue to be operated by i did golden gate. >> where. >> on the northern side not perpendicular so c and d those are the continued to be used
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inclusive by the bridge district for the sausalito service those are for the exit oewd district attorney services a that's the third question i've mentioned the richmond route as well as the treasure island route we also have other projects under study excluding a project in berkley a new ferry service in western alameda then other promises will be even future under study that involves differences in alameda-contra costa and others the two, that are under active study are the richmond and treasure island. >> i guess a followup question you've mentioned that symbols for those of us who find the
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traffic congestion is north-south so i'm glad you think that happens in the south bay but i guess in terms of is there any thought within oewd district attorney to consider not only downtown san francisco but mission bay and have several projects sea level and pier 70 and would there bayshore be consideration to build besides everything are all the people coming to downtown san francisco any consideration of long term planning to add other ferry stations not neglect striking ferry building. >> we're interested in looking at that we are in the process of
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doing is strategic plan that's one the plaids mentioned by the mire a variety of folks we'll be exploring. >> no, i think that's. >> first of all i want to thank you for coming out today and hope you come back in of months to update but us i thank vera can coming out you know it's muslim that this city is moving so fast i don't will far from here there's 8 new condominiums so much building in the city i'm afraid it will fall into the ocean because of the worth but it positive like i said roughly 15 thousand people are moving to san francisco the warriors will be open this side
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i'm really, really existed about that and occupying since identify been on this commission i know that commissioner woo ho is just on the pounding the pavement an ferries and water taxis and i think this is such a good way to go i really want to hear more about it and i think last year they said we had 24 million tourist so people are coming and more people coming we are going to have the super bowl we tried to get the this is a good problem to have i ask that maybe director more and more come back in 6 months please continue to update us and this is go to know we have an alternative way of transportation that makes it easier for people go or to go up
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and down on embarcadero and it's go our opening up routes i horde a route from napa but that would be a go thing and go to hear you guys have other projects you're looking at whether you other cities motive want to have ferries and people will get my head around. >> commissioner because we have a crowds ship terminal they can go on a ferry up to notary republic i don't know if that's on your drawing board but it is be a great above the to the waterfront and san francisco to be able to say get off one boat and go into the within country.
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>> item 13 new business. >> so there's a couple of follow-up items from the various items i've noted commissioners, anything else you want to add? >> no, i think you've noted we want to follow up on the sister reports. >> okay. so what i have is an update onsz wants navigation interest for the homeless in a couple of months a report open the opportunity for sister report and employment are metric and local outreach local hover for t n g and the folks to come back in of my goodness months. >> i'll - >> the update on the navigation center for the homeless.
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>> if we could at the just want talk about what specifically we can with work the other community organization they mentioned beven mentions supervisor duffey talked about a case working dedicated to the waterfront if we could have more discussion on that so we can work that issue that is beneficial for the people effected obviously and improving the quality of the waterfront. >> sure any more? also one other thing director can you have maritime director daily to update us about posh i can't and where they're going what their posh i can't and local 10 and 34 >> sure. >> okay. thank you very much.
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>> all right, good morning, everybody. and welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors, budget and finance subcommittee meeting for wednesday, april 29th, 2015, my name is mark farrell and i will be chairing this committee and i am joined by supervisor, tang and i want to thank the members of sfgtv for covering this meeting, and the clerk, madam clerk do we have announcements. >> silence all cell phones and electronic devices and completed speaker cards and documents to be included as part of the file should be
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submitted to the clerk, items acted upon today will be on the may, 6th board unless otherwise stated. >> could you call item one? >> ordinance amending the health code to increase patient rates charged from concern mental health services delivered from july 2014, through june of 2016. >> and supervisor tang i would like to entertain a motion to continue this to may the 20th to have is a discussion at that point, but first we will open this up to public comment, anybody want to comment on item one? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> all right. i will make that motion to continue to may sorry, 20th. >> okay, thank you very much. we have a motion by sperp tang and take that without objection. >> could you call item two? >> resolution authority icing the recreation and park department to execute a 15 year lease with glen ridge nursery school for the silver tree building in glen can yn park
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for the term of june 6 through june 5, 2030. >> okay, thank you very much. >> is there anyone from rec and park here on this item? >> okay. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is jes and i am the park manager with the recreation and parks department and the item before you is the release agreement for the silver tree building for the again ridge nursery school and the building is 3093 square foot building, located in glen canyon park and accessible by a one-third mile park from the nearest street entrance and it is shared the property with the silver tree camp and with the last 44 years and the name sake of the building is the day camp which has been there for five years, and we are seeking a 15 year lease term and it is a longer term, which is why we are bringing it to you because
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the nursery school is looking to make a capitol investment into the building for replacing the roof which is a need of $41,400 of which they will receive, rent credit by the department for 50 percent of that cost, in the process of bringing that to you, we took it to the rec and park commission who have recommended it to come to you, and we, because it involved the replacement of a roof, we did a review and we received a cat x, and in that process, and we have reviewed the budget analyst report and we were in agreement with the recommendations and we have the sponsor ship of supervisor scott weiner, on this process. >> thank you. >> okay, thank you very much. >> and i know that we have sperp weiner's office. >> and good morning, supervisors, sorry that i am late, jeff, with the legislative aid and the supervisor weiner, and i think that jeff, started to cover
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most of what i going to say and i will say that the supervisors are extremely supportive of this and obviously the school is a tremendous community asset and served the families of san francisco for over 45 years in the same location, and so we are really excited to have both the capitol and investment from the parents which is generous and also the opportunity for them to stay at 15 more years at least and he would encourage you to support this and also he is happy to accept the bla recommendations for review. >> could you give us your report, please? >> yes, mr. chairman, supervisor tang, on the page 7 of our report, we report that according to the recreation and park department, the public lease with glen wood nursery school was not competitively bid and the reasons are stated on age 7 of our report. and on page at the bottom of page 8 of our report we know
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that under the proposed lease the nursery school will pay net of rent credits and estimated rent to the recreational park department over a 15 year term of the lease of $452,360 and that is shown in table two on page nine of our report. >> and our recommendations on the bottom of page nine and recommend that you append it to resolve it stating that the board of supervisors finds competitively bidding the subject lease to be impractical or not fees able due to the reasons noted in our report section waiting for the competitive bid for the property and also stated on page 2, lines 23, 25 of the proposed regular lieusing and that is in the whereas clause and we also recommend that you amend the proposed resolution and state the correct initial base rent to be paid by the nursery school to the city as $26,380 rather than $32,652 as
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stated in the proposed resolution and we recommend that you approve the legislation as recommended. >> thank you, seeing no questions, why don't we open this up to public comment, anybody wishing to comment on two. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> through the chair and so i think that in terms of one of the budget analyst second recommendations reducing the amount from 32,000 to 26,000 in terms of the initial annual base rent and my understanding is that it was the discrepancy was a 42 lease year or 52 week and we are all in agreement which is good and i am happy to make a motion to amend and adopt all of the analyst recommendation and then, pass it on to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> as amend. >> and we have a motion by supervisor tang. >> without objection. >> okay, madam clerk, could you
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call three? >> the resolution, of approving the internal revenue code, and by the california enterprise development authority not-to-exceed, $25 million. >> okay we have michelle from the control's office. >> good morning, supervisors, thank you for hearing this item today and also in attendance are diane walters from the urban school and the can council and kristin and to give you a background, the equity and physical responsibility allows the exemption on the debt issued by the joint powers authority and in which san francisco is a member, and the authority is authorized to issue, the forms of endebtedness, to issue the bonds in the basis and the federal law requires the governing body of the jurisdiction in which the project is located to approve it and the financing and the project, and after previeding of this public hearing and in
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this case, the jurisdiction itself is not obligated for the payment of the bond. >> and on march 20th, a public hearing was held in the office of public finance on april third and no comment from any member of the public through the public hearing process as mentioned not-to-exceed amount of $25 million. and briefly the urban school, of san francisco, is an independent high school founded in 1966 with an enrollment of 380 students, 75 percent of whoem reside in san francisco. and the purpose of the debt is four fold and the school seeks to get a prepaid loan by first pub bank of an amount of 8 million, 26,000 to finance and refinance the obligations in 2004 by the finance authority which were used to finance the acquisition and equipment and furnishing of the education
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alpha celebrities known as the page street property, which are owned or leased by the school by the educational purposes as well as to pay for the cost, and the hedge agreement and in connection with the 2004 bond and second to finance and reimburse the school for expenditures for construction and improvement and equipment in the oak street property and the existing residential building, owned by the arch diocese of san francisco and leased to the school and in its place, the new, 63,000 athletic facility and the third purpose to finance additional capitol improvements to the property and to pay the transization costs, and again, the approval of this legislation has no fiscal impact to the city and county. >> great, thanks very much. >> no questions at this time we will open it up to public comment, anyone wish to comment on item three? >> seeing none, public comment is closed.
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