tv [untitled] April 30, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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mentioned teatro zinzanni, they will say, when are they coming back? i will say soon, because everybody who has been to the show comes back for a show that is priceless. i look forward to you gives them the thumb's up and bringing another world-class performer back to san francisco. thank you. >> thank you. [ reading speakers' names ] >> good afternoon. i just wanted to talk about the way that teatro zinzanni supports local artists, as well as artists from all over the world. people that went to school for art, went to school for music, just in this room, there are world-class opera singers and jugglers and world-class everything. there is a dying art community here in san francisco. with the rise of the tech movement boom, the bottom has dropped out of san francisco nature in the art community.
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i would urge you not to let san francisco let the art community die, because of the tech boom. be responsibility for the raising back of the art community in spite of the tech boom. thank you. >> thank you. karen quest. >> thank you. >> well, my three favorite words in the world to hear a kid say "i did that." the educational arm of teatro zinzanni affords children an opportunity to learn skills of theater and circus in a safe, creative and fun environment. they may not choose theater as their life's work, but what an enormous contribution to a child's life. the benefits of of learning circus arts are detailed in the
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handout that i brought. hope you got it. social/emotion, social and cognitive skills focusing on each child's development at their own pace. i have been teaching circus and theater in san francisco for over 30 years with san francisco cultural institutions as the pickle family circus, which is why i moved to san francisco, make a circus and teatro zinzanni. any opportunity to encourage, nurturure and embolden children is a sacred opportunity. it includes scholarships for children in need. just bring them back. thank you. >> joe. bobby evans, gail gilman, felicia mcsomething.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is joe orwac and was the lead act in teatro zinzanni for seven years. there are so many reasons to bring tz back, but for me the most important thing is the community, the relationships. tz is a family. it's not just a job that you go to. norm and annie have created this amazing family and as a performer who performed all over the world, there has no other experience like teatro zinzanni. i was able to bring my family out here. my daughters went to school of the arts in san francisco. my other daughter want to san francisco state university, all because of tz. i got to come out here from new york city. i didn't think there was any life outside of new york city and here i am in san francisco and it's the most wonderful place and teatro zinzanni made
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that all possible for me. and the relationships and to leave this theater, people say that you know you have a good show when the audience doesn't leave necessarily talking about you. but they leave talking about themselves. and night after night, the comments, the audiences from all over the world would come up and tell you, reminisce about stories that they could relate to in their lives. so i, along with many other people, agree that you must bring teatro zinzanni back. i am not working for tz now, but people come up to me and still ask me, when is tz coming back? so i urge you, really, to bring them back. thank you. >> thank you. bobby evans, gail gilman, flicka -- excuse me, leslie k.. >> good afternoon, supervisorss, my name is gail gilman and i have been a
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resident of north beach for 15 years and on the board of directors for the cdg and i'm sure that you want to bring tz home. i think the issue facing you around is sole sourcing the contract. as someone whose day job is the executive director of the community housing partnership and deals with contracting with the city all the time. one thing to point out on the development deal, partnership is everything. i think it would be a detriment to the city for a process to pair tz with a developer that didn't share their goals, values and vision for the site. as one who has been in relationships they are particularly hard building -- i know it's unusual and may not be the best practice for the port to sole source this contract, i really urge you to allow this to move forward, the
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partnership between all parties makes the development deal possible and makes it happen in a way good for the community and the extensive outreach that kenwood investments has done over the last three years is unprecedented. i hope you vote to move this forward. thank you. >> thank you very much, flicka. >> good afternoon, teatro zinzanni was my neighbor all the time that they were in san francisco. and of course, we want them to come back. they should have come back a long time ago. they were promised to be able to come back. they were promised a spot and this situation has been dragging on and on and i admire tz eatro zinzanni tz for sticking with it and making it work. all i can say is that red tape and bureaucracy are good friends of mine and it's a frustrating situation to get things done in the city. i think they should be
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fast-tracked because they offer a lot to san francisco and i think that san francisco government should respect that. thank you. >> leslie k.. >> hi, i'm leslie k.. i have lived in san francisco oh, about 38 years. i worked in north beach for 27. i think you have heard all the stories of teatro zinzanni. i went many times and i think if they had remained they would still be thriving similar to beach blanket babylon, their show creates a lot of excitement for everybody who visits and for the locals. i think the question is how to bring them back? and i think that if you do a permanent situation for them, they would continue to thrive, the way they would have if they would have stayed. i think that would make it a better, permanent location for them to do it that way. and it really warms up the
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wharf, gives jobs to all the actors and performers and brings a lot to san francisco. we would continue to see a lot of business and keep the wharf lively and vital. thank you. >> thank you. the next speakers are charles higgins, paul pendergast. >> good afternoon. i'm charles higgins. i am born and raised in san francisco and used to kick around north beachs a child, so i'm familiar with the site. i have only been to teatro zinzanni once and believe i had food spilled on me, but i still like them. i think it's truly an innovative concept. it's a creative and colorful use of very high visibility site. and i think in regard to the sole-source waiver, i think the comments about avoiding a
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forced marriage, and the need to avoid delay further is a really critical -- we're at a time when artists are just leaving the city or they have already gone. so doing a project that sooner rather than later, that brings them back, and supports the community, i think, is critical. thank you for your consideration. >> thank you. paul pendergast. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is paul pendergast. i wear a number of hats, but a board member of the golden gate business association, which is the lgbt chamber of commerce and a [kpao-eupbs/] of 14 different chamber of commerces. i'm here as a business owner because this ultimate business success story. those are actually businesses that are going to be uniquely qualified to the greatest
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enormous characteristic character of teatro zinzanni. teatro zinzanni has been a fantastic neighbor whether -- and they were our friends and neighbors before they needed our support. kenwood has been working with many long before they needed our support on this project. so i really want to underscore it's when the chips are down most people come running to us, but small business has been a real good stakeholder with the two entities. secondly, i want to underscore it's been sustainable jobs in san francisco, from a micro business perspective is exactly the type of business that the board of supervisors wants to develop and sustain. so small
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business loves teatro zinzanni. thank you. >> thank you very much. tom mccarthy. >> tom mccarthy. i'm a resident of this part of town going back many years. i'm also a member and officer-holder in the carpenters' union for white a while. i would quickly like to say these folks have a nice history of supporting non-profit community groups that need support and recognition. they have made their space and performers available to worthy groups, especially in the northeastern part of the city, but throughout the city and they deserve our support. the point that people make that in this time of the kind of money flowing into san francisco, any room we can make for these kind of both capable
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and very, very helpful people, the better off we all will be. thank you. also, they are all good on the union side, with the carpenters, as well as the hotel workers. >> thank you very much. i have exhausted all the speaker cards and if there are any speakers left who would like to speak, please do so. [speaker not understood] most respectful highness -- broadway -- i go there all the time. and make everybody happy for the teller, banker, they are at the corner of broadway. [speaker not understood] there was an opening in the park in chinatown and said no
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pornography, no short-term pornography, no long-term pornography, but health, public health -- to engage and join forces with short-term holiness. join forces with long-term holiness and [speaker not understood] we should have a better goal -- >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon community and madame chair, i'm a san francisco native and i'm in support of the proposition. i would like to encourage you
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to pass the proposal. i would view this as a risk-prevention process. as explained by the port authority unions, groups and businesses, the fair-market value process is, in fact, a process designed to protect the city, regardless of the qualification process in the aforementioned case. i propose this risk-mitigation is considered strongly because you never know the risks that you will induce by going through the other process. right now you have a lot of goodwill in the city. forcing a marriage may have a long-term negative impact in terms of the intensity and the sincerity of the low-term bidder who might win the qualification process. i think every party here has shown their diligence, support and clarity in making this project come forward and i highly recommend that you
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please pass this proposition. thank you. >> thank you very much. are there any other members of the public to speak on item no. 2? seeing none, public comment is closed that the time. [ gavel ] . the matter is back in the hands of the committee. supervisor kim. >> thank you. i want to appreciate all the public comment that came out today and it's really clear that the outreach was very impressive, given the turnout that came and the diversity of support. it still did not really address the questions and concerns that i had. one, as stewards of public land ensuring that we have getting a deal that really brings back the highest-value, that includes teatro, i think everybody is in agreement that tz should be on the site and that a hotel could support the building of that theater. no one opposed that proposal. i just have a hard time with the fact that we don't know what an rfq could bring forward
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and i also hear from the port it's not impossible to bring forward an rfq that has a partner that has already been identified. i really did appreciate the comments about what a good partner look like and again, we don't know what the rfq would bring about and while i think the forced-marriage rationale -- it's a reason, but i'm not sure that's compelling enough to waive sole-source. i don't want to delay the process and move it out of land use committee and more time to discuss with the port. i may support this on tuesday. i would just like to have a little bit more time to understand all of the processes. but i do want to appreciate the clearly immense work that went into -- before the proposal came before the board. it's really clear from the outreach. we have a lot of projects come before us and there was clearly
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a lot of support from the neighborhood and i'm happy to see that. >> thank you. supervisor wiener. >> thank you, madame chair and i want to thank the members of the public and the performers and everyone else who came out today. having participated in several different significant land use matters from this particular geographic area of the city, which is one of our most breathtaking and beautiful and historic areas. the fact that we would have literally not a single dissenting voice here today is pretty extraordinary. i think speaks volumes in terms of the neighborhood groups, but also labor, and just a broad array of people who understands the importance of bringing teatro zinzanni back. and i agree with some of the comments that were made that the length of time it's taken to even get to this point is
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really unfortunate. we should have really been able to bring or keep the commitment we made more quickly than we are now doing so. with that said, we are where we are. the municipal code gives us the power and exceptional circumstances to allow for a sole-source contract, and that is something that we have the power to do. it is something that is not some sort -- even though it's not -- it's the exception not the rule. there is nothing irregular about it. this has been an extremely publicly vetted, transparent process. it's not one of those situations where someone is trying to sneak a sole-source bidder in the dark of night and you clearly get a better deal elsewhere. in terms of a agree with supervisor kim that we of course
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with our city assets that we are maximizing value for the city, but maximizing value for the city is not just about dollars and cents, but the cultural aspect of city and revered institution that does not disappear and i don't know if we know how lucky we are that teatro zinzanni was able to come back. you can envision scenarios that it has to close down, but that can't happen because of the incredible community support. i am very supportive of moving this forward, and i'm frankly not comfortable moving this out of committee without recommendation. so i make the motion to forward this item to the full board with positive recommendations. >> i just want to say a couple
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of words and first just want to recognize the incredibly hard work that port has put into this and thank you very much for helping the city to to honor its word, the word it gave to the company, teatro zinzanni. i have to tell you that i'm a native san francisco and i'm ashamed to say that i have never attended a performance. so you most certainly must come back so we can all attend. i want to aknowledge the creative director and to encourage you to come to city hall with eclectic individuals for a show -- [laughter ] >> i always ask joke this is real estate reality tv and come and spend a couple of hours with us in the chamber or our office hours and will you see a show, without a doubt. [laughter ] >> so we're at a little interest impasse here. supervisor kim is interested in
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passing this out without recommendation and supervisor wiener wants to pass with positive recommendation. so i was going to ask supervisor kim to see if there is -- >> my motion is to move this forward without recommendation. >> is there a second for the motion? i think this motion dies. [ gavel ] is there another motion to consider? >> excuse me, supervisor, madame chair, would you like to take a roll call on the item instead? >> correct. >> point of information, i believe that if there was no second, so it failed for lack of a second. >> >> deputy city attorney, in a 3-member committee, the motion does not require a second. >> thank you, for the clarification, let's do a roll call vote. >> point of information, the first motion was the motion that i made, which was to move
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it forward with positive recommendation and i don't know about the rule which order you vote. >> the board rules don't specify the order. traditionally the board acts on motions in the order that they are made, but it's in the discretion of the chair, the order in which to take the vote. >> actually i heard supervisor kim make her statement, i interpreted as a motion she was making and i asked her to reiterate it. so i believe she made the motion before you. >> to the chair, i would ask rather than have a vote on supervisor kim's, if i could perhaps -- the chair could state her views. >> so i believe that we at city need to honor the promises made. i'm sensitive to the points that supervisor kim is making,
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a general concern with process. we don't want any well-heeled people to get a better deal than the average person, but believe in the economic climate that we are in and how we are losing all the wonderful elements that make san francisco, san francisco, i do believe this warrants some special consideration. i'm happy to support the motion to move forward out of committee with a positive recommendation. so is there a motion? >> that is the motion i made. >> okay >> i will be voting against the motion today. it doesn't mean i won't be supporting it on tuesday. i just don't feel comfortable with the information that i have and i want to reiterate that to support this very important institution in san francisco, but ensures that we are being public stewards for
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our public lands. i'm open to the dialogue before this comes backs to the full board on tuesday. >> excellent, fair enough. there is a motion made by supervisor wiener to move the item forward with positive recommendation. madame clerk, roll call vote, please. >> supervisor kim? >> no. >> kim, no. >> supervisor wiener? >> yes. >> wiener, yes. >> and chair cohen? >> yes. >> yes, you have two yeses and one know. >> thank you, this motion passed with positive recommendation to the full board. [ applause ] >> all right, madame clerk, could you please call item 3. >> item no. 3 is the ordinance amending the planning code to change the designation of 149-155-9th street also known as the western manufacturing company building. >> okay >> supervisor kim is the maker of this item and we'll hear from her first. >> thank you. i just wanted to make a motion
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to continue this item to two weeks to may 11th. there was something that was discovered by the project sponsor thursday of last week. we need to insert that amendment into this ordinance and we did reach out to both the project sponsor and the planning department. and they have already agreed to a recontinuance. >> thank you. jonathan lammers is here to make the presentation. >> the department supports the continuance. >> thank you very much. let's take public comment on this item. seeing no public comment, public comment is closed [ gavel ] the chair will entertain a motion to continue the item to
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>> good morning and welcome to the san francisco county, transportation, authority, monthly meeting, and i want to thank sfgtv for broadcasting today's hearings specifically scott and charles. mr. clerk, will you call the roll >> commissioner avalos? >> absent. >> breed. >> present. >> campos. >> present. >> christensen. >> absent. >> cohen. >> present.
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