tv [untitled] May 1, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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falson san francisco police department and i have our lead investigator with us i thought it would be nice to match a face to a name every now and then and before us today is a liquor license and if approved it will allow them to sell off sale spirits and i'd point out this applicant has a current location on market street that has been operated without a police problem and this new proposed location is located in an area of high crime and undue concentration and southern police station and we have no record of protest nor support the police department is recommending this application for approval with the following conditions. >> condition number 1 shall 1
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no more than 5 percent of the square footage of the public retail space will be used for the display of alcoholic beverages. >> number 3 the sale of distilled spirits is strictly prohibited. >> number 4 no malt beverage should be sold except for microbreweries and specialty malt products sold under such designations as stout, port, ipa and esb and high alcohol low cost products frequently abused and condition number 5 beer malt beverages and wine coolers and containers larger than 32 ounces are strictly prohibited and not sold in quantities of 4 packs per sale
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and condition number 7 no wine shall be sold greater than that 15 percent by volume except for dinner wines and maintained in a corked bottle and number 8 wine shall be sold in bottles or containers -- start over -- wine shall not be sold unless sold in multiunit quantities prepacked. with these conditions we are recommending this application to you today for approval. >> thank you lieutenant. now we have an opportunity to hear from the applicant. it's market lcc and christopher
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foley is the manager is there somebody that would like to present? >> hello my name is elena i'm the marketing manager for the market. it has a casual restaurant dining and prepared food we recognize a growing demand for locally sourced fresh and healthy foods away from big boxed mass produced heavily processed foods and at our location we have a cafe serving coffee and sandwiches and pizza as well as full service grocery produce department cheese beer and wine and this idea will be applied to the market on main as well with grab and go eateries and over the next 5 years 5000 residents are anticipated and over ten thousand residents
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moving in the neighborhood the closest grocery store is almost a mile away and this is a one stop shop with all of the amenities in one location and no other type of grocery store in the immediate area providing the services we provide and the number of residential units in the area are going to double the population in the immediate area once those units are completed and those residents will need a grocery store near by. >> thank you. now we can open up for public comment if there's anyone from the public who would like to speak, please come forward. you have 2 minutes to speak. >> [inaudible] for me a liquor license ten thousand restaurant
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restaurants they have [inaudible]. >> thank you. next speaker? mr. wolf. >> good afternoon supervisors bruce wolf we're an industry watch dog one of the concerns we have regarding actual over the counter sales is the proximity of items like flavored malt beverages i believe you referred to them as beer cool ers and these are very dangerous products that kids seem to get their hands on and lots of times we find in refrigerators that a lot of these products are put right next to the non alcoholic before beverages and sometimes because the labelling looks so much similar they should be
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very far away and they get home and crack them open and they are actually alcoholic beverages and i would suggest that there be some either restriction or some order or condition in any and all liquor licenses that these products be very specific and moved very far away from the non alcoholic items that may look the same and have the same labelling thank you. >> thank you. is there anyone else that would like to speak from the public? seeing none public comment is closed. i was just going to ask the market if you have any thoughts on what mr. wolf just said about how alcohol companies now are targeting younger and younger people with alco-pops and trying to pull younger and younger people into drinks i'm curious if you have any thoughts on that.
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>> so at our market on market location we actually keep all the alcoholic beverages completely separate from all other beverages so the beer cooler is only beer and it's very clear where the beer cooler is located and we also do not carry those kinds of products. we carry craft beers and that's about it. >> very good thank you. so colleagues we have this liquor license transfer before us is there a motion? >> so there's been a motion by supervisor christiansen and seconded by supervisor campos. >> we do have a memo. >> yes, it's supported by supervisor kim's office as well and move to the next board of supervisor's meeting can we do this without objection
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colleagues? thank you mr. evans next item. >> a hear to consider the transfer of an off sal off sale license for the golden state market and deli. >> thank you and we've communicated with supervisor avalos's office on this item as well so now a report by lieutenant falzon. >> before you is an application for district 11 it is for a type 21 again if approved it will allow for off sale wine and distilled spirits and the proposed hours of operation 7:30 a.m. to to 1:30 a.m. daily it is located in an area of high crime there is no opposition from our district station we have not received
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any letters of protest or support we are recommending this license for approval with the following conditions condition number 1 sales of alcoholic beverages permitted from 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. friday and saturday, no more than 5 percent of the retail space not including the storage area of the premise will be used for the display of alcoholic beverages and no malt beverage shall be so be sold with an alcoholic content of 5.7 5.7 percent this condition is intended to eliminate high alcohol low cost products that are frequently abused but not
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prevent the sale of specialty and craft products and containers larger than 32 ounces are strictly prohibited. no beer or malt beverages should be sold 4 packs per sale no wine coolers or beer coolers unless a multiunit quantity of 4. no wine shall be sold with an alcoholic ten of 15 percent or greater and the final condition wine shall not be sold in bottles or containers unless sold in manufactured prepacked multiunit quantities and we are recommending this for approval. >> thank you, lieutenant. now we can hear from the applicant
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miss esperanza, gudino i don't see miss gudino here. why don't we continue this item until hopefully the applicant shows up. can we come back to it at the end. >> or we can not take action and come back to it later at the meeting. >> okay sounds good thank you. mr. evans call the next item. >> item number 3 is a hearing on inequitable access to broadband service in san francisco and requesting the analyst to report. >> thank you and i want to thank supervisor christiansen and i want to jog our memories with a sound that i used to hear quite often. high pitched
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beep. one of the things that we'll learn from this hearing and the report that we have from fred r u.s. so and the analyst's office -- how many people are still relegated to dial up like that but also the the fifty thousand people in san francisco that's a conservative estimate that still rely on dial up and to double that way more than that that have no access to broadband or high speed internet so this is a hearing on today's san francisco digital divide and we'll be
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hearing from the budget and legislative analyst's office and fred's presentation and report that he and his staff have completed at the request of our office and i want to also acknowledge that there have been many years of work and many people in the audience have worked on digital inclusion as a vision for san francisco and leaving no one behind from the high speed internet as education and careers and so many different needs of people, family and communities are guided by how much access we have to the internet. i want to acknowledge also that from the san francisco chronicle editorial in in july 9th, 2014, from last year, they cited different state-wide reports saying that 25 percent of of californians are being
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left behind by the high speed internet and that's 25 percent of the population of california but for latinos and chicano's spanish speaking latinos only 46 percent have access and the vast majority do not according to the report and i think the findings race and class and neighborhood matters and speed matters as well and age matters as we'll see how many especially low income seniors and people people with disabilities are being left behind as well. as today's world develops with technology, access to public services healthcare and employment opportunities require adequate speeds of internet access in the home and i think as mr. r u.s. so will define the digital divide he will talk about how it's defined in
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different ways but i want to say it means access not only in the workplace but in the home where students study for their tests or prepare reports or where seniors may need to access health advice as they are dealing with health issues in the home the report also acknowledges some some of the amazing work and model cities around this country and world and in some ways how far behind san francisco is to many other places in the world and it will mention not only the gig the gig city chat anooga tennessee but also hybrid models like austin texas and kansas city as well and san francisco in my in my opinion must do much more to ensure that all of our residents have access to high speed affordable
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broadband internet and that digital inclusion that some of folks in the audience the media a alliance and the utility reform network and advocated for years in other places as well that digital inclusion should be a key priority for our own technology plan and having residents that are from the affected communities really should be involved in helping to drive our so-called smart city and development of our city so that no one is left behind on the digital highway and other cities as i said have risen to the challenge to meet the needs of all of the residents with effective responses and i did mention that chat anooga over the past 10 years has developed a high speed gigabyte network that's forty times the fcc requirement
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of high speed internet and fifty times the average speed of speed throughout this country and the fiber to home is unique in many ways and i think as we look at different models, i hope that we have some insights from the public testimony about chat anooga and i want to acknowledge cities like stockholm and sweden as well and supervisor amiano amiano in 2007 really was taking the charge as mayor newsom and the earthlink plan failed but there was a commitment at that time to digital inclusion and i'll have questions as we have this hearing what happened in san francisco why didn't we follow through like chat anooga did dealing with energy out out
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ages and wisely during a key time in history a 111 million dollars used to develop the smart grid and network and my question is why didn't san francisco follow the similar pattern as the 150 other cities and how cambridge and other cities are looking at that model as well and with digital inclusion i think we need to gather appropriate information annually or even a by a by a regular ized manner and meet the individual needs of many of the communities being left behind and i think the report will show that it's not a surprise that district 6 and district 3 and district 11 seem to have the least access with districts 9 and ten and 1 not far behind lacking of
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access. also, the city and county of san francisco in looking at the report and also from my office and my staff research, i think we need to do much more that all people have adequate internet access but also hardware and training and other types of access as well i think the goal of the hearing is to examine the lack of equitable broadband internet access in the home in san francisco to accomplish the goal we'll hear from not only the analyst's report but also others in the community and with us we have miguel camino camino our chief information officer in the city and the department of technology and brian roberts from the department of technology that's worked on the issues in san francisco for many many years and i'll ask if they can
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respond to mr.. r u.s. so's report and we have others from the senior and disabled community that will raise the questions on how we can challenge the city to help make seniors less isolated and give them stronger access and we also have a letter from the from the director of organizing from the utility reform network challenging the the monopoly and different challenges in los angeles and other parts in the country as the big four broadband networks are shrinking to be even a more smaller monopoly of controlled high-speed internet and on the other side of that are smaller isp's and smaller companies like monkey brains and sonic
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that have really been doing good work in the mission with homeless populations and now in the richmond district as well as another model of competition and more choices in different neighborhoods for broadband and high speed internet access and i'll also do my best as we have public comment for people to give suggestions and my hope is this is only a first step as we look more strategically to what the the city can do to take advantage of a municipal fiber network and other ways to reduce the digital divide the 1 are 150 thousand people and i'd like to ask m my colleague christiansen wants to make any remarks. >> i think it's also important that we have familiarities with
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technology and i know there's a number of good programs in both the public and private sectors in the in the city that tend to that. in my district we have a lot of seniors many of whom benefit from programs like that and while a great deal of advance has been made in making technology more available, i support supervisor mar and look more deeply into this and it's especially an equity issue at this point and i'm tremendously interested in ideas about how we can provide more equitable services not only to the school children and adults but to our senior population as well. >> thank you and now i'd like to ask mr. fred r u.s. so to present the report. >> thank you supervisor mar and
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supervisor christiansen. excuse me. i have some slides and i'll summarize the report. i'll start with a couple of definitions not all of the technical details but it's good that everyone is using the same terms when we talk about this and first of all and you made reference to this in your remarks -- the digital divide means different things to different people and we've seen research supporting this that the difference between those who have high speed computer-based access at home and those without and the key phrase there is computer bases and we're not talking about having a smartphone where you can't necessarily perform all of the functions that one would want on the internet and then
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at home so you are not restricted by time or some other form of rationing and you have un fettered access to explore and take advantage of the internet and that's the distinction we're making of people who have that and do not and broadband is a term you will hear frequently in this presentation and we're referring to high speed internet access it has a specific definition determined by the federal communication commission and it's 25 me it's and there's definitions here of mega bytes. that aside the other comment i want to make this field is rapidly changing as we have worked on this
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report there's been a number of changes in the technology that definition i just gave you of broadband was d by the commission in january and it's a rapidly evolving field and provides interesting opportunities and the framework a statement from the fcc broadband is a platform for opportunity and innovation in healthcare and job training commercial from commercial transactions and we've just listed a number of very common now applications job applications is one of them and certainly student homework and communications between schools and students and their families and government services and engagement and health information and communications with healthcare providers and it's not just getting information online these days it's also access to videos and
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multimedia content all requiring higher speed and more capacity and finally broadband in america has improved considerable ly in the last decade but. with that we'll look at the profile of the digital divide in san francisco as of 2013. it found 88 percent of the respondents reported an internet connection at home but 6 percent of those were using slower speed dial up so it doesn't really qualify as broadband and pretty limited in terms of using full internet capacity and then the other 12 percent reported no internet connection at home and based on on the 2013 population of san francisco just over a hundred thousand people and interestingly that rate of non
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connectivity was about the same in the controller's 2011 survey so seems to be a persistent segment of the population that doesn't have the connectivity and san francisco, should point out is better than the u.s. average 69 percent connection rate when you look at the country as a whole slightly higher in california but lower than san francisco. >> fred can i ask you -- this is based on surveys and commonly surveys leave out homeless people maybe immigrant populations and lower income populations so is it possible that it's a large under count. >> it's certainly possible certain segments of the population are probably less well represented. >> thank you and is the survey conducted in english only? >> i can they have multiple
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languages but i don't know how many supervisor. >> thank you. >> looking down at the distribution i mentioned 88 percent a high rate of connectivity but when you break it down and this slide shows the rates by supervisor ial district and the lowest in the high eighties still sounds good but you can see the range and district 8 has the highest, 94 percent and every other district in between but 3, 6 and 11 on the lower side and 8 and 4 are at the higher end. breaking it down, then, by social i by social economic those of lower income and less
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education and older people those over 65. the rate also is probably overstating the actual case again it was from 2013 respondents were asked to indicate if they had high speed access and that was not defined though so i think it's fair to assume many respondents don't really know what that means and may not have answered in accord with fcc definitions of broadband and in addition since it just got redefined in 2015 and it's a big jump here so the download speed going from 4 mega bytes per second so a big jump in the definition of broadband and i'd think that many of the respondents weren't responding with that in mind when they indicated that they
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