tv [untitled] May 1, 2015 8:00am-8:31am PDT
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take advantage of those and that is a factor, and we are also considering all of the things that tim talked about in terms of safety, where the areas with the most crashes, and where there is pent up demand and if we could just fix that vital condition, that we would really increase the number of cycling a lot and a lot of factors that we will be using in order to decide on which projects to take over first. >> and hopefully you will take over the group, and once you prioritize where they are and that it is spread out geographically as well. >> i think that we can work with the staff on the up date when we have that. >> thank you. >> any other questions commissioner? >> just a chance to and to make my usual pitch, so, in our crowded district three, where our topography focuses the cycling into a few, narrow commercial corridors we also have an abundance of project and so currently in district
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three, we have muni forward and vision zero and the central subway going on and there is side walk widening project and we are taking a new look, at our tunnels. as the opportunities for the cycling and the stockton and the broad way tunnels and i am working with the mta to coordinate some of these project and cycling comes up as we consider all of these and we are discussing the lack of continuity across these many different platforms and so the opportunity incorporate the cycling into the potential side walk widening and the commercial corridor studies and would i like to invite more attention to that coordination, and the other thing that i hope that we keep working on, is the more effect integration of the cycling into the commercial core doors and the polk street project has been an interesting opportunity to look at that a little more closely, but you know, i know that stockton
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street, and from china town to north beach ask we are trying to look at columus avenue and hopefully, and i am sure that the need exists all over the city but in our condensed district it is acute and i hope that we can look at this with a collective eye. and figure it out. >> any other comments or questions from the committee members? >> seeing none. >> maybe to the next segment. >> the first request is for the bicycle barometer. >> fund the instillation
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similar to the one that is pictured. >> sfmta has secured them using their own funds and final locations are still to be determined but sfmta is considering highly visible spots on the high volume bicycle core doors. and the second request, and the second prop k request that we have today is for promotion, and the day of events and evaluation of the bike to workday, 2015, on may 14th, and sfmta will be the official sponsor with the san francisco bike coalition as the leader and sfmta will produce the materials and conduct the counts before the day of and after to help to evaluate the effects of the bike to workday and the bicycle coalition will provide the event day services including hosting 25 energier stations that will be distributed throughout san francisco and including the under served communities and the over all cost for the bike to workday will be 165,000 dollars. >> and then in the third request we heard a lot of
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details on, and from louis. the anticipated complexion for this is may, 2016 and that this project will support the goals of vision zero, for the fourth request today i would like to invite david, the deputy director for planning to speak to the geneva bus rapid transit study. i would like to introduce the study and the request for the prop k funds to complete the study and we will be meeting
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the cal trans, deadline this month and just as a reminder the study looks at an east, west and transit connection, between the north and west, and bart and cal tran and it is focused towards, connecting the muni forward improvements happening west of santos along geneva avenue, and the project happening near the shipyard developments. during the last round of out reach we heard from the community, and on the slide that you can see the blue the alternatives that we called the black and laser couplet option which looks at the bus and rapid transit routes going through hol lie wood and connecting the shipyard developments and to geneva avenue and this will be a alternative while the geneva extension that is the long term. and the other one is on red on
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the slide and going south, and going through, what is now, betty avenue and this option is less certain given the plans to expand the campus and the release for the nop for the eir and so we are really just weighing the pros and cons for these two alternatives. and the concerns with circulation and the parking lots and it provides us a more direct connection to cal train and so it is just a question of looking at these two options. the request that they are bringing for you today is to complete the study and look at this new alternative in addition to carrying out additional rounds of out reach. we will be having the translation and it is the opportunity for them to voice
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the concerns or the opinions on the project before it moves to the next phase, with the sfmta which is the preenvironmental work and we are happy to take any questions. >> thank you very much. >> any questions? >> i do have a request on the presentation if general, i do see that in terms of the funding that we are, allocating for the bike to work event i know that in the past meetings we had asked a lot of questions about the evaluation and in the packet it showed that there was a survey of how much the ridership increased in past due to the bike to workday events and think that it is all a wonderful event to try to spark people to get on their bikes
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focusing on the data and it will increase the rider ship within our own city. >> okay, i will refer that to the mta staff. >> and director, if a few weeks, we will be releasing our bike count respect, and we will be coming up with a year of 2014, and each bike to workday, we do actually count the number of people cycling at one location and it is on the market street, where they have counted it for the work for us that the counting that we have there and we found that over the last ten years, the ratio of the people cycling to work, in that morning, could compared to driving has actually slipped and so in 2004, we had the three cars for one bike going in the motion in the eastbound and as of last year, we have had three cyclists for every one car and so we have completely changed the mode split on the market street and
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just doing, very intern and now the demand is up because it is a channelized corridor and on the bike to workday you expect to see a lot more people cycling but our bike barometer and that meter that we have was installed to two and a half 1,000 people a day and hit a record last year of over 4,000 and we will be announcing that so we are seeing the number to grow. >> and i am sure that it will also help with this data gathering. >> and lastly on that, the same event, and i noticed that we were looking into the fees, and one of the large chunks of the fees is $25,000 that we are spending just on the permits for the energier stations and since this is an event that you know, our city is promoting and our city department, is i am
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won dooring why we are spending so much money on these permits. >> the density of cycling in the bay area is overwhelmingly in san francisco and so many people that can actually take a bus in and will use the bicycle to complete their trip and bike to workday and i will get back to you on the cost of it, i don't have the answer to that right now. >> thank you. >> commissioner chrisen sen. >> i think that you will find support for bike to workday, that i think we are supporting the event and what we are not seeing is the direct connection at the stage of the event and certainly it needed a lot of help in the beginning, but the correlation, between the event itself, and the cost of the event, and the impacts, perhaps they are not as clear in this intermediate stage as they once were. >> right. >> and that i would say, going, and you know, going forward, that correlation, is going to have to be demonstrated, i
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think more effectively, and the event is definitely evolving and i guess that there is some question as to how it is evolving and what the, participation, the financial participation should be going forward. >> okay. >> jonathan with the mta, and thank you, commissioners. and just to reflect in this allocation request, this one happens to be particularly high, but within the five y pp over five years we are actually tapering it down the over all sales tax report and based on the feedback that you just gave and so there will be the session expecttation that private fund raise tion happens for this event and the cost is $165,000 and it has gone up year over year and the mta recognizes that and we are working on the bike coalition on a longer term plan on how to make this a successful event and knowing that it is important and reflecting the over all cost and contribution, and the one thing that i do want to mention is the cost and
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the permit is actually $1,000, and the mta and if you look at 25 bikes you might think that it is $25,000 but it is actually 1,000 for all 25 sites. >> thank you. >> and i want to be clear. >> it is $1,000. >> thank you. >> all right any other questions or comments on this item. >> seeing none we will open it to public comment for item number five. >> (inaudible)
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>> thank you, next speaker please? >> good morning, i am the policy director and, happy bike and roll to school week and, we were thrilled to celebrate with yee and i hope that you have a chance to participate with the over 90 schools in san francisco that are celebrating biking and walking to school this week, that event is a perfect example of the power of something like bike and roll to school week or bike to workday. and as tim said, mentioned in his presentation, part of the mta over all bike strategy is helping normalize biking and it is not the people in spandex going 25 miles an hour it is the parents biking with the kids to school and people biking to work and to the grocery store and it is a critical component of setting that example and providing the support and the social encouragement that the people need to feel comfortable biking to work. >> at the san francisco
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coalition, we leverage over 150,000 volunteer hours to put on the event and we match the support that we get from the city with more than a 1:1 level in terms of the private dollars raised to fund the event and because there is support from the city, it will allow us to put the event up throughout the entire city and if we are relying on the private dollars we will be focusing in the places where the private dollars were interested in seeing the event but having the city support let's us work in the areas like the outer sunset and like the sxhition where there is really a chance to engage and reach out to the constituencies and so we think that it is important for the city to demonstrate the commitment. >> thank you. >> any other members of the public who wish to speak? >> seeing none, the public comment is closed. >> do we have a motion on item five? >> all right, motion by commissioner far ril to approve, and we will take that
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same house and same call, and item 5 is approved. >> item 6. >> rail capacity study up date. >> thank you, we have gram from the mta here. >> oh, first, maria. >> i will be two seconds. >> thank you. >> chief deputy and i want to give you a context on this, this is one of the series of presentations we want to keep before the committee and the public interest the important studies that are going on and these all sort of flow out from the past and county way plans and are picking up on the recommendation and preparing us for the up date on the county wide transportation plan as well as the up date of the regional transportation plan which is called the plan bay area and so gram is going to present on, mta's rail capacity study and i will couch this and gram will correct me and the first look at identifying what are the key, battle necks and
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pinch points in the rail system and where the greatest needs are for the capacity improvements. and it has a short meeting and long term focus which is very much like the regional and the mtc leg and the transit study that is looking at the transbay corridor and the bart connection and as well as the network all converging on the downtown and the reason that area is of such high focus is a tremendous amount of the growth and the plan bay area and in the jobs and housing and results in the incredible demand in that particular corridor and that is why we are able to secure the grant and regional funding and contributing to that as well. some of the recommendations coming out of the mta rail capacity study are going to be scooped up into the regional core capacity study as well as the county wide transportation plan and we have to have gram and company back here father down the road when we have more information and but this gives you on the current thinking. >> thank you.
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for that. intro. >> i will hit on some of those. >> i am with the strategic planning and policy, and the project manager here today, presenting the rail capacity strategy and we are going to hit on the purpose and need and what the rail capacity strategy will deliver and it will set the context for how that fits into the other regional and county wide planning efforts and talk to our progress to date. and kind of our next steps. >> so we have all experienced the rail system today for the subway and at the surface and it is crowded and reliable and it is unreliable and there are pass ups and it falls short both on the passenger rider experience as well as the ma tricks that the mta measures ourselves by and we know that there is opportunity for the improvement there and we need to find ways to utilize every dollar to improve, reliability and capacity for our growing
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city. and when we look out even father we see that the city is going to and the rail rider ship is in particular going to be expected to dramatically grow and part of that can be attributed to a pretty major project that is under construction right now on the central subway and we are anticipated as the ridership and growth and with the demand across the light rail lines and insignificantly in the am and the pm pique hours we can see a doubling of demand in to the future, and when we think about that, and how we plan today, we have is a five year capitol plan and excuse me, capitol improvement program, and we also have the various model strategy and we have the muni forward program kh, is about optimizing operational efficiency across the transit system but we don't have a sort of centralized sort of vision, and strategy, and the big picture thinking about what we need to meet the long range
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demand in the city and that does not mean that we have is not been planning and thinking toward the future and we have the transit study which is really looking at a major investment in the south west portion of the city near park merced and it has system wide applications and the water front looked at the needs and the demand in the rapidly growing part of our city and then we have also conducted the phase three concept study that looks at what happens what could come next for the central subway corridor and part of what the real strategy is taking what we have done and taking all of the ideas forward and see a full landscape of how the rail system can grow and meet the needs of our city. >> and so, we are looking at it as maria mentioned the short term look of the smaller fixes that can bring sort of a little bit of relief today and capacity and improvements that
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leverage the investments that we will be introducing and these will be, a little bit more detailed and thought out and look to bring them into the capitol improvement program in the near term and we will be looking at long and medium long term and more major and capitol programs that will dial up the capacity where we are going to be able to try to meet the long term demand, off the growth in the city and those will be a much more conceptual level and capturing kind of the big picture, and very early, and order of magnitude costs and just to get a sense of kind of what the big picture looks like, and then, you know this is kind of step one, of some of the bigger, action to come and we are setting a landscape for the capacity study and we feel that we are going to take a look at how all of the regional operators pair and compliment the service and how each of us have our unique capacity constraints in the downtown san francisco and the transbay core and how we can kind of work
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together and leverage in a system level to meet the growing demand of our region. and as well as maria mentioned that san francisco, transportation, plan up date and the regional transportation and the plan bay area and this is a starting point and providing information into all of those studies. >> to date, there is one of the first efforts that we undertook was to bring together the technical experts in sfmta and the folks that are working in the front lines and who knows the day-to-day issues, and we formed an internal rail capacity, technical panel and we kind of went a line by line review of what are the technical issues, and operational issueses, and what is that is causing the headaches for us on a day-to-day basis and we had a number of major themes that we are actively addressing. and that we have plans to address, and you can see one of the top ones is the vehicle and the size and reliability and we have the aggressive and
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replacement and expansion program that is currently under way. and we also noticed the human resources issues that were identified that is going to fall outside of the scope of this study but i did want to flag it and being transparent about all of the issues that the internal staff noted and so we have tried to identify key opportunities to incrementally improve the capacity and reliability, through strategic investments in the near term. and specifically, there were a couple that, technical panel felt that were the most beneficial and two portal areas and reducing the conflicts both at west portal and the church, and those are more conceptual at this point and we are going to pair with kind of a research based approach to really understand, there is a lot of activity in these areas, and the different people have different opinions about what is going on to try to really dive into some data collection, measures so that we can pinpoint what the issues are and when we attack them,
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strategically and there is also an concept for a storage track along the muni metro extension and to allow the operations that they turn back to improve and so that the trains don't get backed up and there is also, we also want to look closer at signaling the opt umization and to introduce the flexibility so that we can more slowly maneuver the trains to come along the embarcadero. when we started to thinking about the median and long term concepts we knew that was not just an exercise for the front line staff and so we reached out to the key stake holders and recognized at the city wide level and through a two workshops where we did the classic lines on a map and give me every crazy idea that you have had exercise which was i think a lot of fun for everybody and it was in there and you can see that we had a
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very active group for presenting a lot of really great ideas and really going to think outside of the box and again, thinking about what some of the issues are and how they can be addressed, we grouped these concepts into kind of four key areas and thinking about how do we address the systems or the issues that the system has in the near and long term and how the ininvolvements kind of 3w8d on one another and to build the investments for the future. >> this looks very clean and final but this was in fact all of that nice hand drawing diagram both together and we can see it in one spot and so these are some of the concepts that were out there and so we are moving through the concept and developing the order of magnitude cost and doing and, we have conducted the feasibility screening on the number of those outside of the box concepts and so, we are hoping to, and we are hoping to bring an internal draft in the next few weeks and move forward to the committees and provide
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more opportunities for the feedback on the document. >> thank you very much. >> commissioner yee has a question? >> thank you chair tang. >> it is, i just in terms of the long term, projects, and it is really hard for me to look at those pictures and really figure out the detail and i am just wondering has it been, much thought maybe as it has already been thought through, and this and that and one diagram where you have everything. but, i often, i thought about things like why, do we have one rail line? that is in market street? or where the lines goes through there and why aren't we thinking about having, a separate line that can reduce
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the bottle neck through there and whether it is on top of each other or side by side and, is there otherer are there any thoughts about whether or not we should at least study, and studied it before? and in putting at least the m, and since we are looking at the m line he ways, and a k, and the k and the m, were whether or not it makes any sense to bring it under from the west portal tunnel itself. >> and to right now we are studying it up to from the saint francis circle to park merced and so should we be looking at whether or not it makes some sense to extend it all the way, if you are going to go under growing and all the way into the tunnel itself. >> the other one, and i don't know, what the capacity or the
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need, but, much of our transportation, is gears towards east, and west, and can we, look at at least on the web side, whether or not it makes any sense to do any light rail going from the daily city to golden gate bridge, to cover that area. >> because, that is something that i was wondering and you know, these people that they go to and whether it is the san francisco state, or the city college or especially on the west side and the richmond and so forth and you only have a couple of bus lines that is always packed. and you know, whether or not it makes sense especially with at least in the district seven we are going to have more housing. and that is going to, and they will have to go somewhere from there, and i t think that the capacity is there, in terms of public transportation. >> yes, so, in kind of the reverse order.
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on the west side of the city, there are north and sound concepts that have been included in the study and were mentioned a number of times by the stake hold their we engaged and so those have been included. and so in terms of the founding project and i am a little bit less familiar with what is being studied right now and however i do know that there were discussions about a tunnel that was connecting to the west power tal tunnel through the saint francis circle and further to the south and i will have to get back to you on the specifics and to get that included in there and that is something that all of these projects are still in an early stage where those ideas are welcoming and should be investigated. and then in terms of specifically surface rail and market, that was actually a question from the mta and cac and the number of sort of technical issues and operational issues and the safety issues and directly operating the modern, light rail, vehicles on the market that i could provide more detail on if you are interested
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and that the concepts for optimizing our existing tunnel and looking for parallel, or compliment routes. >> thank you, any other questions or comments on this item? >> yes. >> from our committee members, okay. >> all right. >> well, seeing none, we will open it up to public comment on this item. >> the capacity stud y >> yes. >> (inaudible)
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