tv [untitled] May 1, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am PDT
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ried various things laundry mats or fast food place this is really just things that may last for a year or two and fall off. >> i have the same notion kind of a different kind of gas station i share some of the concerns it is suburban but the fact it the gas station kind of 21 hundred retail store i'm torn on this one. >> commissioner antonini. >> well, the purposes of the turns i'm not sure i'm support it work with the spefr opener and see if there's a way to merge it would be go explore that and also to see if
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perimeters could, developed to make a smoother landing for the present tenant pcp that being said or it is a lot of the cars go the dlairpz it is a nice thing to go to the neighborhood you walk there and pick up the car after it's serviced i know mr. hesitating on has his one its chevron that's my only interest in a continuance. >> commissioner richards. >> when my car caught fire it was toad to the service bay when it stopped working on scott street and cal i was a block
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away and it was toetd to the same place maybe you could take into account it and i think that would really be necessary desirable and this is hugely compatible where everyone can benefit from this i support a continuance i know you'll make a good faith to try. >> commissioner moore. >> both president fong and commissioner antonini hit the nail on the head by saying it's a question of trying it is always easy to say i can do it we're at a time in the history of the city everyone has to try
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harder everyone is being asked to try harder i know you can i observed you in a movement on 19th and challenged you the way it is today i'll ask you to go home and try to think about the part with the neighbors that are supporting you subtle tweaks and that's what i would ask and in support of a turns. >> again maybe project sponsor come up specific with i've heard with regards to trying to fit in the service station and going to a second-story i've heard making sort of a village of retail as opposed to a box rail and maybe give or ask the project sponsor direction and maybe he will get direction back i don't want to
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send him off into a turns land. >> you've 0u8d a broad range of alternatives the advisory of the department and you've set perimeter including you needed needing to work together what is missing i think most of the audience have spoken all with a understand of the under the circumstances with the guidance together with the strongest advise he work with the neighborhood we're not talking flat roof or further backwards or i prefer a retail
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establishment that leaves a little bit more room for this because at this time the retail establishment exceeds what we normally do giving the maximize formula retail use. >> no, it's within the rules the district are you questioning whether or not it is compliant with the use size. >> i want to have a little bit of give and take the size of the thing he proposed and the large convenience store gives way for other things it is a technical issue the applicant doesn't say i have to have this i have a convenience store but before and after. >> we look at the sites long term and not just today, we sit
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and read and research papers about hygiene to start deploying cars and how they will be disspends i couldn't put that in the facility having a little bit of wiggle room allows unus to come back and say hey those cars need to be fueled how do we do it we think from our side of the table the by his side we have to be valuable not only for today this is a site can say the 19th and lincoln site have it we've pigeonhole ourselves those are the dynamics we try to think of things not only for 5 years but the next 20 years you know what do we all do in 15 years if it becomes a real to pro-problem
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how from my prospective the flexion phase not making the retail component as large in the service by the way, for the technology it could be adapted so i'm not seeing the argument but if you come forward address explain that to us if this project is 2nd i'm greatly appreciate hearing that so at this moment i don't think so. >> so they're saying we need to put in years from now i can gladly show you the space. >> it is relevant the history is on the merger of a big challenge whether a charging station they've converting to cars and it is going to change rapidly in years. >> to add more color to
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commissioner president fong's we give you more direction you know the return is given we're doing right now; right? otherwise you wouldn't do it if i may ask you to take this on the column and say my potential yourselves are officer space uses and try to come up with more neighborhood services given the project at hand that will be incredibly helpful we are going asking you to bind our model f it is in our purview to say no we're to the threatening but this site and your needs are not going to work you have a plan b or c or d. >> commissioner moore. >> i'll strongly support commissioner president fong's
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comments or comment but having said that, if you'll show the adaptive drawings like the phasing in and out diagram perhaps a store to what you're trying to do in the future at this time i'm seeing a convenient store and couple of pumps i'll be happy to hear the store. >> commissioners there is a motion and a second to continue this with the direction that's been mentioned by commissions that may 28 commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. >> commissioner johnson. >> just a quick question do with we have a meet on may 28th oh i thought that was memorial
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day. >> i have a questioning speaker card that matter was continued until may 28 i hope you're not here to speak. >> commissioners on item 16 ab for the case at post street conditional use authorization the zoning administrator will consider requests for a variance variance. >> good afternoon commissioner president fong and members of the commission laura planning staff staff project before you is a conditional use authorization to establish a new use in expose of 4 thousand gross scapegoat
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within the japantown special use district to allow the change of use of 0 grocery stores exceeding 5 thousand square feet to a personal use and to establish a massage use within the proposed project the project also includes converting the second-story of the building from non-residential to residential use variance from the planning code rear yard and i did dwelling unit requirements are being sought with regards to the component of the project the project subject property is located on the north side between buchanan and laguna and developed with a commercial building with storage space it is currently vacant the tenant space was previously occupied by japantown order it grocery
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stores hopefully, the name is - was founded in 1906 and has remained vacant since 2011 but the building is still own by the stage family the proposed use offers japanese massage and pressure point and faushldz and body masks it is located on the ground floor and you were level with only treatment room with two massage tables is proposed for the empowering it include a 24 square feet in fill and 5 heed and 5 of one story addition at the back of the building with an residential open space and the front facade changes is the removal of a signboard that
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covers the second-story windows and new commercial entry donors and windows that match the exit 1y579 special use district was requiring commercial used for the japantown culture and historic neighborhood character and development pattern and design aesthetic the project and developers by revitalize a long vacant storefront and creating 4 denials. >> the department is not aware of opposition to this project i want to make one clarification in the executive summer the box for the rendering was checked
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that was a mistake no 3-d render for this project not required for a project of this size and scope staff is recommending approval the conditional use authorization project sponsor is here and would like to address the commission that concludes my presentation. by i'll be available for questions. >> project sponsor please >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is jason the architect and owner for robert hose here in the audience if you have questions for him later and the gentleman has owned this building since 1969 and ran the store until 2011 his family has decides to retire him and the
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property has been vacant for 4 years until relevant or relevant we found a tenant that is here ray reagan and highs sister and anxiety is here for questions we strongly believe this project is very suitable for the neighborhood because it is going to bring hours to the city and also bring more o more traffic to this neighborhood and help the local businesses we would liquor to strongly precede with that project as quickly as possible thank you. >> okay. any public comment? >> i'll try to make that quick commissioner president fong and
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commissioners director ram and zoning administrator sanchez. >> i'm bob executive director of chinatown task force japantown task force letter of support is in our packet the community was saddened too big close the hundred-year-old grocery business in 2011 we certainly understand the family decision not unlike many, many families businesses around our historic japantown i know that the gentleman made every effort over the past 4 years to find a suitable cultural use i'm pleased to see a lease was come made with the family and the sponsored had several meeting with the property owner and they've been receptive to recommendations as noted in the staff recommendations
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their experienced in running small businesses and wish them success the housing units are a welcome aethsz to the housing stock i'm confident it will be capable with the neighborhood and the business is necessary and - i urge your approval for the conditional use for this project thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is a is paul wormer i'm endorsing thought project wholeheartedly (laughter). >> i really want to environment the gentlemen for their ouch to outreach to the community their early discussion how it will play and their attempts to understand our concerns and addressed them just role outstanding community outreach and showing their active and want to be good
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members of the community please do you want that. >> any public comment on this item? that being said and commissioner moore. >> that is an exciting project i'm enmarred but the idea of creativity retrofit to add housing in a way that some and could it in a completely non-impacting way is creative necessary highly desirable i'm in support of the project and delighted it having such overt and strong community and neighborhood support with those types of things outline you'll tromgsz it is more important
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than imagine that has been thought-out with the relationships to others and have the large community organization support it they're one thing i like to ask staff and that's that the post street facades and the rear of the building for the use and demonstration is being looked at and worked on a little bit more thoughtfully when it comes to those types of project we're asking for a typical windshield section i don't see in this package the has a strong feeling of coming from this store it is a wonderful balance between vertical and horizon and clearly
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and strongly speaks volumes for lack of a better term registration assailant of japanese architecture i like the language of that volume arrangement to track through this building in the past it showed that materials that are being used if i understand credible aluminum that allows the kind of detailing it is indicative and i would like you to consider that that whole for the rear is a residential window face towards this parking lot i still strongly suggest those are not violently windows but are dealing with a more contemporary longer lasting material it is mostly recommended by the depended i'm life to the vice
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president as you work into the deposition those are my only comments this project has my support. >> commissioner antonini and i think that is a wonderful project i'm agree with commissioner moore to continue to work to make the windows blend in more with the historical aspects and fuss thus be more contemporary japantown as that exists now part that was built in the 60s that's good another way i don't see imagine to change on the project i'll move to approve. >> second. >> i said to add a couple of comments i know that japantown has been working with the cultural preservation and i'll say cultural preservation has a lot to do with use this is a great use a tie-in because of
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the japanese but a modern use and this is the kind of solution. >> commissioners there is a motion and a second commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero discovering. >> on the variance, close the public hearing and move forward. >> thank you, commissioners next at haven street a conditional use authorization. >> good afternoon, commissioners planning staff staff before you is a request for a conditional use authorization to legalize the exit massage school with a foot
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on van ness street within the haven commercial transit zoning district the san francisco anyone else and bodywork by the accrediting of the schools has been in existence in 2011 approximately 20 to 40 students are on site and hundred students graduate each year they employ 20 folks and between 9 and 6:00 p.m. with occasional classes on the weekend no expansion proposed mr. larkin staff has received letters of support and i'll pass those out to you now the department recommendations approval the project that promoted the operation of a lovingly owned business and contributed to the viability of the neighborhood and meets all
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the planning code and supports the general plan given the finding staff recommends approval the conditional use authorization that concludes my presentation. >> project sponsor please. good evening, commissioners it is on the i'm the project sponsor so i'm the president of the associations and the item before you is the massage it's call massage this is place was vacant and when the gentleman rented it he had no idea the third floor was occupied so we went to supervisor campos and pleased he got the legislation
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passed with the conditional use so with that said, with i really appreciate to approving this cu i do have the owner here let me have him say a few words. >> hi good afternoon, commissioners my name is gary i'm the owner and director of the san francisco school of massage i want to take a moment to give you a belief history in an attempt to articulate how important the school is the san francisco school anyone else is the oldest in the country we've been in testimony operation since 1969 we're an independent family owned business and thrive within the city limits of san francisco in our 45 plus history the wonderful satisfaction of training professionals many of
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whom has been successful business owners in the city we're fully approved and licensed by the regulatory agencies and, in fact has flown an intense vesting process to be nationally approved this is the only second independent school to reach the level the voluntarily accreditation we offer a high quality education and are successful in finding employment for the students we have a legacy of supporting small business and maintain a high-level the community we have a volunteering outreach like providing onsite monthly pro bono for public school schools teachers anticipate the mentally
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ill and send our student out volunteering we graduate close to 45 or hundred students we are year and employ full-time and part-time instructors the student population lives around the school and almost all ride or walk or take public transportation and, in fact, the accessibility is one of the most influential reasons we relocated to the mission district we frequent the rail shops and coffeehouses and personal services and especially, as the amazing mandate or restaurant around the van ness street corrode i began as a instructor in 2008, and prior to that i ran a successful massage practice i
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live in san francisco obviously the school i work is in san francisco and 2010 my wife and i were fortunate enough to purchase the school they were the only second owners that school has had so the 45 years only changed hands two years my wife and i and my two sons hope to continue in that for years to come briefly the school was moved to a more centrally area the mission district was chosen as the location 475 van ness street is a wonderful location and the students work and live in the area or the inexcessive transportation allows our students to gravel to the school with ease and convenience i hope
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i've conveyed how important this is to our family and more importantly the school is is useful and great asset to the van ness corridor thank you for your time commissioners, i know how long this is going i greatly appreciate you're willing and glad i got to speak thank you. >> opening it up for public comment seeing none, public is closed and commissioner richards yeah. i think this is a great use of this space i think the project sponsor is in good faith unfortunately in 2011 they noted special permission to move there's no displacement is promoted business ownership and opportunities a lot of local support and necessary and
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desirable and capable. >> there is a motion and a second with conditions think outside the box that more than motion. >> commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards and commissioner fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes national anthem to 6 and commissioner that place you on our final agendized item at possible street a conditional use authorization. >> good afternoon commissioner president fong and members of the commission carlly grove planning staff the item is a request for establish a restaurant within the possible district to expose 25 hundred square feet and to conduct an outdoor area with the square feet grocery stores at the ground floor the proposed
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