tv [untitled] May 2, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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or all our new teachers and especially our teachers in special education let's look at the program and fix it soon thank (clapping.) >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm a teacher american people secondarily since 2006 and worked with telephone teachers unfortunately none are still in the classroom one in the district and this is not an anomaly i've seen 20 percent of tfa members are retained after 5 years this is not an innocent agenda tfa is part of a larger movement we see the same people on the board of tfa trying to privatize schools and we want to push against that prioritization agenda and sever any group that is trying to further that and
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i'll cut it off there so everyone can speak (clapping) >> can you please hold the applause. >> i'm is a teacher at george moscone elementary school i'm here to support those board members that have the courage to not hold the cap other than the tfa in the district but who i believe that opted opposed to renewing the contract at all it is important to follow the lead across the country that also recognize the shiners off tfa for 2013 pittsburgh and durham and contract with tfa it is linked to corporate interested that are pro charter on your website tfa website 42 percent of tfa graduates are working in
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public education the two run counter we don't want to be the next oakland or philadelphia multi service provider already thank you very much let's end it now. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening. i'm a paraprofessional at eir reiterate middle school i support cutting the contract to tfa i'm a san francisco native i'm aluminum of sfusd and working or more on getting my certificate and i believe that the teachers are the problem but i have a disagreement with the corporate leadership of tfa i believe that mou right now we're dealing with maintaining the democrat control of our school
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district versus corporate control and tfa comes in and works to put people into accurately office staff positions running people for school board and higher elected office and heavy fund with corp lobbyists we can't compete with that we're working class educators i ask you to please make decisions no defense of public school and the rest of the country as strong public schools and thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. next speaker. and good evening. i'm with the latino storing committee that is not a personal attack an individual tfa teachers but a criticism on tfa and it's practices consequences and after
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math particularly at everett middle school the promise tfa principle the principle everett has a. >> i'm sorry you can have the names. >> yes. go ahead. >> please does not name names on a negative way. >> no problem. >> oh, no, it is not negative but truth the principle at everett has a perjury of replacing latinos and the one african-american could you please state your name and replying him have 41 it is racism and age it here's a partial list of the collateral damage (calling names) the only african-american council and so i want you to
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please dissect the data everett is not a success not made gains with african-american and latinos, in fact, had two students arrested and two students kicked out dissect the data before you take your vote. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening. i'm an english teacher and everett middle school i've been teaching english for 13 years and been at everett at everett when nobody wanted to be there i've been told i'm no longer fit and don't fit the everett vision i feel like i have been go enough a teacher in the past for
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black and brown children but now the genocide indication of everett middle school i'm no longer a entertain to be standing in front of the students to be a english teacher even though i've been teaching for 13 years. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> i'm been working with the youth over 9 years and actually a teacher in train with the bilingual education for the social education with infrastructure university and i came in with a program that was body out at everett when i hear about the successes i saw effective teachers that served
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our vounl students being kicked out for the program nearly a decade very successful community classify program that extended into the community and reached out to college students that i come from emigrated community we go i don't do did rigor and treat the student for who we are and support them with love as we say i'd like to say take a deeper look i feel like there is corporate interest pulling their worth not only at everett but in the city as a whole thank you very much. >> (clapping) and thank you very much.
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>> i'm francisco i'm here to state categorically that there are a few that are supposed to represent the highest standards of city and county of san francisco under the authority of states we pay you again and again when the times comes for the rainy day and as you can see from the 10 people that spoke and the other batch that represents my batch we know that where the hearts are you have to ask users if there are good teachers why do they not serve for more than 5 years and ask yours here in the city of st. francis to the treating our immigrant and poor children and why do with question have so much trountcy i'm asking you the
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representatives go leaders know the way and show the way and ask yourselves if you're true leaders and shed light and take us to a better place thank you very much. >> i'm a proud member of the educators i'm here as a mom of 3 alumni and brand new grandmother and retired educator. and 3 days worker around the world will be celebrating national worker or workers day but to celebrate the struggles we're involved in a struggle around teachers for america is one the struggles i support the individuals tfa teachers that were dedicated to our students, however, the program itself is supported by
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the financial interests of the murdock's others of the world all my years the tfa were teaching are students residents of reduced lunches i thank the individual teachers for their desire to serve the low income students the program must at the end they does not vote to expand this thank you. >> thank you very much i'm allow the final speakers one minute each. >> i think there are 3 good evening i'm jan dr. bernard powers spent thirty years in teacher precipitation i started at stanford and soured by abrogate colleagues and students if come through the halls and took a job at san francisco
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state and i'm now working with student teachers in the schools and i've been recently in malcolm x and at alamo and attached so i've seen the diversity of students and appreciate that and appreciated that as teacher prep at san francisco state i heard about teacher of america's i'm disturbed that someone would put teachers in the classroom with 6 weeks of experience at sfmta teachers spend a year and san francisco states the shortest is two semesters a lot at least 3 semesters it is a policy to deal with teacher preparation i hope you'll vote this proposal. >> good evening superintendent.
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>> commissioners, i won't take a mini want you to know i'm concerned about teachers of america i teacher at mission high school i've been through this year 20 years i made the xhrment commitment when i made to san francisco state to get trained and it's taken me years to get to the point i agree with the professor there's no way anyone can come in with five or six weeks of training and be given a job if it is in regards to being given promises have a job having their program expanded whatever it is you have to rethink that thank you. >> thank you final speaker who is opposed to the resolution. >> thanks for hearing us i'm arnold's a teacher from mission high school i want to bring up
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two programs mentioned by people earlier the teacher residency program and the par approval program which i think are great alternatives i see our teachers of america's in u sf but teachers of america is an opponent they support the high testing and charter schools and privatization we have 0 oppose them and working with them in the program particularly with those two bathrooms i work with two teachers in the tfa got to observe me and second semester i was in the classroom while they got the experience into teachers with still working there and have a teacher of color it is interested in the program we have the best people that are the paraprofessionals we need to
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develop program that put money not proormdz cloormz in a more our sophisticated if we have the money to train people not to teachers of america i welcome the brothers and sisters from tfa but we have to keep tfa out of the program. >> thank you very much (clapping.) i'd like to invite any of the speakers who doesn't have a position on tfa but wants to make a comment anyone seeing none we will public comment is closed. and for discussion by admit colleagues on the board. >> commissioner wynns and want to thank everybody for their interests ♪ topic and how much the debate
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has first and foremost being substantive in my opinion i think that is really important and frankly i learned a lot but there's a lot more inform learner on the subject i said at the last meeting at the committee month to month that's been my position all along i'm opposed to teach for america and as far as i have never voted yes on their contract norwaymore more contract norwaymore do ii think there are a few things to be said we'll get to another contract with a new teacher project i have some of the same concerns bus i've been thinking so much this past week on how we
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have an obligation to clear to follow up on our political and philosophical and ethical commission it's not enough to say oh, well the only people who can help us with an issue are people who frankly take our money and more than that use our name and say they support what we support and i can't support this i can't - i i cannot not be clear that i am sitting here in large part after about all this time because public education is under such assault from those who will privatize the democracy
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but i want to say some of the things i've learned if you and thank you for your communication trajectory electronic and other ways many of the i minded i thought about those people said at this pronounced how is it possible to go into a clamor with students with encourage needs after being in a training program for 5 or 6 or 7 weeks what's that like one of the things that was i have been thinking about our interim programs in the past and hopefully again and other skrubts school district and people i know a lot of teachers that come used interims into the
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district but mostly here the requirements are entry into on a interim program same incredible and into a regular program so people that could. to the school district internship programs have the coaching and support that tfa provides for its interns to i've heard low about it wasn't so great the support they were getting but already people that taken the multiply subject tests to admit to credential bathrooms ass people that they recruit are students used to be main if the hive competitive that is no a
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choice but majored in subject that don't normally put them on the rod to teach they do have the foundation the secondary foundation for teachers have to have before they go into teacher programs this is different i'll ask my colleagues to think about that and the late thing one of the things we hear about teachers of america and non-traditional programs that he cross-out people and in many cases in opposition to teacher unions but by the they make different demands those are this stunning those are teachers struggling i mean every teacher struggles it is a difficult job
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those who don't have the academic background that teachers should have and they are asked are told they must work extended hours in some cases in san francisco i've been told their told they must work through their prep periods that are part right of contract with the teachers that they must work hours outside of the workday and we honestly may think we'd like more work out of your teachers but i think that - but when i thought about this this is disturbing we're saying we think that teachers can only be successful unless we make that a question of using what we described as a moral imperative
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you must work outside the contract i think that we should be open seriously about this this is one of the things we have a lot of teacher of america's interns in san francisco their frankly the people that supervisor them or some of them are forcing them or telling them part of their deal to work more than what the contract requires if we think that you know if that doesn't both us we should say that it bothers me and so i've learned some things that actually make this contract more problematic bans my political and philosophical point of view and those are specific things about who is happening in san
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francisco unified i found unable to support i thank the supreme court for pulling back on the contract for amending this not to represent a number of interns i have expressed my opinion i don't like the provision in the proposal that says that teachers of america training will be made available to all the teachers abused it is not you're not the purpose not why you're asking us to do it i'd like that to be gone i'm not going to vote for it anyway, i hope my colleagues will consider that and so i wanted to end by saying i know that everybody is making serious decision this is not done early those are harrowed kinds of things to do and votes to take and so for that i want to
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appreciate all my colleagues and also everybody who has been involved this is an important essential public discussion to have thank you very much >> other commissioners (clapping). >> commissioner fewer. >> yes thank you for your testimony and actually, i also did receive a very not novice e-mail saying that i was not informed and the trend ♪ conversation how important people are and so i informed administrative review and spent a weekend reading things by starring lincoln hammer and professors addressed university and read a lot of journld and belongings and about personal experiences and i spoke to one
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of the my tfa mentor i've meridian and, in fact one co-wrote a reds and read it into the official record all of them are not in the classroom not teaching but all 3 of them but i think i had to as i said at the last meeting that i had to vote my social conscious on this and i still do i have three children in the school district >> i'm a figure out generation chicano-american four generations have been educated and lovingly council and i've gone into classrooms do so i'm not informed it insulting and that given workshops to over 3
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thousand parents and been to every school at this city to say i'm not informed is completely insulting but obviously i don't and so i want to say i've had three children in the district k through 12 they respect to high performing schools and went to four-year colleges one get accepted to law school and all really educated adults and never once had my children in the whole k through 12 experienced ever had a non-credentialed teacher and never once a unknown credentialed teacher and for that reason because what my
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children were afforded and achieved how can i say that less is better for other children i can't do that i know is some people can i canned i know the truth about my own children's experienced tonight we talked about the terms the status quo let's bring it back to the status quo when do we accept status quo and when do we push back on the status quo i want to say that what i said before is that the model does not work for under performing schools we're trying to build a teaching team at the schools with more entertains that are credentialed that actually are credentialed and want to be career teachers that stay in the classroom for
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more than 2, 3, 4 years we are trying to build a laying of expertise when a child has a k through 5 educational experience a first year teacher and a non-credentialed and another first year teacher and credentialed teacher they'll be behind my children had teachers that were teaching for years the average tenure was 15 years one year my son had a teacher that was the first year with credentialed and the classroom was alcoholic and to her own admission it is alcoholic this was at a hi performing school the children deserve the best a
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credentialed teach i eerie want went to a class of thirty students who were graduating in may how much of you want to work in our schools every single of of them raised their hand i spoke to a mandarin teacher all of them want to teach in the schools i want them in our schools quite frankly credentialed teachers a minimum standard do we have interim teachers but i prefer those interim teachers to be our par patrol officers they have taught in the special a program for that a couple of years they've been slide by our principles and know the culture of our students
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and city there's something to be said about knowing the students you teach and where they come from and who they are i would extend the parent teacher program we say paraprofessionals are certified degrees another thing that informed we i spoke to promises of how performing schools and all of them told me they would not selected a tfa teacher for their school for the same reasons i've mentioned they're also trying to build continuity i have to mention that in our most underserved community and our children in special education they deserve
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at least teacher that is credentialed that has spent a year or more in a credentialed program so i also read so much on teacher preparation how could he that is to success in the success of children but when i locate our schools and look at the paper that was given to me with all the reds and yellows and ground zero i think what is going to happen to the red schools they need to build a team i know that through the not novice overwhelm that people actually think that maybe this is a political debate and maybe for some people that is but for me when i go
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