tv [untitled] May 2, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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to authorize the instructor destructibility to engage in a memorandum of understanding that delineates what the instructor destructibility is looking to do with this project the piper that my staff currently working on a rough draft it is not the alpha and o mayor ed lee message we're ahead of the curve because that's at way my office does business because if so if the not approved it goes into a file there's a lot of work to do and my office does a good job of getting the district what we need a wants. >> truth. >> the requested action the
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destructibility to enter into an agreement to partner in a pipeline for the administrator leadership to cover the 2015-2016 2016-2017 fiscal years fund by eye a grant from the united states department of justice by a district contribution of $5725,000 paid to t n t over 3 years that's it authorizing me to enter or enter into the negotiation if the counteracting explicit moot with the expectations of the district or u a partners that will not come forward only authorizing me to secure a contract. >> enter into an agreement not just negotiate so would you
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object to those principles saying - tilt mr. davis this is our grant so according to this what we see are only reference is involved in the goal setting progress in no one object we'll put something to say we'll design the program and in the consultant about their responsibilities to say what we're asking to implement the programs we've designed that's all the proposal says otherwise. >> it was my intent and my last conversation to convey that understanding that this is going to be a contract that is favorable to the aims the district and the board of education a that's what we'll do and the joins i'm getting here he are. >> commissioner fewer. >> what's the process can commissioner wynns add an
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amendment to that if this is some kind of wondering what's the process where's of listen when we need evelyn i know where evelyn is. >> (inaudible). >> so commissioner wynns do you want to propose language for the amendment and i would do that the language would have to be - well in the requested action not to the background as opposed we enter into an agreement to patron in a establish a pipeline designed by sfusd for principle and administrator lisp for the district blah, blah, blah. >> so do we need to vote on
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that. >> we need a motion i'll move that amendment. >> are there any objections to the added language and acceptable to the instructor in this case is there any further discussion. >> what are we paying the 724 that's not part this is our discussion it is part of can this be paid by the grant or separate from the grant? so the way the grant works the federal government gave the $3 million to t n p they have to raise money matching fund they do and the district has to put skin in the game speak to the federal government is asking all parties involved put money towards the project it is not covered in the grant >> this is out of our general
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fund. >> this is towards creating a pipeline the way we're looking at this we'll create a $4 million possum for $4,000. >> i think i got a memorandum that said new teacher project has to raise 4 hundred and 50 thousand for their skin. >> yeah. i think that is half a million dollars there were several milestone when the federal government announced it t n p had four weeks to raise the 410 are someplace and raise money every year. >> will their amount equal the 525. >> their amount will be more than ours. >> so every district is paying 524 or two others district.
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>> it is new us on this one. >> this one there's another one. >> okay. so we pay 525 out of our fund to show we have skin in the game okay. i don't know why it sound like those things the police say don't go for the scam they say you have to show concerning oh pigeon deposit i'm not saying this but it sounds like show me some skin in the game. >> this drops on the agenda (laughter). >> so we pay 525 over 3 years not 524 every year. >> over 3 years and the federal government also did not say how you pay that leaving it up to the district we can front load
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that or do it at the end doing the right thing our finances we can figure out. >> for clarification we pay this and then the new teacher project sequentially will - skin in the game. >> i'd like to close the discussion i'd like to have a roll call vote separately for the two items that were served the first been and mou with cal state east bay. >> pressuring. >> mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton ms. wynns and dr. murase. >> 7 i's. >> the next item that was served partnership agreement
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with the new teacher project. >> roll call vote. >> pressuring mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns no dr. murase 6 i's excuse me. i have a list ever questions there are 10 questions may i forward them to you to respond to those questions and get the responds to the entire board specifically about this grant. >> yes. >> thank you. >> great we have a closed session after this i hope we'll conclude that for the first reading adoption of structural materials and intimate placement no speaker cards on this item is there any well, there's no
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discussion on the first reading so thank you, mr. santos i will just move on item r paroles for the first reading teaching students to save lives and commissioner fewer and there are no speaker cards on this item we just q no speaker cards this item will be referred to budget and business services and the curriculum and program committee item s board members standing committee organizations and all others reports i'd like to start with the frort the ad hoc committee commissioner norton they met on april 14th all board
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members in attendance and heard the information that will return an at a later date. >> no recommendations sent back to the board. >> report from the rules committee jill wynns. >> okay what did he do at the rules committee i'm sorry. >> why not could be to you. >> that's okay so the main item at the rules committee was the perspective proposals we and the we looked at the wing policy report you've heard we spent a lot of time on that so we the board members have the we updated and changed and took positions on prevention active proposals which were not
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- not complete the allotment we met some concerned us we reviewed the bills we want to watch and where there is perspective action took place amendments, etc. so every members of board ms. casco as gotten a report role? i'm not sure this is true i didn't get a report from the committee. >> mr. davis will you ask him about that so all board members can see the positions we've taken that's it. >> thank you very much rules committee oh, we looked immobilization data and our concern remains we want to make sure our data is good and we're
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able to collect it alternate a lot of the school by school data as we've heard before we reviewed isn't been or being done by hand people have to go through the student inmunition record with the data didn't easily transfer we don't have yet a final complete 0 record reporting about the inmunition data for the kids the indoors and others this takes a lot of time so their busy bet we get the data we'll give a report. >> mr. haney will be provided a report on the committee as a whole and the labor rigs
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committee. >> sure on the curriculum committee two items a positive recommendation for the gateway middle school cheater petition that was brought up tonight we horde two actions and had information items and also horde resolution arabic and vietnamese in the san francisco unified school district i move we send it to the full board with a positive recommendation that will be horde in the full board i believe in the last board meeting in my second board meeting no may we hearsay evidence received two updates the update on one was short as i recall and there's efforts underway in the district
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to create a framework forgotten a par university so we learned about the process forwards that a group of organizations coming together and getting feedback and we'll get continued updates in the coming months report of the committee as whole the african-american achievement leadership initiative policy and my brothers corp. campaign and heard boarder framework and resolution coming to the board around the african-american achievement initiative we that full board discussion and took a lot of feedback some of it was integrated into the board resolution and coworker for first reading if the first
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meeting ever may and lastly a meeting and ad hoc meeting of personnel in let the record show committee one item sfusd recruitment strategy 15, 16 and beyond we learned about the boarder situation with regards to teachers teacher kreld and the california landscape and looked at it specifically how this represents to sfusd's needs and the trends over the last few years how many teachers are applying how many we are hover and vacancies and looked at the growing questions around how to fill the vacancies for norwalk we also looked and landlord about the entertain strategies a
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lot of the tragedies we are using and that i'm partners and early contract and online recruitment it was an incredible amount of ideas and february given by the board which hopefully, will be intoxicating and used in the coming months as we see how we are going to meet our needs integrated into the budget process and the recruitment season in the last couple of months to have qualified teachers if all our classrooms it was the materials were sent to them. >> i'd like to add to the report on the grounds. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell we had a terrific month to month laced monday and for the sunny side elementary we had an update from
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the san francisco state university sf joined working group and the conversations among those folks that will help to formulate not only a larger plan but possible hours information for the housing bond and a really fantastic presentation from the whites elementary program that was entitled connecting dots this was part ever uc berkley city and school efforts done in partnership with cities and other surrounding community and they did a entire presentation on how they developed the community garnered and the community process and the fourth grade students intoxicate an a on a piece of legislation this washeartwarming we
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have a concrete ugly park we want to engage the young people that commissioner walton and i will be loading. >> thank you ask for a report select committee from commissioner fewer. >> i'm sorry commissioner renne's. >> we have the assault program and it was informative commissioner tour-sarkissian's eye will have a group of our students come to the board
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meeting working a group of male students to end violence against women and they were thieves out of burton high school that made a commitment to end violence against women and girls. >> other announcements i'd like commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> i do want to say keep you in the dark we've selected our teachers and principle i'll announce the names at the next boards month to month celebrating them next wednesday my the 6 and the teacher winners will be recognized at a enlightenment baseball game on tuesday or monday the fourth long with superintendent carranza and the mayor i wanted to thank the nfl and the host committee for super
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bowl super bowl 50 host committee to plant a tree and this was part of the nfls environmental program excuse me. and then i wanted to congratulate kevin trout and his team for a fantastic game i was at city college we had normal 2 thousand students registering for city college that have noting no other plans we're excited to see so many students going on to college we had the numbers who were attend san francisco stat or any of our c sfs it is a fantastic way for
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the students to get exposed and thank all the organizers and shout out to convene truit and his team. >> i have announcements but i'd like to allow the colleagues to announce upcoming month to month. >> the budget committee will meet 16 offering the 21st and i believe we are discussing a joint rules and budget meeting that remains to be determined i know we're going do discuss. >> i have a few announcements i want to graduates the offer 4 hundred students that participated in the music
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festival on saturday the 21st it was wonderful to see those kids in the past year picked an instrument for the first time and congratulate the performing arts department and want to congratulate the honorees at first graduates at the fairmont former mayor willie brown was honored and want to congratulate the sfusd winners the san francisco dental society postal service congest and on that friday was at commemoration of the genocide at city hall and a lot of people participated in that that was quietly acquit an educational opportunity and the committees also made a professional development available to our students just a couple of last announcements on may 2nd and
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third uc berkley will host a pow would you and some of the students will be participating and their stanford is heretofore their pow-wow 8 through 10th and the cultural event the indian team is putting together a celebration on saturday may 16 that concludes my announcements. >> other announcements also i want to say that on friday april 24th i was the keynote speaker for the youth integration that was fib i'm going to do give a plug to the administrators in the audience you may want a mentor or meant or an intern that would be would be fabulous and also i attended
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oh congratulations to gary fold elementary school for having a dragon festive and alamo elementary which had their annual auction that was fabulous also and then i also want to mention that the custodial man advocates will be celebrating their 40th anniversary on thursday from 6 to 9:00 p.m. and cool music and you can still get ticket and i hope that everyone will attend. >> i just want to mention that commissioner fewer is one the advocates for the kohlman. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell and that's what i was going to say i want to say our next grounds meeting is scheduled for may monday
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may 17th. >> cantonese. >> i'm sorry that's a sunday may 18. >> and we have an upcoming curriculum and programs committee month to month which will be next monday let's see may fourth at of p.m. and then also a committee next tuesday an 6:00 p.m. we'll be discussing computer science and the digital framework. >> and i failed to congratulate the scholarship for the chinese teachers that had hair dinner last friday evening no further announcements i want to take item u and other information items before we go to closed
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session a draft on the acceptance of gifts we'll adjourn to closed session i will read out the closed session actions once we review we'll take a 5 minute break to >> i will resume the san francisco board of education. >> we don't need roll call so i'll read the report of closed session action the previous closed session the board by a vote of 7ed we a general council important one adjudicate administrator and by a vote of 6 votes of one principle and the boarded by a
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vote of one principle and in the matter of r k case the board by a vote gift the authority to pay up to the amount and san francisco board of education the board by a vote of 7 ids to pay up to the stipulated amount in the matter of mc versus san francisco unified school district the braid deprave the authority pay it up the stipulated amount in one matter gives the authority to pay up to the stipulated stipulated amount and the action ever the board by a vote operative the contract of 7 prince and approved the vote
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of two assistant principles in the matter ever kilogram versus sfusd the board gives the authority to pay up to the stipulated amount and vernon versus san francisco unified school district anticipated litigation the authors it given to pay the suspected amount and event the last case anticipated litigation by a vote of 7 i's gives the authority of stipulated amount meeting.
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>> a hi, i'm karen fry a project manager and sfpuc and the bureau of environmental management honestly i've not considered a public sector job i realized this was an opportunity to work on large capital projects from san francisco all the way to our hetch hetchy and the yosemite national park i work with engineers and city attorneys and scheduled and we all work tom nolan e together on
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the project. >> the excavations are in red we'll have the interference to go under the street. >> my next project is the largest project in the water system improvement program this is the southeast plan that involved a lot of kworpthsdz with the community groups and public when 9 commissioners such the planning commission and the board of supervisors or this ftc commission they help us in city hall this is a beautiful building it really is the inner workers of the building you feel you're in the heart of government and it's exciting to be part of that
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