tv [untitled] May 2, 2015 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT
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that enter on hickory but not next to the courtyard. >> commissioner perez. >> have you reached out to the neighbors to you let them know and give them a heads-up this is happening. >> we've not done any education in the apartment buildings about those. >> are you planning on doing outreach at all they're might be music coming their way. >> i have it on my list toy reach out to them there was a discussion and decided not to do it before this hearing but we'll do that. >> usually one of the standards conditions is to do outreach within two weeks of notification and we notified people regarding the event. >> not the music. >> does that make sense.
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>> we fliered when we did one we had two weeks notice it was happening on the eight and about the event not specific related to the sound past a time. >> just a question to the staff are they required to do outreach for loudspeaker outreach. >> not the process and typically won't come to you in general. >> i i know it's different art. >> and further clarify they're also not required to do outreach for permits it is suggested but not a requirement. >> i understand just to be a good neighbor not required but please consider your neighbors okay. any other. >> real quick those permits are 10 o'clock cut off. >> that's why they come to us when it's after 10 yes. >> okay. let know.
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>> okay having said that, is there any motions the commission would like to entertain. >> i move to approve. >> do we have a second we can - >> okay. thank you. >> for the motion for the moment. >> is there any public comment on this item? to this particular item on the agenda okay. no hearing none. >> i move to approve. >> i second oar so there is a motion and a second. >> on the meeting will come to order. motion to approve commissioner lee. >> commissioner joseph commissioner perez commissioner vice president moshoyannis. >> >> and we have an abstain
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right or accrual. >> next item b for people if plaza. >> you may remember a year and a half ago a similar application for a thirty day period the hub has been renovated that will be part of the plaza program for now the person that rents people in plaza has been given a grant to activate from april to october a recent thing she's programmed a couple of things good idea to do a permit and see how it depose and let's helping her get her programming together and she'll come back with a permit for the rest that is for
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today from now to june 1st. >> and robin's here. >> ribbon with the office of economic workforce development i just wanted to say a couple of things before len comes up to have - i have pretty pictures for everyone you do approve loudspeaker permit for the fall i wanted you to see the results the plazas opened last august part of a larger package of improvements that includes the dog park and others mythical the impacts in this area we've partnered with the plaza in the fall they started off the planning codes with cultivation at this point the plazas was technically a street we've unstreet it and changed the jurisdiction so, now this space
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is no longer a space and falls within the jurisdiction within the real estate division that described a permit we also were able lecturer to include the plaza in a neighborhood watch meeting over 70 people there made a presentation about their activation plans i'll be happy to answer any other questions i am sorry to lynn. >> good evening commissioners i'm lynn the executive director of people and plazas you may have heard about me before i've been doing this for 22 years not only for music we've been excited about branching ought to doing all kinds of events we received a grant to do 18 events we did 9 last year and 9 too now
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and the end of may events we're doing are not all music but they'll have some with music one with live music one with is iss with a children's choir and one fended movie night not music but amplified sound from the movie and one-half recorded music so we're are excited to activate this space we've sent out notices to many of the people in the ma coffin hub area we're doing wide marketing of the events so there johnny fund sheep and all the different mruktsz that kind of sever the area we are we're a let's go lost neighborhood whether the freeway ramp come
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forward those are well received in the neighborhood they want something to go on and encourage people to use this public space we're asking for a permit through june 30th and come back and ask for more we have a grant to do a lot of events between now and november. >> i want to thank jocelyn and cammy they helped to get this together we don't give them this short amount of time our first event is tomorrow we're we're very happy to do this the right way. >> thank you. any questions from commissioners? commissioner perez >> thanks for coming in so your application is to amplify the sing but you mentioned live dj and movies.
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>> i think i was talking about tomorrow i thought the basic permit was for tomorrow but as it unfolded we'll get the permit through may 31st i if philosophically file that out so that's why. >> and then on your flier picture i see some is that the buildings on the side. >> yes. >> have you thought about how to positions the speakers. >> actually it is kind of a challenge because we do there's also across the street there are buildings so we do try not to do them right at real close apartment buildings but you towards valencia street we get push back from across the street it is a fine line i want to let you know my assistant patrick
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will be running those events he's a sound abstraction hoses been working with me for 16 or 17 years we work in the financial district we have to be careful about the volume of music i have ever confidence patrick knows how to deal with it. >> i will be there. >> good tomorrow ethnic day noon. >> i assume they'll be low profile figures i totally support this. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> seeing no additional questions from commissioners any public comment on this item? at this time on this item okay. seeing none move to approve. >> motion to approve. >> second. >> second from commissioner
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lee. >> same house, same call? off ramp i can't do commenting. >> commissioner caminong commissioner perez commissioner joseph commissioner lee commissioner vice president moshoyannis all right. so so that passes we'll see you again listen and we're on item 7 c the debois truck stop you remember ken that was here two weeks ago his food truck park admission vision permit officer was on vacation but they've met since and the mission station as submitted some conditions you should have and also officer parker is here i want to invite mr. lay to come up in case you have more questions and he'll talk about what he has planned. >> good evening, commissioners thanks again as i state i'm
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doing a food truck lot seek angle l o p for outdoor tv and projector occasional you know light dj music more of a cab ray style and small speakers not seeking to do live baubdz but we would like to have the option if we were to get the real live permit and to add to as i forget to mention in my last appearance before the lot was a parking lot the owners of the lot which is d k electric hats been closed for 18 years but once we come on we cleaned the lot and put in lights big light to look over the lot and now it used to be a
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lot of vagrant and missing in that area i'm trying to make the lot nice and a lot safer for the folks especially our neighbors around the corner i'm looking forward to that. >> any questions from commissioners. >> okay. thank you thank you very much i believe officer parker is here. >> is this one working tonight good evening so we've continued from last meeting with mr. kim because he and i needed to meet that space is a wide open space you've seen
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from the photos i've shared he's talking about the thoroughfare the lot used to be fenced off one way in and in and out out but bans his abc conditions that second exit has to be i guess barriers that prevent people passing beyond a certain point with alcohol and whatnot the tvs right at the front entrance off debuts no speakers other than the regular audible tv speakers and the sporting events and games i asked for a condition that should there be a larger-than-life we have great sporting teams in the area i suspect people drink and eating in the area when it is time to
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go home he helps to help them with an orderly departure from the space i'm having issues with the castro bars not doing that right now other than that we spoke about microscopic being authentic and not amplified no way to contain the sound and he spoke of wanting to having bands during farmer's markets that is cool i don't think that neighbors will we'll find out neighbors won't obtain to awe enthusiasts farmer's market but we'll have to see i've not had i'd. >> (speaking chinese.) with no ceilings and walls so do
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you have any questions been the conditions we've gone over them in detail. >> the only question is the first condition about having acoustic proifrmz heard the applicant said he mentioned a dj and right we spoke about that that was like agree band you have musicians i don't consider that live music i think a life guitars and what not is where we were going with that base and drums as far as the dj stuff we talked about limiting the sound based on the entertainment and inspectors doing the sound check what decimal level is predicament for that and making sure because
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sound travels if it goes out of his venue take a walk around. >> if you would be okay that that specific conditions. >> and djs are live musicians. >> a dj is the last i looked was living and braektd therefore their alive (laughter). >> last i noticed. >> i wanted. >> but now you brought up my name cubic music with that corridor or market street and all the noise around van ness is not a viable way to do music it simply won't work and i don't think i mean, we, set a limitation on the amount fir terror and how much our inspectors we can ask our inspectors to go out and do that
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as a condition but which we don't normally do with limited live. >> acoustic music with not work i see a finger and you can't a.m. if i a finger and not a.m. if any, the band if you say and i cubical you preclude the dj i'm not for the acoustics only i don't think that will work and this commissions authority once we grant this permit to tell him what treatment we can tell him how loud he can see it also says that the dui about his truck stop provides sound that didn't
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precede with sounds that the applicant talked about the. >> the first rendition. >> it is still in my book it is not part that have. >> oh i'm not sorry so it this done away with it is here. >> i know it's done. >> that's all i have to say about that it is done away but i'm not nor acoustical music. >> scripture the first. >> yes, ma'am and okay. >> so are you do you feel like the conversation has saved what you need terms it of those conditions. >> yeah. i think the rest of the conditions are fine i just don't think acoustical music
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will be appropriate. >> there's a sound check we're going to do how due diligence whatever types of music it is - >> he's got more i suppose more to lose by violating emphasis abc conditions than violating his permit it is clear under the abc permit it shall not be beyond an acoustic control. >> you'll be okay if at the monitored his own sound what's the level set with the dj because you know there are live music it is his responsibility to turn it down if it's merit it shoots up. >> you guys are the govern body i'm going to leave it both our
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very capable hands. >> wonderful thank you. >> okay at this time is there any public comment on this item? anyone here to speak to this item okay. seeing none tiled taken. >> i want to move to approve with the police conditions eliminating condition number one and directing staff to do a sound check on his first i know live music performance and setting a level a d b level sorry guys. >> do we have a second to that motion. >> okay second. >> okay. on that motion and this is to approve this permit the live permit with the police conditions striking the first
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police conditions and adding the staff to perform a sound test prior to entertainment. >> right the first entertainment performance commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner perez commissioner caminong and commissioner vice president moshoyannis all right. congratulations that passes. >> okay. the next item is bill yards it is the venues they invite a lot of different surrounds to have entertainment to activate the street and get people to come out to ocean avenue we have the folks from bill yards they've been caloriey so for. >> good evening, commissioners so all businesses resulting in
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ocean avenue we opposed in 2012 i'm surprised we're still in business today due to the fact we don't serve beer as an entertainment at our establishment we're looking on the food but this will help the place rain liveier question have an event called the second sunday's for the second sunday of the month this is a great idea for the needs ever our committees and promote our business and like the ocean avenue legion bill yards is for the statement so we see the entertainment wourn once a month would be beneficial to our business and
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it is noted unusual or exceptional or extraordinary circumstances for our entertainment there's no police incident reports we're the responsible owners and safety is our number one request and we have the police conditions i've seen and accept. >> thank you, commissioners. >> any questions of the applicant at this time from the commissioners commissioner perez regarding our neighborhood contract with the ocean avenue alexander and the boulevard who are the candidates. >> alexander and needle. >> are they part - >> they're part of ocean avenue. >> to reach to your neighbors next door and talk with them. >> are we reaching out to the neighbors.
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>> yes. did you do that. >> the neighbors are well aware of our application we posted a public notice on our window. >> okay. but a public notice is different from the community outreach. >> to get did you know if you received a sheet of - >> i received the guidelines and gsi again, it is not required this is part of ocean avenue merchant corridor so his neighbors are all merchant. >> this is limited will. >> yes. not a poe. >> commissioners, i want to dlaert he's met with the inside association and he's also notified westwood at group and done the cb d and he has done extensive outreach.
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>> great, thank you. >> are there any other questions. >> i just have it with this limited live permit and your second sundays those kinds of entertainment you're going to put inside our building; right? is going to be a band. >> we're actually looking at the hiring small bands. >> as opposed to a dj friends. >> no djs. >> just bands. >> yes. >> and have you alongside our building as is it sound proved in any way or awe cubicly and we've seen it is sound prove. >> you play light must have been. >> we do. >> low volume. >> okay. and your outlook with
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doing this on second sundays only. >> exactly yes. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> at this time sfpd. >> good evening commissioner officer dan with the central police station initial i had concerns although i've met with the owner he suggested this condition i know that look very strict that was his suggestion it met all our concerns absolutely and we support it under those conditions. >> okay. >> i have a question. >> yes, ma'am. >> if he did not suggest this condition of once a month on the second sundays would you still
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have gone ahead and suggested approval. >> there would be conditions silver. >> like . >> you know it is hard to say because you know meeting with him, i would look for a win-win that met my concerns and his needs obscuring to him this get into the weeds meets his business needs and alleviates my concerns. >> i'm familiar with the neighborhood i go to the give him down the block on ocean avenue so i understand there are a lot of residents this is a limited live entertainment and 11 clock at night i understand he's going for a beer for beer and wine and stuff does that bring concern to you that he's going
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for the permit and have music. >> yes. >> what about that concerns you i'm trying to understand. >> so i think the total outlet of that block his pool hall and next is the medical dispensary and other medical cannabis dispensary a tobacco shop opening across the street a gold buyer across the street and getting a permit 18 and over beer only and plus entertainment llp p there is potential in the next 12 months for that one block to be dramatically impacted by those different businesses and so if would be my concern all those types of businesses moving both that one block and talking to him it is not that his business is driving and
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looking to expand he's reaching out to save his business so that's a concern and which speaks to my point exactly because there's a couple marvin shops and so forth wants to do something to save his business are we punishing him because other businesses in the area are around him have potential may present a limited event so kind of limiting him to one day a month to me is almost when we has this ability to do something to expand his business we're punishing him saying you can only do that one day a month i fail to see why we do that if he
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gets a live permit and somehow violates it we have a enforcement to possible make money one day a month we don't want to see what small businesses do this is how i feel and again, i feel like we're punishing him because other businesses that may present a problem in the area in your point of view and the point of view on both sides. >> i think your concerns can be addressed with speakers following him. >> okay. thank you. >> any other questions. >> thank you very much at this time we'll take public comment if there are folks that want to come up please introduce yourselves. >> good evening. >> i'm neeley work with the ocean avenue association
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